(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Cleaning is lagi easy! After the loaf pan has cooled, remove the kneading blade and wash pan and blade with soft sponge and detergent. Do not soak overnight or use hard sponge to scrub as will damage the non-stick element. The machine's heating coil needs only to be wiped down. Do not use water or it will rust.

About texture of bread, can choose 3 textures of bread - regular, firm or soft - and 2 types of crust - regular or light. I've tried regular texture/regular crust, soft texture/regular crust, firm/regular. My personal preference (also Kate's) is soft/light. But we made the French bread which has regular texture and crust is hard, also not bad - like baguette, can dip with curry and eat!

oh no, sour pasta. anything go back to Pastamania and complain. Yar, after the food poisoning case, I'm very careful too. Used to take out yoghurt and leave outside until room temp before feeding K but actually when yoghurt warms, can harbour bacteria and cause tummyache. So I've stopped that now. Take out and feed immediately.

Depends on how much sauce u wanna make, Pauline. Usually can keep if you make more than you need.

8 big tomatoes, 1 big white onion, 1 carrot, 3-4 sticks of celery (long stick) should be enough to make sauce for 4-6 portions.
I like fresh mushrooms if can get but otherwise, the canned button mushroom also can use
Everything must chop up.
Yup, the cream sauce they served for the baked pasta spoilt liao, actually milk based sauce spoils easily, must be careful.

Ya lor, I so scared that I called my gynae clinic to check. They said if no diarrhoea should be fine. If anything, call them again. :p

Sweetpea/bkkgal, exactly! I told them this is a restaurant, not hawker centre, how can you not check that your ingredients are fresh before cooking!?!

bkkgal, thanks, I think I'll make it next week bah. Want to forget about the sour baked pasta first.
hmm...take care pauline.

WHen i was pregnant - think was during the end of my first tri that time, i got food poisoning and was puking and having diarrhoea for half a day until really nothing to puke liao. WEnt to hospital and kana put on drip for hours. So uncomfy and so tired.

but all ok in the end so am lucky.
re: pasta
sorry. i think i always have problem to explain steps to ppl.
let me explain it in a different way. and also because i am not a good cook, my steps are different from a proper cooking steps.

Basically, you need 3 things for baked pasta
(1) Sauce
(2) Pasta
(3) Cheese

i use carrot and tomato puree.
but it will normally be too thick if only use the carrot and tomato puree.
to make into the consistency i want, I don't add water. instead, i add soup stock.
The soup stock i used is the one that i used to cook the carrot, tomato, plus some onion for extra sweetness

i throw the pasta into my soup stock as well.


Then, I mix the (1), (2), (3) into a bowl. If still too dry, i add more soup stock.
after that, i cover it with more cheese.

so, do i make it clear this time?
I think my version of cooking is called lazy mama cooking steps. :p
I tasted it and i think it's baby food standard, don't think any adult would like to have a big bowl of it. :D

i boil the soup stock, after that throw in the pasta just like ABCs. hope it's ok.

re: chopper
i saw carrefour has a similar but more flimsy one at about $10.

re: breadmaker
i am so tempted and did some survey on internet. I want to get it too!!
buy it for my own mother's day gift. haha...

<font color="0000ff">Brand</font>
The cheapest around is called Bluesky. It's Carrefour housebrand.
selling about $70 normal day. and 2 weeks ago, it's about $55 only. but i didn't buy it!! hai..

Another one is Princess. It's about $130 i think. But not sure where to get it.

There are also Kenwood, Philips, etc. Zojirushi one is the expensive one.

<font color="0000ff">Function</font>
Most of the models has the timer function.
One thing that's special is the fruit/nut dispenser. Like what bkk said, those w/o dispenser will beep when it's ready to put the fruit/nut. While those with the dispenser, it has a special compartment to put store them and add into the dough when it's time.

is the cleaning part tedious?
i am interested to know too.
bkk - was reading thru ur blog..haha..so farnie that our bb r learning to imitate the animal's sound. H also going "ngeow" when she sees cat..haha.. note: its "ngeow" not meow..hahaha..

breadmachine - so interesting! everyday got homemade bread, yummy!
I'll try to post up pictures and steps of breadmaking on my blog this evening. It's kinda hard to explain without pics.

There's another brand called Breville selling at $198 at Tangs. Cleaning is easy, not tedious. Like cleaning your rice cooker lidat. Just be careful abt the nonstick element.

haha, it's "ngeow" for H too? LOL.
I stumbled on a blog by a baking mom once and she had good things to say abt Blueskye breadmaker. She said she bought it at $90. I'll try to find that blog again.
thks! it's much clearer now. carrie eats the pasta? did u cook until very nuah? i dun think u lazy mummy lor. seems like alot of steps. even add soup stock. i cooked ABC for ashylnn, she pui out leh..
Thanks, Xy for the clearer explanation. So the soup stock is stock from cooking the vegetables, that makes it easier. I haven't used my blender in a long time if use it to puree can save some time bah. Your tomatoes and carrots need to chop up?
dear all

Anyone interested in this snack trap cup with lid? i bought extra as cheaper to buy 2 than 1. Everything after shipping is $22.95. Will provide receipt to show u as proof if you decided to get.

FYI there was a BP on it before. I emailed the person who organise the BP she says the supplier no longer provide the snack trap cup anymore. Mothercare sells the cup alone for $14plus but does not include the stay-fresh lid. The snack trap cup which i bought comes with a stay-fresh lid which provide airtight to the cup.


Those interested pls email me at [email protected]

A unique cup and soft flexi flap lid that allows little hands in and out to get to their snacks but keeps snacks from spilling out when cup is turned over. A real must have for use at home, in the car and when out and about anywhere! Perfect for all small snacks - raisins, fruit pieces, potato snacks and so much more.

Supplied with 1 bowl and 1 snack trap 'flexi' lid and stay fresh lid

Fewer Spills
Keeps snacks in
Keeps other objects out
Less wasted snacks
Easy-to-hold handles
PVC Free; Phthalates Free; BPA Free

'Snap-Over/stay fresh Lid'. Perfect when snacks need to be stored, it fits perfectly over the flexi-lid for air-tight storage. A real must have for use at home, in the car and when out and about anywhere to keep those snacks fresh!
hi jeannie and happygal,

need ur help,for roseola,how long does it take to cure completely?anything to help or speed up the recovery process??
there is no medicine to cure roseola. try to keep baby cool... u may wish to feed zyrtec to reduce imflammation.

my son had rosela in march thus i know...hope it helps.
the recipe makes sense now! yah for some pastas it's ok to boil and not throw the water away, esp ABCs (cos the packaging instructions say that!). i've read on some blogs that you can do it with other "regular" pastas as well, but i haven't tried..
Sorry to hear ur bb has roseola. There are a few babies here who also got it, the mommies can advise u. Hope ur bb gets well soon

I made Honey Bread and took a video of the process last night. For your viewing pleasure.


The Similac can is actually Gain IQ. I used it instead of skim milk powder cos I couldn't find it in the supermarket. It's more nutritious than normal skin milk powder I guess! hehe, DHA, taurine for adults.
re: breadmachine

my mum uses kenwood, and it's cheaper than zojirushi.

bx: i read your blog about having tough time feeding Ashylnn. have you heard of giving "si4 shen2" powder? it can increase baby's appetite.

bkkgal: thanks for sharing! you have definitely inspired me to go get a breadmachine to bake own bread too. hehe. my mum is giving me hers, yeah!!
<font color="ff0000">WOW!!! bkkgal, thanks for the efforts to make the video. I'm sold. Let me show my hubby the video and see if he's keen to buy one

Are the ingredients expensive though? The flour? The yeast? Does it work out to be more exp than buying 1 fresh loaf from the bakery? Cos my hubby very practical sort. If buy outside still cheaper, he'll sure tell me no need to buy bread machine. :p
omg the video is so cute!!!! i'm so impressed i've given the video 4 star rating, wahahah.

what did u use to edit the video?

my colleague spied on my computer screen and was like, what are you watching?!?! hehe.
The most expensive ingredient is probably the Gain IQ. hahaha. No lah, the rest are normal sugar, bread flour, salt, butter - not expensive wan lah. 1 bag of flour can make 6-8 loaves of bread?

I estimate that cost of a loaf of bread is probably $1? Tell your hb that health matters; impt to let our kids eat well.

My hb did everything. He was the director, choreographer, editor. Make me do so many takes with the hot loaf pan cos at first the bread wouldn't come out; had to shake it a few times to get it out. He used the Windows video editor - idiot proof - he showed me how to do it, just drag the clip and add the effects.
True, I'll tell him. Where do you buy your ingredients from? NTUC got or not?

hehe, bkkgal, your hubby very on. Good what. My hubby super low tech one, sometimes I also very fed up cos everything related to IT, photos, videos must do myself, if not it won't get done. But I don't enjoy doing it either. Sigh. :p
bx - si shen fen (better quality i think?) can get from eu yang sang. Hope it works for Ashlynn. Maybe she wants to eat rice and ur adult food with more flavoring? U can try feeding her soup by itself? H loves it.
after watching your video on bread making, i m tempted to try too !

a couple mths ago, my gal oso had roseola after recovering from high fever. it went off completely after abt 4-5 days..
your hubby so funny!!! he did a good job on his first short film, thumbs up. maybe next can do some videos on how to prep pasta, porridge, etc. lol!!
pauline: the ingredients shouldnt be expensive unless you opt for organic flour, organic raw sugar, extra virgin olive oil, hehe. but i think that's worth it ma, for the sake of health. you can tell your hubby that it's healthier and cost savings take make own bread!

bx: i know there's infant cereal with si shen fen. medical hall should sell si shen fen too.

breadmachine: oh bkkgal! i cant wait to get the machine now hahaa. aiyoa i cant watch the youtube now lei. got to wait till i go back home later.
re: breadmaker
thanks bkkgal for the video but i can't view them now. company block youtube.
my budget for the machine will be cap at $100 i think. so, probably will wait for the Bluesky on promotion.
anyone wants to BP for a breadmachine. if can get other brand at less than $100, i am keen too.

$198 still out of my budget. :p
how about the cleaning for the dough maker?

re: pasta
C likes the pasta - i think. she can finish the whole bowl of it - both bake or non-bake version.
i cooked it till it very nuah, let it sit inside the soup stock till it become very big. then chop them into small pieces before mixing with the puree.
oh ya, i do add chicken meat for the carrot + tomato puree for the protein.
have you wonder is that the texture of food that she dislikes? read your blog too and can understand your worry as C is also very skinny. for C, she's more particular about the food texture and temperature than the taste. for the same cereal/porridge, if i make it less sticky, she can take more.
have you let her try to chew the soft rice? if she likes it, then maybe it's time to upgrade her to adult food texture?

i chop the carrot into the size when we cook the normal ABC soup. and tomato, i just cut them into 1/4 size and remove the skin.
anyway, i am going to puree them, size doesn't matter as long as your blender can fit.
i think bigger piece easier for you to transfer them from the pot to blender.

were you saying my recipe doesn't make sense initially? :p
i think it shouldn't be a problem not to throw the water away. some website in fact recommend to keep some of those water to thicken the soup or watever.

re: baby sick
i suppose roseola is normally comes after high fever, maybe you would like to give her some green bean (some ppl call it mung bean) porridge for it's cooling and detox effect.
when C had fever and hives last week, i add 1/4 cup of green bean and cook it together with the rice to make it green bean porridge. I also added some sweet potato/carrot for extra sweetness.
before serving, make sure to mash the green bean so that it's not too hard. C nearly get choked as i didn't mash it the first time.
yes. it's feng mo.
the chinese medicine hall person also said feng mo is normally due to the heatiness.
so, the green bean porridge should help.
she recover pretty fast, within 2 days then never come back liao.
i had feng mo some years back.
it's a daily event and the feng mo will come out every evening and night. i scratch till my leg full of scars.
and was on medication for nearly half a year.

did a search and found that feng mo can be triggered by stress, allergy, etc. (didn't know that heatiness will cause that too.)

brought C to GP, he suspect that it was due to her fever and the fever may cause her to be allergy to the 'something' (don't know what's the something though).
did a check on the internet and some ppl commented that feng mo may be due to the teething fever too.
i rule out the possibility of food allergy as i didn't introduce any new food to her at that time.
also rule out the possibility of allergy due to the dust/dustmite as i didn't do a major cleaning recently, there isn't a sudden change of the dust level at home. also, we do vacuum clean all mattresses and sofa occasionally, there shouldn't be a problem. furthermore, my hb is the dust detector at home, if there's any dust, he should be the first one to kena. haha..

i didn't let her take any medicine for feng mo, just apply the cream prescribed by doc 2 times.
xy: wah!! i'm exactly same as u!! I had feng mo when i just shifted to my new house. Dr said I was allergy- might be due to the wind, dust, new environment. my feng mo only came out at night, strange hor!! i also have lots of scars on my leg hahah!! but then i din take medication. after i got used to it( where my body recognise that well, that's fine, to accept the external whatever thing) then i recovered. I din take medication at all, i think it last me nearly half a year too keke. I suspect is the radiation ( you know i stay at the reservoir there where there are 3 big singtel telco satellite ( sorry dunno what's that call), so i reckon that the radiotion wave is very strong. very bad environment. So when i shifted there i have this immediately. also it could be due to new paint - cuz new house ma.

now whatever happen to me, medication is a no-no to me. i will just let my body fight against external attack. but must persevere lor. I believe in natural remedies.
radiation also cause feng mo? :p
your place so near to the satellite ah. you still staying there right?

for me, i chose medication than self recovery is that i can't have a good night sleep due to the itchiness.
and i well know that i need better sleep to work better during that stressful time period.
since it affects the quality of life, i rather use medicine to help.
what's feng mo? hives?

haha no lah.. just that i was a bit confused before. my fault, not yours

do you usually only use ABC or got other types of pasta also?
XY: can. radiation is very strong negative wave which is bad for human's health. whenever we fall sick or have hives la, rashes la, they are all indication that the body is trying to fight against external foreign objects which try to enter the body. that's why the western medicine practitioners term that as allergy. yea, i still staying here wor. no good. but the price very good, cuz got nice view. and nobody will be like me, believe in the "bad energy" surrounding here :p

but we are living in such environment, where we are exposed to computers, tvs, cellphone, wireless waves, pollutants,stressed... that's why so many ppl fall sick frequently or cancer is so common nowadays. but bobian la, this if reality. what to do? just accept and try to stay a healthy living as much as we could. that's the best we can do liao.
yeayou are right, sometimes when we are suffering from unbearable itchiness we tend to use the anti-histamine. hehe
Abt green bean soup's effects, I rem watching "Da Chang Jin" where she said that green bean soup can remove toxins from the body. hehe. must be true huh?
i use the ABC pasta. do u think still need to chop it? how abt the chicken meat? u mince it? ashlynn will pui out all the fish bits and more chunky veg in the porridge. hence, recently, we only feed her very watery porridge. she will not eat the fish and the ingredients. haiz... where got nutritious...

we try feeding her rice as a main meal, she rejected, spitting out after a few mouthfuls. but if we feed her rice and some of our table foods as snack, she will eat.
thks for the advice on si shen fen. will check it out.

she tried the cereal with si shen fen before, but didn't like it.
K does not eat chunky food too and will pui out meat. sounds like ashlynn needs to transition slowly to more textured foods. does ashlynn like mash potato or mash sweet potato or pumpkin? it's a good source of carbo to start with and you can add protein by topping with cheese and baking the mashed potato/pumpkin. dun give up,try and try again and again! jia you!
hi gals,

thanks,how come now bb got so many new "terms",last time,our generation when we were bb,there was no roseola,or it is now the medicine different from our times or is it tha vaccination that the bbs took?
yes. hives is feng mo.

re: pasta
I use shell pasta, those with vegetable kind.
don't like the ABC as i find it difficult to scoop them out from the soup.

i didn't use the ABC pasta. it should depend if Ashlynn want to chew or not. trial and error loh.
for meat, i mince them with the carrot and tomato puree.
recently, i just use scissor to cut them into small small pieces (about 2mm x 2mm). she's ok with it too.

if she really likes to eat the same food as you, why not use less seasoning for your food and let her take them as her meal too?

re: radiation
talking about radiation.
need to check with you all if you wear those radiation protection clothes when you pregnant?
my china colleagues all wearing those even in the very first few months and it has become a sign of pregnancy. you can know who's pregnant who's not with a glance.
very interesting.

re: green bean
yup yup yup. i think it's true.
"Da Chang Jin" is indeed a good show..

re: breadmaking
your video is welldone!!!
make me very gian on making bread. probably will try this long weekend with my mixer and oven first.

do you sift your flour?

this milk bread looks yummy...
haha, i also draw my inspiration from that mommy's blog (the link u shared). gonna try that milk bread this weekend

will also try making apple honey jam. if successful, will put up video
RE: textured food

I find that Danica has no problem taking diced food, no need to cut until small small. It was a gradual transition from pure puree to grated to diced. The size of the vegetables diced is also gradual until now about 1cm by 1cm. The thing is to be consistent. :p I am very evil mummy. Cook 2 meals in the morning and if she don't eat lunch much, it will be kept in the Tiger food jar for dinner so she bo bian have to eat cause I only let her drink milk for tea when she does that versus milk and a cookie or two/cereal/yogurt if she eats lunch. Then dinner she will be so so hungry that she will eat whatever is left. If porridge, she normally takes 6 tbps for lunch and 8 to 10 for dinner. If soup taken with rice, she takes about 1/4 bowl of rice for lunch and 1/2 for dinner.

I really don't try to force her and I find that she is more interested to eat that way.

RE: breadmaking

Hmmm... Quite interested too. :p We are becoming more and more motherly.

RE: Roseola

The total should span about a week. 3 days of fever, 1 day recovery from fever but rashes start and 3 - 5 days till rashes end.
xy, wah interesting, never heard of radation protectin clothes ~ got such clothes in market meh?
as for sifting flour, i will, to remove unwanted item and to make the texture smoother.

Bkkgal, I showed my hubby your video clip but he didn't say anything. Maybe cos I pressured him to produce a video of similar quality for our gal's milestones (video clips) before her 2nd birthday so he sian halfway. Actually, he bought a laptop table for me as Mother's Day present yesterday so that I don't need to crouch over my laptop on the bed anymore. Won't be so hot also cos I tend to put the laptop near my tummy, not so good for baby. He buy me present, somemore I make such demands, I very 'bu4 zhi1 zhu2' hor. ;P
