(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

ester...not really
but im exposing him to it now...coz abit conflicting of interest between me and my aunt.
as much i wan her to let my son learn to self feed, i cant expect much frm her as most of the time she is alone with him at home.


me aso trying 2 "train" my gal 2 self feed. if not, go CC, hw when meal times. heard tat the teachers wont feed them thru out..
hmm...when i went to kinderland & mindchamps and enquired abt mealtimes here is the gist of their reply:
kinderland: the P said somthing like, they will guide the kids, specially those in preschool.
(actually i dont quite remember wat she said la coz was a few mths back ..hehe)
mindchamps: they said they will guide as well and allow the kids to make as much mess as possible when they are self feeding. they mentioned tat most kids when they see other kids being able to do it...they will deff mimic them..

reali? actually i havent check out @ the CCs yet. jz hearsay oni. tink i shd go dwn 2 enquire in more details...

ya...have to start now. for me i start bit by bit..follow my mood. when im 'unhappy' with aunt..hehe...i will search and search...when i see how happy my son is with her....i feel happy and forget all abt CC...hahaha..weird!

When i started my search, i thought it was so easy, when my son turns 18mths , can just enrol. Boy, was i surprised! The schs ive enquired dont have any classes for 2008 kids yet..so most prob have to wait till he is abt 20mths or join the current class of 06 & 07 kids and repeat the process again when 08 kids comes on board.
Haiii.....so confusing....

haha.. can understand when there r some conflicts between the parents & caregiver.

4 me, i tink i hv 2 send my gal 2 CC cos will be getting a maid. no confidence/trust tat the maid can handle 1 toddler & 1 newborn.

since not yet open 4 registration, surely we can "queue" 1st? cos i heard some r so popular tat u gotta 2 be put on waiting list.

yup yup...conflict la...want to say but cannot say..so i now i just focus on his basic needs and his safety which i can gurantee there.
other than that, i cant expect too much la.
Thats why i decided to send him to full day CC even though she will be more than willing to continue as my uncle also loves my son!
But i think it wont be good for his routine.
Already now he can wayang alot over there...shouting la..some foods he will eat at my place..over there don want to eat..haii...
plus i don want them to feel that they are obliged to do it.

hmm...for us we are not getting a maid yet. will revisit once we start to plan for baby #2.
also want to see if really worth it to get a maid or not.

waiting list
can u believe that some schs have waitlist for infantcare for babies tat are not even born yet!
im okay with waitlist. i guess with some mummies are confirmed on sending their kids to childcare.
But sometimes i wonder how 'confirm' they are...coz that time i was thinking of sending him to infantcare but was discouraged by the length of the waitlist.

hmm..i used to eat paper when i was young also...hahaha

i heard abt it aso. probably the centres r popular & nowadays parents r "kiasu". heard frm my SIL tat we reali hv 2 do our "homework" lst and early.


in fact, my gal puts things less often nowadays. i jz hoping she can reali QUIT putting things inside her mouth cos if in CC, it will be so unhygiene. imagine so many kids/teachers touch the things/toys, then my gal puts inside her mouth. yucks!

ur maid gd in taking care of ur boy? i recently select 1 but worry more troubles in the future leh. me not so "le kuan" on maids. sigh...

re : double pumps.

i use b4 during my gal's time. i dun hold the pumps but of cos must mk sure it dun drop la. so far so gd.

the BP i aso saw. tempted 2 get but tink if i buy, in the end dun tink i will use it.
esty, where did you select your maid from? I'm thinking of hiring one too. How much is your agency fee etc? What kind of maid? Can share?
mummies who have HFMD b4
can i check GP can confirm whether kana or not rite??

my hb hand and legs got abit blisters. but he went to see doc, the doc cant cfm whether is it HFMD. ask him to treat it as HFMD. got such thing 1 ah????
On childcare

Should we send our kids to centres nearer our homes or nearer office ? Anyone got ny sharings on Cherie Hearts or Carpediem ?

better to send near home.
if u mc den no need to bring till so far ma...
but provide ur knock off time is not too late...
usually by 7pm have to fetch the kid
Find 2 books interesting.
<<The idle parent>> by Tom Hodgkinson.

<<Brain Games for babies, toddlers &amp; twos>>

Also read some books in Chinese about arts for children; by Japanese Artists.

enjoy reading books...boring person.....hobby is reading books.... Being in library has calming effect on me as being in nature parks....

And maybe I shall admit it seems that I read books at faster speed than average.
i'm here! yea very quiet lei.

where else can i find mask other than guardian? mask is OOS in all the guardians I visited
i'm ard! no one posting le... other 2008 threads still so active, but ours like slow down alot. let's jia you in posting!!
ya lor, jan thread run into a few pages of archives. But feb thread, a few days also not even half a page. haha, me at bugis now. Bhg having storewide sale so shun bian buy some stuff for raeanne n no. 2. Avent got no sale though.

so "qiao". me aso @ bugis during lunch time jz nw! haha...

din buy much, except wipes.

btw, JL member sale next wk on tues. cant rem till when though. haha... gg 2 chiong sales ah.


yesterday was robinsons credit card member sales. I was there 2! :p
i'm here on n off...reading from my email so if nothing much i lazy to click on the 'jump to this page' and post. plus work is still busy...and erm...free time all spent trying to research on mlebourne trip.

sibei sian now got this swine flu - make this complicated and anxious. sigh. hope it will blow over soon....so won't jeopardize travel plans. I know it sounds damn bimbo to say that lor but really, been really looking forward to a nice long trip with family.

btw..i hear metro going to have/got sale at expo?
haha me too here. come in check once in a while but never post cos busy posting blog haha.

Anyone want Progress Gold milk powder? I have a sample to give away cos Amanda drinks similac.

Anyone trialled GuG before? Any reviews?

gymboree cancelled my girl's class due to this kid who was in another kid who was the one who got HFMD. Yeah..it's like twice removed but they so KS, decided to cancel classes that may be linked to this kid. I'm looking around for things to do this long weekend...sigh, any ideas?

any mommies here wanna do an informal playdate at go go bambini this weekend???

regarding thebookpeople, i bought SGD 97.06 worth of books and the shipping is $ 85.01 for 6.9kg.

total is 45 books in my order. when i receive it, i'll weigh then calculate the cost of each book.

probably about the same price as bookdepository.co.uk.
share your blog?

i went! it was.. interesting. but i'm not signing up cos i feel that the other parents there were SUPER unfriendly - when one boy was kind of playing with ethan, this other mummy was looking at us from the CORNER of her eyes. ??? also they sound nice on the phone but when you're there they're very bo chup. and right next to the reception at united square, they have the punch in punch out cards, which i thought was very unsightly.
class wise, good student teacher ratio, 3 teachers (although i think one was training) to about 5-6 kids. class was singing, story telling, recognising alphabets, chinese class, snack time, and "art" time (the class i attended was play with jello). E had a great time, but overall i didn't like the unfriendly atmosphere, but i would recommend going to try!

sat i'm going to try kindermusik at tanglin mall
kindermusik and me no karma
everytime i call and try to make an apptment,they are either full or they will say i call you back (and they never do!).
Iso, ya yesterday was Robinsons closed door sale, heard there were good buys but I'm too lazy to go. Actually, went out to today to buy CD rack for hubby. Can't stand his DVDs all over the house. But end up buying over $100 worth of bb stuff, aiyoh, when the cashier passed me the credit card slip to sign, I don't believe and ask to see the bill somemore. :p

Esty, you there too? Did you see me? hehe. I didn't buy wipes cos sometimes my nearby NTUC sell %9.85 for 3 packs of pigeon wet wipes, quite reasonable leh. Bought Brightbots training pants for RaeAnne. One mummy even asked me if I tried it before but I haven't, just bought since sale item still got 15% off and I've been wanting to buy training pants for her for long time. :p

hehe, bkkgal, i think go go bambini will be extra crowded on long weekend.

Me still procrastinating about sending in RaeAnne's CC application form. Supposed to start her in August after she turns 18mths but I so 'bu she de'. Sigh, mixed feelings. :p
Hi gers,

i am here too just bz w my shopping blog.. hehe

Hmmm.. gona be back in 1 mth's time.. so fast.. now very scary because of the swine flu the is rampaging everywhere. Have to be more carful when we go out.

I saw ur blog..wow u are so adventurous with ur food.. Very effort in cooking for Amanda.. i feel so embarrassed always cooking the same porridge for her.

Can u share how u cook the marcoroni? She can chew so well?I get very frustrated when i feed her stuffs that she needs to chew.. cause so slow..

And i noticed AMANDA has a lot of clothes too!! Diff outfit all the time.. :p

Re: Playdates
Lets organise a trip to the zoo? I want to enrol as friedns of zoo when i am back so can bring her there often. Maybe we can have a outing at the playarea.. :D

Wah.. Pauline.. bz shopping.. :D.. u settled on ur gynae?

Re: food
Anybody noes whether we can feed them seafood? like prawns?
Genice, hehe, not yet leh. But must decide before 12 weeks cos that's when can sign package at TMC. Ya, you must be careful of swine flu, got quite deaths in USA right? Singapore already Orange alert liao. :p

Apple, I'm also interested to learn more stuff to cook for RaeAnne. No ideas leh. :p

Seafood for babies:
according to my PD, can feed seafood liao, but so far i have not gone beyond fish and dried scallops.

sigh, US got 1 death liao, and more than 100 confirmed cases. Worry man!
