(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

what's the brand for the sea mineral you bought? what's that for?
my 2 kids have been seeing chinese sinsei since they are babies. unless the sickness is quite serious, then i will let them see GP to cure the sickness fast. then take chinese medicine to 'bu3' back the body. i believe TCM more than western med.

iso, my pt maid's friend agree to such arrangement, but she asked me how much to offer, which i have no idea.. dunno what's the mkt rate wor.

sunny, i bot Pure Aussie Ocean Derived Sea Minerals. Erm, that;s mineral supplements to boost immune i supposed?

so the chinese sinsei is good?
i feel that being left or right handed somehow got to do wif genes. my mum is a leftie. My younger bro and myself r lefties. my FIL is a leftie. I am not surprise if ashlynn ends up a leftie. but will prefer her to be right-handed. like what u say, things in life r made for the right-handed.

re: walking
i was on walker but started walking at 11mths. so i dun think the walker affects walking bah.
Thanks bx for sharing. Hmm... like that RaeAnne shouldn't be left handed since no one in my family or hubby's family is left handed. Never mind, maybe too early to tell. Will observe and see. Hubby like quite keen for her to be a leftie cos he thinks leftie creative.
hi mummies, my 2 cents worth on the 2 hot topics

Re: Left / Right Handed
babies do mirror image. When facing them, we use our right hands that's why they use their left! So we should use our left instead so they will use their right.

Re: Walker
I'm not pro-walker. Studies seem to suggest walker actually does not aid in learning to walk as it trains different muscles when babies r in them. When they're in the walker, they have less need to crawl or walk to get around by themselves. That is also a reason why they acheive milestones slightly slower. However there r always exceptions in all cases.
My nephew was always dumped in the walker. When he was learning to walk, he was always tip-toeing. He eventually walked unassisted at 15 months. But when we hold his hand, he has a tendency to drag his feet. Actually there's no cause for worry unless they don't walk by 18 months. That's the deadline.
i also brought my son to the zoo's wet area before n he was not too keen but when i brought him there a few more times, he becomes more receptive of the place n kinda drag me around the area n even wanted to climb up the slides. So, i thk E wld warm up pretty quick when she goes to place again since she s such a friendly and easy going gal.

tong tong,
i've been feeding steam eggs to my son for a while n i thk he prefers if i steam it wid small pieces of chicken or some other soup stk so that the eggy taste is not so strong. So, u might wanna try that if u r afraid of the strong smell.

PT helper
I am thinking of asking my part time cleaner to double up as part time nanny when i need to run arrands. But i am kinda apprehensive as even though i know she loves kids n she does take care of her sis's kids alot, but i am wondering if she wld listen and expedite how i want L to be taken care of because there was an incident that i asked her to bring L to walk around the floor that we live on (ya, i was trying out if L can be left alone with her). Without letting me know, she brought him downstairs n even to the nearby supermkt for a good 20 mins. That was the longest 20 mins of my life, cos' i cldn't find them anywhere downstairs and i was terribly worried that something dreadful might happen, like an accident etc etc. *sigh* now am not sure if i shd try her out again? how mummies????
re: eggs
C is still allergic to egg white. The other day my dad fed him some, immediately he started to itch all over his face. V bad. It was really itchy for him n he didn't even want his milk n cried to sleep. So my advice for mummies, plz try out small quantities first.
hi eliaw,
m now wide awake aftr "sucking" out L's muscus.
Oh no! poor C. Did he need to take medication to get rid of the itch?
Hi All Mummies,

Re: Egg
Thanks for all the advise. I think i must start to try a small quantities of hard boil egg for my son now. should i give him the egg white 1st or egg york?

Re: baby sleeping
my boy still sleeping in playpen at night when we bring him home. but when he is in the nanny house he will sleeping in the single mattress on the floor. So, when my no.2 come i think i will transfer him to the mattress and let my no.2 sleep in the playpen ba...
re: mioTV
your sis package so cheap?
I can't find such a low price plan under mioPlan or mioHome.
anyway, there are a total of 5 kids program: BabyFirst, ETTV Yoyo, LULI, CBeebies and KidsCo: Asia.
probably you sis doesn't subscribe to them?

re: walker
my FIL just took away the board underneath the traditional walker last night. my gal now can move freely in the house liao.
i am quite against the idea as i want her to walk by herself rather than relying on the walker. but what can i do? they are so happy to see her move here and there.

re: child proofing
i need some advise, how do you child proofing your house (esp those very old kind with lots lots of junk - basically my PIL place).
they have a lot of open containers with medicines, tools, stationery, etc everywhere in the house. and they are all within reach of anyone. there are even wine racks with many bottles of wine in one corner. another corner with an empty glass fish tank.. bla bla bla..
everything dangerous to kids, they are there.
i tried to help them clean up once before i deliver last year. and now everything is back. it's impossible for me to buy cupboards for them to store all those things as there's no more space to put any more furnitures. and my FIL is that kind who doesn't throw things out of the house one.
what should i do huh? DIY cloth covers for the racks? how about wine corner and fish tank?
try egg york first.

re: bb sleeping
C sleeping in her cot at night and playpen in the day while at PIL place.
sometimes she sleep on our bed just like last night. and she end up sitting on the floor crying in the middle of the night. don't know if she night walking and get down of the bed and can't climb back hahah...

i asked my bb sitter on the egg. she say she fed Cayenne 3/4 boiled egg (those nua nua/lumpy lumpy type) and my gal u knw, prefer the yolk than the white. but got eat aso. abt half egg.
RE: eggs

I gave Danica egg yolk when she was 10 months and later whole eggs when no allergic reactions. She loves it.
Tip for making scrambled eggs is to put some fresh milk in then beat. When cooking cannot cook until no liquid or it will be tough and old tasting. (Of course you must make sure that your child is not allergic to eggs or milk before trying this.)

RE : walking

Now that Danica can walk, she is everywhere. I can put her down on the floor and the next moment she wanders off into another room or goes to play with my dogs! Then that day, she tripped over my foot and bumped her head. <sigh> Somemore she so yaya payaya. Nowadays always walk here and there, seldom crawl then kok here and there. Have to keep a vigilant eye on her. So for those mummies whose babies are not walking yet, it may be a blessing.

RE : walker

I do not think much of walkers as I think it does not motivate the baby to crawl or walk properly as they can get where they want to without building up the relevant muscle groups.

RE : maid woes

Thanks to all for your concern. I will be getting a new maid on 1 April. Hopefully this one is better. <sigh> Most of my leave is used up to train them.
hi Artemis,
good to know that you'll be getting a new maid.

wow Danica roams around your house now, she's fast !! Does she sit in the pram when you bring her out ?

hi Xiaoyun,
C knows how to get down your bed, not too high i guess ? my bed is pretty high, my son still doesn't know how to get down properly ...
eliaw, so C is ok with eggyolk but not eggwhite?

xy, i duno whether walker will really impede physical development but my boy was in walker since he can sit steadily. and he can walk already since past months. so i dont think walker does harm to him. since C is only in walker now, you dont need to worry that much cuz very shortly he will want to walk and dont want to be in walker liao.

as for child proofing house, i guess since ur IL's house got so many things, it's hard to keep all the things away except to eye power her ALL the TIME.

xy, amazed! how did carrie ended up sitting on the floor one leh!! she climbed over u and ur hub but you all din realise ah haha

artemis, after bb can walk is like that one la, my boy doent seem to get pain when he falls down on his bum, myabe got the pamper to cushion his butt :p
my bed not too high. she just need to move her leg down, toes touching the floor, then release her hand. then come down already.

i think as long as they can barely touch the floor, will be able to come down liao. my sis taught her a few times then she mastered the technique liao.

re: walker
i am quite an anti-walker person. the moment i see her moving in walker fastly and knock here knock there, i sian already. :p

re: night 'walking'
ya loh. she slept in between us and don't know how she crawl and end up on the floor.
my hb heard her crying and can't find her anywhere on the bed then realise she's sitting on the floor. hahaha...
but she always do night crawling one, with her eyes semi-close. all this while my hb will wake up and pull her back. this time, think he's too tired.
re: child proofing
the eyes not powerful enough leh.
lots of the time, ppl in the house will just let her roam around and will be surprised on what she's doing and her whereabouts at that point of time.
Xiaoyun, I know how it is, my mum's house also full of junk and all within RaeAnne's reach. When I'm there then I clear all the 'dangerous' items and put on big dining table. Nag my mum and she got the hint, now fewer things within her reach.
RE. egg
Hillary was given 3/4 boiled egg a couple of week ago. She broke out rashes on her face almost like 5minutes after she ate them. Not sure if shes allergy to half boiled egg or what because i realised that when my MIL fed her the egg that time, some leaked out from her mouth. This Hillary used her hands to rub the egg on her cheek and eye area and these were the place that she got her rashes. She really looked very scary that time!! Funny thing is that she is ok with hard boiled egg leh.

that's very difficult for me.
their things are just too many and bulky, no where to keep.

i saw your mum's place before. that's very neat already liao.

may i know the reason to give 3/4 cooked egg?
i only give hard boiled egg as i am afraid of the salmonella bacteria. another reason that i find soft boiled egg are very 'xing1'. even myself need to put lots of pepper and soya sauce to cover the taste.

today very quiet ho? no one is around?

may i check with you if your hb can take care of bb alone for 1 day without anyone's help already?

i tink my hb cannot handle without his mum's help... sometime i go do rebonding early morning.... his mum will help him with vernon's bathing... den hor when vernon fever, and i ahev to work, his mum will help him with all the sponging and all
cheryl, xiaoyun
i find that men don't have the patience to handle bb alone without any help. maybe 2-3 hours ok, but if more than that, i doubt so ...

same same.
when comes to bathing, diaper change and food preparation, he still cannot. i wish he can be better as i will be working on Sat for the next 3 months and don't wish him to go and trouble his mum to take care of C on weekends since he will be around.
hi all

my hubby sometimes just play online game whole day and i can be with baby from morning till night...he just at times play with her for about 10 mins...and help me when she poo or when i want to bath her...

is it most men like that?
hi nag,

I think it depends on the person. in general fathers won't be able to care for baby as good as the mothers but i think there are exception cases. my hb still helps with bathing (he loves to bathe my son but he's helpless when it comes to feeding). Just need to talk and set some expectation so that you don't get frustrated yourself
re : hb taking care of bb

my hb bathes my gal ever since i preggy wif #2. in fact, my gal njoys the bath time more wif him than wif me. kinda of mk me feel jealous. i can hear her laughter loud.

as 4 feeding, i tink my hb still lack of the patience, probably feed abt few mins, if my gal dun guai guai finish up, my hb's impatience will set in. haha...

4 playtime, my gal loves 2 play wif her daddy aso. me jealous again. haha...

4 diaper change, so far so gd, got improvement after my constant nagging! haha...

BUT hor, i still never leave my gal alone wif him the whole day. not even half a day!

maybe i shd? i tink it's me who "bu she de" 2 leave my gal out of my sight! so everywhere i go, esp gathering wif friends, hb and Cayenne sure "tag" along! keke...

i tink u shd tell ur hb in ur current situation, u would reali love 2 hv his help/initiative automatically.

i aso tell my hb tat so nw he super auto!
Hi, Leila

Thanks. ^_^ ^_^. Will bring E to zoo more often.....Last sunday we became "zoo friends".

Hi, Eliaw/Xiao yun

You're very meticulous/careful....(a small amount of egg first)

I am macro person generally; not sensitive to lots of things. So it's my hubby who did most of "ACTUAL" work for baby at weekends ----bathing, cook porridge/pasta, prepare fruits, feeding baby-----that's one of the reasons why my MIL'd like to pick on me last time. Later I explained to MIL/SIL that that's between my hubby and me. Hubby and I decided and were very happy about tasks between us.

I only bathed baby twice so far, under my hubby's supervision. And only cooked for baby twice; I am confident at my own cooking though I can't beat my hubby who regard cooking as one of biggest interests.
A lot of ppl comment baby tip toeing will walk late as it is more difficult to balance. My bb walks tip-toeing as if she is walking on high heel. Of cos with support.

Xiao Yun,
Let me check with my sis tonight hopefully I remember. Recently had been out-stationed and worked very late throught the night. Sigh...
No she din subscribe to Kid channel.

Not really. My hubby take care of my bb. Bath, change diaper, etc. Now my bb cannot sleep early without him. Every night if bb wake up, My hubby do the job

thumbs up 4 ur hb! seriously speaking, not many hbs r like tat. unless constant nagging or quarrels etc..
Hi, Esther


Don't think many people can handle his(my hubby)'s weakness either. ----won't share his weakness ^_^

my hb is a gaming person as well.. but i went to KL last month leaving vernon with him.. but with help of MIL lah....

i m very happy that my hb can handle vernon. sometime i go out with my fren after work, he look after vernon
ya, agree, not many hubs like tubao's. jus recently told my hubby to be more mindful when i ask for help, cos he wld say ok, will do, but nxt morning, it is still not done. told him as much as he doesn't like to be reminded constantly, i hate to remind him over n over again even more. feels like i m constantly being a nag n to the extent that i m even mothering him too!!!! very tiring! though he has explained that he has work on his mind most of his time n i do not doubt that but feel that it wld be good if he wld sometimes leave work at his office n not bring it home everynight....*sigh* but i can't complain so much cos he's the sole breadwinner

since u join the friends of the zoo, can ask ur in laws to bring E during the weekdays. much more empty compared to the weekends.
re: hb
ooppss.. i started the same hb discussion again.
for me, i would like him to be able to handle bb alone and no need his mum's help as my MIL take care of C while we are working. it's not their duty to take care of grandchildren anymore when the parents not working.

re: zoo
thought the friends of zoo has the photo of the parents? don't think the grandparents will be able to use the card. am i right to say that?
XY, my hubby also like that, he will bring to his parents, his excuses will be : he needs to mark (which is true) and his parents get bonding time with her. To him, it's win win situation lor. But for me, I don't like to hear his parents 'complain' about how tired they are, or how difficult it is to chase and follow behind her so I rather he don't bring there unless we need it. But overall, he's quite good, can bathe her, diaper change, feed her and play with her on his own.

Hehe, you haven't seen my mum's coffee table, what's under the coffee table and what's on her dresser (pesticide spray can with exposed button, RaeAnne will go 'an4 an4' when she see it. Faint!
re : zoo
yeps, there s a family photo on the card but if i am not wrong, grandparents can bring the kid in too. i say this b'cos i did chat wid a few grandparents while i was at the zoo n they were the ones who informed me that it can be done. In addition, they brought their maid along too. i can chk again for u when i go there nxt.

btw, i too joined friends' of the zoo. if wanna have free ben n jerry s ice cream (dunno if promotion still on though)can say existing member recommend
On Husbands :
My husband does the diaper changes, because i scared of poo smell, will puke :p Bathing, he can also handle himself. Except when changing water ( as my baby cant stand yet) At night, after i train my baby to drink from bottle, he also take over already. But if baby wakes up early, I will "zi dong: a bit lah.. bring baby out to let him sleep in longer
. Nail cutting is also his sole responsibilty, as i got phobia of cutting her flesh...Playing with baby, he is also better than me , as he can think of more fun games
The only time he cant handle is when baby gets really really very cranky, then only i can soothe her , by breast feeding hehe :p
Think after i ween her , got not much value add liao
RE : Husbands

:p My HB only bathe and play with my gal. Everything else is handled by my maid and I. Generally, my maid handles Danica's peeing/pooing in the potty, changing diapers, changing clothes, feeding while I handle cooking Danica's food, educational stuff and exercise.
i know what u mean!! sometimes i think i have 2 sons. but like what esther said, i got tired of nagging so i told him nicely that i would really like his help. then he became more zi dong. now, after a year, he's more willing to do things, and will even ask what i want him to do.
although sometimes still need to nag a bit :p
ya, the sinsei is not bad, charges reasonable. my whole family, including my in-laws visit the sinsei when we are ill. but of course, if compare the western medicine, the effect is slower.

your mum no longer taking care of shaun?

i am looking for childcare centre now. sigh... 'cos my mil might not be able to take care of the kids liao.
sunny, my mum is still taking care of shaun, but i will bring him back in april so will put him with cc. your mil too old to take care of your kids liao?

thanks for sharing...wow really a lot of sites!!

btw, i'm departing for japan this sunday night. starting to get jittery about the trip haha
