(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Feeding schedule

6am --- 180ml FM
9am --- breakfast (steamed egg)
11:30am -- lunch (porridge)
2pm ---180ml FM
5:30pm -- Dinner (porridge/pasta)
9pm -- 180ml FM

E is 9.8kg.
Hi mummies,
I am preggy with #2 and due in August. Gap is about 18 months apart.

Artemis, so worried for Danica when i read your post. Your maid can't be trusted anymore. Can your parents or in-laws help out these few days ?
Please take care ...
hi joeey,

congrats on having ur #2!

me due in mid july. gap of 17mths apart. hee...
joeey congrats!!

so Feb mum preggie list as follow:-

1. Esther, #2, EDD July 09
2. Crystal, #2, EDD?
3. Nag, #2, EDD ?
4. Joeey, #2, EDD August09.
Thanks esther, tongtong.

nagsterak, esther, after maternity leave, who will be taking care of your #2 ?

My #1 is with bb sitter currently and I wanted to put both #1 and #2 with her, but she's afraid she may not be able to manage.

plan 2 engage a maid 2 look after 2 kids wif my dad retired 2 "eye power" the maid. am aso tinking of installing camera cos i reali dun trust maid... i tink i will get very paranoid.

my #1 aso wif bb sitter nw, but wif 2, she charges more than 1k. she advises me 2 get maid (cheaper). sigh, so boh bian lor. i prefer bb sitter, cos she reali tk very gd care of my gal. but $$ is an issue lor. i aso couldnt possibly ask her 2 lower the rate.

so ur bb sitter is keen 2 tk care of 2 kids, but she worries she cant manage.

ur #1 is a boy or gal?
Hi qingling,

My MIL and mum are working. FIL don't know how to take care of kids and my HB also the same pattern.

Hi Esther,

My HB works from home and when he meets clients, he brings them over to my in-laws place where my FIL will help to eyeball her and play with Danica.

Hi blueginger,

9:30 a.m.

Hi tongtong,

Yeah, from fridge. But I will let it warm up a bit in room temperature.

Hi apple79,

Yeah but he works in his study and only occasionally comes out.

Hi tubao,

My HB and I discussed this and because I need to help him with his office work in the weekends, we will have to opt for maid.

Hi joeey,

Yeah I think so too but my HB said I paranoid?

my #1 is a boy. i prefer bb sitter too and i don't mind paying her ~$1100 to take care of 2.

* i have phobia of maids after hearing so many stories *

it's good to have your dad to watch over the maid.
have not posted for a long time....

wanted to respond to a few ongoing discussions.

stomach flu
my girl got it 2 weeks back.... it was very terrible and heart ache to see her vomitting.... and the sleepless nights to monitor temperature..... i need to pump each time before latch else she will over feed as she latches for comfort and will end up vomitting more..... washing the clothes, car, mattress cover etc .....felt a lousy mum when i did not monitor her temp for first night and let it shoot past 38.8.... shock of my life....

i dont have maid, but truly if u face a prob, go for infant care, baby will be safer. not free from germs and illness, but physically safe.
1. Esther, #2, EDD July 09
2. Crystal, #2, EDD June 09
3. Nag, #2, EDD 12 Nov 09
4. Joeey, #2, EDD August09.

hello mommies
congrats! i am currently in my 7mths liao. but i tink i would be delivering in mid may. expecting a bb boy too ! age gap abt 15mths apart.
You are just taking precautions now, not being paranoid. Your maid can't seem to answer the bruises on Danica. Doesn't that show that she's not watching over her full time ?

can understand hw u felt being a lousy mum. i was in ur situation jz mth ago and i cried so hard tat i told hb hw i wish i was the one who is sick and suffering!

right nw, u shd keep monitoring ur gal and consistently feed her med, if she still not ok, y dun seek another PD's advice?

u hv any1 2 help u? so tat u wont get too emotionally and physically strained out.

very fast hor. another 7/8wks more, u can see ur little prince!

me still counting down 2 meet mine but definitely not the confinement period! haha...
2nd one - wow, congrats mummies. the rest of us, what's your planning? hee..i was thinking since i am so sick of my work, can consider 2nd one maybe soon(my soon is next yr i/o of the year after next)..hahaha..take a break for 4 mths maternity..

think positive, when babies fall sick and recover, they build up immunities in their bodies. they'll grow up to be strong children.
i m so sad. cos i can see vernon really slim down leh.
after all the episode of fever.

stomach flu
now vernon is alittle better. no more vomiting. and we temporary change his milk to isomil

vernon still active rite? i tink as long as he is active though not feeling well, shd be ok. at least he still has his appetite?
i never really thought of it, but my colleague has been sourcing for a good child care/play school, and it's so ex! most of the ones she mentioned are $1k+. If got more than 1 kid then how?? i think biggest headache is who is going to look after the bbs

some more at the end of the year we plan to move out of ILs place, then would probably be even more troublesome. maybe if i get preggers before that i can prolong staying with them, haha...

at least he sleep not so bad rite. his little body can recover faster while he sleeping. hw abt water intake?

rem 2 keep him hydrated.


u working in Tanjong pagar? any idea where got childcare centres?
congrats to all feb 08 pregnant mommies !!

iso: yah our greatest concern also who to take care of #2 for us. my mum can't handle 2 kids. my in-laws abit too old now.

cheryl: hope vernon is feeling much better now.

artemis: nowadays the maids cannot be scolded. they know their rights. my present indo maid also same attitude. once scolded, next moment tells me she wants to go back agent.

just last fri she got very bad scolding from me cos she opened the door for a neighbour (old lady) while i was preparing lunch for bb in the kitchen (whom my mum does let her come in to see bb once a while).

i was angry with her cos she didnt even bother to ask me if she can let her in ??? she just open the door to her like that ??! i only came to see the old lady standing in my living room when i came out to see when i heard the door opening.

can u imagine the shock of my life though she is someone i know!!!

this is not the 1st time the maid "threaten" to go back agent. after a few days she changed her mind. so this time we decided to change her, and am now waiting for new maid bio to choose another maid. enough of her nonsense.

my 1st maid was filipino. asked for hp & off days once she finished her 6 months loan (her contract was with no off days). cried n cried said she needs off day. i couldn't stand it, bought an air ticket and send her straight home.

sorry to intrude in this thread...

looking for Crystal (dalandcrystal).

Crystal, would like to check if you have sent out the balloon to me? Already transferred the money to you sometime ago.. Kindly respond to my email or reply in the thread... Thanks.
my gal tends to catch cold (runny nose) easily.

any mommies know why ?

how to prevent ah ? and what to eat to build up her immune system ?

she's down with cold n cough now.... again...

same!! Cayenne aso easily down wif cold then cough, if worse, phelgm. hate it.

i aso need help. in fact, she jz recovered frm her 1 wk cold/cough.

I gave her medicine frm KK. which i tink it helps 2 cure faster as compared 2 the PD whom i usually bring her to.

btw, when ur darlings sick, hw many medicine the PD give?

4 Cayenne, easily 4 to 5! esp when she got flu/cold. Arghh...
hi diana,
you can try to cook garlic in the porridge to build up their immune system. the effect won't be immediate, take a few months. my sis' fren in Oz has tried and proven effective on her children.
in australia, the doctors don't believe in giving medication to babies unless they are having fever. they just let them recover on their own.
hi joeey

this is an issue i worrying now...although hub and my mum say dont think so much. when it comes it comes...i am anti-maid one...

now my #1 taken care of by my parents. drop her every morning and bring back every evening. every month give them $600 as "yi shi" cos they dont want take so much from me...

with #2, my mum say when i on maternity four months, she will continue to look after #1 but leave her at their home and bring back only certain days cos she say very siong for me to look after small baby at the same time(thinking abt it i feel like crying le cos i am very very close to #1 and she begin to stick to me now)...

then she will decide want to help me look after #2 or not after my maternity. anyways, she expressed that since my dad also not working, if they take care of both, she dont want a maid sticking around cos still need to watch her!!!

another alternative is i send #1 to childcare when she reach 24 months and my mum take care of #2 lor...

or if i send both to childcare and infant, the centre give me discount and cost $970 for both 7am to 7pm...

what u all think?

by right shd be this way rite. but hor, if got flu and phelgm (usually take very long 2 recover even wif medicine) and with no medication, wont it take more time 2 recover?

judging frm Cayenne's last flu/cough/phelgm, she took almost 2 wks 2 recover wif medicine and i was alredi very heartpain.
I am keen to have #2 soon. But thinking of who to take care of them puts me off haha.

Flu, cough, fever: think maybe recently weather not good so tend to fall sick
2 weeks isn't long. i guess you can try to let Cayenne sleep more when she has flu. try not to bathe her at night, only in the late mornings.

i prefer to have both children at the same place so that they know they're siblings. if your mum can look after 2 at the same time, that would be great. maybe can send #1 to halfday childcare to ease your mum's loads ?

come join the preggy 2nd time club. keke...


oh 2 wks isnt long ah? but if no medication, let them recover on their own, if too long, will cause any drastic "damage" anot?

Cayenne got 1 pro - sleeping. u knw flu medicine suppose 2 be drowsy. after medicine, she still very active. abt 2hrs later or so, then she feel sleepy.

is it the same 4 most bbs? they dun feel drowsy so soon or is it jz Cayenne?
ya thgt of that too...my surprisingly half day and full day child care there is not much difference in cost...

but i really feel like sending her to N1 from 3 years onwards leh...
my col told me her daughter 2 years old she tried to send to childcare and she came back crying for two days, clingy and night mares!!!
sometimes, my son can tahan for quite long after the drowsy medication. but when he sleeps, he can sleep for an hour or more. (normally he naps ~45 mins)
i'm also quite resistant in putting my #1 in childcare cos he's easily bullied. whenever he plays with his bigger cousins, i've to constantly watch over them cos his cousins are either pushing him, knocking his head, stamping on his hands ... etc etc

he's quite small size and still wants to play with them after all the bullies ...
joeey...goodness the cousins are so naughty...
for my gal, her cousins play wiht her for a while then when she start to take everything they are holding, they boycott her and run when they see her...very funny..
my gal is ur son opposite, she laugh at anybody, flying kisses, bye bye and talk to anybody! (in her own language lah), she even play with her cousins like pawing them like a cat!
joeey, you mean in aus doc dont give med when bb cough or flu? so other than garlic what natural cure do we have?

re: to boost immune system
it's proven that eating more fresh veg/fruits can boost immune as it's full of vitamins and minerals. I'm kiasu so i also bot sea mineral for my boy. 1 drop per day in his plain water. i think it's effective.

esther: ya 2 wks to recover pretty long.. do you belive in chinese medicine?

tubao: wow emma so clever! shaun will make a mess when he is self feeding with spoon. he always wanna feed us instead haha'

i at far east sq, but my hubby works there, so i always keen to know whether got child care there too, haha.
i heard that Fuji Xerox got one childcare that's not bad.
other options is (i think) little school house at MND building. where's your office?
