(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

my sis migrated to aust 5 months ago and her son has green mucus for 2 months. the doctors there refused to give any medication to my sis cos they say no fever. they also advise her not to be too clean, else the children cannot build up their immunity.


Cayenne aso sleeps abt 1 hr or so. if good moods, 2 hrs! tat would be a bonus 2 me.

re : bullied by other older kids

Cayenne aso get "bullied" by her cousin, my nephew of 2 1/2 yrs old. he will push her while playing Cayenne's toys! and occupied her toys.


where 2 get sea minerals? hw long u been feeding ur boy? any taste?

yes i believe. but hor, funny, when Cayenne sick, i didnt tink of chinese medicine, immediate tinking is PD.

btw,where got gd chinese doc?

me @ international plaza. MND bldg isn nearer 2 me i tink. i can check it out. but got any website anot?

u asking mummies wif #2 rite on the weight increment?

anyway, 4 me. increment so far not much. nw 5mths,increment oni 2kg. but worry will shoot up later stage.

i tink if ur #1 is c-sect, u still can try natural.
i increase 5 kg. my mum keep nagging at me to eat lesser but i can't control.
if bb too big, may need c-sect.

gd leh, appetite gd. 4 me I dun hv much appetite. I prefer juices, smoothies and yoghurt more. I can dun eat sometimes & I dun feel hungry!
iso, you working at far east square? me at raffles too hhe. ocbc centre here got one childcare lei

joeey, so the doc din give your nephew medication ? so different from local doc but i like their practice! too much medication = toxic.

esther: i saw organic shop selling it, and i got mine from lapis lazuli. have been feeding him since many months ago. put 1 drop enuff because it's concentrated and got taste one. when i first drink it's quite yucky. maybe i put too many drops that time. as for good chinese doc, i also duno where got good one lei. my dad will nag if i bring shaun to see chinese doc cuz he said bb too small for chinese herbs. erm.. duno lei. i tot drugs also chemical, and chinese herbs more natural, right?

ya i tink chinese herbs more natural. some kids i knw of they dun tk english medicine, they prefer chinese one. they been taking since young.
hmm i think chinese herbs is slowly nuturing body back to health whereas western medicine is "more strong and damaging" to the body as it targets to eliminate the problem asap.
Congrats to Feb mummies who're pregnant again....
Feel very thrilled to know your 2nd pecious coming hah......

If I had smooth pregnancy as some of friends I know, I don't mind having 3 children(my ideal dream). But last pregnancy scared me and my family.
Hi, qingling/tongtong/apple/esther


We hold E's hands to teach her feed Toy Dog & Doll a few times around her 10+ month; then let her pactice feed Toy Dog(empty spoon) while feeding her porridge---kinda of making our feeding easier.

During CNY we saw her hand coordination feeding dog seems ok; then let her self feed a small portion of porridge; We only let her self feed on weekends when MIL is not around to avoid any nagging.

Hi, Tonngtong,
Yah, she still mess up whole chair/face/clothes while eating porridge. For fruits/pasta she seems doing better.
congrats again to all mummies who are pregnant!

thanks for the gug feedback ! now i know what to expect when i go there... am still thinking to try out jwt, gymboree and aquaducks, planning to go if can every week or once every 2 weeks. scared that C will be too tired as he has sunday school every sunday as well :p

this weekend not sure can go or not... need to check with hb first :p

C's schedule is very similar to my son's with the only exception that she has breakfast earlier

congrats to all mummies who are pregnant!!Quite a few mummies already.. not bad.. e rest of u must try harder k. Dun think i will want another kid so soon..erm.. actually taking care of kid is not that easy..:p

Re: baby walking

Ester, tong, bluegin and tubao.. yar .. i know i shldnt be too worried abt G's walking but then when i see so many kids her age walking liao ,I am thinking to myself whther i am doing something worng like not giving her enough practices or exposure thats y she is not improving..a bit guilty .

Iso.. sounds like GUG not very'nice' to potential customers that comes fro trial leh.

U shld go for the trial of LNT since its free now... keep ur options open first.

Gymboree sounds gd..

Tubao.. wah.. Emma is a very smart ger.. a very keen learner.. wants to learn things that u all teach. Very gd..!!

Apple.. i linked u to my blog k.. saw amanada having fun at JWT!!
Jeannie:- ok I will add yours later too. Think she has fun roaming ard but Daddy say the lesson was not fun, not like the BD bash.
haha.. but i think good experience for them lah
am also thinking of going aquaducks since E likes to swim.

yah, i will try to find a time to go for LNT

yah OCBC got little skool house right? for now i dun need child care yet, but maybe later. i heard that one is only for ocbc staff though, not sure if it's true.
gd morning mommies !

esther: see the little one cough vy heart pain right ? her whole body shook...

usually our PD will give 2 bottle of syrup. one green n one yellow. i suddenly cannot recall the name.

the PD was telling me last night, if my gal is so prone to catching cold, better not let her start school so early...

joeey: oh.. garlic huh ? ok, will add that to her porridge.

mommies, btw, what's LNT ah ?

there's a kinderland at amoy food centre there right ?

my gal still can't walk, she still tip toeing when she stands up... think it will take awhile more for her to walk.

oh yes, very heartpain! i didnt ask PD if Cayenne prone 2 colds anot. But probably looks like it. PD did mention Cayenne has sensitive airway, but not to the extent of bronchitics. u work near amoy ah? me @ international plaza.

my gal's PD told me can start letting them try egg. not necessarily have to wait nearer to the jab MMR then let them try.
pass few days at dinner time, i have been feeding my gal rice too cos she keep asking from me....seems like to like it and can take it quite well....

tubao...so good ur gal can feed herself. my gal now eat biscuit also still a mess...

yipy....i am still quite skeptical to feed egg leh...though one some occasions i feed her mcd scrambled eggs...
my col told me her gal got allergy she feed her eggs too early and its quite bad de...even now she is still allergic to egg.
but i have one friend who feed her baby full egg.
Hi mummies

I've been silently following the thread. Long time never post liao. A month back a colleague kenna warning for surfing in the offce..so I stay low
Now with retrenchments and less headcounts, management is expecting us to be very busy.

Egg: Gave my boy a taste of his birthday cake on his bday..will say that was the first eff experience. After that we started him on stemed egg and Kueh Bulus which contains eggs. He loves his egss!

James can also feed himself. Cannot walk yet. I think his fine motor skills are quite well developed but gross motor skills are slower.

ur boy aso smart leh. last wkend i try 2 let my gal hold the spoon, she simply not interested.

last time b4 turned one, she wanted so much 2 hold yet i dun let her. nw i wan her 2 hold, yet she dun wan!

die liao. must instill some interest in her!
sweetpea, tubao,
your babies are good, can feed themselves.

hi mummies, i have a concern. during feeding, i sit opposite my son and hold the spoon on my right hand. then he'll use his left hand to hold the spoon. wonder if he'll become a left hander...

i let my son hold the spoon but my hubby doesn't cos he said it'll make a mess out of the whole place. hiaz ...

My son also doesn't dare to walk, prefers to crawl on the floor.
sweetpea.. wah.. not bad.. another smart baby can self feed!

Joeey.. if u are worried, y not try holding his right hand to self-feed? actually u cant sort of test whether he is left or right handed by passing him a pen to scribble on the papers.

I am not sure whether this will confirm or not but my ger uses right hand to hold pen/pencil and scribbles and when i pass her spoon or anything she will always take w her right hand so i assume she is right hander.

Re: vitamins E/multi vit and fish oil/calcium

Hey mummies.. anyone of u taking any of all these or bouht for ur parents. I am thinking of buying for myself and my parents but not sure what brands i should choose.. any advice?
Well the feeding defintely comes with mess! But he sure needs help to scoop up his food. I will usually put the food into his sooon then he feed himself. But very sloooow. So while he feeds himself I will also feed him. If not eat until tomorrow.
James can't really balance himself on his 2 feet. Cannot stand w'o support also and sometimes tiptoes when he stands with support. I attribute this to the walker. I seriously was against the walker but I gave in to my in-laws coz they bot him a walker w/o my permission. Do you think walkers impedes balance and walking development?
i m not sure abt the walker... but we stop giving vernon the walker when he is abt 10-11mths.cos he knw how climb out of the walker... but till now he still cant walk leh. but now he can stand up n stand awhile without support. walk abit ok can
Hi, nagsterak,
Guess that my gal will eat biscuit in mess too due to lack of practice; we didn't give her biscuits though MIL feeds her a lot of biscuits on weekdays' daytime.

Hi, Genice
Not everything E wants to learn/join. Last Sunday we brought her to zoo, she didn't dare to play in water play. We just let(and will let) her stand and watch, let her choose whether to play or to leave.
re : walker

i aso heard abt walker hinders walking development, so was skeptical abt using it. But there are pple who said that walker helps in walking development.

I let Cayenne use till she knw hw 2 walk, ard 12mths old.
For egg eating,

My gal eats egg(hard boiled egg or steamed egg or hard boiled an1 chun2 egg--don't know English word) almost every morning.

Last time MIL opposed feeding her egg, quoting her four children grow up fine without eating egg. We just follow what MIL decided on the subject "food".

Then around 11 month she was suggested/adviced by other caregivers at playground to feed her hard boiled egg. She came home and complained/consulted to us why those grandmas especially from China ones feed their grandchildren eggs. Then we said "try noh". That time my gal can't take it, had diarrea when trying it every week.

During CNY, my mum feed my niece steamed egg (Japanese type one). E likes it very much and always wants more... we started to give steamed egg every morning.
sweetpea.. i read abt walker impeding walking.. but i also let my ger sit in walker till abt 10- when she doesnt want to sit.. she still cant walk but i dun think its because of e walker.. my ger generally is not gd with her motor skills.. she crawled quite late too.
Walker :I also read that it will hinder the development and its dangerous as there are cases where babies flip over or what. But the elders think walkers help them to learn to walk. Anyway, my point of view is to use sparingly. Cos sometimes just want to have a break so let them wander around in the walker when they are still unable to walk.

Tubao: My mil also heard that China pple feed their kids eggs thats why so smart. haha. But its true that eggs help in brain development. Its good that Emma can take eggs so well. Amanda will vomit when there are eggs. Haizz.
ooh i will try! curious to see if E is L or R handed. not that i really mind either

self feeding
oh, like that then E can feed himself too
i thought self feeding is can scoop by themselves also - scooping at this age is the messy part!

agree it's messy, but i think it's all part of learning how to feed themselves. and i think the earlier they get to feed themselves, the faster they learn. i've seen 2 year olds who can feed themselves v well, and 5 year olds who still wait to be fed...
re walker: Heidi has been on the walker since 5 mths? She started to walk recently at around 12mth 1 week..i think it doesn't really affect the progress of walking..i used to be on walkers to according to my mum and i walked at 11 mths. every baby just have different development stage.
r all ur babies still sleeping in cots/playpen at night?

any babies sleep with parents on bed? i am thinking when #2 comes out, #1 either sleep on the bed with us or buy a mattress on the floor...
joeey, same concern, RaeAnne is also using her left hand to hold things and feed herself (biscuit only). I prefer for her to be right handed cos so many things in life are made for right handed people in mind. But hubby doesn't mind her being a leftie. Anyone knows if being right handed or left handed got to do with genes? I asked hubby since both of us are right handed, how can our daughter be left handed? :p
genice: actually there's nothing wrong for walking late , in fact my mum said i only walk when i'm >1.5yo. i think we dont need to concern too much on the physical development, healthy is most important ma.

iso: yea, i think OCBC centre there got one LSH. er, but not sure wheher it's only for OCBC staff.. but i think they got preferential rate for their staff la.

esther: can eat whole egg liao right? how you give? fry? in fact i myself is allergy to eggs when i'm a kid. after eating egg my eyes will get swollen. but then i still very tam jia and love eggs a lot. but luckily i outgrown it.

sweetpea: actually i also very scared if got warning.... sigh.. but too attached , how? my son was on walker since quite young, but he is ok when he walks. maybe if he is not on walker he could walk earlier?

cheryl: vernon can climb out of the walker ah!!

re: steamegg
when we cook this do we put seasoning? if no seasoning, will it smell fishy?

re: walker
shaun wont climb out of the walker but when he is out of the walker he will turn the walker upside down. same as heidi, shaun in walker in early months too and also started to walk in 12 mths +.

nag: mine doesnt sleep in cot/playpen very long ago cuz too small for him.
he sleeps on the floor.

my bb sitter feeds Cayenne hardboiled egg and 3/4 boiled egg too. so far she no allergy.

i havent prepare egg myself yet. so far outside fed her scrambled egg frm macs..

so far fed her the japanese steamed egg last sat. aso no pro...
ladies wanna ask u all,

If i ask a helper to help me take care shaun at home+do some housework for 1.5 hours every day, (monday to friday), how much should I offer her monthly?

the helper u referring to is it a nanny tat comes over daily? no stay in type?

i didnt ask my bb sitter leh. ;p tink i shd ask tis evening. keke...

ya just help me to pick bb from cc and go back to my home, think maybe 1 hr enuff. she can still help me do some chore that hour.
Hi, apple/isobellies


will share with hubby about your comments(joke)........

Btw, I prefer to let MIL take after E as her way, to avoid any oversimulations by us.

i was also wondering whether got any helpers that can come for a few hours daily... will these helpers also help clean house, like part time maids?

my boy (#2) is still sleeping in the baby cot. when i was pregnant with #2, i transferred my gal to sleep on the single bed when she's abt 20 mth old. 'cos i need the baby cot for #2.
if financially you are ok, probably you wanna consider getting another cot for #2.
