(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Hi mommies!

It's been a while since I checked in here. How's everyone?

PB out this week. I feel so damn lousy. I got the same as last year even tho I did more work, took on more supervisory responsibilites whereas the other year I was on no-pay leave for 3 over months, followed by hospitalisation leave and then maternity leave. It's so demotivating knowing that no matter how much or how little you do, you get more or less the same grading.

As for that work-from-home option, bah! I kena told that have to write in properly etc because exceptions cannot be made for me, otherwise other pp will question. That means another bureaucratic hurdle to cross, if I really really want it. Is it worth it fighting for it I wonder.

Qingling, I totally understand how you feel. If you can't take it anymore, why not look around. Although things may sound bad, there are some places still hiring, looking for talent. May take longer than usual but heck, if it's worth your while, give it a shot.

bkk - yes, am planning to do so, even though its not my "style" to leave when the company is in shit..haha..but to me they r really throwing me the shitty things to do when my direct supervior left
, now i have no direct boss, i report directly to the CFO and CEO (duh). my company setup very small, so please dun wa. i am only a junior executive engineer

kaypoh a bit... seems like the url type that tubao is using is different from yours coz yours have that "/watch" extension. that maybe the cause. think youtube gives you different url options, maybe you can play around with that? or else paste them all here. my company blocks youtube so can't help you now :p heheh..
seems that everyone doesn tlike their job?

wonder who likes to work??

Do you work for the $? or self achievement? or whatever reasons?
i like my job 4 years ago. when i just joined - with good boss, good colleagues and good mentor.
many of opportunities to learn.

but now, my closest colleague has left. mentor is gone.
things are getting very stagnant and nothing for me to learn.

with rumours that an even worse boss is going to take over my group. i think it's time for me to cabut.

for now, i am working for $
Working for the $, along e way gained some satifsfaction because of the work i am doing..

Talking abt PB.. bkkgal.. i agree that no matter how much hardwork u put in..it may end up to be the same.. its difficult to change pp's opinions. I am on NPL from feb till aug but still entitled to this yr's PB for last yr's work.. e funny thing is i expected the PB to be super low considering i was on ML last yr and pretty disinterested in work after i returned.. my whole mind was on e baby.. but guess what.. this yr's PB must be e highest i ever gotten... even higher than e norm for my grade! I got lower when i was preggie and pretty hardworking?????Weird!!!!

stephie.. enjoy ur trip!!
what's PB?

of cos work for $, but if i strike Toto big, i will be less stress and maybe work for the enjoyment. haha, my dream :p
but i think even tho we work for $, we'd all like some self satisfaction and good working environment also. otherwise it'll be miserable and v hard to console yourself just based on the money!
Channet is having diarrhoea since last week.
She is still active, but have no appetite. I had seem see a doctor but no improvement after at all.

Wondering could it be due to teething. She likes to bite a lot of things.
Hi blueginger,
how many times she poo in a day ? sometimes, teething could cause the bb to have flu/diarrhoea/salivate more.
Maybe you could stop giving fruits and less vege for now ?
great that you got abv norm rate! that's what made me think - why dun i get preggy again, sit around and collect pay and get same PB, rather than chiong until half dead to get the same PB?

For me, it's half $, half satisfaction. Maybe as time drags on, it will be less and less satisfaction. Even if strike Toto (but how to if I never buy??), I will still work.

Anyone here thot of striking out on your own? Start a business or something?

Bluegin - teething can cause diarrhoea - same thing with mine as in she will bite everything and anything (with germs) - that's why she can get diarrhoea.
bkk - i did..toying with the idea of hving a online biz..of cos the idea din really go on further than talking abt it..haha

just for survey: talking about online biz - would any1 be keen to purchase scarfs for your litte one, even though it could be useful only if you go to colder countries. How much are you willing to pay for those knitted scarfs (or what's the price range you are comfortable to want to buy one?) I think in retail shops, you can buy for 15plus to 20 is it, those normal normal designs.

Genice - u can stock up since u r in US..keke..come back n sell :p
Apple, it'll be ideal if u have a skill/profession that allows freelance work e.g. book-keeping, accountancy, creative writing, photography. You can take flexi hours, work when you need to or just work enuff to make some pocket $$.

Scarves ah...hmm, I think I'll probably either borrow or use one of my own smaller scarves for her :p cheapo mommy here :p
bkk - hee..actually i suggested this idea to a fren who also was looking into an online biz but no idea, her strength is knitting, so i tot of suggesting her to make knitted scarfs since that requires not so much time.heh
actually i've never been the entrepreneurial type, but since i had bb, i've been more inclined to do my own thing so that i can have more job satisfaction and flexibility in time. i guess having bb makes you more family oriented

but then now economy is bad, so not sure whether it's "good" time also..
i'm one of those whose not interested in doing my own biz...and never has been. i like doing my work and eventhough i do it for the money yet i like the challenge and feeling content at the end of the day... but hten again there are bad days when u just feel like quitting, but the good outweighs the bad... for now at least :p

having said that, i always admire ppl who have the courage to setup own biz and wish i can do that as well but i think my passion is just not there yet
hello everyone!!

i'm logging in from my room (citadines offers free internet connection! yet another reason to stay here!)

wa lau my trip super drama....not sure if you heard about airport closure at narita tokyo airport. my luck soooooooo good haha...about to reach in 30mins suddenly captain announced that flight has to be diverted to nagoya due to airport closure (a fedex aircraft crashed on the runway)

so instead of arriving at narita airport at 715am...we landed at nagoya and alighted the aircraft only close to 12pm...then had to take a train from nagoya airport to nagoya train station, transfer to shinkansen to shinjuku, then take cab to my apartment!! all in all, about 8 hours later than estimated time =P

the saving grace is arielle deserves 3 stars for her first trip. she slept relatively well on board (apart from being woken up by a crying baby next to her a few times). she put up with the slinging, hoisting here and there (with much fewer grumbles than expected) =))

weather here is grrrrr....cold!!! we expected like 13 to 18 degrees but it's like 6 to 13 instead. everyday wrap her up like a little bak zhang.

don't worry think you'll still catch the cherry blossoms cos weather this week turned cold so i think that has delayed the blooming of the flowers. i went to the park, not that many trees are flowering yet.

will give you more feedback and tips on the apartment when i'm back k? i'm quite happy with it =)
Adventure!!! Arielle's a super trooper baby! Always feels good when you set expectations real low and then when they behave, you feel darn good. hehe. Glad u are safe in Tokyo, Gar! Hope no more drama for you.
Gar - good to hear from you. Wow..really a drama, but good to hear u landed safely. Stars for A

by the way, i just came across a blogpost, u should go to this Toy Mueseum at Shinjuku if u have time. it seems fun

4-20 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Closest station - Yotsuya 3-chome (Tokyo Metro, Marunouchi line exit #2) 7 mins walk from the station
Adult ¥700
Child 3yrs + ¥500
Child + adult pair ticket ¥1000
Open 10am-4pm, closed Thursday unless it's a national holiday

Map is here. http://goodtoy.org/ttm/guide.html

If you can read Jap, here's the site. http://goodtoy.org/ttm/
last week are 6times/day. This week are mostly 3times/day.
Does taking less fruit and vege help? I read from forum that we should stop giving solid food when bb have diarrhoea.

Thank you for your advise. Will watch Channet closely to make sure she wash her hands b4 putting them into her mouth.

I'm never the entrepreneurial type, until I have bb, i've been more inclined to the flexibility in time. I'll probably keep start my biz end of this year. =)
What biz are you planning into?

No. I won't buy cos knitting one is easy unless there are new lovely design which I cannot meet. But I still prefer DIY for your love ones. I will purchase at $20 max for a scarf.
based on previous experience, when bb is having diarrhoea doc will advise to do the following :
- dialute milk (if very bad can change to soy milk)
- avoid fruits
- reduce vegies
- if you intro any new food prob want to avoid that and make sure all food are well cooked.

did you intro any new food to Channette ? The other time i didn't realise turns out C had bad diarrhea because of barley cereal. Hopefully Channete gets well soon.
hi blueginger,
you can try to give porridge with pork, let her eat more porridge than usual. see if it helps.

The other time my son had diarrhea, it was due to donuts. I kept giving him cos it's sweet and he likes it, then realize, each time he eats, within an hour, he'll poo soft and yellow shit... :p
happened 3 times that day , then i realize the food is "dirty"
hi garfield,
wow, japan is so cold now... better take baths in the afternoon when it's warmer ...
enjoy your holiday in japan
hihi, today looking after RaeAnne on my own so no time to post. Can only check forum on and off.

Tubao, Tute, Thanks for all the advice. Finally managed to upload RaeAnne's video, copied You tube's embedded video's html and IT WORKED. Don't know why it couldn't work previously. The video is finally up though it's now 1 week late. www.anewpiggy.blogspot.com.
re: doing biz
it's definitely not easy to leave my comfort zone for something that is uncertain.
my sis is starting up her online biz, i can see how difficult it is.
on one hand, it's quite impossible to do it as a part time basis. on the other hand, it's very hard to survive if doing full time.
considering just to earn enough as pocket money as a SAHM, i think it's not a bad idea.

i still don't wish to depend on someone. i want to be finantially independent. :p

if just use it when going for a trip, don't think will spend so much. at most $10 for me.

channet better today?
remember to let her drink more water to prevent dehydration.

so fast can see effect of consuming 'dirty' food?
I let her have some barley cereal and she loves it so I let me have more. but I oso let her have orange juice. OMG. What have I done...
No. Have not venture into new foods past few weeks.

I let her have porridge, but she refused to finish after 10 mouthful of it.

yes. Let her drink a lot. She is still very active. Can dance, sing, climb staircase. Guess she is OK.

Thank u for the concern. I guess she is just teething. We send her to a doc and he said stop giving her BM. ???
i think bb digestive system quite sensitive one.

does she like sweet stuff ? u can add corn, pumpkin, lean pork in the porridge to make it sweeter ? maybe stop orange juice for now.
i think still can give BM, cos she'll get the antibodies from you ...
BM is the safest in fact according to my pd cause it doesn't contain lactose like in formula. if she doesn't have fever then prob from food. try stopping the barley cereal a while and see what happens... don't worry, it was worse for me last time... i let Cfinish one whole box coz i ask my pd, she say unlikely from barley cereal and who knows that turns out to be the main culprit! he also looked normal and still very active. oh, if you want to give fruits can just give banana. read somewhere that actually helps with diarrhea.
blugin, maybe the PD associate the diarhea with watery stool caused by bm. but ddont think should stop bm la.

xy, u are really an independent working OL leh!
Give G's practice by giving walking pushcar. V took her McQueen Ride-On toy. Now she can walk without support and like to chase after #1.

<font color="ff0000">Gain IQ Vouchers</font>
Any mummies keen all Gain IQ Vouchers for 1-3yrs and Gain IQ Kid Vouchers? All these vouchers are bought. Decided to bless some mummies here as I won't be using them. Do let me know before I post in the free section
thankful, i have something like that..but ruth doesn't like to sit in it. Mine's the PLayschool convertible into a 'walker' trolley type. Ruth only likes the converted walker instead of the riding option.

I can't catch up with all of you man. only can come in once inawhile. Anyone still going for the JWT trial? I thought of bringing ruth there one of these days and using the RBS credit card 50% off offer.
Good morning mummies,
it's Friday again!!!
it seems to be a long long long week for me. there's unreasonable work procedure imposed by my boss and group leader that causes no progress in my projects.
i don't know how long i can endure this. thing is just not moving here and people are paranoid that until no one dare to take up responsibility. Every job has to go through endless cycle of approval loop by unrelated personnel.
read your post on the LNT chinese trial.
C did not paying much attention on the chinese class too, the whole class - 5 kids are not too interested in it.
I think problem lies in the teacher leh.
XY-which branch did u go to? i went to the one at Selegie, so far ok leh, the 2 lessons was quite interesting, i find that the Jap teacher is quite good.
yes. cannot blame vernon la, he doesn't like the environment mah...

i went to the parkway branch.
agree that the jap teacher is quite good. but i feel the chinese teacher is rushing through the materials and do not establish much interaction with the kids.
XY, cheryl, Qingling, really ah? I don't know cos the Chinese lesson happened to be the last trial so I insist that hubby accompany so that he can decide whether to continue or not. So, the teacher not good ah? But hubby said the other kids can concentrate except RaeAnne. I also don't know. Anyway, already decided not to sign up for now. How about you all?
XY/cheryl/qingling/ pauline.. i went to the selegie branch with Jas.. i liked the english and jap one.. chinese one so so only.. a lot of information/stimulation in e class..also dunno whther to sign up or not.. maybe when there is good deal/promo then consider.. too troublesome to go liao.. :p

Cheryl, maybe vernon doesnt like to be in such a small classroom.. can be quite claustraphobic.. there was 1 boy that attended the same class as us.. cry every lesson .. cause he doent like to be in confined space i think.

Today.. i just caught a video of gwen talking on phone.. so funny. Nowades they really interact much more with e parents and prob becoz i am spending more time at home. Enjoyed staying at hm minus the changing her diaper part.. she pps 4-5 times a day.. sianz.. super troublesome.. i wish she can poo less.. Been reading the book recommended by gar' positive discipline for 1-3 yr old'.. read halfway.. think e book is quite good.. doesnt only teach positive discpline.. it actually teaches me to have more positive thinking.,. i think that helps to keep me sane when i am alone with her e whole day. Now i am just treasuring the small little things that we happen/share everyday, be it just her talking to me /hugging me or even she messing up stuffs while trying to feed herself/ trying to explore things... i have slowly learnt to keep my cool.. haha.. good bk to read..thanks gar.
Cheryl, ya my gal also like that. That time when she first went to the PD for her fever (that time, don't know it's HFMD yet cos no blisters), dr insert bullet in her butt to bring down the fever. Then they put a catheter in her because they want to test urine for UTI. Then the catheter slipped out and no one knew so they waited for more than 1 hr at the clinic to collect the urine sample. That day, I'm working so never go clinic with them. After that, she phobia liao, see the clinic counter immediately cry, must be traumatised.
Genice/Pauline - i most prob will sign up leh
, i also agree chinese lesson not as good as the jap class. I haven't go for the 3rd trial class, will go after Jap trip.

Apparently I also have the playskool type, but it's not that fast to push compare to McQueen type. Moreover both V and #1 snatch this McQueen car and the playskool normally they are not keen. Ended up have to teach them to share playing this.

Please try to clear at 1 go. I will PM you. Better to self-collect as its near the expiry date of 31Mar09. I don't want to waste all these vouchers and I paid $1.50 per voucher for it.
