(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

wow Gar
so fast..exciting!!!

any news about the sakura blooming?

by the way mummies, any one with borderlinx discount code to share? i got 1 shipment which exceeds sgd 400
due to the shipping (sigh), underestimated..

(sorry to pop out all of a sudden - was browsing the threads)
i have a BDL code, not sure expired or not..
i go home check and let u know ok?
hi all..
i'm still very busy at work (financial year closing...) but quite frustrated so came in to check and look see.

My contributions:

Ruth likes to walk - hardly want to sit in stroller nowadays.

But she can only walk assisted - hold her right hand. And she prefers to be held on her right side. if hold her left hand, abit not as steady one...

SHe is also a 'walker baby'...but since 2-3 months back, my mum stop putting her in walker cuz she is more willing to crawl around. ALso, she learnt how to get down from the bed (which is actually queen size mattress on the floor) so it's 'safer'.

Yesterday she finally voluntarily walked quite far (assisted) with this 'dimsum trolley' kind of walker i bought for her sometime back. Today she can even change the direction - shift to avoid furniture n etc. My hubby was so delighted. I told him all in good time. Think she's quite tall (>80cm) so perhaps takes abit longer to get used to walking.

i think from what i see here, I should be quite pleased with my hubby la. During his school hols, he is asking to look after her instead of putting at my mum's, unless he got things to attend to of course.

I'm quite happy cuz he can generally manage bathing her, feeding her, recognizing her poo poo signals, wash her backside, play with her, etc on his own.

Started out with me getting some backaches...so every morning it's hard for me to carry ruth. He started bathing her in the mornings on weekends.

Then i think he observe me and my mum and learn i guess.

ONly thing is he can't cook la. so nowadys if desperate, will rely on heinz bottle food. But Ruth will take solids like our rice n etc....so it's just the salt and oil content that gets in the way.

Today he can even tell me..."when she fall asleep, i faster faster go wash bottle n hang clothes".

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that.

Very happy day for me.
Lezy... you are so fortunate to have such a hubby....

Mine only know how to play with them... will change diaper lah (only if I am not available), but not bathing or looking after Davier on his off day.
I'm in a dilemna.... my SIL who has been looking after Davier decided to quit... no notice given... just tell us after we finished our dinner (9plus) that she can't take care anymore as she is not feeling well and need a break...

We 'begged' another SIL to help her the next day and today, sent to my mum's place to jaga... but my mum won't be able to take care for long-term also as she is looking after my bro's kid and hubby is not willing to send to my bro's place.

Furthermore, my older boy's cc is near this SIL... so gotta ferry to different places every morning also not convenient.

Dunno how now... sigh.

New maid coming 2mlr but my SIL also dun wanna try eye power this maid... I dun feel safe leaving Davier alone with maid as had bad experience with previous maid, tt's y send her back and was maidless for more than a mth...

If no new maid, at least can put in InfantCare.. but got maid, no eye power also problem... sigh... any advise?
wow, that IS impressive!! good work in training him! ;)

oh dear, sounds like quite a headache. do you think your SIL will change her mind? maybe she just needs a break and will be able to help eye power next time? although she's doing you a favour, it's also not v nice of her to just tell you she quit and expect that next day you can gao-dim yourself right.
agree that not such a good idea to leave baby with new maid, how about get your mum to eye power?
esther / XY
dont think i will give her 3/4 boiled eggs anymore. so heart pain to see her with those rashes. the reason my MIL wanna give her try 3/4 boiled egg was becos she said its very "pu"
mistake mistake!
re: EGGS
I tried to make french toast for RUth..she doesn't seem to like it.

TRied feeding her runny eggs, she also dun like.

But go Jap restaurant and eat Chawanmushi...she will eat!

i think some of u r right that pure eggs too "eggy" smell perhaps.
qingling... good thread.. thanx for sharing!

Gar.. enjoy ur teip and take more pics to show us k!!

Emoments.. O no.. must be very vexed now.. talk to ur sil again k.. or mayb e u have to take a few days leave to jagar ur new maid and work things out w ur sil. Hope everything goes well for u.

Cheryl, is vernon feeling better?
Gar, wa, going to Japan this Sunday, so exciting, I wish I'm going too.
Went for my first IPL treatment today, zap zap, more painful than plucking but at least it's fast and hopefully will be permanent hair removal after some more sessions. Have you tried their facial? Is it good?

Lezy, wa, vast improvement from last time when you complained that he does not bother to help you with Ruth. Think as the child gets older and more independent, it's easier to look after and more fun to play with them. My hubby also like that. Sometimes, he keep telling me our gal so cute so cute, like so thick skinned like that. But I think it's because now father and daughter can play together so he enjoys her more.
morning mummie. Early morning. H woke up at 5plus crying dunno why,anxious to go JWT trial perhaps.Haha. Now she back to lala land. See xy and leila later. One of my fren and her bb coming too
but bb is older then ours. Pinkie-tks for finding !

Saw your blog. Ashlynn looks so kawaii in pink.....

Hehe...E has same hello kitty bag, thanks to her generous GuGu1(my SIL). Next time A and E can carry same bag-----Jie3 Mei4 Hua1(Sister flower).

Hi, Pauline

Saw your blog. RaeAnne looks so "toddler" now. ^_^. Feel that she has even stronger will than my gal.

You can edit html of your blog postings, copy your tube video address to html.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mommies!! I am from the Sept 08 thread, selling my son's Fisher Price 3-in-1 rocker swing on eBay cos he doesn't quite use it, and it is taking up space in his room. It is almost brand new. Original price is >$200, but am okie to let go for $90.

Details at:

Let me know if you are keen
tubao, i tried to do that by adding link but dun know why the url doesn't appear on the post at all nor as an embedded video clip leh. End up i can only copy and paste the link as text. Can teach me? Thanks :p

thanks, ya she's really growing up and has a will of her own. Stronger will than emma? I dun think so, emma more independent leh.
hello mummies!
havent log on in ages.
hows everyone?

re: hubby
lol, my hubby only play w bb. fullstop. sigh!

hey... enjoy your trip ya! take more pic to share share hor. you all make mi so gian to travel! actually wanna take a short trip w hubby before i start work. but MIL said no. no reason given. i was quite upset. but got over it liao hee~

i made french toast w a bit of sugar and thyme (those dried kind). taste nice wor. bb likes it. perhaps u can try it

hows things in us?

is it possible for her to help to tide over for 1-2 weeks @ least? perhaps put maid and bb @ her place? so tat she can merely eye power? less taxing for her ma.
Hi all

thanks for the concern.. managed to persuade my SIl to try out on Mon cos new maid came today... hopefully she will continue to do so after Mon.. *praying hard now*
hi hi,
Thanks everyone for your advice re my trip andwell wishes! It's been a crazily busy time for me these two weeks. Trying to tie up all the loose ends at work (in vain... Still have to bring my blackberry along which happens to work in japan! Shucks :p) Also busy packing for the trip... Realize last min short of this and that so rushing around to get stuff. Also invested in an ergo carrier cos there's going to be lots of walking thanks to berry and leila's recc
so stressful!!!

Chat again when I'm back next weekend! Ta ta for now!
Gar - cherry blossom season is open. u r in good time to catch it
. i think by the time i will be there, its all gone

thanks pinkie - i saw ur code, but i used it b4 already
, i tink this time cannot escape from the gst..sigh..
wow! thyme, i noticed you like to use a lot of herbs, impressive!
these days i've been a bit lazy as well as not as much time to cook, so been slacking a bit and just give porridge..

Think my gal E is not good at find motor skills. A baby girl at my playground(10 days older than my gal) knew how to press button 3 months earlier than E; and my colleague's daughter know how to on/off TV remote control at very early age-----colleague's wife plays very good piano.

Join us for some playdate; let me admire James' fine motor development. E is like me --very bad hands coordinations; didn't get that genes from my hubby who is quite good at hands; always fold any paper/receipts/flyers on hand.


When applying "zoo friends", staff there will take digital photos of your family, and make card instantaneously.


Brought my girl to waterplay yesterday again; she loved it. She sceamed and kicked when we tried to remove her and go back home. ^_^. ^_^.
she's only 50+ but recently, the medical checkup results showed that her cyst and fibroids are growing. the doc advises her to go for operation... sigh... that's y i am looking for childcare centre and also nanny...

there's one childcare centre near chom pang side, it's vegetarian one, montessori style in teaching. i am thinking of putting my gal there. but the fees and the distance from my place making me think twice....
sunny, oops sorry to hear that... so have you found nanny or cc?

oh, can you pls give me the cc name which is near chompang?? i dont know there's one veggie centre here lei. you know the one i intend to put shaun with, not a veggie veggie one, so i got to cook for him and bring there.
tubao, does that mean I can copy your html code and use on my blog? The link to her youtube video is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st5JZCX3k3k, can help me modify so that I can post direct to blogspot? Thanks, thanks.

Xiaoyun, RaeAnne has been rejecting cereals for 1 week plus liao. Do you still want Happy bellies oatmeal? I got 2 tins to let go. I got 1 tin of brown rice too if you want to try. If yes, I can pass to you when I go to my mum's.
i didn't know about it before i called the centre to check out their price and curriculum. it's call greentree montessori. you can go to their website to take a look: www.greentreemontessori.com.sg.

found a nanny who is my friend from the temple. but on and off she can't help up loh. so, quite headache... i plan to send my gal to childcare 1st, then wait till my boy is abt 18 mths or 2 yo, then will send him to childcare.

ya, i give egg to my boy. but only hard boil.
p1nk1e - i answer for Gar, yes got promotion cos its newly open in Shinjuku
i also will be staying there when i go in April
, the rate is 8800 yen (include taxes) per night for studio double.
Morning, mummies.

4 mummies who use blogger, it is true tat upload a video clip takes very long rite? and we couldnt minimize the window while it is uploading rite?

Any other way 2 fasten the process?

Tubao, u mention u using youtube rite. Can attach youtube video clip to blogger anot?
i couldn't get the fraser place one so thinking of maybe going for citadines...
but april fully booked *faint*
it seems to suggest that there's no room service wor... really ah?
Hi Tubao
Hope to join a playdate sometime but so far too busy coz hubby furthering his studies. We will usually be in church on Sundays.

Are you friends of the zoo? I did think its more worth it to apply when we have older kids since now our babies go for free. I have thought of applying the individual passes for me and hubby. Need to go at least 5 times to make it worth it. Plus parking is free with the membership.
good afternoon mummies,
so quiet nowadays.. where are the ppl?

enjoy your trip.

re: zoo
mandai is too far for me. not sure how much she can appreciate that for now.
now only bring her to pet shop look at fishes, rabbits, dogs, hamsters, etc.
XY - here, but dormant..haha..too stress at work..sigh..come in occasionally to read..

arrg, work, i had enough. if only i can quit
Hi, SweetPea/Xiao yun

Family pass can include 2 parents + 2 grandparents+ 1kid or 2 parents + 1 grandparent + 1 maid + 1 kid; costs $180 while single pass costs $80. My colleague applied single one for himself because his wife doesn't join him and kid for zoo outings.

Zoo is 10 mins' drive from my home (woodlands)^_^.
Hi, Pauline

You can try below code.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st5JZCX3k3k"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st5JZCX3k3k" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

If can't, you can use my original code(with E's video one ^_^) and see....

Hi, esther
Yah... upload video to youtube. Put youtube link into posting html of blog. Yah...uploading video takes long; can minimize window; but can't close window.

Hehe.....I am not familiar with this either; good enough to make it work. Maybe other mummies know other efficient and friendly way.
jia you, can start counting down before to ur well deserved break to japan comes

glad to hear that E now loves the zoo's water area. The issue now is how to take kids out of their fun without having them kick too big a fuss :p
btw, do u knw that my gym at civic centre has closed down. m quite disappointed cos i wanted to sign L up for the classes....*sigh* now i don't knw where else to go....

Tubao, thanks.
I tried your original code and I got Emma's video on my blog instead. haha. Then I tried your second code but I got a blank window. Not sure why?
