(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

No need visa to go Msia. Indonesian passport can go into Msia afaik.
re:clothings, me too... I ask my maid to change to pyjamas at night to make sure her clothes are fresh the next day...
Btw - if your maid has bo, can try this one powder my mom swore of...we always give our maid this particular powder which works on bo like magic haha... it's indon brand but i can find at small shops near my place.

XY, yr show at 1230pm, you still can wait until 630pm, finish dinner than make yr way to hospital.. happening lol!!

Tuyun, hi-5.. damn painful!!

Leila, hello, long time leh.. how r u?
ya i know everyone of us will forget the pain.. like now i already forgot the pain.. but everything over again.. 2 night feeds, quite tired leh..
#1 so far so good.. whiny n sticky.. but his behaviour has been rather positive.. so really cant ask for better! #2 is also relatively easy.. If she poos/pees, she just ngek for a while, once i wipe her bum, she goes back to sleepy mode..

There's a kid fest coming up.. but the tix are really ex.. $38.. http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?dt.isPortletRequest=true&dt.action=process&dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&dt.window.portletAction=RENDER&actionID=festivalSearch&value=kids2012

Oh ya, whoever is free to meet up let me know.. will be quite free in the coming months...
hi mummies!


hmmm... i think u are too soft hearted liao... your first fdw right? i wouldn't be comfortable if mine came back and TOLD me she had spent my $$, as if ite her birth right... it would have been different if she had asked if she could buy beforehand. think since this is the first time, she is probably trying to test your limits and how far she can take it with u.
perhaps u can now go back and tell her u'll deduct the money from her salary, whenever that is due? afterall, they are already taking salary in advance (i.e. the loan arrangement)
i guess i'm just rather weary of all fdw issues now... sigh

i remembered u mentioned to stay at the disneyland hotel while in HK? Which one is better, disneyland hollywood or disneyland? I was told the latter is more ex...but if it's really better, i dun mind trying out, hehe
Hi mums

Sorry cant get a venue for tmr. I'm bit distressed cos Sarah fell down and cut her lip quite deep. She's not eating much, crying alot, dunno if the lip is infected or not. I see some pus. Sigh.
Hi bkkgal,

Oh dear, hope Sarah is feeling better now... u take good care too!
A friend's daughter fell and cut her chin last year, required 5-6 stiches. but kids heal fast, she's ok now n there's no scarring.

must be quite stressful....

hope she is better now!! dun worry too much if she's lively n all. kids can be surprisingly resilient!
Gosh !!! hope Sarah recovers sooon. so heart ache to see kids in such a state
how did she fall?

yah...actually u r v nice to ur helper... i wld also be uncomfy wid my helper too if she "spends" my money without let g me knw of her intention in advance. Anyway, u don't give her 10 or 20 bucks fm her salary every mth even though her loan is not paid up yet? m actually pretty strict in terms of money. My helper actually bought things "for me" without me ask g her to on her own accord. I actually made her return the amt to me cos she did it more than once even though i have firmly told her never to do it again.

ya....i knw what u mean, m also weary of fdw issues. sometimes so fed up wid my current one that i jus wanna send her home. But i really have no time to train a new one now....

the powder wk wonders???!!! how can i get my hands on it?? mail to me boleh? :p or gimme the brand name? aiya...sometimes i really wanna faint fm her bo, esp when doors n windows r shut when it's rain g heavily.... btw, i lost ur hp no. can pm me??

ya long time didn't come by. Was kept v busy when my dad was battling wid his illness.

wow! ur gal s really guai
i rem mine wld not be able to go back to zzzzz whenever she poos n i end up cradling her sometimes for hrs....so glad that s over :p

btw, the bear hunt interest u bo?
Bkkgal, it's ok, when i didn't see any updates, I already made other plan. Not easy to find a venue to fit a bouncy castle after all.

Poor Sarah, cut to the lip must be very painful, is there any antiobiotic gel or ulcer ointment that can numb the pain n help the wound heal faster? Can try to give her some ice cream, maybe it will help to numb the pain? Hope she gets well soon.

It's called P.O. Powder MBK - it is for removing body odor and I think it really works. My maid started showing signs of BO then i quickly buy this for her - ask her to use every day after shower. Now no more.. and it is cheap too. You let me know if you cannot find - I can help you buy and mail it to you.

You can see the pic from here :
http://www.farmasiku.com/image.php?object_type=detailed&image_id=6568&window=popup. The box is more grey in color than white.

PM you my number
hi mommies,
thanks for your concern. after swimming, hb wrapped sarah tightly in a towel. we were gathering our things and she started walking by herself but there was a gap in the floor and she stubbed her toe and fell on her face. if her hands were free, she could have broken her fall...so her teeth cut into her lower lip and she has slight bruising on her chin. so sorry for her, almost fainted seeing so much blood. she cry, i also cry

things happen very fast. this lesson taught me never ever take our eyes off the kids. tho' we may think it's safe, or they can take care of themselves...some more there were 3 adults then, me, hb and my mom. yet no one could break her fall.

but yes, kids are resilient. she is eating today
I'm relieved. as long as she can eat....
Hi bkk,
hope Sarah recovers quickly!

Leila, ex leh. $38 less 10% + $3 booking fee.. Wait for others?

Bkk, I can offer my plc for the Bouncy castle in December. Maybe we can do a Xmas potluck party or something..
hi hi,

Sarah has almost fully recovered...amazing young regenerative cells. but a scar remains which hopefully should fade over time.

hi eliaw,

thanks for the offer! when should we do it?
bkkgal & eliaw,

Pls try to avoid the date of 23~25 Dec for the Xmas potluck party or something... are the children going to have a gift exchange session?
if it's a deep scar try Dermatix, we use that for A as advised by Plastics on his chin and chest. But must say after they stitched the chin it's very "neat"! hee.

maid BO
I think mine uses some body perfume and deodorant. Lucky no BO!
hi mummies....

finally i can announce that i'm currently 12 wks pregnant with #2

ever since the m/c i had in jun i became very cautious in telling ppl that i'm expecting so i waited until first trimester is over...

anyway - i don't dare to mention anything in fb as i am still keeping it a secret from my colleagues. don't want them to flip knowing i'll be gone next year for 5 months :p so please don't mention anything in my fb for those who are in my fb friends list...

re: Xmas Party,
keep me posted! gift exchange is a great idea
but if too troublesome, can just have a simple gathering...
Thanks all !! I am really happy that we manage to conceive so fast... and I'm hoping and praying for a smooth ride this time around and reaching finale just like the first one

Genice - with 5 months leave comes uncertainty after coming back to work, so a bit nervous particularly given the current economic situation... my company isn't exactly a people oriented type of company in terms of retention :p
Congrats! Tute!

Tubao, surprised to meet you at Resorts World today. Too bad, we were checking out so no time to catch up. Hope the gals enjoy themselves.
hi tute! Congrats! so HAPPY FoR You!!

Hi clover, so far so good.. time flies everyday.. going back to work this week liao..

re: Xmas
so to avoid 23-25, that leaves 17 or 18 Dec.. Let's do gift exchange, cos that's the fun part for the kids..
I'm ok for both dates.. Bkk, so which date do you prefer?
If we don't do potluck, we could also just order pizza.. i can prepare the drinks and some fruits.. that's easy too..

Pauline/Tubao: I'm gonna go RwS too.. on 4 Dec..

Jack & Beanstalk reminder - 2 Dec.. 10am..
Hi, Tute
Congrats! Enjoy your pregnancy! Happy for you!

yeh, what a coincidence! Both Rs grow up.

Thanks for organizing again(xN). Will check with my husband later for Dec playdate. Thanks.
congrates!! all the best to you!

probably won't be joining for the xmas gathering as i might be going back malaysia that week.
will try to change my malaysia trip. :p
tubao, your twins grew up a lot too. Walking already.
I miss my gals' babyhood actually. Even RL is not a baby anymore, voice changing and lost all her baby fats. :p
eliaw, i am checking in RWS on 4th Dec too! :D Which hotel?

Cant make it too will be away on trip.

Iso, my hub willl not pay me 5 mths!!.. :p

Tute... dun tink so much. maybe extend ur ML come back earlier do half day.. if there are such options.
Isn't it so amazing that our children have grown so fast. Shenon has just turned 2, so will RL in next 2 weeks.

I will be attending xmas gathering. =)
yar...pauline.. jia you.. even students are being paid to queue up $10/hr i dun mind leh.. sit down there and watch drama serial.. keke.

eliaw, can have the party earlier like 9/10th dec, maybe more pp can make it?
Xiaoyun, yes, I am. Been queuing for the past few days, u keen to buy? ;)

Genice, queuing no fun lar, very warm n humid. Then sometimes pouring rain then the whole place flooded. At least at night, I get student sto queue, if not worse. :p
pauline.. y must queue this time round? dun remember you queuing for luxurie.Erm.. i abit ignorant abt all these paiseh.

eliaw, i changed from festive to hardrock coz figur out my kids will not sleep on loft bed by themselves.. haha. I wann go to the sandy pool too. Sure we can meet up there, arrange again, u bringing ur little one?
Congrats tute!!

lascal buggy - any mommies using it, is it helpful? duno to buy this or not for the upcoming taiwan trip.
Hi Eliaw, Hi mummies,

Fri 9 or Sat 10 Dec are okay dates for us. I prefer Friday but I guess some mommies are working, am I right? Or will you all take leave?
i have one, but one part broke and the distributor (Infantree?) said i have to go down to Tagore to get it... What pram are you using now?
Xmas gathering
9 or 10-Dec I will prefer 10-Dec cos my boss will be on biz trip on 14-Dec onwards. So I will have to see if he needs to hangover things thon that friday.
Xmas Gathering @ Eliaw's House

Date: 9 Dec
Time: 430-730pm
1) Bkk
2) Eliaw

Date: 10 Dec
Time: 430-730pm
1) Bkk
2) Eliaw
3) Bluginger

1) Playground Rental
2) Xmas Gift Exchange $20

Order Pizza
Drinks + Fruits (Eliaw)
What sandy pool? Yes I'm bringing the baby.. Chose festive becos big C loves the ladder. Just climbing up n down is good fun in the room. N also the double soda bed.

Yes yes, let's meet up.. I'm staying 2 nites.. U?

Thanks Eliaw! I can make it if it's on the 10th.

Xmas Gathering @ Eliaw's House

Date: 9 Dec
Time: 430-730pm
1) Bkk
2) Eliaw

Date: 10 Dec
Time: 430-730pm
1) Bkk
2) Eliaw
3) Bluginger
4) TongTong8

1) Playground Rental
2) Xmas Gift Exchange $20

Order Pizza
Drinks + Fruits (Eliaw)
