(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

We went to HK earlier this year... I think going on a tram to the peak is something that is fun as well for the kids... at least C enjoyed it, plus he really love the cool and wind up at the peak. For hotels, i stayed in Eaton hotel which is a pretty nice and modern hotel but a bit far from the shopping areas, it is near to Jordan MTR - walking distance.

Packing for kids - i always find it useful to bring a small bag to cabin fill up with toys (these days i will ask C to choose the toys he wants to bring), activity books, jacket, extra pair of clothing (+underwear) and snacks. Overall packing wise, I always bring packet drinks like milo, snacks inc sweets (for entertaining the kids when they get grouchy), small packet of cereals, books for bedtime reading, more clothes than needed since we cannot do laundry. I will upload fave videos to my ipad as well and without ipad last time we brought our laptop and bring dvds or load the videos to our laptop. That's a lot to pack and usually C will take up a luggage of his own while we use 1 luggage for both of us :p

I learn if travelling with kids (at least for my C) that I cannot be too ambitious to go around places... we would typically leave by 9/10am and be at hotel by 6-7pm, after dinner. Otherwise he'll be too tired and surely fall sick once we return to SG.

I forgot to drop you a message re Bali... do you have a plan yet on where to go?

Thank you for scooba information. I only heard of iRobot and intended to buy cos I have 2 dogs at home and floor cleaning is definitely a must things daily.

The hotel I stayed Shamrock Hotel, it is linked to Jordan MTR. Very convenient. Just the hotel general hotel room. Next to the hotel is another shopping centre. We mainly walk or take their mini-bus or take MTR. With children, not advisable to bring heavy-duty stroller as many places do not have escalators unless it is shopping mall.

Why is the Phuket trip a nightmare to you?
First, we brought the children to Cameron Highland to try if the children will be able to adjust to thin air pressure and long distance travelling. After that, we bring our gals whenever we go for trip, that include Australia west coast, Taiwan, Hong Kong, now Shanghai. They missed their Malacca trip recently due to both having flu then. All the trips are F&E cos you might expect some ad-hoc situations from the children. Like Toot said, we cannot be too ambitious in our trip. For instance, to drive from Taipei to Kaoshiung, will take about 6hrs normally, with the children we took about 10hours. They will want to stop at the stopover station to walk around, take their breakfast, lunch or go toilet. Entertain them are also important. have their favourite stuffs with them. I will avoid winter season of that countries as they will need to have thicker clothings which will add on to their luggage. And who are the one who carry their luggage now? WE. So don't tire yourself with all these. D
travelling w kids
it wasn't a nightmare, but it was just super tiring for me looking after THREE boys. And I was physically tired from carrying A and carrying all the barang to the beach which was too far away (from the Marriott Mai Khao, Le Meridien was sooo much easier), either I have to carry the stuff or carry a 12kg baby, so either way it's tiring! I think at this age A is also very active and can't sit in a high chair so every meal we're trying to entertain him, not very enjoyable. And on the flight back A was really fussy even though he had his toys w him and E threw up onto the seat... I was just glad to be home (and have my maid unpack all the luggage, sooo thankful for that!)!

Hopefully A will get better when he's older, hoping to bring them both to HK disneyland early next year when it's not too cold..

yes! going Nov 6-10, Ubud and Seminyak, think we might rent a car. do let me know if you have any recommendations ok!

Have - i rented a car as well when i was there. Price wise it is Rp350000 a day for 10 hours, including driver and fuel so roughly about 50 dol. But mine was under utilised coz we usually go out for max 6 hrs only... Maybe you can ask lower price if using only a few hours. I'll pm you via fb for the contacts.

What are you looking for? Just to relax or sight seeing? Ubud has got a few activities to do as it is the central of art in bali, you can go around to the galleries, monkey forest, shopping at pasar ubud (or ubud market). Would suggest you to go to the restaurant i went to... very nice ambience and yummy food. A bit costly though... but worth the price...

You should go to Tanah Lot and check out the sunset if you can afford it and go to Jimbaran for seafood which should be near Seminyak - nice ambience. I went to Bali Safari Park but if you are not going with the kids, you probably would not enjoy it that much...
Bkkgal, I just opened the crayola first art studio yesterday and there is a missing part. Hiaz, Toy r us already announced again n again that no exchange or refund for items bought so Bo bian, luckily the table still stands but not very stable lor.

Iso, maybe because we only went to the beach once, took the shuttle bus (agree that it's very far n find the sand very coarse), n we stayed at Marriott Mai khao most of the time, Ate at turtle village or cooked on our own so the gals did enjoy it.
Hi, Bkk,

Roomba and Scooba sound very helpful. Thanks for detailed sharing.

I am interested on playdate.
--------Kids Club Play date, Mon 7 Nov

Hi, I"m organising a playdate on Mon 7 Nov for Feb moms and friends to try out a bouncy castle. Venue: TBC. Anyone interested? If yes, pls add on to list and timings preferred.

1. Bkkgal
2. tubao.

Iso, tute,
I haven't been to any trip for 1.5 year. Still waiting.
not sure if childcare centre open on 7 Nov.
tentatively add my name in.

--------Kids Club Play date, Mon 7 Nov

Hi, I"m organising a playdate on Mon 7 Nov for Feb moms and friends to try out a bouncy castle. Venue: TBC. Anyone interested? If yes, pls add on to list and timings preferred.

1. Bkkgal
2. tubao.
3. xiaoyun (anytime, i will adjust accordingly.
Bkkgal, where did u get the roomba or scooba from?

Will love to join u all for bouncy castle but we are celebrating A4's 1st birthday on the 7th. My baby is growing up!!
Down with stomach flu, infected by the gals. Blur blur n forgot to update about the play Tom. Luckily, dor reminded me. The play starts at 11am. <font color="ff0000">Let's meet 10.45am outside Recital studio Tom. See you.

'What a Noisy Zoo!'
22 oct (Sat), 11am, Esplanade Recital Studio,
showtime: Approx 40 mins (no intermission)
1) pixie $27 -> Collected tics
2) Genice $27
3) Dor $27
4) Eliaw $27
5) kitsune $54
i never travelled until this year so i can imagine if ever i have no.2 before this year that would mean i would not be travelling at all.. hehhee... i think once the twins reach the age of 2/3 you can start to travel?


just realised 7 nov is a public hols... am interested ! have no plans yet...

--------Kids Club Play date, Mon 7 Nov

Hi, I"m organising a playdate on Mon 7 Nov for Feb moms and friends to try out a bouncy castle. Venue: TBC. Anyone interested? If yes, pls add on to list and timings preferred.

1. Bkkgal
2. tubao.
3. xiaoyun (anytime, i will adjust accordingly. )
4. tute (either morning or late afternoon)
Tute, is it a public holiday? I didn't know too. Think I dun need to go to office on public holiday so will also add my name in.

--------Kids Club Play date, Mon 7 Nov

Hi, I"m organising a playdate on Mon 7 Nov for Feb moms and friends to try out a bouncy castle. Venue: TBC. Anyone interested? If yes, pls add on to list and timings preferred.

1. Bkkgal
2. tubao.
3. xiaoyun (anytime, i will adjust accordingly. )
4. tute (either morning or late afternoon)
5. Kitsune_sg Morning or late afternoon

thanks for helping buy tix for noisy zoo. I just checked the forum n didn't realised it was floor seating. Haha. Anyway C enjoyed the show n it was very interactive!


would love to join but my EDD is on 14 Nov. If I haven't pop yet, will join in!
Re: double stroller

how many of u own a double stroller (front/back) type? Wanna find out how useful it is n how often u use it?

how's the resort? Is it good? I'll be planning next year for either Bali, HK or Phuket..
Elias, sure, no problem! It was nice to meet up again after our Marina Barrage playdate, how time flies! That time, I still had a maid. RA enjoyed the play too, in her own way, when we came home, she said we watched "what a noisy zoo," n she told me the monkeys so naughty, took the zookeeper's keys n run away. ;p
hello there,
count me in for 7 nov. I only realised it was Ph when you all talked about it! I was wondering how to meet when the kids have school. Haha.

--------Kids Club Play date, Mon 7 Nov

Hi, I"m organising a playdate on Mon 7 Nov for Feb moms and friends to try out a bouncy castle. Venue: TBC. Anyone interested? If yes, pls add on to list and timings preferred.

1. Bkkgal
2. tubao.
3. xiaoyun (anytime, i will adjust accordingly. )
4. tute (either morning or late afternoon)
5. lezy (morning or early afternoon)
hehe, Lezy, you skipped my post and my RSVP. Thanks to Tute for telling us it's PH. Anyway, will add my name back.

1. Bkkgal
2. tubao.
3. xiaoyun (anytime, i will adjust accordingly. )
4. tute (either morning or late afternoon)
5. Kitsune_sg Morning or late afternoon
6. lezy (morning or early afternoon)
wah.. eliaw, that's early ! you said you are due on 14 nov right..,

I think there are some mummies who gets dilation but doesn't feel any contractions... some can carry 2cm dilation for few days... maybe this time around would be a shorter labor for you... just make sure the moment you feel contractions that you immediately go to hospital... was C early coz typically #2 is earlier
Just went for gynae appt in the afternoon.. She said 2cm already..

C was delivered at 38 weeks.. I felt contractions only for 2 hours!! Just worried that by the time I feel it maybe can push already. Haha.. wonder if I should just induce?
wah 2 hours, you so lucky! for E i had painful contractions for almost 8 hours. lucky got epidural. with A i only had painful contractions for 30mins before he was out! Hope you're ready to dash out the door any minute ;)

at 2cm dilation my gynae said it could actually stay like that for up to 2 weeks!

Don't induce if no need to lah..
Hi all, I'm in the hospital now.. Waiting n waiting.. Keke... Contractions 1 in 2 minutes now.. Hope it'll be fast n quick!!
congrats!!!!!!! i always love this newborn stage so much

philips sale
the philips sale on again this weekend.. any reviews on the air fyer?
not sure if it's worth it.. also got to think about the opportunity cost, i.e. the space it takes up in the kitchen!! haha.
Hi xiaoyun,
I m interested in the Yakult Factory visit.
do let me know when is the date, so that i can blocked out my leave.

thank you
1. Bkkgal
2. tubao.
3. xiaoyun (anytime, i will adjust accordingly. )
4. tute (either morning or late afternoon)
5. Kitsune_sg Morning or late afternoon
6. lezy (morning or early afternoon)
7. genice ( anytime)

I am in Shanghai today after more than a week of MIA. My hotel is located along the river. Lovely site here. We had traveled from Shanghai to Hangzhou, XiTang, Suzhou, Changzhou and back to Shanghai. The children had a great time and were tired too. The best part is we bought so many things that we have to have them delivered to our hotel, instead of we carried them.

Congratulation. Post up your lovely princess photo when you are free. =)

Will give the Kids Club Play date amiss. Won't be in town then. Keep me updated on the next one. I love to go too.
oh dear! sounds like it might be an interesting story though, do share when you're free ;)
BTW Jack n Beanstalk is 2 Dec 10am hor? DBS Arts Centre? I had to google to check our forum thread! haha.

btw mummies, what do you or don't you pay for your maids? toiletries? clothes like underwear?
I think toiletries is something we must buy - vaguely remembered it's in the contract but you may want to check your contract.

In terms of clothings etc, I do buy for my maid out of goodwill just because I know she's not receiving pay for a number of months and I see her clothings are getting dull, so I buy her few clothes for going out and I also offered her some of my clothes that I don't wear anymore. Recently she broke her slippers and she borrow some money from me, but eventually I just buy 1 for her. Nothing expensive so far... I just buy shirts that is $10 for example and shoes that are $15-20. Maybe I am influenced by my mom who said that if our maids looks sloppy/haggard when we go out, does not reflect well on us too.
Jack &amp; Beanstalk
Date: 2 Dec 2011 Friday
Time: 10am
Tix: $23.80 ($28 15% discount) + $3 booking fee
$26.80 per tix, Total $53.60

1) Eliaw (x2) Paid
2) Iso (x2) Paid
3) Tubao(x2) Paid
4) Lezy (x2)
5) Garfield (x2)
6) Bkkgal (x2)
7) Genice (x2)

Seat Numbers
Q1-6, P2-5, P12-15

We get 3x "Free TLC CD &amp; limited Artbug's voucher redeem at SRT counter"..

Venue: DBS Arts Centre - Home of SRT
toiletries - I will buy for her..
Clothing - I will pass her some of my old clothes.. But I did buy them gifts when i travel overseas..
Slippers - I will buy for her..
Ok, here's my Birth Story..

6pm - Bloody discharge, drove myself to hospital..
630pm - Contractions detected, 2cm dilation
730pm - Decided to stay in hospital n under observation
830pm - Gynae came, 4 cm dilation..
9pm - Start to feel very hungry n tired..
1115pm - Ask for gas mask
1145pm - Ask for injection.. cannot tahan liao but too late!! Nurse says cannot give..
1208am - Baby delivered!
According to nurse, 5 pushes and baby was out..

I absolutely HATE the stitching part.. And the final contractions were really really painful.. In the midst of all that pain, i told my hubby, i don't want baby liao.. n was tearing quite a lot.. yup.. so that's why i am thinking twice about having a 3rd one.. having to go through all that pain again.. n now of course, dealing with #1, anxiety, jealousy issues..

and also if really have #3, my travelling expenses will increase a lot.. I always travel with my kids.. i dont think i can ever leave them at home..

At 3am, i was feeling naseous because of all that gas i was inhaling towards the end..
eliaw, luckily u posted , i totally forgotten abt the show!

yes i must agree it was really very very painful towards the end but at least urs was fast! I took gas, thigh jab and waited and tong from 10 am till almost 8 pm then i cannot take it and asked for epidural coz i was 5 cm dilated when they last checked.. and who noes.. when the anaesthetist came and started preparing, med haven even go in and i wanted to push out already..
((.. luckily the gynae came in time.I almost died .. and wish i had just gone thru C sect instead... The epidural came in when the gynae was stitching... Duh.. sigh
CONGRATULATIONS! Wow, that was fast! Your birth story is dramatic! brave of you to drive to the hospital...hope it wasn't far. My dilation went from 2cm to 5cm very fast and I think at 5, that's where most women's threshold point is. After 5, wanna die already.

Enjoy your little precious one now. Envious! Miss having a baby ("siao ah!" my hb will say)

Daddy will be taking my place (I hope. Haven't told him yet). I have to travel to Tokyo for a meeting, won't make it back in time.

Hari Raya Haji Kids Club
Am trying to get a nice venue...will let you mummies know by end of the week. Most likely to be morning about 10 -12 pm.

Thanks for your SMS! Lego in Denmark is definitely much more expensive than the prices you sent me! At least 2x, if not more. Even with Vat refund, (25% VAT but tourists don't get all 25% back. Maybe 17%, after all the deductions), still not worth. At the Copenhagen airport, I saw the Advent calenders you mentioned. These were going for $35. Don't know about the size of yours but these seem rather big. Oh well, I'll just wait for lego sale.
i buy clothes for her and other things also, but also cos until now she didn't have a proper salary since she was still repaying the loan. That day she came back from NTUC and said, "I buy panties (with your money)", so I was wondering how much I should sponsor her. I guess so far she's doing a pretty good job so I don't mind so much.

wow, you are super mummy! jia you!!

wow! Maybe in the states it's the cheapest since they have a big market. The advent calendars are about A3 size right? $35 is USD or SGD?
Yes Iso, all mummies are super!! All that we go through.. Woohoo..

Bkk, Hospital was near la. Parkway east. About 10min away.. Bobian.. Nobody at home.. Only my mum, the kan cheong spider.. So I tot I better drive myself.. Faster too..
----Giving birth

Yah, the painful part at the last hour made me prefer dyng. Hehe.... I couldn't get over that dying part for about 2 weeks.

I gave additional $10 every 3 month for my helper to buy her own toiletries. She had 2 days off a month. But I didn't give her old clothes, as I feel weird to see her wear my clothes. Haha.... maybe because they look prettier at younger age.^_^ Normally my SILs donate clothes.
paiseh. the Yakult Factory visit was last year's event.
I contacted the Yakult lady and she told me to wait till early of this year and she will confirm with me again. And she disappear since then..
in the end we didn't proceed with it. and i was too busy/lazy to chase after her.
it seems that she's no longer taking care of my area, there's another yakult lady now but i not able to meet her cos of the wrong timing.

your 2nd delivery is so fast.
if you ever wants a 3rd one, think need to really rush to hospital when there's any sign of labor.

mine too.
show starts 12pm+ when i was still at work.
drove and reach PIL's place 615pm
contraction starts 630pm and gets more intense (< 10mins apart) @ 7pm.
rush to finish the dinner, go home to grab the hospital bag and shower.
took cab and taxi driver rush us to hospital.
so lucky that my contraction didn't start 30 minutes earlier while i was driving back home. :p
the whole experience is so funny.. the laughing gas made me goggy and the nurse still ask me to sign some forms.. etc.


congrats babe!!!! n don't worry, u wld forget abt the pain of delivery n go for no. 3 cos mummies tend to forget that part as well as how exactly the pregnancy went after a while...one eg is me, else i don't thk i wld even have #2!!! n now m actually think g of #3 even though i nearly delivered in the car if i arrived in the hosp half an hr late. Unfortunately, my hubs says we r too old liao. So, guess gotto resign to that fact even though i do like having a larger family.

n how s #1 coping??

toiletries (excluding napkins), i'll buy
clothes (excluding undergarments), i'll buy since i can't stand seeing her looking sloppy n dirty. i also get her to chg her tshirt once or twice a day cos she has BO.....really cannot tahan sometimes....

Btw, does anyone knw if indon maids need visa or any special travel docs to get into m'sia?

Kiddo musicals/plays
anymore coming up? i wanna join leh....
