(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

both of us light sleeper. but he can really 'nua' on the bed even not tired, then in the end fall asleep again.
i am the one standby for the kids (mainly small C) while he's the one standby for the rain (close window when it rains). :p

job wise, it depends on the personality. his job is stressful during office hour and stress free after office hour. not too bad right?
come back home can still watch TV, surf net, play PS.

my favorite hairdresser is in my hometown. and he took nearly 1 hour to cut my hair and almost 3-4 hours to perm/rebond. since the time i spend at home with parents is already so short (normally 3D2N), i chose not to do it in malaysia. searching for a cheap hairdresser here instead. for once i thought of going to JB for it, but i have no familiar hairdresser + don't dare to go there alone. :p

since the market is on the down trend, we sell it off first then buy it back at an even cheaper price. cash out some $ while the total amount of shares in the CDP remain unchanged. :p
he still in the process of looking for clients le.
btw, i've a colleague is getting a house soon too. Woodlands area, you got lobang?

Already over. you can catch it in XinMSN.

Job. Still stressful. See his hairs all white liao.

Property now rather quiet. Try rental or office then.
Xiao yun,

For hairdresser, I go to Kenny at causeway point Protrim, since it's near and I can get my hair done at lunch time. I know him from the time I moved to woodlands, as my two malaysian friends who are quite particular about hairstyles recommended him as a friendly, Malaysian hairstylist. The charge is standard one as stated at their poster. He is off on Tuesday, and you can call for rate and reservation. His hands are a bit rough, but if you remind him he will be gentler. The hair cut time is not long, but my husband and my friends say that he does better job than other hairstylist , at least for me.
Blueginger, ya, think that's why my last two transactions also rental. :p

Xy, that means sell now at loss now, then hope to buy back at lower price. Then hope it will go up again by a big margin? I think risky leh n tough to make profit, plus still need to pay brokerage fees twice. :p thanks for referral but I think i better stick to eastern area unless it's commercial rent. At least not so much time n effort wasted.
interesting pic of the bedrooms. singapore kids are very fortunate.

thanks for the recommendation. rough ah.. i don't like leh. :p

too bad ppl around me mostly in the north side le.
for the investment, it depends on the mentality lo. to me, i would think that waiting for the price to reach the 2007 peak is even higher risk lo.
btw, check with you huh, what do you think about CGH? many bad review of it from a lot of friends. my neighbor admitted there for nearly 3 weeks liao still cannot come home. was thinking if should ask him to transfer hospital or not. (sorry huh, i sounds ignorant and biased against CGH).

iherb takes about 1 week to deliver to me. pretty fast.
Hello, Mummies. It's finally October. Just an early reminder about our playdate on 22 oct (Sat), 11am. Remember to book your diary. Those who need to collect tickets early, pls PM me to arrange. Thanks.

'What a Noisy Zoo!'
22 oct (Sat), 11am, Esplanade Recital Studio,
showtime: Approx 40 mins (no intermission)
1) pixie $27 (paid) -> Collected
2) Genice $27 (paid)
3) Dor $27 (paid)
4) Eliaw $27
5) kitsune $54 (paid)

XY, yup, true also. That's why I dun mind going in to average cost when I have the $$. But not going to sell now and make immediate losses lor. No worries, I appreciate your help on referrals.
Re: CGH Which specialty is your neighbour admitted for? Is he private or subsidised patient. You PM me bah. :p
XY, CGH is bad.. very bad at least from my own grandpa experience. The docs were inexperienced and delayed treatment and my grandpa's inflamed toes which devloped into gangrene had to be amputated , he had diabetes which worsen the conditions. However, they did not just amputat the feet , they amputate at knees.. and orignially was 1 feet inflamed, because of their delayed it had spread to another.

My grandpa stayed there for a long time, hw went in with 1 inflamed feet came out with 2 legs gone, amputated all the way to the thigh.It affected him badly cause he was a taxi driver, he was in depression for a long time, grown senile, wallow in self pity and subsequently passed away.
. I would never recommend CGH for any purpose other than normal checkups...i still go there to check my larynx. ENT department

This is purely my own family experience , it may snd biased but i will definitely avoid CGH for large operations becuse of my family experience.
Realised that I copied and pasted outdated file when I searched forum for my old Noisy zoo post. Anyway, Eliaw has already paid.
Genice, so sorry to hear about your grandpa. My grandma also bedridden but that's cos she had a hip fracture and refused to walk when the PT came after her surgery cos she said it's painful. By the time she realised, it's too late, muscle atrophy, so permanently cannot walk liao. She also had mild depression and wallowed in self pity. She passed away abt 5 years due to pneumonia after she became bedridden.
The hospital experience sounds never be good.

Xiao yun,
Let me know if you find a good hairstylist at north area. The one I recommended is the best that my friends and I find in Woodlands area.
Thanks, XY for the link. I have been having bad night coughing. want to try too. but I dun have buckwheat honey. Only light colour wild honey I bought from Taiwan or Manuka honey from Hock Hwa. :p
XY, tried with manuka honey but still coughing badly. :p Tongtong, thanks for the tip. Any kind of mint leaves will do? Can remove the stalks?
Pauline , ya u can remove , or u can boil lemongrass with Chinese dried tangerine , switch off fire then throw in the mint. Drink for few days. Chew the mints for few days. If u van get different types of mints. They r bitter but 良药苦口
tongtong, thanks, how much lemongrass and 'chen pi?' do I need to put in? I think mint can get from cold storage but not sure which type.

blueginger, I dun think RA can appreciate musical yet and tics are not cheap so I will wait till they are older.
No problem.
Actually Channet is the one who suggests on this drama. Her school always bring them to watch drama at Esplande, think she begins to enjoy drama more than movies.
ooh maybe i will try the lemongrass drink! i am almost recovered but still coughing q a bit at night. i lost my voice for over a day, and only after 10 days it went back to normal. last night after reading your post i went to eat some mint cos i have a pot growing (wildly!) at home - a bit icky but after a while like eating toothpaste. haha!

the ticket so expensive so i only bought for hubby and i, haha! going on the 18th.
re: honey for cough
mm... it seems it works for no one here.
the links mentioned that it works for flu related cough.
btw, for adult cough, i like to take the sea coconut cough syrup. it always works for me. chewing the mint? don't dare to leh.

forget to answer your question regarding CGH.
he was admitted due to breathing difficulty. and now need to do kidney dialysis. don't know why so complicated now.

the chinese dried tangerine should be the 'ji2 bing3' instead of 'chen2 pi2'?
Blueginger, RA's school always bring them for outings. Just went Jacob ballas in aug and they r going to a farm at tengah area Tom, I am envious, wish I can tag along, keke.

Xy, oic, dun remember who is the kidney specialist there but for cgh, their gastro, ent n orthopedics depts quite good.
Pauline ya it's ji bing. 1 stalk of lemon grass n 1 piece of jibing. I thrower in the mint stems which I couldn't chew.

Iso eat more mint then! Hehe

Shaun eats raw mint too! Think it helps him recover fast.
Xy n Tong tong, thanks for clarifying, okie, think I must ask my mum for ingredients before I make this soup. One of everything, a bit difficult to buy from ntuc. :p
my neighbor still not back home yet. *worried*
no chance to talk to his wife as she always goes to hospital in the evening.

i was saddened by the news too.
but my first reaction is that he's agitated by the iphone4S and apple share price drop. who knows iphone4S = iphone for steve?
hello mummies...

MIA for a while...took on a new job which has been very demanding for the past 3 months...

just when the peak at work is over, nonscense at home starts. to cut the story short, i have decided to let my current FDW go.

so... went to agent to get a new FDW. Was quoted the following salary (current rates):

Mynmar/Indonesia fresh: $400/$420
Mynmar/Indonesia Ex-Singapore: $450 for both nationalities

This is quite a jump from my previous salary rate... but I understand there has been a changes in the past 12 months on the maid dd/ss, blah, blah..

Just would like to check if my agent is quoting a fair market price?

I seem to recall somewhere in my brain dead brain.. we can check up on this employment history of the prospective FDW?
Xy, hope your neighbor gets well n comes back soon.

Piglettail, yes, maid salaries went up by a lot. That is the reason why I decided to do without a maid when my maid failed to return from home leave in June. Previously, I was only paying her $350. Now, it is $450+$170=$620 excluding other expenditure eg food, medical checks etc. Full time cc after subsidy less than this price n the kid gets bf, lunch, tea n lessons n enrichment. :p yes, u can check on MOM website if you have the maid work permit number.
Would you stay behind this sunday after the class for Xiyao lunch?

We are paying our indo FDW $370(salary)+140(levy). she hv working experiences in Singapore.
probably no. firstly, paiseh as didn't let big C perform. secondly, thinking that small C might get hungry and tired.
but then, very tempted to go as no need to worry about lunch after class. :p
you going to stay back?
Phonics Training Course for Mummies - 2012 Training Schedule is out. Effective teaching on children from 2 plus to 4 plus. Mummies saw good progress in their kids. Refer to SMH section 'Bulk Purchase - Phonics Training Course for Mummies' for details.
Hi moms,

Just popping by to say hello.

Piglet, sorry to hear of maid troubles again. Hope you get a good maid. I think the $$ is least of our problems. The problem is all the admin work of getting one, training the person and putting up with their nonsense - just makes it so exhausting. I think we will all willingly pay good money for someone who can really help us.

hehe, I've added to my arsenal of housework gadgets. Now that no maid, aiyah suan le lah, spoil ourselves with toys. keke. Just bought a Scooba. So now, I got 2 maids - one to vacuum, one to mop. If only can get a robot to wash toilet....
Also wanted to say a big THANK YOU for supporting our new biz on FB.

I think we exceeded KPI liao. Boss says now must ramp up operational capacity.

We deployed for a childcare centre yesterday at SengKang. The owner's daughter's 6th birthday. He rented a HDB pavilion (he said $200 for whole day) and got two water bouncies. Alot of kids had fun - class after class, from 3 yrs to 6 years old. Waterplay for them. They even brought sound system into the space.
I am interested to know more about the Scooba. Let me know its pros and cons. I heard it is not very efficient with cornering.

Going to Shanghai for holiday next weekend with my gals. I told my hb to go 黄山. He said I must be crazy to do that to my gals.

pauline, blueginger,
thanks for your inputs... sigh guess i really have to paid the sky high price now. the fdw which i had selected was already 'booked' by another so now i'm back to square one. but, i'm determined to change... just a matter when suitable new one shows up.

*waves*...same old same old fdw problems.

it's a small agency just downstairs my IL's block of flat... called another agency 2 doors away to do a price check, and it's even higher!

it's more of the housework rather than childcare and the extra pair of hands as and when needed. if not, i'll have to wash and clean the miniute when i get to IL's place after a day's work, else very 'pai seh' ... ;p

i recall u went to Hong Kong with your darlings before? am planning for my very 1st overseas holiday with kids. wonder if u have any hotel and places of interest, tips to share?
Is this your first time to Hong Kong?
When are you going?
If it is Dec, you need to put on extra clothings for the children. Places for children Ocean Park, Disneyland.
Need to bring their favourite toys, CD, DVD, Thermal Flask to hold the hot water, milk powder, their toiletries and their snack.
For diaper, you can buy over there.
bkkgal, saw your fb post. So, is it really good? I wonder if it's possible to do w/o part time help if I get the 2 gadgets. But then, who will iron the clothes and wash toilets? :p Did UJ tell you I bumped into him at Toy r us warehouse sale last week? ;)

Piggletail, ya lor, FTWM really tough, held ransom by the maid. Don't hire also cannot, hire, pay so much, still got to put up with their nonsense.

Btw, I am in the sales team for an upcoming condo development at the new Bedok interchange. Very convenient location cos shopping mall below, condo on top, Bedok MRT access via underpass. For those who are keen, pls check out my ad http://www.propertyguru.com.sg/listing/7455502/for-sale-new-condo-at-bedok-interchange.
love that the toy rental FB always has interesting status updates - it's great marketing!

i am just back from 5N in Phuket with the boys, and I dunno who it was a holiday for, it sure wasn't a holiday for me!! :p
LOL, Iso, I just read your update. must be so darn tiring!!!!

Erm, i hardly think about bringing Ruth for hols right now - although she's matured quite alot in this year and is quite lovely to be around. But with more than one caregiver around, she still gets a little demanding and all. Alone, mostly, she's nice to bring out.

my hub just asked if i wanted to bring her to hongkong and i was like, NO! Unless it's just disneyland for 2 days and back. kowloon/TST/Central etc, i find it way too crowded and unpleasant for a kid. The streets are also too dangerous and i'll have to keep hanging on to her - which she'll find quite sian.

My priority is how it owuld be a holiday for everyone and if it ends up being really stressful, i feel like i just paid to be stressed.

Scooba can get the floors quite squeaky clean as it uses two 1 litre tanks, one to contain clean water, the other to collect dirty water. As it cleans, the clean water is ejected to the floor, a brush brushes the floor and then it sucks up the dirty water. To get the most out of it, you should remove everything off your floors - toys, cables etc. 1L water can clean approx 4-500 sqf of space. It works best if your floors have been swept or else, the debris will be caught in the filters. My floors smelled nice of magiclean!

The cons
1) it just runs until out of water or out of electricity - not as smart as the roomba who will find its docking station to go home and charge
2) it doesn't corner well - so you will find puddles of water at corners.
3) it may leave streaks of water around (i use a cloth to go around the corners and wipe up quickly as do not want kids to run and slip)
4) more parts to clean than roomba

1) no docking station - therefore can keep easily
2) it cleans twice over - i.e. will clean 1 spot and then return to it later. In this way, it's more conscientious than human beings

Personally, of my 2 maids - I favor the Roomba more. hehe. It's smarter as I said and needs less sayang-ing. The Scooba was hb's choice - he's happy to clean and sayang it.

haha, yes he told me! keke.
I hv my PT helper come in once a week to iron and wash toilets, clean windows etc. I think it's sufficient, otherwise, every 2 days I have to sweep and mop. Very sianz.

oohh, HK! Must stay in HK Disneyland if planning to go.

Why wasn't it a holiday? You didn't choose resort with kids club right? keke.

FB - thanks! *beam* We aim to push out a parenting-related mesg every week. We welcome inputs from anyone and everyone! It helps us connect with our audience.
<font color="0000ff">Kids Club Play date, Mon 7 Nov</font>

Hi, I"m organising a playdate on Mon 7 Nov for Feb moms and friends to try out a bouncy castle. Venue: TBC. Anyone interested? If yes, pls add on to list and timings preferred.

1. Bkkgal

Hong Kong trip
Thanks to all for your tips!
yes, planning underway...very initially only, haha

so far, i have planned that:
5D4N - 2 days dedicated to disneyland

Hotel - am clueless... any recomendations? would prefer very near MTR so transport would not be a headache. Ah boy sharing room with us.

Bkkgal-read from the disneyland website, the 2 disney hotels looks expensive! which hotel to stay?
