(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

X'Mas Bash

Date: 10 Dec
Time: 430-730pm

1) Bkk (2A + 2C)
2) Eliaw (1A + 1C)
3) Blueginger (2A + 2C)
4) TongTong8 (1A + 1C)
5) tute (2A + 1C)
6) xiaoyun (2A + 2C)
7) leila (2A + 2C)
8) tubao (2A + 3C))
9) kitsune (2A + 2C)
10) genice (2A + 2C)
11) Yun (1A +1C)
12) Garfield (2A + 2C)
13) Iso (2A + 2C)
Total 23A + 23C (13 Older, 10 Younger)

<font color="ff0000">FOOD</font> - $10 per ADULT
Pizza (From Domino's)
2 Regular Pizzas
2 Large Pizzas
(Upgrade Regular Pizza to Large for $7 Nett each)
2 Onion Rings
2 Chicken Wings(6 Pcs)
2 TwistyBread/CinnaStix/BreadStix
($99.80 + $14 (Upgrade)) x 2 Sets
Drinks (Ribena) + Candy Canes (1 per child) (Balance $22.70 from the b'dae bash)

<font color="0000ff">X'MAS DOOR GIFT</font> - $20 PER CHILD
X'Mas Cupcake - $2.50 per Child
X'Mas Gift - $17.50

<font color="119911">BOUNCY</font> - $12.50 PER CHILD
Bouncy Castle - $10.00
Latex Balloon - $2.50 per Child

Thanks eliaw for organizing! May I request 1 of the regular pizza be vegetarian? Pls advise how much in total we need to pay you then. Thanks again.
Hi eliaw,

Sorry, got to give e Xmas party a miss. Bro just reminded me we are celebrating my parents 35th anni on that day.

Enjoy youselves and take more pics!

Thanks for organising! :D
mummies - enjoy ur xmas party! too many programmes for dec, so decided to give it a miss, hopefully we can meet next yr
Hi, Eliaw

Thanks for organizing. I add one more adult. My mum will go with us too.

Hehe..... I 'help' to remove Genice's headcounts.

X'Mas Bash

Date: 10 Dec
Time: 430-730pm

1) Bkk (2A + 2C)
2) Eliaw (1A + 1C)
3) Blueginger (2A + 2C)
4) TongTong8 (1A + 1C)
5) tute (2A + 1C)
6) xiaoyun (2A + 2C)
7) leila (2A + 2C)
8) tubao (3A + 3C))
9) kitsune (2A + 2C)
10) Yun (1A +1C)
11) Garfield (2A + 2C)
12) Iso (2A + 2C)
Total 22A + 21C (12 Older, 9 Younger)

FOOD - $10 per ADULT
Pizza (From Domino's)
2 Regular Pizzas
2 Large Pizzas
(Upgrade Regular Pizza to Large for $7 Nett each)
2 Onion Rings
2 Chicken Wings(6 Pcs)
2 TwistyBread/CinnaStix/BreadStix
($99.80 + $14 (Upgrade)) x 2 Sets
Drinks (Ribena) + Candy Canes (1 per child) (Balance $22.70 from the b'dae bash)

X'Mas Cupcake - $2.50 per Child
X'Mas Gift - $17.50

Bouncy Castle - $10.00
Latex Balloon - $2.50 per Child
Oh ya, for bouncy castle, does every child need to pay? How about our no. 2? RL only just turned two, think she doesn't know how to play on it yet plus I am afraid it will be dangerous for her age.
thanks so much for organising! pls let me know if you need help in advance with the party... can try to come down earlier to help out...

my suggestion is to skip latex baloon as the kids already have the door gift so i suspect they would not be too bothered by baloons? but that's just my opinion so voice out if you think otherwise

In terms of total cost - let me try to help eliaw calculate based on the estimated cost above :

Per kid (w/ bouncy castle) : $22.45
Per kid (w/ bouncy castle+baloon) : $24.95

Per adult : $10
Hi Eliaw, sorry last min, got a appt with client. May not be able to make it for the Sat gathering anymore cos don't know what time my appts will end. Will take my names out first. If I manage to push forward my Sat appts, will update again on friday. Sorry for inconvenience. :p

X'Mas Bash

Date: 10 Dec
Time: 430-730pm

1) Bkk (2A + 2C)
2) Eliaw (1A + 1C)
3) Blueginger (2A + 2C)
4) TongTong8 (1A + 1C)
5) tute (2A + 1C)
6) xiaoyun (2A + 2C)
7) leila (2A + 2C)
8) tubao (3A + 3C))
9) Yun (1A +1C)
10) Garfield (2A + 2C)
11) Iso (2A + 2C)
Total 20A + 19C (11 Older, 8 Younger)

FOOD - $10 per ADULT
Pizza (From Domino's)
2 Regular Pizzas
2 Large Pizzas
(Upgrade Regular Pizza to Large for $7 Nett each)
2 Onion Rings
2 Chicken Wings(6 Pcs)
2 TwistyBread/CinnaStix/BreadStix
($99.80 + $14 (Upgrade)) x 2 Sets
Drinks (Ribena) + Candy Canes (1 per child) (Balance $22.70 from the b'dae bash)

X'Mas Cupcake - $2.50 per Child
X'Mas Gift - $17.50

Bouncy Castle - $10.00
Latex Balloon - $2.50 per Child
Re: X'mas Bash

Just spoke with Bkk, she just bought the balloons this morning, so will go ahead with it..

Iso, no choice but to be quick, cos i went to RWS over the weekend.. just checked out today and back home.. no time to lose!

Door gift: i bought 2 different pressies, one for the older kids, one for the younger ones. The pressie for the older kid is $9.95, younger one is $10.10.. Therefore, average is $10 per kid..

I had bought a total of 13 + 10 pressies at 1:45pm on Sunday.. N unfortunately, i saw Genice's msg only after I made the payment.. However, I managed to ask my SIL to bring her kids so that i can give the pressies to them instead.. Bkk, will include them for the bouncy..

Kitsune, hope you can make it.. if not you need to pay for the gift.. unless someone else can bring 2 kids to take her place.. hope you don't mind..
N also for any last minute cancellations, i will need mummies to pay for the pressies, unless there are other children coming to replace them..

I'll be sending all of you PMs with my address and directions to my place as well as my contact numbers..

X'Mas Bash

Date: 10 Dec
Time: 430-730pm

1) Bkk (2A + 2C)
2) Eliaw (2A + 3C)
3) Blueginger (2A + 2C)
4) TongTong8 (1A + 1C)
5) tute (2A + 1C)
6) xiaoyun (2A + 2C)
7) leila (2A + 2C)
8) tubao (3A + 3C))
9) Yun (1A +1C)
10) Garfield (2A + 2C)
11) Iso (2A + 2C)
Total 21A + 21C (12 Older, 9 Younger)

FOOD - $10 per ADULT (Estimated)
Pizza (From Domino's)
2 Regular Pizzas
2 Large Pizzas
(Upgrade Regular Pizza to Large for $7 Nett each)
2 Onion Rings
2 Chicken Wings(6 Pcs)
2 TwistyBread/CinnaStix/BreadStix
($99.80 + $14 (Upgrade)) x 2 Sets
Drinks (Ribena) + Candy Canes (1 per child) (Balance $22.70 from the b'dae bash)

X'Mas Cupcake - $2.50 per Child
X'Mas Gift - $10.00

Bouncy Castle - $10.00
Latex Balloon - $2.50 per Child

Payment: if possible, collect CASH on that day itself.. FOOD is only an estimate, will wait for actual bill then split the cost.. THis is also to cater for any last minute arrangements..
Hi eliaw,

The balloons are $1.50 each. Not likely to bring a water bouncy as there are several parties that day. But an extra set of clothes + towel is a good idea. They will play until sweat.

Eliaw, text me your add ok? We will be there at 3 to set up. See you all on Sat!
Revised Costs:

Adults - $10 estimated
Children - Total $24.00 ($12.50 for Gifts, $11.50 for Bouncy)

Payment: if possible, collect CASH on that day itself.. FOOD is only an estimate, will wait for actual bill then split the cost.. THis is also to cater for any last minute arrangements..
Eliaw, sure, I'm ok to pay for the pressies since you already paid. Can you PM me your account no and amt to pay? Can you pass the pressies to Xy and I'll collect from her?

<Xy, hope that's ok with you. Thanks.
Hi mummies!

3 plays will be on early next year. From the weekend of CNY to early Feb.
1. The tiger who came for tea
2. We are going on a bear hunt
3. Stick men

If u book all 3 plays together, u can get 15% discount. If 2 plays, 10% discount. My mil is bringing A3 to watch the first play.
Kitsune, hope yr appt end early n u can still make it for the gathering.

Tong, I already gave my address to u cos that day u fb me?

Clover, I m very keen on the plays, but $38 per tic is too expensive.. So will give it a miss.
Anybody interested?

3 Little Pigs
Date: 30th March 2012
Time: 10am
Venue: DBS Art Centre

Price: $18 - ($20 Less 15% + $1 Booking Fee)

Do let me know by 10 December cos early bird discount ends on 11 Dec.
Thanks, Eliaw, but the timing no good for us for 3 little pigs. How did you know the 3 plays recommended by Clover are $38 each? I can't find it at sistic website. :p
Hi, Eliaw

I am interested in 3 little pigs show. Is it possible to book on Sat/Sun so that I don't need to take leave?

Remember that C goes to Elton house CC. Why need to change CC for him?
Hi Eliaw,

I cannot go to our Xmas gathering. My hb company has their Xmas gathering then. So have to be there.

Any suggestion of gifts for 5 boys? one (1 yr old, 3yrs old, 6 yrs old, 8 yrs old &amp; 12 yrs old)?
Tubao, weekend tix cost $28 + $3 booking charge. That's why I prefer weekday. N I still have ML to clear.

I'm asking for my fren.. She stays in Bedok/Tanah Merah..

Bluegin, Alamak! Then how? Try to come? U need to pay for the gift too..
Eliaw count me in for 3 little pigs am ok with proposed timing. Will pay you the cost of Xmas gift plus the two plays i owe you plus 3 little pigs this sat

I see, the 3 little pigs weekday timing should be okie for me. Count me(2 tickets) in.Thanks for organizing again, for show!

Will pay you cash for Xmas gathering that day. See you mummies and children!
i bought a HUROM Slow Juicer.
You can find quite a number of youtube video about it. It's about the same size as the number fruit extractor - or a little bit smaller.

is it? why don't you ask them to join since Pauline and Blueginger is not joing. we have extra presents/door gifts.

i will be there early for easier parking. hope you don't mind.
Eliaw, thanks for hosting the Xmas party! We had fun n s played with the tumble until he fell asleep at 10 hehe.

After I went bc I realized we missed out taking a group photo!!
Hi tong, I also realized we didn't take a grp photo!
Thanks for hosting the party Eliaw!

Is it too late to join the 3 little pigs? I'm ok with proposed day/time. If too late, it's ok.
Hi tongtong, glad u had fun with the tumble! Actually C chose it.. N I tot it's good for fine motor skills, counting n turn taking!

Hi Bkk, thanks for the bouncy too.. C said he wants to play again n with all his frens too.. I'll count u in for the 3 little Pigs.. Just about to buy tix.

Should have taken a pic w the pressies n Xmas tree!! Totally forgot..
3 Little Pigs
Date: 30 Mar 2012 Friday
Time: 10am
Tix: $17.00 ($20 less 15% discount) + $1 booking fee
$18.00 per tix

1) Eliaw (x2)
2) Leila(x2)
3) Tubao(x2)
4) Lezy (x2)
5) Garfield (x2)
6) Bkkgal (x2)

Seats N 4-15
hi hi...

yes - we forgot to take grp pics... my hb brought camera but did not take any pics coz busy playing with the kids...

thanks a lot for organising ! we really had fun, cayleb even told everyone he met today that he went to this xmas party with bouncy castles... hahaha...

it was good to catch up with all the mummies too! to think the first time we met each other was 4 yrs ago...

thanks for the bouncers as well !

So nice to catch up with you girls and kids! E had so much fun to play with kids at the same age(month). My twins had equal fun there, and fell asleep just in the car.

You slim down so fast! I still got 3 inches waistlines to go.
Eliaw, i reached home at 6pm on sat so can't make it for the gathering. pls pm me the amt to pay n A/C no. Think xy collected on my behalf. Thanks.
i've paid for you and collected the presents.
forgot to sms you as i seldom use handphone on weekends. :p
see you on Sunday!

thanks for the wonderful party and presents and cup cakes and more...
big C is very happy and keep telling me what happened during the party.
she had fun with the bouncy, chasing after the uncles.. haha..

i didn't let them play the tumble as the label said it's for age 6 and above.
hopefully when small C is elder then i can take it out to play.
thanks for all your effort in organizing a wonderful party! A and J both had a fantastic time!

thanks for the bouncy!

Looking forward to our next gathering

Btw, am starting to take orders for CNY goodies (love letters and all). Mummies interested pls PM me okie?

<font color="ff0000">No change in prices for feb moms (although else where we raised prices by 50cts to $1 due to inflation). Really good value for money
Love letters $10.00
Almond cookeis $11.00
Prawn roll $7.50
Kueh Bangkit $7.50
Kok Zhai $8.00

However, can only offer free delivery if order exceeds $100. Else nominal $10 delivery fee will apply. Hope for your kind understanding!
good morning mummies,

JTS, i came across another chinese book author and like her books very much.
here's her blog:

hope you like it too...
The books i have read are:

and now reading this:

they are all very easy to digest

Thanks for all your effort in organizing a wonderful party! Z was having a great time!
he told his daddy abt the bouncy castle.

and i was so happy to see that the kids really enjoy themselves.

