(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

your hb is always so into new business ideas...

mummies going for the Sat gathering, this is not going to be a potluck gathering as not many ppl joining.
just bring some snacks to fill the little tummies will do, ok?

see you there!

Hi all,
Just in case you are interested in Genius R us.
NTUC members have promotion to get 2 parent and 2 kids at the price of $89.
Hi Pauline,

Thanks for feedback. Will let hb know.

The rentals are for parties and events based on 3 hr blocks, not a monthly rental. There are already many toy rental companies in the market. The USP is the range of bouncy castles we have so you might wanna consider for children's birthday parties


haha yeah, this hb of mine never stops with his ideas! everynight must brainstorm with him.
Hi, Xiao yun

We will go to Pasir Ris park tomorrow. Where we meet? I can't see any specific location from the link.

Hi, Iso
We still can meet at Dec's show organized by Eliaw, hopefully we can have a lunch together then.
ya lor...now i stress cos hb says we must get 100 likes on FB by this weekend! haiz...

pauline, actually some of the bouncies are pretty small, just one head taller than average guy's height.

enjoy your playdate tomorrow!
XY, the gals slept close to midnight. Too hyper, kept playing with each other. Strange, I googled Gallops stable and the website said they are open from 8am. But anyway, don't think we can reach there at 9am since the gals slept so late. Carpark E & F are quite far from the pony rides place so will head straight to the Gallops stable at Carpark C cos hubby needs to leave at 11am. Supposed to have a cafe and a children bicycle complex too. If really too really for pony rides then have BF and ride bicycle there first. Hope to catch you and tubao tom.

bkkgal, oic, ok, will kiv when we have the next big bd celebration for the gals. Not so soon though cos Daddy doesn't believe in big celebrations every year. :p 100 likes by this weekend? Thought your new biz just launched on Friday? Your hubby sounds like Type A boss leh, hee. Already 'liked' the toy club. Saw that you already have 97, plus mine should be 98. Think will exceed 100 target, your hubby should be happy now. ;)
Hi Pauline! Thanks for liking our page! We reached our "KPI" liao. Phew! Now, to get 500 likes by end Oct and must not be people we know!!! :p

I didn't know there's horse riding at PRP. Was it fun? Any pics?
Hi, Pauline

Didn't meet up you at pony rides. Did you go there? Any good facility for young children, especially for my young twins?

Our family met up with Xiao yun's at playground near E&F, we went there around 9am, so by 11am twins are pretty hungry and tired. We went back home afterwards instead of going to pony rides as xiao yun suggested. But my hubby suggests that we go there nex time.

Playground at Pasir Ris park is huge, Gosh, my three girls had much fun, especially they didn't need to queue up for swings.

Xiao yun, nice catching up with your 2 Cs. Too bad, we didn't take any photos of us.
hi hi!

I am new to this forum! My little girl is also born in Feb 08. I assume all mummies here are with babies born in Feb 08.

wow. our children are 3.5 years now.
Which school are you gals going to put your children next year? Nursery already. Me going to put her in PCF.

how exciting!! all the best!!

btw the website doesn't show the cost is it? or am i not looking at the right place?

welcome! which part of the country do you stay? my boy has been going to PCF since he was 30 months already... especially important since got #2 to look after also!
Hi, bkkgal

Nice business idea! I just think of renting toys for E's 4 year old birthday party at home. She counts who she will invite for her birthday, often.

Btw, I remember that you made clays on your own. Where you buy food coloring? Anywhere online? Thanks, Thanks.
Thanks Iso!!! The costs are all up on the website. When you click into the item, you will see the cost on the top.

Mostly people will use condo function rooms. We just got a confirmed deployment in October for a birthday party for 30 kids to be held at under a HDB pavilion in Sengkang. I will take pictures and show you

Btw moms, I'm planning an SGTC open house one in the West, one in the East. Bring your lil ones for a playdate. Stay tuned for details.


Welcome, welcome! Mine is already in Prenursery at St James Church.

PRP sounds fun! been a long time since i went. maybe it's time to revisit
I made my own playdough, not clay. I used colouring from any bakery section loh. can buy from phoon huat, ntuc, giant, anywhere

But if you want ready made clay, can get from Daiso. cheap cheap.
I am interested too. The children loves bouncy castle.

I think PCF already very comprehensive.

XY & Tubao,
I missed out on PRP again. Guess I have to go there myself. But it will be fine with more children. Sigh.
Welcome, Patricia.

Bkkgal, hurray! Wa, next KPI set already? :p

Tubao, sorry didn't get to meet up. RA was very excited about going for pony rides and we didn't want to disappoint her so we went there straight (carpark C) since hubby had something on later. I did meet Xy at her blk playground yesterday evening though.

As for the pony rides, RA enjoyed it but hated to have her helmet dropping off all the time. RL refused to get onto the pony at all though, luckily we managed to sell off her ticket, if not really waste $10. :p

I just organised my 3 months' backlog of photos so did a summary of posts at my blog so you can see the details & pics here. http://anewpiggy.blogspot.com/2011/09/backdatedforgotten-posts-aug-sept-11.html
Hi, blueginger/Pauline,
Plenty of chances to meet up next time. My hubby suggests to go to Pasir Ris park more often.

Hi, Bkk,
Thanks. Will check out both supermarket and Daiso. Kids love playdough.
Just read yr blog. RA looks quite stylo-milo on the pony
I think I'm the sua-ku one..didn't know there's so much activities at PRP.

I totally empathise with your pains without a maid. First 3 months is very tough, I remember it well...esp if the children are sick, all the washing of clothes, bedsheets can drive one up the wall. But it will get better, for sure! Gradually, you will find ways to shortcut the work.

Even now sometimes, i do get tempted to get a maid, esp when tempers flare because of deadlines, daily stress, girls not cooperating etc but then every weekend, when i hear my mom complain abt my sis' maid, i thank God I don't have those problems. You are doing GREAT for a mom who has just returned to work, without a maid!
bkkgal, yup, she looks quite boyish with her jeans. Thanks, I need all the encouragement I can get.
Sometimes, I feel quite useless. Do RE, freelance job, part time pay but still need CC/MIL to take care of my gals full time. If don't work, cannot be full time SAHM, send kids to 2-3 hrs school if without maid/support. Hiaz.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Hi, mummies

Have a special request:
Please, please, please help vote for my hubby's latest teenage self improvement book "Why Study Smart?" which he authored and illustrated. It has been shortlisted for the POPULAR bookstore Readers' Choice Award!

CLOSING DATE IS JUST 3 DAYS AWAY!!! EVERY VOTE COUNTS. Please help to spread the word and get your friends and family to vote too! Thanks!!!

good morning!!

Pasir Ris Park is pretty big and not able to cover so many areas within the short 1-2 hours.
have to go back home straight because
(1) hb is hungry (didn't take breakfast and expect to have food selling nearby). man ah.. hai.. don't want to talk about him.
(2) small C is tired. wanted to sleep yet wake up with a slightest noise.
(3) big C wants to go toilet. she has got no 'inspiration' when using the toilet there - not sure why.

i am curious. pardon me for asking - you can choose not to answer.
why your hb keep wanted to have new business? can he cope? or he 'outsource' for someone when things are on track?
PRP: I have a POOH tent, Next time, we can bring it there, the children can sleep in it. But need a fan inside cause might be hot.

Why did Edwin bring his breakfast there?

Isn't messy for the children to play playdoh? My children will stick them all over the places. S will eat it cause the apply we make from playdough looks very delicious to her.
Blueginger, I think xy meant Edwin never taken breakfast before going to pasir ris park. We didn't eat bf too, but luckily there is a cafe beside Gallops Stable.
Hi Pauline,
I wanna ask "why did<font color="ff0000">n't</font> Edwin bring his bf there?"
Sorry for misleading as I am multi-tasking just now.
so yesterday's discussion topic is whether he brought breakfast to PRP. :p
why he didn't bring breakfast? because he's picky about food. doesn't want to eat the biscuits i brought and assume that he can find food @ PRP.

voted. but need to choose 3 books in each categories. don't know what to choose as i didn't read them. so the vote from me is a bit kelong - i anyhow choose. haha...
btw, saw the book of Cai MingJie - the diary of taxi driver. is he the Oxford PhD taxi driver?

I think so. I also saw the Diary of the Taxi Driver.

Is there sunday class this week?

This is the 2nd time I went into popular webby to vote. The first time I am voting on the Chinese category. =)
i thought he went back research when he stop update his blog. who knows he published a book! :D
curious on what he wrote though..

yes. the class started.
Voted. You did great by returning to workforce after being a sahm for 2 years. So much courage and drive!

Your husband is also amazing, still can do tuition and write books, other than juggling kids, house and work. I think of telling my husband your husband's launching new book, but afraid that I suggest that he is under performing and is compared. Can't imagine how your husband did it. How he find time to write? How long he writes for one book? Sorry for being kaypoh. Hope to learn from.
Thanks, XY, blueginer and tubao!!!

Tubao, I got nothing to shout about lar, went back to work, yes, earn the same as last drawn pay, still far from it. Yesterday night, I even had to go down to flat cos tenant complained air con not cold and I represent landlord who has relocated to Australia. So, I got to do everything, go down investigate, call aircon service company, compare quotes and update him via email daily. 'Pai Tan'.... hahaha. ;)

As for my hubby, he only sleeps 4-5 hrs daily so I really don't suggest for your hubby to do it. I think constant stress and lack of sleep is bad for health. My constant argument with him is that he tries to juggle too many balls in the air and can risk dropping the most impt ball of all (family life). But what to do, writing books, drawing comics are his passion and interests and he is willing to sacrifice his sleep for it, so I try to be more supportive lor. :p
XY &amp; Pauline,

My hb too. I always complained that he is working long hours. For instance, last weekend he was working at F1 event from 11am to 3am the next morning for 3 days and this was his 3th years doing it. Although the payout very attraction, can earn $1000plus to $2000 for these 3 days, health is more important.

My hb is a serial entrepreneur. This latest baby of his is his 3rd...there's a 4th one coming, still in the works. He's not doing to strike it rich. I think we are very clear Baby No. 3 won't make us big bucks, but definitely not a company to bring to listing or sell out, it's not even a very scaleable biz. It's something for him to try out different marketing and bd ideas. Apply what he knows from other industries into a totally different industry. Right now, I guess it's similar to what he did a few years ago which is to challenge the prices of LASIK in Singapore by offering LASIK in Thailand, this forced Spore LASIK surgeons to slash prices but in the end, our lasik business in thailand suffered when Sporeans decided to do it here. Now, we challenge bouncy castle operators in spore with reasonable, affordable prices. who knows we may go out of business when competition gets rife? haha.

He survives on 3-4 hrs of sleep a night. I don't know how he does it but he does. If he doesn't keep occupied, he will be itchy to do something new, always making me give him new ideas. Every day I have to finish assignments for him. Copy writing stuff lah, source this, source that. In return, I make him do the housework with me. hahaha! Fair and square!

For job, 万事开头难。 It will get better and better.

With more bread you earn, your hubby can concentrate on his interest, stop doing tuition,hire part time helper and spend more time with family.

My husband resume jogging recently, after almost one year. I am so happy.
Thanks, Bkkgal.

Blueginger, Bkkgal, my hubby n I decided that we can't be true blue entrepreneurs cos I dun want to worry about 'manning' shop or biz when we are on holidays.

Tubao, yes, I already have a part time cleaner coming once a week. :p yup, hope biz will get better but the trade off will be that all my weekends will be burnt so even if hubby has no tuition, still no family time. :p so my dream is that either he moves to hq, no need to mark scripts or become full time tutor so that our free time will coincide.

Don't know that daddies here are super daddies too! My husband sleeps also for 4-5 hours, and he single handedly takes care of twins who still wake up for one feed at night, and our older E sleeps with us too. He put his free time on stock trading, but I don't think that he is making $. Last time I am very much against it, saying why losing $ to those professional traders.

After saying too many times, I give up and support his interest. Luckily he put kids as first priority, followed by work, his interest at last. So now I sleep soundly for more than 8 hours, he takes care of 3 girls at night plus waking up at 4am to enjoy his interest.

For me, I like to apply what I gain at workplace to managing kids/household. Haha.....fun to interrelate them.
tubao, more than 8 hrs of sleep is fantastic. Aiyoh, I dun dare to look at the stock market for many years liao after buying at the height in 2007.
As long as you know where you stand and your winning power in stock trading and alert of what is happening in the world - you could be safe. For instance, recently I bought SIA at $11.17, now it is already 11.41. I will sell it to avoid the storm.

Super Daddy,
After watching the programme "Super Daddy", I don't think ours are considered as one. They had did more than what we are doing. BUT our husbands are already Super Daddy in his own family. They are "Great Dads" in the eye of their wife, right? Don't you think their endurance are super high?

I cannot think of places to hold the bouncy castle other than my friend's condo which I do not want to bother them. Any recommended place to suggest?
wow.. the daddies here sleep so little?
i guess mine sleeping time is 2x of the great daddies. he sleeps together with the elder princess - around 930 pm and wakes up @ 6 am. 9 hours!!! I am not against his 9 hr sleep as i feel that 8 hrs of sleep is essential for a healthy body.
one thing i am not happy is that he can still on and off dose off while watching TV when he's at home even though he has had 9 hours of sleep at night!
sometimes i wonder if i married a pig! >.<
a book described the case as the loss of 'seeking' instinct and it has got to do with the upbringing. (my PILs are the same too - a typical couch potato.)
that's why i love to bring them out once a day for some fun hoping that the 2 princesses won't grow up to be like them.

i guess it's addictive to go through the new business venture cycle over and over again.

kudos to your hb!!
re: investment
one important thing about the investment is to know when to cut loss. although it's very 'sim tia' to sell it at loss. who knows by cashing out the $ at the right time, you can buy back the shares at an even lower price again?
it's easier said than done, i still have some shares collected dust in the CDP. lucky they earn me decent dividends - although i suffered capital paper loss. :p
you want Edwin help you monitor your share or not? he can give you frequent updates. :p
hi there,
anyone has experience on the hair cut/rebond/perm using coupon (e.g., groupon, plusdeal)?
do they hard sell? is the skill good?
CJ also can sleep while driving. Whenever, children have fever and have a disturbing night he is the one to standby. Me? The children cries I also can sleep. To me, it sounds like lullaby. Hahaha.
I think Edwin job very stressful leh. Everytime look at monitor screen. At home, still watch TV, I will definitely stop watching.

Haircut using coupon. Never try before. I believe you might already have some hairdresser of your preference by now, so will go to him/her.
Blueginger, Xy, I can stand paper loss but not real loss lor. I understand about dollar averaging but even when market crashed recently, I also dun have $ to go in. So how to invest? Will look for Edwin after I made $ from RE, right now, haven't even recouped my sunk costs yet. Ask Edwin to refer rich clients to me okie? then win win liao. Haha.
Yah......so many responsible daddies here, trying their best within their means, as us as good mummies as best we can.

Hehe...... thinks too much today, and today it's not father's day.

at least sounds like you and hubby are enjoying working together. good good!

maybe now that our babies are older, daddies are more up to speed and on the ball with them? lol. This last week i've been v sick, and daddy has been absolutely amazing. can put both boys to sleep at the same time by himself, and look after them in the middle of the night if he can wake up (a few times i still feed A lah). sometimes morning he will play with them while i'm still sleeping cos middle of the night i took medication. feel so lucky to have him!

when is this superdaddy show on??

we are so lucky daddies these days are so much more hands on than our parents time...
