(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

hi mummies,

busy a bit. join in the chat soon...

quick question..
do you know how much is cataracts operation in Singapore?
any new technique can help to heal faster?
any recommendation of the clinic/doctor does a good job?

SNEC is your best bet - they see the most eye related cases and have the best expertise. my dad did his there with Ian Yeo (I think!) but that was some years back.

My MIL heals hers using acupunture. The place is at Outram Park Complex. Have to regularly visit the place for treatment. She has been there for more than 20 times. Now she is OK liao.

I am also keen in baby prom.
Let me know.
Hi people,
Sorry to being kay-poh.

There is this SSO baby prom equivalent. But it's produced by SCO (Singapore Chinese Orchestra). We have been to one a few months back, pretty good, and very cheap tix ($11 per pax)! The show was conducted in English. So the main different is for the SSO the conductor is a ang-moh (think Australian?) so proper English is spoken, while for the SCO, the conductor is a local Chinese (I think), so he is speaking in Singlish, not broken English though. If you don't mind this, and would like to support local production, you may want to give it a try. There will be one coming up on 30sep and 1Oct. Visit http://sco.com.sg/concert/2011-2012/3379.html. I have just bought tix for 1Oct 5pm last night.
Iso, Bluegin,
Thanks for the info.
Was thinking to ask my dad to come singapore for the cataracts surgery since can use my medisave to pay for it. after checking, it's a whopping $2k+ per eye!! he can get it done in Malaysia for less than RM1k (i think). so much difference!!
better do it in malaysia ba...
Thanks!! I was just looking at it yesterday, wondering if I should bring the kids cos I'm quite Ch5, so if my son has lots of questions for me I won't be able to translate :p

Any mummies wnat to join?

wow! how about if he is referred by a polyclinic? Oh but he's not citizen right? that's why cannot be subsidised?
Thanks for sharing Kam.

Your princess can join hands with my K. I hate PINK! Every princess is dressed in pink (except Cinderella!) She absolutely loves long nightgowns now. and mummy here is a wear shorts and tshirt type, none of that flouncy, frilly pink stuff! Hope she outgrows this phase soon! There's only so much pink I can take.
Hi XY,
FYI, cataracts surgery not 100% can recover. My uncle lost one of his eyesight during the surgery, but fortunately the other one is saved. If not, he will be blind.

Tubao & bkk,
C just loves pink colour and anything that related to princess. *rolf*
Tubao, bkk n bluegin, g is crazy over princess too!! After watching beauty n e beast. She just wanna be belle! Everyday tell me she wanna be Cinderella, belle n Ariel.. I think it's at 3.5 yr old thingy haha . I am not tearing my hair yet, just thot it's interesting thAt they gio crazy over princesses at e same time keke .
Haha, not a problem. It will be on Ch5, so no worries :) The last time we went, the kids got very excited got they can answer the questions and also he chose the songs that closed to children's heart. I have bought tix for the Sat 5pm show.

Nod nod. E gets crazy about princess. Shoes, dress, top, skirt, magic stick, handbag, towel, underwear, notepads, Gosh! I indulge her too much, bought so much princess things for her.
hi all,

i will be moving to Sembawang end of this year..
anyone staying there?
i just realised that it so hard to enrol my boy into the child care centre at that area.

can anyone introduce any good child care?
mayb i can enrol for yr 2013.

thank you.
Haha, RaeAnne is a princess at heart too. She is really into those sparkly kids high heel shoes now. Wears those to school everyday. She loves to hear the 'kok kok kok' sound. she even insists that mummy must have long hair so that I will a princess and was quite upset when I chopped off my shoulder length hair last month. :p

Iso, I thought of bringing the gals to ChiangMai last year but my friend who stays there said not much activities for v young kids. Mainly elephant trekking, forest hikes, cultural activities. Not sure how true that is though. :p

HMI's hospital called Regency located at Iskandar, JB is apparently medisave-approved. You may want to check it out?

Hi Yun, long time no see.

Hi Iso,
I went to Chiang Mai with K and S last year. K enjoyed the elephant trekking activity (although she agreed to it only after much persuasion). And the elephants are quite stinky - so for urban kids like ours, I can bet you they will complain abt the smell. We took a boat ride after the elephant ride which K enjoyed alot! Sarah Mae was 9 months old, so we left her napping in the van with our Thai driver (who is a very very sweet guy and helped us to push the pram around during meal times so that S gets entertained and we get to eat in peace).

We've been to CM many times but it was our first time with kids. I don't know if you like your holidays packed with activities. We stayed at the Le Meridien which was nice with great views and a pool (but cold ah, warn you first) and they had a kids playclub (wonderful for us!). Spending time in the hotel was already quite a major highlight for us. We also bought those floating lanterns (can easily go to Chiang Mai town to buy a dozen of these) and set them off in the night with the kids which they loved! Go during Loy Krathong season (end Nov) and the whole sky will be dotted with the floating lanterns.

I love Chiang Mai. One of those places I could retire in if I could buy a hillside villa to live in! haha.

Luckily they are only in the gowns and fairytale part, not yet the romance/fall-in-love-with-prince part! or else we all get headaches right? hahaha
wow thanks! I should've thought of you first to ask all things thai ;) Loy Krathong sounds like such a wonderful festival - but if my googling is correct, this year it's early Nov, and we won't be able to make it then. Maybe can KIV for next year. From the Le Meridien and other hotels near the river, can you just walk out from the hotel to other shops/resturants?
Same same. As E called "Kok Kok" shoes.

Haha...... my E told me that she didn't want to give birth, afraid of pain after overhearing many conversations of me with neighbors.
Tubao & pauline,
Agreed. C also likes the "Kok Kok" high-heels which I disapproved and will never buy for them at such a young age. But the grandma bought 2 pairs for her. So fortunately and unfortunately, she have blisters after wearing them, in the end she threw them aside.

ya~ She has dresses, undergarments, watches, castle tent, scandals, slippers, toothpaste, etc. Anything you can think of. But fortunately, C also can accept things like Dora and other princess characters other than Disney's. She also likes Fairy Tinkerbell.
The only 2 things she dislikes to wear are shorts and shirts. She claimed that only boys weaar them.

Yap~ So fortunate that they don't fancy prince. Otherwise, I also worried.
My ex-col had brought her children to CM a few years back. From their photos, it looks like a lovely place for a family escape (for 5~7 years old kids). They also went to the poppy plantation. Lovely except for the harms it had caused to human.
I will definitely plan to visit CM one of these days when the girls are older to appreciate more. It is more educational to visit CM.
Date: 25 Sept 2011 (Sun)
Time: 5 pm
Venue: Pasir Ris Park
for more information, please refer to here:

1. Bluegin (4pax)
2. XY (4pax)
3. eliaw (tentative?)
4. tubao (tentative?)

Cammie is definitely not an angel. She likes to scratch ppl now - behaves like a tiger/cat. And Carrie picked up this 'skill' from her.
now the cat fights happen quite frequently at home..

complain king? my #2 is one!! everything can 'pian zhui' can complain.. super 'teh'... :p

i feel that 'positive parenting' is not only treating them nice only. it's about being kind and firm to them, etc.
the result is a more 'positive person', they can handle the situation better when the world doesn't treat them nice.
the difference of it from our traditional parenting method (e.g., discipline, beating, punishment) is that it builds a strong bond and trust between the parent and child. there will be less chance for the children to be 'rebellious' during their teenage years.
i was a rebellious teenager and now am a 'not so positive' person. i can really imagine how a 'positive parenting' can help to 'mold' the character of a person.
-- hope you get what i mean. :D
re: princess
haha.. all the talks about princess. #1 is a 'tomboy' comparing to all your PRINCESSES here..
she seldom wants to choose her own clothes. shorts, skirts makes no difference for her.
and she prefers short hair rather than long hair.
she still likes princess lah, and told me that mummy is cinderella, and she herself is just a pretty princess.

re: cataracts surgery
sorry wrong info... malaysia RM3k. still cheaper than singapore lah. :p
your MIL's cataracts is removed through acupuncture? so amazing!! was hers in very early stage only?
my dad did 1 eye about 10 years back. and this time is the other eye. so scary that your uncle's surgery was a failure.. i didn't know there's risk too. is your uncle diabetes?

yup. he's neither citizen nor PR. so no subsidy at all.

where to find the info which malaysia hospital/clinic can use medisave?
How is your trip back last weekend?
Cataract I think it is mild, but still can see it from her eyes.
Yes. My uncle is diabetes. Cataract happens on them. In fact all kinda diseases attack them.

Positive parenting
I feel enlighted after reading one of Zhou Hong book about looking at the +ve side of the children behaviour, instead of always looking at the -ve side.
yes! the book is v interesting, and moving too. i would like a "Appreciating Toddlers" book though, I feel his book is more geared towards school-going kids. LOL.

babies proms
ok mummies, i've signed up as a friend
will try to let u know when tickets for the dec babies prom goes on sale!
Hi XY,

Found this on MOH website. Hope it helps:

Can I use my Medisave for overseas treatment/hospitalisation?


From March 2010, Singapore residents are able to use their Medisave to pay for their own or immediate family member's overseas hospitalisations (immediate family members include spouses, parents, children and grandparents. Grandparents must be citizens or permanent residents of Singapore). However, this is subject to the following conditions:
1. The patient is normally residing in Singapore and must be referred for the overseas treatment through a Medisave-accredited institution/referral centre in Singapore, and
2. Medisave usage will only be limited to hospitalisation or day surgery. It cannot be used for outpatient treatments.

There are currently two Medisave-accredited healthcare providers who could assess and refer patients for treatment overseas:
1. Health Management International (HMI) at 6334 7283, and,
2. Parkway Holdings Pte Ltd at 6340 8694.

The patient should call either of these providers to confirm if they have an affiliated hospital in the country they wish to receive treatment.

Otherwise, Medisave can be used only for medical treatments received in a hospital or as day surgery overseas, due to medical emergency or if the treatment is not available in Singapore. For such cases, the following supporting documents have to be submitted to the Ministry of Health (MOH) for consideration on a case-by-case basis:
(a) A copy of the patient's medical records - Discharge summary, operation notes (if any) or clinical notes showing the history, diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient;
(b) A copy of the final hospital bill for the patient.

The above documents should be in English Language and be certified true copy by the hospital and sent to MOH at the following address:

Finance (Policy & Planning)
Ministry of Health
16 College Road
College of Medicine Building
Singapore 169854

MOH will advise the patient directly on whether Medisave can be used after completing their review.
did a lot of things over the past weekend. shopping, sumptous meals, cut hair for the kids..
with the good exchange rate, everything suddenly become so cheap. :p
planning for another trip to KL in Nov. :D
how about you? the coach ride from Melaka good?

diabetes patient has higher risk for any surgery.. my grandma got it and died because of diabetes. it's really scary to see her toes got amputed.

thanks for the info.
in this case, i dun think my dad is qualified. never mind loh. just do it in my hometown. the cost spread among 5 of us - the benefit of having a big family.
Xy, I hv 2 reasons... I c how my MIL indulges her youngest son until I'm scared. I.e he is v dependent on her n thinks the whole world shld treat him well like MIL. On the other hand, I can be harsh at times so I'm trying to improve that. Parenting is hard. *tears hair
The trip was great despite some hiccups. Shopping, makan, jalan jalan, etc. We brought about RM$1300 and only left RM$6 (spent by 5pax) when we returned. Dramatically, our first day was a rainy day, we were drenched. Thank goodness we did not bring the kids as they were down with flu. Our 2nd day was burning hot sunny day. Our 3rd and last day was Malaysia replacement national day where most of the roads around the hotel were closed for a last min parade. Sigh~ In the end, we are held up by it.

We took Delima coach there, basically not much to comment except that we had to change to another bus in between as the bus we took from SIN goes to Port Dickson. And it took 8 hours to reach as one of the passangers was held up by the custom to daily full body check. Return trip was rather smoother forus. We took 707 coach, it was great about 4~5hrs.

Tubao & Iso,
Do SCO charge per head or child under 2 years old goes in free?
your MIL is not called positive parenting lah. it's just plain spoiling. :p
keyword - KIND and FIRM.
agree, parenting is really hard. but we can still "do on the job training"

8 hrs to Melaka?!! i will be super mad before reaching Melaka loh.. lucky the kids not following, else it will be even worse.
Below 2 is okay. I called SCO, they said okay, as long as the parents think she can sit through and enjoy the concert. I brought my girl for one of their concerts when she was about 21 months. But must buy ticket for her also, charged per head.
Yalor. 8hrs was unbelieveable.

Thank you for your feedback, Kam & Iso.
Initially, I also thought as stated in sistic website.

Pauline & XY,
Me going. Picnic will be nice. Just know that my hb is going to F1 this weekend. So will only be me and 2 kids.
Date: 25 Sept 2011 (Sun)
Time: 5 pm
Venue: Pasir Ris Park
for more information, please refer to here:

1. Bluegin (4pax)
2. XY (4pax)
3. eliaw (tentative?)
4. tubao (tentative?)

Sunday evening 5pm, you going?

What transportation mode are you going to take since your hb is not going?

see you!

<font color="ff0000">was thinking if should change it to Sunday morning so that can have the evening to unwind the kids and rest? :p
any objection?</font>
We can take a bus there. No problem.
If it is Sunday morning, CJ should be able to send us there.
Thank you for the arrangement.
we also won't be joining cos it's a bit far for me.. i lazy :D

btw mummies, the book that Gar recommended, Perfectly Kept House is the Sign of A Misspent Life, will be available in the library! in 8-10 weeks time...

Hi XY,

Sorry, will take a raincheck. Weekend is packed nowadays with kids' social activities.

Need a favour and support from you. My hb has started a new business - it's a toy rental company for parties, playdates, corporate events. They are offering an opening promotion of 50% off for your first event. Please support and like them at www.facebook.com/singaporetoyclub.

The actual website is: www.singaporetoyclub.com

If we are interested in a year end playdate, we can arrange for it at a central location

Thanks in advance!
