(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Thanks, Eliaw, Gar, Clover, Esty.

Eliaw, how I wish I can say no it wasn't us and that the accident never happened. But YES it is, that was us and our car. The accident happened around 12.15pm when we were on our way to Orchard. We are injured and the car is beyond economic repair so it has to be scrapped. Feeling quite sad cos it was our first car. And now I've got to wean off pumping cos after 5 days in hospital lying in pain, not much milk left. Cannot pump with a brace and not supposed to strain my neck/spine also. Hiaz...

Thanks, tongtong, I'm weaning off officially liao. Bo bian, health comes first and i don't want to aggravate my spine injuries. Problem is training RL to take FM, she has never taken FM before so must slowly try before FEBM runs dry. :p
gar, RA still coughing, hubby brought her to see PD on fri morning before I discharged. PD said having infection so given antibiotics. ILs not looking after the kids, they cannot cope so the kids r home with us.

The feeling of being in the accident sucks! and that feeling will stay for a long time.. but just have to try to forget that somehow.. just remember that most importantly you and yr hubby are safe.. at least for the car, insurance will cover the lost and you can still get some scrap value from it for your next car purchase..
Pauline, how long has r been coughing? If u keen to try natural remedies, U might wanna let her take fresh figs boiled in water, or cinnamon sticks in hot water, cool n let her drink.
Thanks, mummies.

eliaw, insurance only pays for scrap value and leftover COE value so I don't understand why we pay insurance. I mean if we sell the banged up car to a scrap car dealer, we will also get back the same amount of $ right? why don't they replace the car even a 4.5 yr old second hand car will be good.

Tongtong, I will love to give her natural remedies but for now, we are too overwhelmed cos hubby going for op on wed and we really need the maid to concentrate on handling the 2 girls cos we are both not mobile. I've just started ordering tingkat trial for the next 10 days so that at least we don't need to worry about meals. i did ask my mum to make cordyceps pork soup for Raeanne if she is visiting us again. She came yesterday and today but not tomorrow.
oh gosh!!! it must have been an awful experience!!! Pls take care of urself and try to get ur in laws to help out at ur home too?? so that u n ur hubs can get as much rest as possible. Have a speedy recovery and take good care ok???
thanks, Leila, Dor. well, I dun feel good about asking them cos even when we were in hosp n hubby was looking after me. Fil wasn't happy looking after the gals esp RA who was fussing cos she is sick n misses home. Already told mil that since Raeanne's fever keep recurring to bring her to see pd but fil refused n that it is not easy bringing RA to PD (tampines area only) n even said we parents not around it's like that one. Anyway, they know the extent of our injuries so they should offer help. but if they dun want, also cannot force.
Hi Pauline,

Oh gosh! Please take care. Don't worry so much about your supply. Kids these days are very adaptable. Rest well and get better soon.
Ql, I have the play yard but u hv to self collect at amk, my place.

Pauline, can your parents help? V sian that your fil said such things... He's not very into kids obviously.
clover - thanks for offer, i will note it first, still hoping to find someone living near west if possible, otherwise may be a bit difficult to collect n return! but thanks a lot!
clover, me too, imagine I call ILs place from my hosp bed worried about my kids cos u refuse to bring them to see me so I have not seen them for 4 days n I hear this kind of shit. I mean please even though it's raining, u will go out to buy 4d for my car plate no. or go all the way to bukit batok for wedding dinner but ask u to take cab only to tampines to bring your grand daughter to see PD then u r full of excuses. I mean what's so difficult right? He is a retired teacher n knows how to call cab, not as if he is illiterate n doesn't understand English like my own parents. and my maid is there, he can either bring my mil or my maid with him plus Raeanne if he can't manage. :p
Can I join birthday Bash now? Hope that it's not too late.

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B) - YCK
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)- YCK
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C) - YCK
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
14) Artemis (3A, 1C) Prefer YCK
15) tubao(2A, 1C) Prefer YCK
Pauline, Sorry to hear..plus the unsupportive ILs (or just the FIL?). Must be quite demoralizing to hear such things even if not your own parents. perhaps that's just their family style of not going the extra mile. (My hubby's side is also like that, say nice is independent. Put in a bad way is simply bo chup. Stark difference from my family where we go all the way OUT of our way to help each other.)

Anyway, rest assured that things will be ok somehow. Dun worry too much and concentrate on recovery. Kids will learn to adapt, abeit some (or a lot of) fussing/crying etc. My cousin once told me also to always take it easy - that no child ever died fussing/crying (but of course, must bring to doc if sick!)

I was asking my bro (who does fin plan/insur) about your ins query.

First things first, it's by regulation that you must have at least third-party coverage for all cars in singapore.

Other than that, there's 2 other aspects, being cost of your car, potential repairs in accidents (where it's your fault) and also third-party claims against you.

You are right that insurance only cover COE + scrap value and you can get the same money from scrap yard/deregistering your car (COE rebate).

What the insurance covers is the third-party claims against you (car + injuries etc) which can come up to tens of thousands or more sometimes (after ascertaining that its your liability of course). I recall hearing a case where taxi driver claim against another motorist for 40-50k of repeated hospitalization charges due to physiotherapy as well as extended home leave to rest!

Then of course, under comprehensive coverage, you also pay that premium to cover for damages to your car in an accident that far exceed your excess value + premium. (eg bang 2 doors not just replacing those 2 doors, but also to spray paint the entire adjourning panels to ensure consistency of colour plus the necessary structure - if compromised - and maybe internal furnishings. If repairs come up to $10k, your premium is $1.5k and your excess is $1k, then insurance is still worth it cuz you "save" $10k-$1k-$1.5k = $7.5k.) Of course, best is nothign happen lah but that's the freaky thing about life right?

You'll need to read the T&Cs of your contract to see what exactly you're covered for. If it's other parties' fault, then i think more complicated i guess but to my recollection, should be able to claim for anything but when it comes to car, should still be scrap + COE. I only remember the golden rule is never to admit it's your fault.

He also mentioned that coverage from NTUC will be much less/comprehensive compared to other companies sometimes. All depends on your contract.

Hope this helps. Feel free to shoot more questions. Will help if possible.

Once again, dun worry too much. your insurance agent should help u out with all the motor stuff by right.
Lezy, thanks so much for the lengthy explanation. My insurance agent is from Prudential, we only use her for life insurance and investment. The car insurance, we bought direct from Borneo motors when we bought the car 4.5 years ago.

My hubby just received the email from Chartis. The car is beyond economic repair so they said they will pay us $34k for the scrap + COE value of the car.

Any idea if that is reasonable or I can get more outside? The car skidded cos the road was wet, we didn't knock into anyone else other than the tree. So, no 3rd party claims although traffic police said we must pay for the damage to the tree $200. Don't know whether motor insurance can cover the extra $200 too. :p
As for my ILs, I give up on them esp FIL. It only serves to remind me why I became a SAHM cos he'll always flare up under heat. That last time was when RA had HFMD at 11 months old and me and hubby were both working then. he flared up when we commented that RA's fever kept coming up cos they always feed fever med late.

Anyway, as Gar said before, anything that can be solved with $ is not a problem. Our first tingkat lunch came today and waiting for tingkat dinner. Hope it's good and RaeAnne will eat more and recover soon.
Hi Pauline...
the $34K is the market value of yr car.
it should be across the board.

the damage for the tree should be able to claim from yr insurance under public liability
your med bills also
Sorry to hear about yr accident. Get well soon.

Just to share. When my car drowned in last year's orchard rd floods, chartis paid me back market value of car as it was deemed "beyond economical repair". Do check yr insurance certificate if you are insured for market value.

In my view, it is not worth it going outside to sell scrap yourself unless you are a) a dealer or b) know a scrap buyer personally because the likelihood of getting fleeced is high. Chartis handled everything for me. I just needed to go to lta to deregister mycar. It saved me alot of time.

The qn u need to ask is whether this accident, thru no fault of yrs, would affect yr no claim bonus for yr next car insurance.
no worries. older cars usually less value...so likelihood of them repairing is low where there is extensive damage. By right, insurance should cover for the tree - unless in your contract, it states specifically that damage to govt and/or private property is not covered.

You can go to this website to check the value of your car. just enter your details and the date u intend to deregister. All parties use this from car salesmen, insurance, car dealers etc. You can check this anytime to see how much money u can get from selling ur car.


If u can't access via this link, go to http://www.onemotoring.com.sg and click on LTA services (non-login) > PARF/COE rebate at deregistration.

[There's a "vehicle to be exported" question. I tried before, Yes and No also no diff for my KIA. Not sure if it will make a diff for your car.]

I'm thinking that there will not be much difference between what Chartis offered u and what u will see at the website. (Technically, there shouldn't be.) And for your convenience and ease of mind, just let Chartis settle it.

(i think your insurance agent should be happy to help you if u need some assistance in reading the policies and etc. I guess for me it's much easier since I can always consult my brother in everything and he'll be obligated to help me all the time. :p)
the moment you claim from yr insurance policy, yr NCD will be affected..
for your floods, could be a different case... under act of god.

keke...just sharing my experience....
Dor, thanks, I'll go check under public liability on the insurance policy then. Dor, so for mine, NCD will be affected? I can register next car under my name but I never owned a car before so think the car insurance also won't be cheap. :p

Lezy, thanks, I checked and got this from the website, how do I calculate the market value of the car and whether it's close to $34k?
Open Market Value: $12,707.00
PARF Rebate Amount: $10,483.00
COE Rebate Amount: $6,271.00
Total Rebate Amount: $16,754.00

bkkgal, thanks, hubby also intended to do the same and stick to Chartis. Cos with no car, difficult for us to run to Pandan (Borneo motor's tow carpark) and get different quotes.
Bkkgal, by right... act of God cannot claim one

Pauline, ya... either way... your insurance wont be cheap. cos if registered under yr name... as this is yr first car... there is NCD at all...

if registered under yr hb, worse... NCD 0 n plus lot of loading....

too bad, i left there, if not. i can calculate for u...

actually, for total loss, insurer, will go to LTA's website to be the calculate, so it wont diff much..
i also thought act of GOd was the infamous clause that insurers put in so we can't claim if a tree falls on our car. Plain sway-ness to be blamed. But it seems more and more companies are including this and allowing it to be claimed.

Pauline, dor is right, no matter who u put the insurance under, still have to 'start from scratch" the moment u touch ur policy for claims - unless u bought NCD protection?

The total scrap + COE value should be the PARF rebate + COE rebate.

So it seems like they already given you more (34k) than what it's worth (16k).

Although, with the current car prices, buying a car (even a second hand) will be quite a headache ah.
thanks, lezy, at least I am assured that they never chop me then. oh well, hubby n I r resigned to the fate of being carless until Coe drops lor. hope election (whenever if is) will cause coe miracles.
don't worry....govt is already moving. one week announce COE cuts will be spread out across 3 years instead of 1, next week announce property cooling measures.

means election is round the corner liao. probably later part of this year after prices start to soften.

oh, and there are always good bargains around. keep a look out. hb has spotted some on sgcarmart.
they sell both. hb usually researches second hand cars there. sometimes can find very good deals, like the 3rd/4th car in the family, hardly used, low mileage, and some super attractive price

bring ur twins to the bash for us to go gaga over leh...the place is big enuf to bring strollers cos i thk it's pretty spacious a place...bring ok??
what a shock! hope your hb won't be phobia of driving next time. hope you recover well too.

me not too good either.
fell sick last week, cough fever. spreaded the bug to both big and small C. big C had high fever for 4 days and now warded in KKH where small C is having cough too. hb is now camping there for night duty and i will take over tomorrow. hope that big C recovers well and can come back home together with us tomorrow.
Re: B'dae Bash

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B) - YCK
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)- YCK
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C) - YCK
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
14) Artemis (3A, 1C) Prefer YCK
15) tubao(2A, 1C) Prefer YCK

Hi hi.. today the guy from YCK called me to chase if we wanna confirm the booking.. N i will need to sign the confirmation and place a deposit.. but was just counting we still need a couple more votes before we can proceed with YCK..

Can Bkk, Iso, BX, thankful, Bluegin, XY, Qingling and Lezy give me an indication to confirm if you all are ok with YCK..

Pauline, btw, sorry for asking again.. Sunday dinner can you make it?

Thanks a lot..
Xy, no wonder didn't hear from you for so long. Hope the whole family esp big C recovers soon. Poor gal in hospital.
Err... My hubby has no phobia of driving but more like I got phobia sitting in his car. After this accident, I told him I think I better go for refresher course next time. No doubt I'm a terrible driver in terms of judgement, but at least I'm super slow so all the cars will 'siam' me on the road. :p

Eliaw, what time is the gathering? Even if I skipped my regular Sunday dinner at my mum's, still a bit hard to coordinate. Cos my hubby's tuition is until 5pm at Somerset and now we have no car. Don't know how to go to YCK from Tampines. If we take a cab from Orchard back to Tampines then go to YCK, think we'll reach there only when all of you are leaving. Also don't know if I still need to wear a brace by then. :p

ur hubs not in town ah?? go to the bash lah...it wld be so much to c how the kids have grown....n also c how much we have "grown" too....hor Artemis hor??
Hi, please excuse us for yck. Sorry. The timing is not good for us. Kate naps until 5 and Sarah sleeps at 7+. Hb is traveling that weekend. I don't want to handle 2 cranky girls back and forth.
Hi leila,

Yeah, I am sure I have "grown" a lot :D

Danica has also shot up like a sprout. Maybe it's all the milk she's been drinking.
My twins sleep around 7pm . We can't bring them to birthday bash. Next time we can have a mini playmate since we stay close.
