(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

my hubs says he has MORE of me to love now.....*sigh*

Don't thk L wld be sprouting much...his ma n pa not very tall mah...poor guy....hahaha!!!

sure sure!! let's arrange soon. PM me ur no.k?

RE: Sleeptime

:p Danica would never sleep at 7 p.m. even if she missed her nap. Her regular sleeping time is 9 plus but could drag all the way to midnight if she's in the "I don't want to sleep" mood.

However, I guess that works out well for me as I normally only reach home at 7:30 p.m. If she slept at 7 then weekdays I only see her for about 15 minutes in the morning and not at all during the evening.

RE: More to love

My HB and Danica pats my tummy like a drum -_-"
hehe, just found out that my hubby is featured in Chinese zaobao today
but I haven't seen the papers cos we don't subscribe to zaobao. Found it online but no photos. There is a reporting error though cos my hubby studied at NUS/NIE, not in USA. :p http://www.zaobao.com.sg/fk/fk110119_009.shtml
clover: thanks!! I heard baby hypermart sells also, might go down tomorrow morning.

QL: i'm going to check out a place in tanjong pagar maybe tmm or early next week for balloons. Will keep u posted!
Re: B'dae Bash

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B) - YCK
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)- YCK
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C) - YCK
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B) YCK or P
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
14) Artemis (3A, 1C) Prefer YCK
15) tubao(2A, 1C) Prefer YCK

FYI YCK difficult to park when there are wedding held there. Let's hope not on that day.

Hope you have a speedy recovery. How about your kids?
Re: B'dae Bash

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B) - YCK
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)- YCK
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C) - YCK
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B) YCK or P
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) Artemis (3A, 1C) Prefer YCK
14) tubao(2A, 1C) Prefer YCK

Hi i removed my name since it's confirmed YCK and timing is not good for me and too far to travel alone with Ruth.

Have a great time and take many pics!
sorry that 5pm-9pm is not good timing for us.
small C fusses daily starts from 5 pm and needs to sleep by 9 pm too.

good that your hb no phobia driving.
driving is very stressful for us, we always wanted to let the other person took the responsibility of driving. ha. :p
so envious that Danica grows a lot.
big C grows very slowly due to her fussy eating habits. doc found that her red blood cell count is below healthy level. she's now taking iron supplements.
Hi Xiao Yun,

Danica is also a fussy eater. HB said she like me food not nice, eat a bit say bao bao liao. Food nice then eat a lot. :p If eat fussy maybe drinking milk helps? Danica is drinking around about 700 ml to 1 litre of milk each day (Not all at once but throughout the day). So also likes to eat cheese and bread with butter so a lot of calcium from all the diary products that she takes.
XY, Artemis,
Ruth is also looking like a 4-5 year old - so much so that I sometimes expect her to understand and act 'her age'. Sigh.

Ruth also quite picky eater...which is why we not very adventurous with feeding her. We can't bring her for pasta or pizza.

Her daily diet :
Breakfast - usually just some cake / plain bread / bun.

Fruits - she only takes strawberry, apple, banana and sometimes cherries if can get nice ones.

Snacks - marshmallow, cream crackers, goat's milk sweets (less now...anybody wants? I have stock!) and random stuff that pretzel-pocky kind of stuff.

Lunch & Dinner - porridge with fish (threadfin) / bits of carrot / spinach chopped into teeny bits / scallop / cherry tomato. Sometimes mum changes to minced meat but that's less than 10% of the time.

Weekends if we go out, it's either:
- fish porridge
- oyakodon (must be at sushi tei only...)
- kanimayo tobikko maki (flying fish roe with crab meat maki)
- Chwee kway (plain)
- fries (no limit one. can have one fry in each hand, stuffing herself silly.)

Recently she requested to try and have soem of my noodles but you can't count on her to finish up a decent portion.

when she eats, we must have particular 'setting' for her. Usually at home, will turn on TV and get her engrossed, then stuff the food down while she's 'busy'. Or she will get engrossed with a toy and we keep feeding.

If outside, for sushi tei, she will sit guai guai (mostly). ANYWHERE ELSE...abit difficult/challenging. She's always on the lookout for 'kiddy rides' so if she sees one, then no need to feed her liao. Sometimes have to relent and give way - feed her while she's playing outside.

So now....we've resorted to mostly eating at home (unless it's sushi tei or selected food centres like tiong bahru where there's no kiddy ride in sight!) then going out after eating.

She drinks about 500ml milk nowadays. Must go see if that's normal. Her max at one go is 180ml. only once in a blue moon, she will request for more at night and we will only give another 120ml.
max 1 L is a lot! drink like a baby.
we limit her milk intake hoping to let her eat more solids. end up she rather don't eat at all.

your description of ruth's eating pattern is interesting. at least i can imagine she's eating most of the time.

for C, she will shut her mouth like clam if not to her liking and it's just so unpredictable!
one moment she wants porridge, when the porridge is served, she requested for fan fan (rice). then this goes on to mian mian (noodle)...
blueginger, my kids were not in the car luckily.

XY, yup, my hubby also doesn't like to drive. So, we will hold off buying a car for a while since the prices are so high now. :p
Xy, only reason she eats is cuz we very unadventurous with food. Will not try other options and risk her not eating. I'm quite sick of fish porridge n oyakodon man.
Macs at KAP no parties anymore! the party room is now a Spinellis. They probably get more rent from Spinellis than money they make from parties. heh.

E can sometimes drink up to 1 - 1.5L of milk. I figure this because:
- When he wakes up
- Mid morning (if no brekkie, sometimes we are rushing out and no time)
- Before nap
- After nap (sometimes)
- Before sleeping
- Early morning, like 5-7am
- Sometimes again when he wakes up at like 8-9am

Each time I usually make around 200mls of water but sometimes it's more diluted so that he gets more water! Some days I'm really so sian of making milk for him, esp when Didi is also drinking....
I didnt check out this forum for a long time and juz found out about your accident. Omg! I hope you are recovering well.
Fussy eaters
My boy is an adventurous eater but he has bad table manners n v distracted. Resist going into high chair, take 1h to finish his food n we were feeding him... Or even spit out his food. Tv or toys dun work coz he gets too engrossed. So upon advice from a friend, I trained him. Dun wan to go into highchair or spit out food, stand in corner. Eat by himself (I feed towards the end), if he doesn't finish his food in time, no milk n no snack in-between n he eats the same food the next meal. All these is to teach him to self feed, dun be choosy, finish the food in a shorter time n what hunger is. Our children are v lucky n dunno what hunger is, so they developed bad habit. Eating is part n parcel of life n I dun wan to let his bad behavior continue so I hv to do something abt it.
Hi all,

Fussy eater
Mine also no better, his diet is somewhat like Lezy's girl...except his dun touch veg at all!

When we go out and if wanna guarantee him self feed successfully and eat a decent amount, it's gotta be Jap food - jap rice + cod/pork dish.

He refuses all sorts of western/italian food and will stuff himself silly with fries only. ;p or pizza occasionally.

He has started 1/2 day CC and lunch is served before going home... think he doesn't really like the food cos there's always greens and prolly not as 'salty' as he likes. Not sure if i should 'force' him to eat by not giving him a second lunch at home? Right now, i'm adopting a want-to-eat-dunwant-dun stress attitude. i dun pack snacks in his bag so he will have to eat whatever is served but based on MIL's feedback he's always hungry after CC so she makes 2nd lunch for him. i.e. he didnt eat much and tahan until reach home and ask for lunch by grandma. hmmm...
piggletail, RaeAnne just started half day CC not long ago too. In the beginning, she also doesn't want to eat there but 1 month later, the teachers said she has improved so at least I don't have to serve second lunch anymore. But if she sees us eating lunch and she is keen to eat, I'll give her a bit, then after that shower and eat drink then nap time. Nap time is pushed back to 2pm though cos her school ends at 12noon. She still doesn't like to eat breakfast there though. :p
Dd3 is self feeding but she takes easily 1 hr to complete her meal if the dishes are something she doesn't like.. The only exception is soba, 10mins flat. I also practice the removal of privilege if she doesn't finish her meal within designated time. Works for the next meal only so still trying hard to inculcate the importance of eating fast.
Good to know that you are recovering well. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

After finding out about your accident, now I drive also a bit scare.
Re: B'dae Bash

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B) - YCK
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)- YCK
4) Tute (2A, 1C) - YCK
5) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
6) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
7) Thankful (3A 2C)
8) Bluegin (2A 1C 1B) YCK or P
9) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
10) Artemis (3A, 1C) Prefer YCK
11) tubao(2A, 1C) Prefer YCK

Total headcount: 26 Adults, 12 Children

Cost per Adult - ($12 x 30)/26 = $13.85
Cost per Child - ($214 + $85)/12 = $24.90
Actually we can opt for smaller cake.. i just took the 2kg cost (for numeric 3 design)

GIft exchange confirmed at $15 per gift. I will be drawing lots to confirm who's giving to who. You may then indicate if you want it a 'wished' gift or a random gift. I will coordinate this via EMAIL.

Technically, we can start to use the room at 5pm. So perhaps we can start dinner at 6-630pm and have cakecutting & gift exchange at 730pm..

The organiser is chasing me to fax in the confirmation because someone is eyeing the date as well.. I've verbally told him to confirm it.. just wanted to make sure that the rest are ok with the arrangements..

Lezy, the timing is ok rite? You wanna reconsider? Previously i also drove there once alone with C, the ride was Ok because mostly it's expressway all the way until YCK..

Pauline, hope you can join us.. n hope you are recovering well..
Reena, yes please drive carefully. Accidents happen in a flash if we r not careful.

Eliaw, thanks, will see how, but most likely won't be going. Logistically too challenging. :p
Reena, I wonder when can I train A3 until he eats one spoon after another n finish a meal in under 20mins.

Is half an avocado a lot or little for a tot?
think of it as a saving for not driving. however, it's just very troublesome to travel for 3 A + 2 C without a car.
COE price is ever increasing, i doubt car price will drop.
i am hoping that i no need to get a 2nd car after 9 years. by then the downtown line should be ready and it should be quite convenient to travel by public transport.

ya. C was very sick of porridge at one point that keep chanting "i dun want porridge..." for about 1 week.

you are persistent enough to discipline him. from the fb pic, he seems to enjoy food.

anyway, i am glad that C suddenly shows interest on food yesterday.
ate quite a bit of pistachio nuts, char siew, fish, banana and a little bit of rice and veg that was hide inside the rice.
hopefully this continues..
Thanks! Do take care and have a speedy recovery.

20 minutes? My p3 can't do that, esp when she's eating with her siblings. I usually give 30 mins for the 2 elder ones and an extra 10 mins for DD3.

Mummies staying in Tampines and Bedok,
Do you know where to buy wushu pants and shoes? DD1's teacher no longer selling, need to buy from outside ourselves. Was told can get from Tampines/Bedok but these 2 estates so big, where to find??
1/2 avocado for a 3yo? I think that's quite alright. I only I could get my kids to eat it on it's own... I have to mix avocado with some other food to cover it up.
Xy, mine can eat it plain but I give him either with manuka honey or yogurt. If she dun like the textuate how about cutting it small n coat with cereal flakes?
thanks for the info.
she hates the taste too.
i think she doesn't like the texture of smoothie either.
avocado jelly? how to make? she likes jelly, but not agar agar.
my this princess ah, difficult to please leh.
Avo: half an avo for 3 yo is just nice. S used to take 1 big fruit but that's too much. Now he takes only half.

Xy, to hide it, maybe make sushi for her? At least eat with bread or rice. Dunno whether she likes or not. Is she still eAting ice cream?
Xy or blend it add some other fruits n make it into ice lolly?

I like the taste of avocado. Tot it reminds me of a salted egg. Haha... It has a 腥味 so maybe that's why big C dun like?

Tong, yr son can eat v well.
she will scrutinize each ingredients in the sushi. nothing can escape.. :p
we don't let her eat icecream now as she just recovered from cough.

S very receptive about food. so envy.

avocado has got a 'grass' taste and mushy texture. both she doesn't like.
poor me...
little C wakes up almost every hour at night. need pat pat and carry, else will cry. From Sunday night till now. hopefully tonight she's better.

teething? 1 bottom is out.
XY, maybe teething, maybe the other bottom tooth is also emerging? Is she drooling as well? Any diarrhoea? Can you try to rub some bonjela on her lower gum? See if that helps. If not, rub some ruyi oil on her tummy as well, maybe wind? Jia you jia you!
