(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Ql, heidi sure can one, she very independent. my ger also cant read lah.. i wanted her to be able to read too by 4. But i think i will take it slowly.. i nd to have a life too.. dun wanna stress myself. As long as habits of reading is there can already. My one also confuse betwwen capital and small letters and she dislike colouring and drawing... sigh.. dunno what she like.. think she is more of a sci/maths person.. she likes tanagrams.. haha.. only like to fix it back and she will have a sense of achievement..

.Yar.. berries is only for Chinese but i heard their lessons are very interesting. U and Apple are Shirley's ardent supporters!!
How are lessons so far?

BTW, anybody's kids drink gain IQ, i have 2 satchets sent to me. Ql and gar.. do ur kids drink that sinc ei will be seeing u all soometime

good luck!! jia you!! I think w older kids it's not too bad, maybe look for another better PT one? that would help a lot. Recently when my hubby and I are not staying w ILs we are able to cope but the house is turned upside down with things and we spend all our time doing housework, so we find it not worth it. will just try a maid for now.

my friend gave very wise advice - don't be too eager for them to start talking because some days you'll wish they could stop. and don't be too eager for them to start reading because then they'll be reading every darn thing out loud! lol.

my friend got mine for me from www.stickerstamp.com.sg - i think the quality is quite good! i pasted them onto E's bottles for him (to differentiate his bottles from didi's), and so far none have fallen off! impressed.

i aso hope tat i can manage it well. esp when cayden's character is so much different frm cayenne. (oops, of cos nobody has the same character) But i do wonder is it boys are more stubborn, hands super itchy type ah.. tell him sternly cannot touch tis or tat (will tell him the reason) BUT he simply ignore me. Even if i beat his hand, he at most give a sulking face then repeat his actions again... Argh...

but am tinking since cayenne in whole day CC, day time i shd be able to "control" tis terror of mine? Hope it is not my wishful thinking! haha...
Don't think thats a male trait. My A is also not very compliant. Kids like that learn thru experience, and won't take your word for it.

To me, it can be nurtured to be a strength as such kids tend to push the boundaries, are naturally curious, and creative as they challenge conventional wisdom.

But of course, more tiring for us parents

thanks 4 ur advice..

actually i aso tinking instead of me getting angry, i keep telling myself he still young. they are jz behaving @ their age. (based on +ve discipline book, keke...)

nw cayenne aso getting more defiant... sometimes i try 2 reason (she usually listen 2 reasoning) but when she dun, can drive me up 2 the wall. yet hv 2 keep telling myself to keep cool...dun wish 2 keep scolding her and let her see a fiery mummy. cos i wouldnt wan a bad tempered gal like her mummy. ;p
my E is exactly like that also! a typical scenario would be:
me: don't touch
E: *touch*
E: *touch*

these days i also try to be more specific, like don't touch because it's dirty and there are germs, etc.. i find it helps a tiny bit.

like you, i also wish i could be more cool, but it always seems like telling him nicely doesn't work. sometimes i feel he doesn't think i'm serious until i have to beat this hand. I think having 2 has been the most challenging, and i think it's brought out the worst in me since i get angry so much more! hope the phase will pass soon.

and I wonder if us SAHMs have less patience too because we have to deal with it 24/7. sigh!
Macdonald's Ridout 27 Feb 2011, 430pm
Estimated Cost = $9 per child, Food for Adult excluded
Activities = 1.5 hour party hosted by Mac's staff

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B)
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B)
3) Genice
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C)
7) Eliaw (2A 1C)
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
havent been here in a long time.

yeah, i agree with u. I have become less patient with #1, and things in general. I think becos I get frustrated/angry with #1 so often, that sometimes, even something small that he does, I will straightaway lose my temper liao, cos its become a habit too-- he does something "wrong" -> i get angry-> shout at him.. so after it happens too often, i dun even try hard enough not to lose my temper at him liao. Very bad of me, i know.
haha... same same! i aso start losing my temper @ Cayden liao.. sigh...

right in the start, me and hb reason wif Cayenne with REASONs & WHYs she cant do tis or tat etc... She LISTENS... Even the teachers/principal tell me tat Cayenne listens 2 reasoning. But dunno y suddenly lately she doesnt seem 2 listen.. Maybe she sees Cayden @ home yet early morning she gotta 2 go school. maybe she feel neglected or being left out? But then when she is at home, me and hb always attend to her most of the times... I do hope like wat most
mummies mention - it's jz a phase...

tis am jz send her 2 CC, she cries again.. and say "I want mummy" when her teacher brings her into the classroom. Tell u, hear liao, my heart reali sink...
do you think it's bcos they think we are not fair or consistent?

ok i explain. for eg, i tell A no screaming bcos xxxx...but then she sees J screaming and nobody tells mei mei not to scream.

to a 3 year old, i don't think they know that we don't tell a 1 year old not to scream simply bcos the 1 year old wont' understand. to a 3 year old, we are not being consistent or fair.

so nowadays, when J screams, i also tell her not to scream bcos xxxx...in other words i treat both of them equal. i use the same logic (even though the 1 year old doesn't understand). but it demonstrates to A that mummy is fair to both kids
hi gar.

i aso discipline cayden when he is notti.

talk abt fairness, i feel i unfair 2 cayden. mostly attention is on Cayenne cos scare she feels neglected when didi arrives. but as cayden gets older, i tink he understands so tat probably explains y he sometimes will beat his sister or when his sister wan someting he is holding, cayden wont give. but if we ask him, he sure give. tink he is taking revenge! haha...

jz yest, my hb mention abt changing maid. I told him i dun wan 2 change, i wan 2 send tis away. but hb scare i cant handle both kids/hsework, scare my alredi bad temper get worse! haha...

tink definitely more tiring and taxing on us when we handle 24/7! even when sick! if hbs work long hrs or often not in SG..

initially feel so stressed and tired and worried tat i cant handle them when hb not in SG. but now i m alredi used 2 hb not in SG. i sleep wif my double Cs in my room and handle them myself if they wake up in the midnite... in a way hb's absence mk me abit capable in handling the kids as initially i reali worry i cant do it. but seems like i can. so tis worry put aside... it is the TIRENESS and interupted sleep tat mk me lose my cool. my cousin say i need pampering! not hb pampering, it is the spa/facial/shopping pampering to mk myself feel good and relax! haha...
unfortunately i am same also! sometimes i think i don't give him enough chance before scolding him, and I always feel bad after too.

yes yes! the sleep deprivation part really makes me moody and easily ticked off. it's like both of you boys are keeping me up at night AND you still want to be naughty!?!!

hope your 2 Cs will not make u so tired so that you will feel better
but you not bad lah, you still got time to post up lots of photos on your blog. wait, you still have time to take photos even! these days i v lazy liao, must make conscious effort to take more photos, heh..

maybe we should start a Angry Mummies Support club. LOL.

Btw anyone seen this article? Very interesting take on chinese way of parenting!
very interesting indeed!!! i see my mom as the "typical chinese tyrant mum" hehe...

if i
a) scored 98 - will get a mild scolding for being careless, else will get 100
b) scored betw 90 to 98 - will get a scolding
c) scored below 90 - dare not go home
hi all..
very very busy...reading but always can't seem to commit to 'chat' with all of u.

just wanted to drop a note that those with 2 (or more) kids...u all already very good. I just have one Ruth and I wanna die of frustration ever so often. I think it doesn't help that Ruth looks rather mature (looks + height like 5 year old) - and so I always end up expecting more from her, i.e. for her to understand, reason etc.

I do believe somewhere in their heads/hearts, they are figuring stuff out and perhaps rebelling on purpose to discover things. Eg my Ruth is the type that will play & play with (A LOT OF)soap non stop until one fine day, soap gets in her eyes, cry like mad and then tell me to keep the soap for good. She wouldn't listen to u say that soap could hurt ur eyes a lot! (then again, i'm also pretty much like that, esp with dating and bad boys. LOL.)

I get SO MAD sometimes I tell her to get out if she wants to.

And I feel so bad afterwards - both for shouting at her, as well as knowing that I am such a 'lousy' mum - in the sense that I did have better expectations of myself.

Sometimes, (on the other hand), i wonder why do we have to beat ourselves up each and every time we lose our temper and make ourselves feel like such failures. I would like to understand this whole 'new-age mommy' concept a little better - u know, our roles now vs that of our mums.

Add to that, the complexity of kids being spoilt (rotten) by grandparents (whom u can't discipline!) and etc etc.

Life should be simpler. Sigh.

Gambatte all of u!

(thanks for the read, Iso. Interesting view.
iso, haha... very interesting article (A great way 2 compare the east and west!) ;p

lately no time 2 post pics, bz cleaning up my new home! hv 2 settle ALL by myself! nw my stress is on the hse! haha..

lezy, i agree! my Cayenne sometimes doesnt listen 2 our reasons esp when she njoy doing someting she likes but might lead 2 some danger. so in the end, if kena, hb and i will STRESS on the reason 2 her again... on and off we will use tat particular incident 2 mk her rem again. so sometimes got similar incidents, we will bring up again, tis way she listens.

gar, initially i aso cannot but hb not by my side often so die die must try out lor... maybe my ah boy is a gd natured boy (alot of pple say so) so probably mk my life abit ez 2 handle both kids lor..
Macdonald's Ridout 27 Feb 2011, 430pm
Estimated Cost = $9 per child, Food for Adult excluded
Activities = 1.5 hour party hosted by Mac's staff

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B)
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B)
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C)
7) Eliaw (2A 1C)
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
Morning ladies!

Re: Name stickers
Thanks for all your inputs and tips on where to go!
I found the one on BP selling Spiderman designs and decided to try out. hope he/she responds soon...

Celebrating birthdays at CC/playgroup
I guess most of our kiddos are in CC/playgroup now and their birthdays are comming up! Mummies with previous experience, how/what do we bring when we want to celebrate the birthday at the CC? Just cake and a party pack for each child to bring home or it's more elaborate?

Re: Restaurants banning kids
I agree with u, i think the expectant lady shouldn't be too overly optimistic about training her kids, esp table manners! haha.
I have a 6-12 month sleeping bag from Ikea which I bought for S to use during Tokyo trip. You wanna borrow? It may be a bit big but I think can fit.

I read that parenting article on FB too. Just looking at today's top O-level students, 9 China-born girls from Crescent Girls' school topped their school and moved from F9 to A1s in 2 years gave me shivers down my spine. This is the kind of competition our kids will be up against in 10 years' time. Imagine. Not their mother tongue, not their first language, but they managed A1s and mind you, one of them took E. Lit! Typical Chinese parenting methods, I'd bet!

Also look at the list of top students. Bet my last dollar, over 50% must be PRC chinese. Just looking at the Hanyu pinyin names will tell you. There were only 4 or 5 Christian names on the list - which tells us these are more likely local Singaporeans.

Personally, I don't think I can do what typical chinese parents do but I'm also not going the way of typical Americanos. I was myself a recipient of "Hah, only 90%? Why you never score 100%?" from my parents. It is awful to be afraid to go home simply because you scored low. I wouldn't want my kids to avoid coming home because of low grades and worse, to find themselves in the company of bad friends, hang out at Macs or pubs or bars or go astray. But I also wouldn't not scold them either. Once in a while, a good scolding or two does wonders. A *shock and awe* when they do something really wrong can work tonnes better than constant nagging and talking.

My 2 cents.

I've added you to my blog. Pls accept soon ok? cos I think the invitation expires wan...
The article omitted the indians. So there you have it - the Chinese and the Indians.

The Chinese (China born, not Singapore born. We are too soft hehe...) and the Indians live in a country of billions. So in order to outshine the many billions, they are driven to excel. That hunger cannot be replicated in Singapore. It's a product of the circumstances.
i'm also wondering about celebrating birthday at nursery! hope someone can share

and yah, i think the woman is really over optimistic, that's why i say, good luck! haha!!

parenting article
gar, think you're right. that's why some from the subcontinent are rather irritating because they talk a lot - but if they don't, then they just become a face in a crowd of 1billion, so i guess in a way it's not their "fault".

bkk, ooh i didn't know that about the recent top students, but it's interesting to know!

i thought that the article made me feel a bit better about being so strict, almost fierce sometimes, and made me think about sticking to something in order to excel in it.

for me my parents just wanted me to do the best in my ability in school, but i think that made me slack. so probably bkk's suggestion is the best compromise - make sure they know what is expected of them, cut them some slack when possible, but enforce when necessary?
must say the yak non stop strategy works. the finance industry is infiltrated with them and they tend to shine / get rewarded cos their show and tell skills are damn solid ah!!

IMHO, no universal strategy that works for everyone. need to understand your kids' temperament and adjust it accordingly. eg. for me, the method described in the article worked completely. if it were to be my hubby, all hell would have broken loose...

thanks for sharing the article. i got a shocked when i read it - i mean i know the myths of a stereotypical type of asian mothers but never have i thought that someone will actually practice it to the core! let alone an asian lady who was born in a western country...

a friend of mine has this thought that usually kids that do well in school will not be a successfull businessman... so he would rather that his kids does not do too well in school... interesting view huh and i must admit, that i find some truth in his opinion... i see a lot of my friends (particularly back home in indonesia) who did not do well in school but becomes a successful businessmen due to sheer diligence and perserverence.

as for me, i am definitely not a stereotypical type of asian mothers... i believe in learning through playing, i believe kids need to be creative and have a way to expand their creative thoughts... at least when they are little anyway, not sure if i'll change my mind once he's bigger :p
imho think it's not that studies and doing business are co-related, but i think what is important is EQ and drive. some people may not be top students but they have excellent EQ and thus go far in their careers.

but i do agree to some extent, because we know kids who were in gifted programmes, or top child in their school for PSLE, and they're doing ok in their careers, but not excellent. so i think i won't mind if my kids aren't top students but show competence in other aspects!

sometimes, i seriously would like to ask people like that to STFU because they're NATO. just thinking about that reminds me how much i don't miss corporate life. hee!!
yes completely agree, not saying it is related but just saying that doing good in studies is not everything, as sometimes people who goes through hardship excel better in real life. Having said that, off course it is not true for every kid - so it is never good to stereotype, at the end of the day we just want our kids to grow up well, stay out of trouble and lead a happy life - well, at least that is the ultimate goal for me
RE: Touching things they shouldn't

Maybe I am too Westernised in my thinking but I believe that they should be respected too. They should have a choice to touch even if warned. It is their lives, we are only parents, we cannot live their lives for them.

Don't think too horribly of me but I had once let Danica touch a hot spot light beside my bed cause despite my many warnings, she was drawn to it like a moth to a flame, and there was no way to deactivate it as it was concealed light.

So that 1 time, I let her touch it. She immediately brust into tears and I soothed her then slathered her blister with cream. Then I had this discussion with her:

Me: Was it hot?
Danica: Yes
Me: Did mummy tell you not to touch it as it would be hot?
Danice: Yes
Me: So it was hot and now you have a blister on your finger and it hurts?
Danica: Yes
Me: So would you still touch it?
Danica: No

They sometimes need to learn things on their own like that. We cannot and should not shield them too much. Nowadays, she will look at me and ask "Can touch?" and I will guide her accordingly.

My HB has the same philosophy and he actually let Danica touch the point of a knife, when she vehemently insisted on touching it, just enough to let her know it's sharp and hurts.

We just remind her of those incidents when she asks us whether she can touch things or looks to us for guidance. Nowadays, I normally only need to ahem or arch one of my eyebrows and she would hesitate to touch whatever aroused her interest. If she's really insistent, I would let her touch if it's not too big a deal or remove her or the item if it's too dangerous for her. That way, when we say something, she takes heed, cause we are not always saying no to her.

thanks! manage 2 view ur blog liao.

re : kids nowadays

last wk i brought Cayenne 2 library after CC. I saw some secondary students (3 girls and 1 boy) in the children section. there's this room whereby storytelling sessions are held. tat day the room was empty. & my cayenne wanted to go inside. So there we went. the boy was lying on one of the girls' lap. shd be a couple. I feel uneasy when Cayenne kept looking @ them while i was reading to her. Duno if it is becos nw i m a parent, i more conscious of the surrounding when my kids are ard. immediately i asked cayenne if she wanted to go outside and read. Lucky she say yes!
as in his head is on her lap?? and they were talking or what?? you're talking about bukit panjang library? cos i saw on your blog that you often go there, i know which room referring to if it is...
RE: kids nowadays

If he was just lying down and doing nothing, it's quite tame already. I have seen kids, not in school uniforms but you can tell they are young cause they are so small, kissing, hugging and groping on the MRT, LRT, escalators, void decks. @@

I find myself thinking of how to prevent Danica (touch wood) from growing up like that. How to teach the value of chasity without being a prude.

<sigh> Having a female child has it's own share of headaches. :p
Hi hi.. updates for B'dae Bash

Just went down to Ridout Garden to survey the place.. sadly, i find the party venue to be too small to accomodate a total of 27 adults, 14 children and 9 babies.. The entire party area is also not aircon..

therefore i took the liberty to review our options and asking for vote again.. I'm so sorry to keep changing n apologise for any inconveniences caused!

<font color="119911">Yio Chu Kang Grassroots Club
Date: 27 Feb Sunday
Time: 5-9pm (Setup time starts from 5pm-6pm, but we can start using the room already)
Venue - $214
Cake - $85 (2kg - we can go for smaller ones)
Food - $12 per adult (12x30min order)
* We can also opt not to cater.. It's not compulsory.. *

Total - $15.30 + $6(Cake) per child, $13.33 per adult

What i like about this is the playroom is totally private.. and fully aircon.. then we can have our dinner too.. then cake cutting.. this playground may not be as new compared with Polliwogs but thumbs up for cost..</font>

<font color="ff0000">
Cost for Macdonald's - $9 + $6(Cake) per child</font>

<font color="0000ff">Cost for Polliwogs - $588 for 15 children ($42 + $6(Cake) per child)</font>

Putting it to a VOTE AGAIN
Pls indicate YCK, Macs or P

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B)
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B)
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C)
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
Thanks for researching the options. My vote:

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B)
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C)
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
If it's YCK or P, I can join. HB said that the ridout too far for us :p

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B)
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C)
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
14) Artemis (3A, 1C) Prefer YCK
1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B)
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)- YCK
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C)
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
14) Artemis (3A, 1C) Prefer YCK

thanks eliaw.. yeh.. cheaper w aartemis in!
Hi artemis,
great!!! will be able to c u then. Been want g to c how much ur gal has grown to look like her mommy....the "mei nu" also

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B) - YCK
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C)
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
14) Artemis (3A, 1C) Prefer YCK
Hi leila,

Lol... More like pang (fat) auntie now. -_-" I find it so much harder to control my weight nowadays. Old liao... metabolic rate not as good as younger days. :p
thanks eliaw for reviewing the options

1) Garfield (2A 1C 1B) - YCK or P
2) Leila (3A 1C 1B) - YCK
3) Genice (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)- YCK
4) Bkkgal (2A, 1C, 1B)
5) Iso (1A, 1C, 1B - not eating)
6) Tute (2A, 1C) - YCK
7) Eliaw (2A 1C) YCK
8) bx (2A 1C 1B - bb not eating)
9) Thankful (3A 2C)
10)Bluegin (2A 1C 1B-baby don't take big M food Hee.)
11) XY (2A 1C 1B)
12) qingling (3A 1C 1B)
13) lezy (1A, 1C)
14) Artemis (3A, 1C) Prefer YCK
hi, haven't posted in long time cos was involved in a car accident last Sunday when hubby's car skidded and rammed into a tree.
Both of us suffered fractures so it is still a long recovery road. But at least we were discharged today so cam recuperate at home. I got to wear a brace to avoid aggravating the mild fractures on upper spine so won't be posting much until I can find a way to prop up my laptop so that I dun have to tilt my neck down. :p
oh no! was that the accident at PIE towards Jurong somewhere during noon time.. Saw the car that was crashed quite badly.. actually i saw a guy and tot it looked like yr hubby but didn't think it was him cos can't be such a coincidence..

hope you have a quick recovery.. take care..
Glad to see your post here. Hope you are feeling better now. When you told me I really got a big shock cos the accident sounded quite serious. Really lucky no major injury but having the brace is a bit ma fan. It'll be over soon. Jia you ok!! Must rest well to ensure a proper recovery cos spinal injury.

How is RaeAnne's cough? Are in laws coping ok?
Pauline! Thank God there's nothing serious more than this. Take very good care of your hb n yourselves. Treat it like another confinement again.


yes yes, bukit panjang library... Well, the boy head is lying on the girl's lap while either listening 2 his music or playing wif his hp lor... the 3 girls were chatting...

i ever saw one couple while in bus. i was still single then. happened 2 sit behind the last row. u knw last row at least can sit 5 pple ba.. i happen 2 sit right in the middle and both my left and right are a group of friends. so one couple was kissing non stop thru out the journey. reali eyes have each other. but their the other friends were talking 2 them. then they stopped kissing. after they continue again! best part is one man kept turning ard 2 look @ the kissing fishes. i was so scared tat if the couple turn nasty due to man keep looking, probably i will kena? u knw la, nowadays the kids reali violent...


i agree aso.. when my parents "control" me abit more, i tend 2 get rebellious.. dun understand their worry. now got a gal myself. then can understand!


hope u and hb r recovering well! tk care!


my cayenne got pro adapting 2 CC... since last wk, been crying dun wan go sch... even in her dreams leh... i sent her in dec. she was still ok but maybe becos got new kids in and they are crying, so affect her. the teachers say she become clingy, demanding etc.. she told teacher she wan mummy, ask her y she dun like sch, she say becos mummy go away, mummy wif didi at home...

