(2007/11) November MTBs

rast, ya i know, but i did 30days only for my 1st confinement. but my mum says its ok, jus try to keep warm and dry myself properly aft shower. as for food i guess wont be eating anything too different cos stlll wan to boost my BM supply..

tweety:: but i do realise that when i pump, the milk comes out in sprays, after that it stops / drips. Then i continue for 5 mins like that i swtich side, and when i go back to that same side, it sprays again and stops/drips. whenever i go back to that side later on, it'll always spray and stop/drip. So there's no way knowing it's really Empty hahahas. but i read somewhere that pumping for more than 30min both sides is not advisable. However, when i do latching on, i do realise that after some time, when i squeeze the nipple, the milk is creamy and rich looking compared to the beginning where the milk is very pale and watery looking. So i know bb is also getting the hind milk.
Tweety, nope...survived my past 3 weeks without one and hb said no need to get. I feel lesser stress without one now. When the maid was ard, we had to worry if she had lunch, dinner...worry abt her welfare...when we go out worry if we should bring her or nt - if leave her at home, need to pass her a set of keys, wonder what she will be doing..blah blah...sians...so now we are 'free' again!
heyos tweety! hehe i'm doing confinement 40days so it only ends next thurs. Hmmz, how bout somewhere closer to xmas/new year where maybe Hubbies are on leave and can accompany ahha. frankly, i am not confident to bring bb out on my own still.
Cindy, its like tt..but if u pump a good 30min the sprays should be weaker/lesser..than abt time to stop. for me is stop when i compress my breasts while pumping and milk comes out in drips i stop...anyway also painful when not much milk cmes out.

Tweety, i suggest:

13th Dec(thu) OR 17th De (Mon)
time i m flexible, avoid evening cos need to settle my son for dinner.
I'm ok for those dates, and yes has to be lunch/afternoon. Even if it rains its ok, cos can still have session in my home.

Got a question, Anyone brought or sold on EBAY?
I am selling something on it for the first time and I thought I had reserved item at price that I wanted it to sell for, which was on the 'buy now' icon. Then I put the start bidding at a lower value than what I would want it to sell for. Now I have been told by ebay that I had ONE bidder who bid at the lowest bid and has 'won' my item. So i have to honour this or can I simply tell the buyer theres been a mistake?
Hi mummies,
I'm a Nov mummy too and I'm utterly confused with bf-ing. Thus, would like to seek your advise on bf-ing.

Should I time my feeds? ie, let bb feed 15 mins on each breast for each feed or let bb feed only on 1 breast for as long as she likes?

If i just feed for 15mins on each breast, will bb be able to get the hind milk?

My bb don't seem to know he's full and spit out my nipple, he'll just hang on to it and suck(think it's just for comfort). So how do I know he's completed his meal?

My bb tends to fall asleep like 5-10mins after I latch on. So, I think he wont be getting the hind milk if he sucks for such a short period. So, what should I do?

Should I set a routine, like 3-4 hr interval feeds and wake bb up to feed even though bb is sleeping? or I just let bb sleep and feed only when bb is awake.

And is rooting an indication that he's hungry?

My bb is a week old.

Tweety, is tt under the reserve price (min price) or BUY It price? cos its different thing altogether. like in Yahoo auction u can sell as a reserve price n even if there is a bidder, they cant win the auction unless its more than ur reserve price. If BUY it price then buyer can still win at lower than tt. u can email/ignore the Winner if u are nt concerned abt ur rating( which is fine in tt case if u nt ready to sell it at the cheaper rate and u dun depend on rating to survive.) cos most likely the winner will be unhappy and give a bad rating.
s@l:: so about the same... i weighed my boy 2 days ago he was 4Kg and his Birthweight was 2.995 and when left hosp was 2.795. So he has since gained about 1.2kg, about same like your little cuty girl! okay i feel a little safer. cause your girl is only younger than my boy by 4 days. muahhaa.
hi dokie,
i jus called clementi polyclinic to check the 6-in-1 jab, they're charging $326. is the price same as ur PD charging u?
hi dokie,
i jus called clementi polyclinic to check the 6-in-1 jab, they're charging $326. is the price same as ur PD charging u?
Think 17 Dec is good. I will be bringing Matt to the PD for his 1st mth jab in the morning. Can go to your place after that.

Have you decided to change PD? When are u scheduled to do the 1st mth jab? Join us for the cake session if u can.

Thks. Will watch out for it. Your gal is very cute.
Dokie/Rast,if my memory didnt fail me, i think Dr Ong charging $110 or $120 each dose. this is EXCLUDE consultation fees of abt $35-$55.

tinkabel, aft jab better to stay home le..sometimes bb gets cranky. jus to remind u in case u cant handle bb when he starts to fuss. But if u can handle then shouldnt be a problem

Don't worry about going out with baby without hubby. At least for this meet-up you know that there will be people there to help you. We are all there to support eachother. Plus it would be good practice for you and you can test the water to see if you can cope. I have the same feelings as you did. And was on the verge of divorcing my hubby when he suggested that I should take the kids and the baby to ICA by myself because he was busy. But I manage. Today we are going shopping...not sure how that will turn out, but if worst comes to worst, we'll just hop in a taxi and go home.

So make sure you come!
My boy's appt is on 18 Dec. You're using which PD currently? I thot of switching to the one Cindy recommended starting next year.

Regarding the cake session, actually I'm not confident to bring my boy out alone yet leh, worry that I might Garang Gabok, you gals go ahead lah.

My boy is developing some bad sleeping patterns now. These few days, he refused to sleep from 2 to 5pm, and last night he was awake from 11pm to 4am..though he was fed and changed, but just dun want to sleep. Chamz. Do you gals have similar probs? Anyone has succumbed to pacifier?
Yah u are right. Make sense, my boy when he cries, is wailing loud. Then let me know if the cake session is confirmed. I will see if I can join.

Me dying to go shopping too, somemore xmas is round the corner. Need to get xmas gifts. But with my hubby away, not sure if I can handle the bb and carrying the gifts. Taxi is not a prob, but at this time of the year, the queues are always so long. Sigh, I am so bored staying at home already

Using the same one as u, Dr William Yip. Prob only hv to do 2 jabs with him, once at 1 mth and the other 3 mths. Then we are going back to SH after CNY. Just thought might be too much of a hassle to change PD now.
hahah tweety:: iw ould love to but hahah it'll be travelling across the island for me since i'm staying in the west part of Jurong.
and to travel to the east is quite challenging. hhohohos. Just let me know the date, I'll try my best!
like poissons.. I also really not confident.. haha..
I've just changed the PD to Dr Ngiam, heard from my cousin that he is better.

I also want to go shopping! Actually I sneaked out of the house last week to check out Sitex..haha..but kena caught by my parents and MIL who showed up unexpectedly at my place when I was back, so unfortunate. Got nagged and now dun dare to go out liao..
Cindy, we can share taxi since I am staying in the west too :p

By the way there is a bulk purchase for cakes in the forum. Not sure whether good or not. But I am ordering the banana cake.
Hallo ladies!

Long time no post! I wish i can join u ladies for the cake session but i dun want to bring my baby out till she s at least 3 mths old!

Poissons, i long succumbed to the pacifier liao. As long as it kept her quiet and let me sleep... I m fine with it. But must try to wean the baby off it before 1 yr old.

My gal is really jialat. She got her day/night all mixed up. No matter how hard we tried to train her... She will still sleep in the day and refuse to sleep at nite. The worst part is she refused to play by herself....

Yesterday was so bad that i felt murderous and wanted to give her away!

Btw, any ladies here sendin their babies to infant care centre? I m sending mine there from Jan 08 onwards.
Haha same as me. I tried to give excuses that I need to replenish diapers etc to go out for a while. But my PIL see I gone for a few hours, nag and nag.

Hmmm, how you change PD? Just call up and ask for a change? I think Dr Ngiam specialises in cough. My friend act recommended Dr Ngiam and Dr Yip to me. I randomly picked one though. Unfortunately din pick the better one, although he is a gd heart specialist.

Re: Fenugreek
For the mummies that tried this, is it necessary to take 2 per day as recommended? I tried by taking one, but dun tink see much effect. So the increase in milk supply is can pump more milk out at each pumping session or a steady flow of milk supply at shorter intervals of pumping?
tinkabel, i n taking 4-6 per day. Less than tt u wont expect to see effect. but side effects for me is constipation..hiaz....

Overall BM ss will increase...milk will replenish more n shorter interval. but u have to take 3-4 days to see effect. btw i m taking w/ blessed thistle as well.

Poissons/Cindy, join us la. u need to start praticing...furthemore u gals r stii Bf so no need to lug a big bag..easier to handle.
Dokie, i also want the cake le...but organiser no respond yet.....

Maybe can order for our tea session too?
tweety,why dun u fix a date since we going to ur plc? cos it seems this gathering is going nowhere....
Just call the clinic up and tell them you wanna change PD and indicate which one you prefer.

I'm not Bf-ing leh..me now 100% expressing milk for my boy..only latching him once or twice a day if he's cranky.

I might try pacifier if my boy still dun sleep at night. But dun want to introduce now with the CL around, cos' I realise that she doesn't follow my instructions and do things her way as long as she can make the baby sleeps..so pissed off. Sometimes I wonder if these CLs really have the 20-30 years of working experience as proclaimed by themselves?!?
Poissons, maybe can latch him on jus for tt day? heee...really hope to see more mummies attend le...we can all help each other dun worry abt nt being able to cope...

Mummies who are still BF, expressing BM, do u find ur nipples/breasts going out of shape? i hate to see myself naked in front of the mirror now...so ugly le...even when i m fully clothed also. The breasts are 'moving away' from each other. my chest looks so heavy now, normal Tshirt looks so funny on me....nipples are pointing sideways due to frequent expressing....sianz...this is the sacrifice of BF....sob sob...
My baby is really a small drinker. He can only take one side of my breast. If I force him or he drinks willingly, he will split out subsequently.
Anyone has this problem?
Hwei from MumsFairy said tat we need to sterlize the parts only once a day. i think she means the pump parts including the funnel. for bottle, i think it's still best to sterlize everytime coz our BM is stored inside. just my opinion
Poissons, change PD need to inform clinic? I tot just booked appointment with the new PD will do?

Dr Yip and Dr Ngiam all from Singapore baby and child clinic right?
dOKIE, my gal also....she wants to drink...but i know there is a limit she can take...aft tt she will spit out (nt sure if considered reflux) even aft i burp her.

CAtherine, jus wondering why only need to sterilise 1x per day? if rinse with water will be clean enough for bb? cos our milk pass thru the funnel too...jus wonderng how safe cos i also tired o sterilising my pumps. If Ameda can, Avent pump also can right?

I also sneak out once a while during my confinement. Now that my confinement is almost over, I do try to sneak out for longer period to get away from my baby sometimes. I really need that lah if not i will start to imagine things like throwing baby or hitting the baby against the wall... scary right??
My second baby is so much more demanding than my first one..


hmmm... i tot i was imagining things when i saw that my nipples / breasts seem to be pointing more sideways now. So i am not alone. Then the nips so big now.. urgh!


Was so angry with my husband just now (almost felt like divorcing him at that point!!). He wasted abt 400+ ml of my BM. Before i left for my daily walk to destress, I already prepared a bottle of BM to feed the baby and placed it at tbe baby's side. When i came back, i saw the bottle of BM that i have prepard untouched + 2 other bottles on the table. One empty and one in the warmer (100 degrees Celsius!!!!!!!!!! Spoil liao!) My hubby told me he thought the bottle that i had prepared wasn't fresh. so he took another bottle and standby another one in the warmer. He put the warmer to 100 degrees so that can warm faster. I tell u, i was so mad i screamed and yelled like a crazy woman!!! And he could behave so indifferently!! 400+ ml of BM leh... so much time and effort wasted (sob! sob!) Dono y i feel so sad over my BM.

i hope i am not suffering from post-natal blues...
Can totally understand how you feel! haha
I cried when i spilled 160ml by accident!! Every drop is precious and produce with blood and sweat!! How's your hubby coping now?

Ok, I did post a date for the cake session but the website was down.

17th dec, 12pm
Please include your email so that i can send you my address. And Please come mummies. You got to come out and not get stuck at home!!

1) tweety [email protected]

or alternative is to have our session in Jan.
i haf got a problem... my bb gal dun seem to get enuff ever seem day 3 to now day 10... i was wondering shd i stop bf-ing... she latched for almost 1 n half hr each feed but doesnt seem enuff n gotta top up wan... this morning i wake up n onli express 125ml for both side... not 1 side... so sad... nipple pain pian... wat shd i do... at nite had to give her formula milk so tat she can slp longer... haiz... izit i adnormal..
dokie and s@l:: how long does the latching on time take for you now? my bb reflux is better now. not so often spit up.. dokie okay once the date is fixed we see how again okay! hehe i must get past my psycho barrier ahahha

cat:: really? then other times we just wash and use? like s@l, you know if avent pump can do this?

s@l:: haha ya la not only nipples out of shape yes i also do realise they're going further from each other!!
Ladies, Sorry to interrupt.

I have

Lansinoh milk bag : 2 packet for $30 (include postage) (Local retail :S$18 per pack)

1st teeth baby toothpaste with finger brush: 1 set for $12 (include postage) expiry: 2010 (Local retail: S$13.80 without toothbrush, $20.70 with toothbrush)

BP: Designer French Onesies @ http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/1108409.html?1196918486

BP: Japan/Korean Fashion @ http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/1108402.html?1196916965

Interested please email me @ [email protected]
Hi Poissons,
May I ask why you have decided to stop latching and just express 100%? I'm doing the same but trying to switch to 100% latching because I find the pumping time-consuming and takes me away from baby a lot. It takes me at least half an hour each time to pump. How do you cope with night feeds then? Do you feed baby from bottle then pump still? I find that if I do that, it takes me more than an hour to feed, burp and pump and I get very little sleep at night.

Catherine, thanks for the info on sterilizing Ameda pump. I now sterilize the small plastic cups only once a day because I've noticed the suction is weaker. Not sure if it's because I oversterilized it previously.

Sabrina, I know exactly how you feel. I get very upset when I see any milk wasted, even 10ml. Because each time I pump, only 10ml comes out from the left side after much painful massaging. I also get angry and cranky at everyone all the time, my hubby, my CL etc. Dunno if it's post-natal blues. But fortunately, so far no angry thoughts with baby. Just feeling very frustrated and cooped up, and in pain all the time because of sore breasts.

Hearing everyone's stories about pumping makes me envious. Dunno why but I'm very prone to blocked ducts. Everytime I pump, I have to massage the hardness away to clear the ducts, otherwise even when I pump, I can't get anything out. I repeat that painful process every 3 hours. And sometimes no matter how much I massage, it just can't clear, and I am so exhausted I go back to sleep with engorged and painful breasts.
I am also like poissons. Expressing out 100%, and maybe latch bb on when he makes noise. Cos I find latching on too messy and my boy bites, so my nipples are more sore from latching than pumping. But I do have to agree wiht you that pumping takes a lot of time that u can otherwise spend with the bb.

What to do... to some ppl it's JUST milk...

Right now I'm doing 100% pumping. It seems to work better for me coz my let-down flow is too fast and my baby will gag ( and then all the frustration will start!!) My baby seems more contented with bottle feeding. But the only thing is i have to be disciplined abt the pumping time and washing. I only pump when my baby is asleep + when my breasts are full. I don't follow the 3 hourly schedule.

I also have those lumps that just don't seem to go away... I just leave them alone la. Have you tried asking a lactation nurse abt your BF condition?
S@L / Cindy,
i have no idea whether the same can be done for other pumps. coz i saw the instruction in the Ameda Lactaline user manual & asked Hwei from MumsFairy to cfm. i got my pump from her. Does the user manual for Avent state anything like tat? actually i have an avent manual pump, dun rem seeing any instruction like tat....hmmm
Seems like those of us who are expressing rather than latching all have different problems. Ya, pumping is wasting previous time that could be spent w baby. My nipples use to hurt too when baby latches then I went to the lactation consultant and learnt to latch baby correctly. After that it didnt hurt whenever he latches correctly. You want to check if you got the baby to latch on properly?

Do those lumps hurt? The lactation consultant I saw at KK said those lumps are blocked ducts. If don't massage, it will get more and more blocked and become like my left breast, which was very painful when I went to see her on Sunday. So now very scared, any lumps, I will massage it away. I also notice that when I massage the lumps, the milk will flow faster.

How long do all of you spend pumping? I take at least 30 mins each tiem. Is that normal?

The lumps don't really hurt. For my case, if after massaging they don't go away, i will just leave them alone. Coz they seem to disappear after a few pumping session.

Yah, the lumps will spread if you do absolutely nothing abt it.

I spend abt 15 mins for each session. longest is 20 mins.

sabrina, is normal. I will react the same way too. alot of effort to produce ebm. I behaved like a "mad woman" when my elder son refused to take my ebm in the bottle and want me to discard away. sigh
