(2007/11) November MTBs

lazykat, u are using PIS . How long do u take to pump.
I am using PIS and I pump 5min . I am done. I wonder whether is it too fast? :p

wrt Ameda pump, yah, I sterlise only once a day. In the morning. Other times, I just rinse with water and wipe dry. I didn't even read the instruction manuals. Too confusing coz broken up into many languages.
lazykat, u are using PIS . How long do u take to pump.
I am using PIS and I pump 5min . I am done. I wonder whether is it too fast? :p
Hi Leng Leng,

she is a msian/ipoh. your concern if her last assignment in msia or spore is becos of the passport thingy? becos i thot she can go stamp her passport at checkpoint once 1 month is due. she will be doing that this weekend cos i using her more than 1 month.

as for mopping and ironing clothes, i am pretty certain she doesnt do all those. reason being my fren used her before.. and now my turn. and my fren told me her scope of duties is just taking care of baby, cooking for mummy, and washing mummy and baby clothings..

let me know if you are still keen.
Hi Mummies,
I wonder if anyone of you came across such situation. I was feeding my boy with BM earlier. he can drink well and i never have problem with his drinking. just now he drank and within minutes he vomitted all out. All the milk came out from his mouth, through his nostrils.. i got a shock.

My CL and i gathered that it could be becuase we overlooked the fact that my boy had FM before this feed of EBM. And the time gap is barely 3hour.

From his discharge from hospital, he has been fed fully on EBM until today when we decide to introduce partial FM.

It really gave me a shock cos he vomitted lots and lots.. not little.. from his mouth and nostrils. All watery milk..

is it true that after FM, the next feed shld be after 3.5hr-4hr?

is it abnormal to have baby vomitted the milk from his mouth and nostrils?

i really got a big shock. fortunately the CL around. else i really dont know what to do.
Plim/ olivetree, u gals already complain abt the Ameda pump parts alot/difficult to assemble? hahaha u should try using Avent DUO then..even more parts to sterilise and assemble. but i m quite used to it already, initially was turned off too and tot of using my Ameda instead. but Avent allowed very good let-down for me which i cant get when using Ameda. But might use my Ameda when i go travelling or when outside.

Dokie, so fast 5 min? but is it tp empty ur breasts aft feed or strictly a pumping session? cos i also take abt 5min to clear the 'leftover' BM aft feeds. but if its a whole pumpin session for me is usually abt 20min-30min. i try nt to exceed too long. sometimes my timing so bad tt bb wakes up the moment i finish pumping then my breasts will nt have enough milk for her then have to feed her thru the btl.

plim, if u express on a regular basis 2-3hrly, even at night, ur BM will increase. dun worry.

Tinkabel, i m taking Fenugreek + blessed Thistle. it is said to boost BM if combine these 2 herbs together. i do find my ss increase...and this time i have much more BM than when i had my 1st bb. but also could be due to latching. Side effects varies from person to person. i take abt 4-6 capsules (of each herb) daily.i find myself perspire alot, a little consitpated. do read up on the herbs and its effects before u take in case of allergy.
S@L, ya 5min. I massage as I pump. I pump immediately after I feed my baby.
Considered empty both breasts because I massage and ensure no more.
Dokie, ur boy discipline during feed or nt? my gal will 'break up' her each feeding into 2-3 sessions.So its like she will latch 5-10min, then doze off (cannot wake her up) aft a while will cry and wanna latch again. Repeat this a few times then her feeding is considered over. does ur boy do tt? so i cant pump immediately aft each time she drinks cos dunno if she is full yet. so usually aft she doze off into deep sleep then i start to pump.
hi ladies,
my milk supply seems getting stagnant; mayb coz i dun pump regularly... sigh, not sure how long i can 'tahan' pumping - now BB's on FM most of the time, i can only supply her 1 feeding per day and it's still not enuf... really disheartened liao...

my CL will be leaving in 10 days time and i'm oredi feeling 'blue'; not sure nor confident that i can handle BB after she goes off... will be on my own for few days before my parents come over from M'sia (my PIL not free to help)...

Also my BB seems to have sleeping problem. She's just 20days old and oredi not sleeping much; usually after morning feed she will take more than an hour before she finally dozed off (have to use pacifier; no choice!) but the slightest sound; she'll sorta get 'scared' and jerk up crying/screaming... then have to coo her back to sleep and stick the pacifier back in... she'll dozed off a while then wake up and off and on and off for really long time! My CL managed to get her to sleep (finally!!) but not sure if i can do that... big SIGH!!! oredi felt like a lousy mommy liao; dun even know how to handle my BB...
another thing to ask; for those who when thru C-Sect - any1 still experiencing 'wind' after 3wks? lately my tummy sounds a bit funny; a lot 'noisier' than usual and sometimes even feel a bit pain.

also, should our lochia be clearing after 3wks? i'm not getting much lately, just slight spotting; sometimes i just use a panty liner. when will our actual menses start then? or if we BF/pump, it will be delayed??

sorry ah, so many questions... my next chk up wif my gynae is next mid-Jan; so still a long way to go!
Hi fanny, where is the clinic that offer 6 in 1 jabs for 280? pls email to [email protected]

thanks! Any of the babies here has already went for second jab?

my boy appetite seems to be increasing and my milk supply seems to get lesser. i am really worried i don't have enough milk for him. sometime after bottle feed him with my EBM, he still rooting for milk... i am like -_-" oh no. and he don't latch on directly... making me really so tired!
S@L,for my baby. He will latch on for at least 15min then he will release if satisfied. I will put him down and immediately go and express out.
I am done in 5 min. I massage breasts as I pump.
He gets full very easily. Small appetite.
He cant take both breast. Most of the time only one breast.

Rast, I go TMC PD because I want my baby's record to be fully at one location.

Kittybride, Vivian, why not try fish and green papaya soup. Someone in this thread did share her milk supply increased after drinking.
I asked my mum to cook for me yesterday and today too. Not sure any improvement.
sabrina, u only sterilise ur pump once a day and the rest of the time just rinse with water ah? so far ok? I'm also thinking if i should do that... dunno if sterilise so many times a day will spoil the pumps or not... but then again, got the hygiene problem to think of :S

S@L, hehe, the complain on the Ameda pump is wrt to the Medela pump which i used to hv... Medela's parts are lesser than what Ameda has... din noe that Avent Duo has even more! :p

i also sterilise my pump before every use, and I feed my baby EBM during the day and BF during the night..(due to laziness and convience plus it reduces engorgement in the morning).
My baby's appetite is HUGE! so much so that I can't keep up with him so I supplement with FM for one feed during the night around 11pm and I find that he will be 'full' enough for a good 4 hours. (also notice that baby is really really drowsy after been fed FM!)

RE: confinement lady,

Mine was very good, she did ALL the housework, cleaned the floors every morning, ironed, did laundry and cooked for the whole family. On top of that she took care of baby at night too.
She is also very agreeable and would do things the way I ask her to. She also took care of my older 2 boys, like make them breakfast and lunch. Didn't realised how much help she was until she left!!!
I was a bit worried before I hired a CL because I heard they would only look after the mother and baby. So when I hired my CL I told her before she came what I expected her to do (help me by taken over my chores) and she said that it was OK. what a relief! she only charged me $1800.

she's booked up til June next year so if anyone wants her contact just PM me.

BTW, I have 4 bottles of glutinous rice wine left over from my confinement. brought for $12.50 each. Anyone want it at discount??
Tinkerbel, I would also like your massage lady's contact please!!

i've lost 10kg since giving birth, but I have another 10kg to go!!!! help!!
RE:Cake session

Mommies, Are we agreeable on the venue? If so, I need to know the date and time so that I can book the bbq pit.
We r meeting b4 christmas right? weekday or weekend? i personally prefer weekday because pretty busy during weekend since its hubby's day off.
Tweety, same as u. I have another 9kg to go.
Couldnt wait for tinkerbel as I am too anxious.Got contact from my colleague instead.

bomian!Very depressing still couldnt shed off the extra weight within a month.
Need to go gym after confinement liao.
Those who wanted Aunty Sadiah's contact. Her cellphone is 97724579. I think she is pretty ok. You gals can try if she is available. But I put on less than 11kg to start with, and after delivery, lost 6kg. Lost the remaining after her massage and prob taking care of bb myself. Think Yoko mention somethg about wearing some bodysuit. I wear my binder most of the time. Think that helps too.

you are soo lucky to get your weight bk to normal.

dokie u and me gotta work hard to shed those lbs!!! my eldest son has already volunteered to b my coach,,,said he will nag me to death and make me jog everyday! already sorry i ask him

lochia should clear after 3-4wks. I'm in 5wks and still getting spotting. menses will be delayed if u BF. Infact u shouldn't get menses if u BF, i remember tt when i BF my first son for 6mths my mense didn't start til 7mtns. in the old days this was a method of contractive...hence the 1yr baby gaps.
I also supplement my boy with FM at night so that he feels fuller and can sleep longer, but surprisingly he still wakes up every 2-3hrs demanding for his feed! Aiyo! I really dunno what to do but juz to feed according to his demands.

You're blessed to have a good CL for a start. My 1st one was hell and I sacked her on the 9th day. The 2nd one is better, but her cooking is not that fantastic, at least she takes good care of my boy now and I'm more relieved.

Regarding weight lost, I still have 2.5kg more to go. Juz now tried on my jeans and it fits but a little tight! SO happy! I wear corset to tighten the flabby tummy after each bath till the next morning and I guess it helps. Got the corset from Ero and cost me $75.
I was told by my gynae and nurses that even though we BF and don't have menses, there's still a probability of getting pregnant if we have intercourse without precautions. I dun wanna take risks..haha..I need a break
big appetite is good, boys should be big
my son has put on 1.2kg since birth. notice he is filling out.

corset..i don't notice much difference, maybe just me!
yup, I heard of ppl who have had such 'accidents'.
I'm considering getting an implant in the arm, will last 3yrs. But the side effects is weight gain!!!!!

yah, i only sterilise the Ameda parts once a day as instructed in the manual. I'm concerned abt just rinsing the parts only for other times.. but so far looks ok leh. Coz i keep the parts in airtight container when not in use.

the implant in the arm really causes weight gain ah?? I was just thinking if using those...hmmmm...

mummies with reflux babies,

how are little ones getting on? better? Mine still to be getting worse. Need to carry her upright most of the time. Have resorted to using a baby carrier when i need to do chores or take care of my elder gal.
Just had my massage by a Malay Person recommended by my colleague. How to tell whether good or no good from her stroke ? Very different from my regular massage.

Tinkabel, does mdm sadiah use cloth to tie?
so after using ur Ameda pumps, u will wash and rinse the funnels and attached bottles and then u juz keep in air tight container till next use? Do you need to rinse with boiled water just before next use?
sorry ah, so many questions :p
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thx for ur advice!
i've also been drinking green papaya & fish soup but seems not much improvement.
2day tried latching BB and she seems ok - after a few tries; thk got nipple confusion liao coz of teat, pacifier & mommu's nippie. she suckle for 15mins then dozed off; have to wake her up for FM, else she will wake up n cry. feel tiring oredi...

your CL sounds beta than mine... can i have her contact; just keep for future use!

wrt lochia, mine is really ending coz spotting is also decreasing, thk coz of my lack of BF & pumping.
RE: Ameda Lactaline Pump
i did saw the instruction in the manual regarding the sterilization of only once a day. quite puzzled. thinking of asking Hwei from MumsFairy. right now, i still sterilize b4 each pump.
Kittybride, how about supplements. there is a pill prescribed by gynae motilium . U can ask gynae. It helps in milk production.
kittybride, when you express your milk, make sure you really empty your breast. Whenever i pump, i will massage my breast and ensure that all the milk is emptied from the milk ducts. When all the milk is emptied, your body will think that there is a great demand. Higher demand equals higher supply. That way, my milk supply gradually increased. You can also try drinking hot milo before every BFg or pumping session to increase milk supply. That's what my massage lady told me... Also, in TMC, i was served hot milo for every meal...

For those looking for massage lady, i highly recommend Madam Rokiah. Check out her website.

And here's a couple of threads discussing her fantastic service...

hello poissons and tweety:: can i ask if you express at the time when you replace with FM?

Tweety i also want to follow like your schedule. FM for one night feed, middle of night feeds latch on and eBM for day feeds. but each time i want to express before he feeds, there's not enough time and if i want to express after he feeds, not much milk left. haha. I wonder when will I achieve that EBM for day feeds state!
Aunty Sadiah uses cloth to wrap the herb. Then bind with a white "bandage" look alike material around the tummy and hips.

poissons, tweety:
What FM do you gals use for the bb? I am currently doing full expressed BM for Matt. Just tinking whether I shd intro 1 FM a day cos he seems to be always hungry.
I only express during daytime, every 4hrs interval, each time can yield between 120-160ml. FM is only for night feeds to make him fuller and sleep longer.

I'm trying Nans from Nestle currently, heard that it's the smoothest and nearest to BM. Previously was feeding him with Similac cos' Glen E gave me the sample bottles.

im using similac. My son doesn't seem to mind switching from BM to FM so tts ok.

I also express during the day and feed baby the EBM i have stored up. I express whenever I feel the 'let down'....so roughly 3-4hrs intervals. if my BM is low then i will only manage 100ml..if good like in the morning, i can express 160ml.
today is my 1st day of massage. same as u, i dun know how to tell she is good or not. but she showed me how the water coming out from my tummy, really a lot of water. she said is water retention.
rast, how many days after yr delivery? natural?
water comin out from where? i dun remember mine have.

tweety, same here 10kg more to go. also put on 20kg.

Corset can set yr shape n tighten loose skin lo. weight lost bit tough but can make u lost yr appetite cos very tight ma.

wat does the 6in 1 jab include? i did 2nd dose of hep b today at PD. my pd dun seems to hv any package lei
