(2007/11) November MTBs


its ok by me if u bring your other child and maid, likewise to all other mommies who want to do that...i also have 2 othrs kids, so i totally understand

1) Tweety - tweety [email protected]
2) S@L - [email protected]
3) Yoko - [email protected]
4) Cindy [email protected]
5) Plim - [email protected]
6) superhappymum - [email protected]

mummies pls confirm, if date is ok then pls add your email address

Cindy (3 Dec)
Dokie (6 Dec)
Tinkabel (15 Dec - cant wait liao...hahaha - jus joking)
Gillian (09 Dec)
Yoko (2 Dec)
Rachel (CF over too!)

Just now I went to parentcraft TMC , the lactation consultant told me one month old baby should take about 100ml.

Rast, my pd charges $128 per jab for 5 in 1.

S@L, green papaya soup, can use any fish according to waitress;grouper or threadfin. Put fish last.
Boil fish bones, ginger, red dates, chinese pasley (cant spell) together for 2 hours.
I just bought 2 sets for tonight and tomo.:p
Hi Ladies,

I think its normal for EBM supply to fluctuate up and dwn. And really really must b discipline n pump and regular intervals to get the supply in. For me, since I pump regular intervals every 4hrly, supply nvr really increase. Jus remain constant only.

Did u gals take a lot of fish esp threadfin?? I think that helps for me.

Juz wondering hw much does your bb drink nw? My gal drink abt 90ml of EBM and 10ml of water every feed. Worried is it too much since she is only abt 18 days old only. And she gets v cranky esp in the evening when sun sets and refuses to sleep by herself unless we carry her. Its making me so fustrated coz at the same time, my confinement lady give me a lot of problems. I.e. eats more than me, must nap 3 hrs in the pm, i cant rest at nite until she finish her chores n shower at 11pm since she will ask me to take care of bb until she is done, automatic drink my chicken essence and all my food in the fridge wo even asking, always request to switch on aircon saying my bb jaundice need to sleep in aircon room.

Goodness, my hubby wanted to sake her but my mom kept stopping us as we got no help if she is gone.

She is makg me go crazy soon and I dun even hv time to go online at all. Dunno hw i can tahan until full mth even though its another 10-13 days to go.

(haha...great mind thinks alike eh..since we both have the same NICK!!) Your CL sounds awful! When my CL first came I set her ground rules..stating what I expected and what I wanted her to do. Then my hubby scold me because he didn't want me to be to 'bossy'...he was afraid that she would take it out on our bb if she wasn't happy!! Had 2 keep her sweet too. But really, your CL is a bit of a diva. Don't know if i can it it, but you only have 10 more days leh!
dokie:: think cab bahs!

poissons:: sigh i also want to pump regularly but not much ley. breasts also don't feel full when it's time to pump. still quite soft. I so headache. could it be yesterday intro FM now he prefers FM and don't want to latch? but i give him bottle EBM he also doesn't want.

tweety:: i think something's wrong but i don't know what. he feeds hourly and sucks for 5 mins and stops. i don't know what is wrong. if he's hungry, he should still cry right.
Lucky you only pump 4 times a day. I pump every 3hours, so about 8 times a day. Do you have to pump in middle of night? I'm trying to cut down pumping times and hopefully get thru the night without pumping but breasts seems to get too engorged if I wait more than 4 hrs. Then becomes very hard to massage the milk out.

Do you gals have to massage your breasts in order to get the milk flowing or just pump will do?

I'm using the Ameda and I get about 80-100 ml every 3 hours. When in KK, I tried the Medela PIS and it was very good. I find the Ameda ok.

My baby has in the last few days been feeding every 1.5-2 hrs instead of 3 hours. Wondering if he's going thru a "growth spurt". How long does a growth spurt last? VEry tiring to feed him so often.
Hi Yoko,

With Dumex, so far so good. his poo not so smelly.. and her didn't merlion-ed.. though merlion-ed could be due to over feeding and not brand of FM. but at least with Dumex, he dirnking well and sleeping well. And i am certain he can take this brand cos he had that at kkh too.

i didnt give water to him. cos i gave EBM too which i thot there is already 'water' in our BM.

CL told me not to give water until 2 month old. The doctor at poly also told me the same (as i asked if water can help to bring down jaundice). This doc told me they are too young to take water.. what the throat is weak and with water and milk will be hard to digest and cause vomitting.. something like that.
HI Dokie
Thanks for the info.

I realised I have to massage the breasts to get the milk flowing actually, if not the spurts or sprays will stop after sometime. I think if you have lumps, its better to massage, so you unblock the ducts/passages for the milk to flow out. However, for me, sometimes, even if i dont have lumps, I also massage just to help with the milk flow. Milk flow quite pathetic, maybe cos I only started pumping, about twice daily. Sigh, really hard work pumping. My baby has also been drinking every 1.5-2hrs too, previously can last about 3 hours esp in the day, now he wakes abt 2 hrs or less...as you said, very tiring...hardly rest cos time is spent bathing, etc, checking emails.

Anyone using the manual Avent pump? Any idea if electric can pump faster and more than the manual pumo
Hi Erika,

I would definitely recommend an electric pump having used one now. Mine is not the top of the range but still qutie effective. I've heard not very good feedback on the Medela Mini Electric, but the rest seem quite good. Worthwhile investment I think.
Nov mummies gathering
CAKE & TEA session
17th dec Mon, 12pm
Venue: Tweety's plc

1) Tweety - tweety [email protected]
2) S@L - [email protected]
3) Yoko - [email protected]
4) Cindy [email protected]
5) Plim - [email protected]
6) superhappymum - [email protected]
7) Tinkabel - [email protected] (to confirm, since my boy doing jab and may get cranky)

mummies pls confirm, if date is ok then pls add your email address

Cindy (3 Dec)
Dokie (6 Dec)
Tinkabel (15 Dec - cant wait liao...hahaha - jus joking)
Gillian (09 Dec)
Yoko (2 Dec)
Rachel (CF over too!)

My boy is 22 days and I just started giving him 90ML yesterday. Think should be ok, depends on how much bb demand.

Think u have to start pumping more regularly to get ur milk supply going. It helps...Electronic one better, I use the Avent Uno one, not sure if this is the best electronic one around though.

Why did you change the prev massage lady? how is aunty sadiah?
I'm lazy (hehe..), so often I will sleep through the night and will only pump at 7am when I wake up, last pump of the day is at 10 or 11pm before I sleep. Usually my breasts will get hard in the morning (cos never pump at night) but throughout the day is ok.

Like Tinkabel, my boy is also 22 days old but he's already drinking 100ml, thought of increasing to 110ml soon cos like some of your babies, he is asking for milk ranging from 1.5 hrs interval to 3 hrs interval, my BM doesn't seem to match his everlasting demand! I also realise that once they poo (esp alot!), they will get hungry very soon...
same here, after my girl poos a lot, she'll get hungry earlier or want to drink more. She's 16 days old but taking 100ml of EBM every feed. But her feeding pattern is very erratic. Sometimes she'll take everything in one go. but sometimes, she'll take up to an hour to finish the 100ml!
she's also very 'princess', wants to be carried most of the time. Total nitemare for me at night. Last nite, I lost it completely and cried with her. I think i was too sleep deprived. My hubby woke up and took over from me.
My milk supply dropped suddenly too, i think it's due to not enough rest, plus i got lazy and started stretching my pumping intervals. Must pump more often to boost my supply! *determined*
I also use Avent Uno. Am very happy with it, no probs at all. However, like Erika, my milk flow isn't very good. Must always massage and compress the breasts while pumping in order to ensure all the milk is emptied from breasts. Anyone knows how to improve the let-down reflex? I think if my milk flow is better, my pumping time will be reduced slightly...
sabrina, S@L and twiggy: thanks for ur feedback on the ameda pump. i got about 80ml using that for 15 mins, but after that need to use avent manual and hand to empty the breasts
i hope that it is becoz the pump is "old" and "overuse" that's why it can't function as well as i expected.

i have already order the ameda dual from mumsfairy together with the handsfree and supershield. i hope they will give me an easier time to express my milk.

Erika: i am using avent manual now. as my letdown is quite slow, so, i can take 45min - 1 hour to fully express my milk. each time between 100 - 140ml from both breasts. i am expressing between 3 - 4 hourly so it is super tiring for me, that's why i order the ameda dual pump to try it out.

i had used avent manual when i had my #1, it worked well for me for 6 mths plus, but dunno why this time i had more difficulty.
Nov mummies gathering
CAKE & TEA session
17th dec Mon, 12pm
Venue: Tweety's plc

1) Tweety - tweety [email protected]
2) S@L - [email protected]
3) Yoko - [email protected]
4) Cindy [email protected]
5) Plim - [email protected]
6) superhappymum - [email protected]
7) Tinkabel - [email protected] (to confirm, since my boy doing jab and may get cranky)
8) Gillian - [email protected]

Regarding breast feeding, I already more or less gave up. basically, the inverted nipples really makes things a lot tougher and I caved into FM ages ago. I am feeding baby NAN cos i thought i was going to do full BM for him, and NAN is the closest taste to BM. But,I struggled so hard and was so stressed at the beginning, my hubby told me to just feed what's possible, so, he's taking watever I have.
I pump every 3 hours, cant latch cos of inverted nips. but until today, almost 1 month liao, each time still only get 60 ml from both sides. At first, i feel slightly upset that most of u are giving BM, and I felt very lousy as a mum. But, I've come to realise that its better to be a happy FM giving mum than a stressed BM giving mum.
I think we should persevere when giving BM, but please remember that motherhood is not all about BM only.I just wanna tell those who cannot do total BF, it's ok, u r still a good mummy.

And, for the meeting, what should we get? Is it cakes? I am having my baby's full month party on Sunday and went to get my hair and face done, so I at least look same for the upper half of my body. The flab cant be taken away... hahaha...I think we will all be sleep deprived for at least 6 months... when baby learns to wake up only once a night. Tht's what I heard from old people.
Do u gers visit the hair salon a couple of days b4 ur baby's full month? is it ok? cos I've been dying to have a colour job done for the past 9 months and now that I've done it, it seems like my mum is displeased...
Thanks for your feedback...maybe I will borrow my friend's Ameda pump to try it out. The Avent manual seems really slow, like Olivetree mentioned, I also take about 1 hour to fully express the milk, and sometimes can't even pass 70-80ml...really bad and very tiring. Furthermore, my boy seems to like struggle a little at the breast and fussed at the nipple and then gripped it tightly before starting his feed, quite queer, as I thought he is latching properly. My nipples are quite sore & painful whenever he latches on now, cos he seems to feed every 1.5hrs.

Thanks Tinkabel, will try to pump more regularly, but at the rate my boy is waking up, I have no time to pump, and after a feed, no more milk already...so I may have to pump 1 breast whilst feeding him...find the letdown better like that.

after using the Ameda, my avent manual / IQ Uno seem to have little effect on me... I should have just purchased the dual pump earlier during the Taka babyfair then instead of getting the single pump. Sad to see $279 (retail of Avent Uno) fly just like that.

I also purchased the supershield and handsfree. Have yet to try...

Unlike some of the mummies here, the pumping doesn't wear me out.... but it's taking care of 2 kids does (even with the help of my mum!). I have major sleep deprivation and nasty temperament. The little one has started to get really fretful nowadays. Fortunately, there's a platform for me to let my steam off sometimes like this forum. Wonder how my mum manage to take care of me and my siblings (4 of us) single-handledly then...

I totally agree with you! HAPPY MUM = HAPPY BABY. It's true !!
So don't let anything get u down. For my 1st child, i totally NEVER breastfed at all but i was happy (coz my daughter could sleep longer during the night
) and my daughter still grows up healthily like any other breastfed babies.
I agree with you, better to be a happy FM mummy than a stressed BF one. Just do your best. I will try to BF for as long as I can, but I won't pressure myself if I can't handle it. Wonder how mummies with twins or triplets handle it?

For cake session, I suggest that we each bring a cake that we like to share. But seeing as theres soo many of us would that be too much cakes?
I've ordered some sandwiches as well, so it'll make up for lunch and will be a light snack...leave some room for the yummy cakes..mmmm
Hi Gillian,

U are right with your theory. dun be a stressed BF mum and make yourself unhappy all the time. FM also make a baby healthy...that's what i grow up drinking as well.

for me, my ultimate terms are: if using the pump doesnt help me in pumping efficiently and if i have mastitis again, then i will also consider stopping BF totally as well.

with 2 kids to handle, i am already quite stressed out. i also became more impatient and hit my older gal yesterday for being naughty. i felt so heart pain when i saw her cried loudly.

so the most important thing is to try to stay happy and positive at all times!!
Tinkabel, she is good. so much better than my previous massage aunty. she don brag. she is helpful and humble. Very nice lady. Feel very comfortable with her. She is coming again tomo 9am.
dokie, did the TMC mention how many feeds shld a EBM baby of 4 weeks (taking 100ml) be hving? Cos my princess still take abt 8 feeds per day, now on total EBM - wondering if i shld hv up the amt so as to make the interval last longer..
ur PD charge per jab $128 that means $128X5=$640 wah..that's quite ex leh. today i jus brought my bb for his hep B jab, polyclinic only charge me $15. their package for 6-in-1 is $326 and 5-in-1 is $290.
hi mummies!!!

i am back!!! have been struggling to handle my gal after my CL left on 26th nov.. aiyo.. after she left my gal got colic. cried a lot.. sigh... now really very sleep deprived... however i did go for shopping though.. haha... but shopping has never been the same after she came into our lives... haha.. we became v sensitive to loud sounds (as may wake her up) and also once we reached any shopping centres, we are always asking where is the nursing room.. aiyo...

read that you all are talking about massage. I also engaged madam sadiah (grace too) keke...
i think she sure still remember me..... haha.. becos i fart a lot when she massage throughout the 9 days!!! haha.
rast, i think is $128X3. I think hep b jab is around $30.

lazykat, no. I assume 3 hoursly

K@ye, sorry I forgot to ask about reflux.

Cindy, let share a taxi together leh. PM me where u stay. We can coordinate. U bringing the little one hor
I have tried to bring bb & DD out yesterday. It's totally okay though it's a bit clumsy and slow. Ha, I have confident bringing them out already.
Any mummies stay at North to go for Tea session?
Hi Tweety,

Yeah, it was juz my oversight that I didn't really set any ground rules for her. In the end, she is setting ground rules in my hse. Counting dwn, she really has another 10 days to go and part of me lookg forward to de day, the other part is not coz I dunno hw to pacify my fussy princess. I do feel that my princess has gotten used to my CL and certainly hope this is not the case.

Dun feel upset abt not giving BM. Me too had inverted nipples and LC kept forcing me to latch on but I got really stressed out during the 3rd day that I gave up. Resort to EBM instead. I guess coz I bought the Medela PIS Advance which really helps to boost my supply, if not, I wud b like u oredi give up by now.

Does anyone of u feel v tired still? I dunno y I feel dwn n v tired all the time and I dun really wanna bond w my girl. Juz feel no matter hw much rest, I juz cant get myself up to do anything. Wonder if that's post natal depression or not.
Hallo ladies!

Talking abt shopping... Ever since the espiode with my daughter on bringing her out consecutively for 3 days. My Mum has barred me from bringing her out unless its for immunisation.

I can only bring my daughter out when she is 3 mths old.

Dokie, my gal reflux is better now and she dun merlion that much before since i switched her to FM. And i dun feel so stressed as compared to breastfeeding her.

Tweetie, better try to let ur gal get used to u before the CL left. U will suffer, that s what happen to me when the CL left.

Also, dun worry abt the bond between the mother & child. Even though, i had stopped breastfeeding my daughter. She will only go to sleep at nite if i m around. Quoting my Mum's words, "She wants your smell."
hi mummies,

my CL left yday although it's not end of my confinement yet. she got another assignment to do. i cried when she left, not because i'll miss her but because i'm afraid tat i wun b able to take proper care of my baby.

yday nite i slept in baby's room. HB slept in the room at first too, but he gave up in the middle of the nite & when back to the MBR. I took care of baby by myself last nite. so proud of myself. i also peifu all mummies who took care of baby on their own, esp tinkabel. this morning i managed to bath baby with help of my ma & HB. it's so satisfying to see him smile when i bath him

dun be worried tat ur gal wun get used to u. I had the same fear too when i see CL carry my baby all the time & he seemed to calm down whenever she carried him. i think i slowly realised babies can sense when u r nervous or not confident in carrying him/her, tat's y they fuss. CL are so experienced in carrying & taking care of babues tat's y babies seem to quieten down once CL carry. BESIDES, we are the mothers. Nobody else can be closer to our babies than us!
Poissons, it might not be blocked nose. The PD did mention yesterday that new born might breathe very hard as though they have blocked nose. Actually it is not. My son is like that too.

Nov mummies gathering
CAKE & TEA session
17th dec Mon, 12pm
Venue: Tweety's plc

1) Tweety - tweety [email protected]
2) S@L - [email protected]
3) Yoko - [email protected]
4) Cindy [email protected]
5) Plim - [email protected]
6) superhappymum - [email protected]
7) Tinkabel - [email protected] (to confirm, since my boy doing jab and may get cranky)
8) Gillian - [email protected]
9) [email protected]
Just back home. Brought my son for haircut, makan at crystal jade and shopping at robinson.
I feel so tired when I didnt even really shopped at all.

My 33months son was throwing tantrum demanded us to buy thomas the train toy painting set. As usual I have a soft spot and tend to spolit him wanted to buy for him but my hubby stopped me.
He asked us to leave IMMEDIATELY. My elder son was crying and creating a scene at the mall.
We were embarrassed by him.

Now back home feeling tired and miserable with 2 kids. He went to the golf range. "sob sob"
I feel so drained out. What if every outing turns out to be like that with 2 kids?

Do your face such challenges at the malls?
I went to robinson to take a look at mcclaren quest sporty. It cant recline all the way down and meant for 3 months to 4 months onwards. I never know that. I tot we can use as young as new born.

What pram or strollers did your buy?
Desperate because my friends are getting it for me from robinson tomo.

Is your boy's blocked nose getting better? You can try sucking the mucous out. If it still doesn't get better, you can get infant nasal decongestant solution (the name is ILIADIN) at pharmacies. I have used them on both my kids. But you must get those meant for INFANTS, coz the brand carries for adults too. Use one drop on each nostril, 3 times a day, for 4-5 days. Then stop. It's safe. If you go to GP / PD, they will give the same thing also. But of course, if you want to be sure it's not due to any other conditions, better see a GP /PD then.

Mummies using Ameda,

When i wash the funnels, i actually detach the whole thing at the tubing part where it's connected to the motor. I find it easier that way Coz the caps very difficult to remove. As a result, the vaccuum outlet on the motor has loosen (heard a loud "thud" sound)..big sigh! Serve me right for doing "smart" things which i am not suppose to do
How?? Must send for repair?? But the suction still seems ok to me. I am those type where things sure get spoilt when used.

Any idea Where can i get the Ameda Flexishield and the Manual Head Pump? Thanks
i'm doing my baby's full month celebration tmr. now HB and my ma when to distribute cakes to relatives who cant make it tmr. now it's only me & baby. luckily baby is sleeping soundly (even smiling in his sleep...hehehe) now i headache over wat to wear tmr. my confinement not over yet so i cant wear my fav spaghetti tops and also cant eat the buffet & drink cold drinks... *SOB*

Are you still in confinement? How abt getting "the day off" and go out to destress and get away from the baby and the feeling of being a "prisoner at home")? Since you are giving EBM, someone else can do the feeding. Is someone else helping you out at home? I feel that you should take it easy for a day or two and let someone else do the taking care of the baby / chores. Talk to someone (we are here for you). If not, what you are feeling might escalate... take care.
I am using mcclaren quest sporty since my 1st baby is 4 months old. I am now using it for my newborn (1.5 months old) though it can't recline flat. I am not sure if it's because my baby is a big size baby coz I find it's okay leh.
Sabrina, cant leh. XT too expensive.

Superhappymum, ok then I will stick to my choice because my baby at 1st month also big size. I think is ok. I am happy to hear that because I don have to make another decision.

Anyway most of the time I will use sarong sling. Only CNY or Christmas I need it.
Dun worry. I am sure you can make it... I thought when my hubby left to go back to Shanghai and I had to take care of my bb myself, I was devastated too. But I think once you get the hang out of it, it should be easier. Of course, there are times when my bb was wailing, I do still feel frustrated and feel like stuffing his mouth up. But once I hug him and managed to calm him down, I feel a sense of closeness to him... and those frustrations disappear...Now just thinking how I can train my bb to sleep throughout the night, so that Mummy can have back some beauty sleep...

Talk about cold stuff... I gave an excuse to go out to Robinsons just now. Then guess what... Bumped into my sis when I decided to treat myself to an ice-cream... I have to bribe her not to tell my mum. If not, her nagging will start again...
I got my Ameda Flexishield at Baby Kingdom (dunno if it's this one or Baby Hypermart, but it's the one that is further away from the entrance from the main road). Costs $38 each.

What is Manual Head Pump? Can you tell me what is it and how does it work?
Hi K@ye and Catherine,

Thanks for your comfort. Dunno y I juz cant pull myself to face baby alone. Mayb when I m forced to do it, I will then slowly face it. Actually, HB wanted to bring out for walk today at compasspoint, but i feel so ugly and also no time. By the time I finish expressing milk ard 3 plus and showered, its oredi comg 5 and then I dread going out again. Juz no motivation to do anything at all. Sob... Every mommy c baby will smile, only I c baby will feel like crying. Everything like has become a chore lor, no longer enjoyment.

Tweety, can go for the Tea Session, my confinement only end on 18th Dec. Oh, btw does yr CL follow u all ard during confinement to deliver cakes, my CL insist she wanna come along and I dread it. Gives her an absolute chance to mkt herself kaypoh abt our family which I hate. Arghhhh.....

Sabrina, I bought this brand called Preg Prego P3 which can b used for new born. Mothercare has this range, u can go check it out.

I hvn bought a car seat yet. Any recommendation not so exp? Maxi Cosi looks gd but tink too exp for bb to sit until 9mths only.

For jabs, I also not sure when to bring bb for check up also. Is it 4wks or 6 wks? Not intending to bring her to any PD, prob juz either polyclinic or GP for jabs will do.

Dokie, what s ur budget for ur pram/stroller? I bought mine on thursday during the Taka sale. It costs abt $360 after the discount and suitable for newborn till 3 yrs old, plus its light abt 4.2kg.

Tweetie, i also felt unattractive etc during my confinement and even now. But my hubby & family are supportive, they told me that i m not that fat and it takes time to lose those excess weight. I still hv 5 more kg to go!

For babies' jabs, u can refer to the healthbook for info. Usually at birth, its BCG & 1st dose of Hep B.

At 1st mth, its 2nd dose of Hep B and at 3rd mth, its the 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 jab. I will be bringing my daughter to the PD for the pneccumoal & rotavirus jab at 2nd mth coz i m sending her to the infant care centre next mth.
