(2007/11) November MTBs

ur bb very very cute..so chubby. What FM do you use for ur bb?
mine is c-section and today just one month fr my delivery. my massage lady asked me to look at my tummy when she massage on my tummy, i can c a lot of water coming out.
wa..the corset so ex huh...


what ur baby went thru is normal. probably due to over feeding. My gal vomits like that almost every other day.


i didn't rinse with boiled water.
My baby's poo turned greenish yellow since last night (the green is like kaya green), is this normal? Abit worried leh, dunno if I shld bring him to the PD. He's on partial FM and BM.
tweety and poissons:: wow. then when you get up in the morning you'll pump? and no pumping throughout the night? tweety: you're still direct latching during night hrs eh? what about poissons? yesterday i tried pumping, 45min then can get about 90mL but breasts still don't really feel empty. Should i pump more than latching on or is it i have not enough milk? I realise after pumping, the breasts fill up more quickly. Yet pumping cannot drain as effectively as bb drains. I was wondering if i can totally just convert from latch on to FM without giving EBM.

poissons: what's the texture of the poo? i think as long as it's not those mucousy type it's okay. but if you're worried of course PD is best. ^^
How do you know whether ur breasts are empty? Pump until no more milk? I usually just pump until I see very little milk coming out.

How do you last without pumping at nite? I tried once and I woke up with my T shirt soaked. Now I have to pump once in the middle of the night. So tiring...

I also curious to know what it means when water come out. Dun think I see any such thg when I did my massage. Water come out from where?
dokie, I hv to pump at least 20-30min with massage/manual (by hand) most of the time to empty completely since i am on exclusive ebm now, but thinking to add in 1 FM at night so to make baby last thru the nite, if poss! She is still demanding milk every 3 hr interval, and with CL leaving soon, dun think i can keep up with that, plus going back to work after 3 mths.

For PIS, do we hv to sterilize 1 time or everytime before we use? currently i am doing the latter, not sure the funnels can tahan so many times sterilizing anot..

Tinkabel, yr let down must be really gd, for me, i can sleep thru 12+ to 8am+ and breast pad still not full, heh.

My DH was wondering if pumping means spurting out like those of cows? cos mine seem to be dripping slowly.. ha.
Yup, I never pump or latch the bb on at night (sorry, I lazy la!), usually in the morning the breasts will be very full and I will wake up at 7am to empty them, can fetch abt 170ml altogether. Each pumping session requires less than 30mins. Since you still have BM supply, I would suggest you continue to feed your bb with it and then supplement with FM...else such a waste leh. I hope I can last for at least 3 months, cos' once back to work, I will need to travel and can't express the milk for him overseas.

RE: Green poo
the texture is a little watery. I just did some research and it says the following:

'If your baby's stools are green and frothy she may be taking in too much lactose (the natural sugar found in milk), which happens if she feeds often, but doesn't get the rich milk at the end of the feed to fill her up. It may also be caused by overfeeding or underfeeding, or is a sign that your baby has a stomach bug.'

Make sure your baby finishes feeding from one breast before offering her the other. If the symptoms last longer than 24 hours, consult your health visitor or GP to try to find the source of the problem, as it may be due to a food sensitivity, medication or your feeding routine.

Guess have to monitor his next 2 poos, if still greenish will go to PD. Btw, the PD you have recommended, do I need to make appointment or I can juz walk-in?
I put breast pads at night and only some milk leaked in the morning. I used to be like you, woke up and found that the top portion of my PJ is soaked with BM but now it's getting better, maybe the BM got accustomed to my routine now? Hee..
poissons:: hahahas, but i really hate to express. maybei should try to express more often to get the hang of it.. i actually planned to convert to full EBM and then slowly to full FM but now i am thinking if i can just slowly switch between direct latching and bottle FM and slowly convert to full FM. expressing is so tiresome for me. can never seem to empty it fully! yesterday after 45min i can still see squrts coming out. but i give up pumping after 45min le. taking too long.

And yes better to make appointment! to ensure she's in clinic. and yes monitor the next 2 poos. keep us updated eH!

do what i do, i have set up routine to pump at the computer so i can surf net while i pump. this way can kill 2 birds with one stone. also good excuse to surf...haha
lazykat if u feed on regularly 3 hours ebm in the day and slowly stretch baby at night. Baby can sleep throughout the night . No need to switch to FM.
Day time is schedule feeding Night time is demand feeding.
I think another cause of the green stools might be also that the bb has taken more foremilk then hindmilk, thus resulting that he's not getting calories. I recalled that the previous day I was pumping, saw the left breast spurting out very diluted milk (like barely water). So to prevent this from happening, will have to pump empty one breast first before switching to the other breast..cos currently I switch from one breast to the other every 5mins which I reckon is wrong. Sigh..
tweety:: hahaha... so your routine is 3hrly? i also want to set routine but it will get interrupted with hos feeding time. when he finish feeding no more milk to pump. when I wait next round to pump, he's feeding time again. so u see until now still cannot establish pumping and ebm.

poissons:: hmmm but i find that switching back and forth gets more milk. staying stagnant cannot get much le. how bout you do it 7 and 8 min instead of 5 min?
Poissons, there should nt be any issue if u pump and switch sides cos in the end the milk are all mixed into the same btl so u sure get hindmilk too. I believe u are using a single pump? Maybe ur bb gets too much foremilk while latching. observe another few days cos my gal also had the greenish stools for 1-2 days now its back to the normal yellow seedy type. Moreever u are mixing with some FM, so the stools col nt accurate to base on breastfed bb.
dokie and tinkabel,
i mean she massage and press on my tummy to let the water come out from my tummy. if my explanation still not clear, mayb ur next massage session u can ask ur massage lady show u how the water coming out from ur tummy. btw, did u feel ur towel underneath is very very wet after the massage, if yes, then it is the water that come from ur body.
to be more specific, i give an example: assuming ur tummy is like a damped sponge, if u press on the sponge the water will come out from the surface.
My boy juz poo, phew! This time the colour of the poo is yellow and seedy...back to normal
so relieved now!
rast, hmm, really surprised regarding to water coming out from tummy... my massage dun hv that... also, very puzzled how it is possible :p not doubting anything but juz find it very weird as it's the 1st time i'm hearing abt it ...
that goes to show ur massage lady very powerful, able to get all the water retained in ur body to come out... i think this will make the tummy even smaller
poissons, my gal yesterday also pooed a lot of green poo, very scary... but i find that she is occasionally having green poo, other times she will hv the yellow seedy poo leh... she is on EBM and FM...
rast...tat sounds kinda scary...cos i nvr had such water from my tummy when i had my massage last time. but i think its good la the water suppose to 'come out' of ur body. Maybe cos my water retention wasnt too serious by the time i delivered so nvr saw tt.

Poissons, u plan to give up BF by 3rd month? Ever consider pump/throw to keep up supply? cos a fre of mine did tt and she managed to BF for a yr. i know its nt easy..tts why i really kowtow to her. i also thinking how i can manage aft i start helping my hb. cos we will be on the move outside due to the nature of our job. I have to find time to cover myself and pump in the car or find a shopping mall nursing room to pump.sianz....now i envy SAHM.
Sharing my bb Mischa at week 3 and 4 days old...


In Deep thoughts...

Fri she will be exactly 1 month! Which means my CONFINEMENT is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Baby Mischa is so chubby too! Your milk supply must be good..that's why she has grew so much!

Dunno leh, I think I will try my best to BF as long as I can, for the sake of my boy. Pump and throw very heartpain leh, but I reckon it's better than totally wean off and not give to him right.

I got 9 more days before my confinement is finally over..counting down the days, can't wait!
after the massage, i can c my tummy a shrink a little bit, but she told me my tummy still got water inside, every session she come will take some out, cos it is impossible to clear within a session of massage. another strange thing is, when she massage my shoulder and neck, she burp, she explained to me that is bcos my shoulder and neck are too tired and tense, the wind that is inside my body had transfer to her body so in order to let the wind out of her body she need to burp out the wind.what she say is quite truth, cos i always feel very tired on my shoulder and neck cos my job require me to do a lot of drawings.
poissons:: haha.. relieved!!

s@l:: mischa is sooooo cute!!! what's that she's wearing? haha..

here is travis at 4 weeks, 1day old
rast..so cool, ur massage lady sounds like she has magic powers...kekeeke...i m so lazy to call up n arrange for a massage....still nt sure which to choose..

tinkabel, oh yes jus checked with hb cos he helped me to post out. But he only posted out on monday cos he was busy last week....sory abt tt u shuold receive by tommorrow.
S@L, baby micha looks change hor..very chubby now. hee..thanks to your bm. your hardwork paid off.

By the way, I am stopping my massage today because I find her not very thorough . So decided to stop her service. My tummy did go down lah. May be I tried tinkabel 's massage aunty next week. She will ring me on Sat to see whether she can put me in.

rast, I don feel comfortable with her. Are you? Have u paid her?

Cindy, your son looks cute. Smiling at the camera. :p
ur bb also very cute and chubby...so envy.
my bb seems very petite compare to ur bb and yoko's bb. i'm so worry of my bb not enough milk.
Dokie, ya she drinks a lot le...so maybe tt why she grew quite alot since few weeks ago. i stress tt i cant keep up with her cos i still latching.dunno how much she takes but if i give her BM thru btl 70ml, she still nt happy.

In the end hor i didnt order the cake last week....cos hubby said pay so much for a cake tt makes me fat, might as well use the $$ for massage...wahahaha...
SMH website was down yday, couldn't login till now

RE: Ameda Lactaline
Hwei from MumsFairy has told me tat need to sterilize Ameda Lactaline parts only once a day

ur baby can sit upright already? he's so cute even when he frowns...hahaha

ur massage sounds abit strange leh. can see water coming out of stomach & massage lady burp when she massage ur shoulder. first time i'm hearing all this leh

u ladies are tempting me to feed my baby FM for 1 night feed. right now i still wake up every night to latch baby, so tiring. even massage lady say she can feel tat my body is v tired! started my massage on mon, so these few days changed my routine abit. i'll still express after the nite feed, b4 i go to sleep. the EBM is normally enuff for 1 feed. then next morning i'll express after breakfast, the EBM is enuff for 2 feeds (ard 200ml). so CL can feed baby when i do my massage.
Rast, whats ur bb weight now? actually my gal looks chubby on photos la..although her weight gain is quite good. Dun worry, my son started as a very small bb too...now he is super fatty lo...although his ht is within 25 percentile only..but his weight falls at 95 percentile. as long he feeding well, dun judge by the size. some bb are late bloomers.
my massage lady told me last time when zoe tay having her 1st bb, she did post-natal massage for her, but this time zoe tay din engaged her bcos she is sponsored by slimming centre, i dun know how true lah.
S@L, cute dress. Actually can stitch too if u like it.
aiya...just enjoyed lah..eat in moderation is fine.

I am going to try bottle feed this weekend. Somehow got phobia. Getting my hubby to do it.
Hi Sabrina,

Thanks for the assurance. I really got a shock when i see him merlion-ed the milk from his mouth and nostril.

Another thing, i thought i felt a teeth on his lower gum. not exactly a teeth as i cant see literally.. but i feel a sharp pointed thing on his lower gum. I thought it's a bump or white white thing like what most babies have in their earlier stage, but i really doubt so cos it's sharp. OMG.. I will bring him to a PD to ascertain. He is only 21 day old.
my baby is an even bigger "eater". he's 3 weeks old today and he can easily finish 90-110ml of EBM! his feeds are at 2-3hrs intervals.

RE: Confinement
when is considered end of confinement huh? 30days OR 4 weeks from baby's birth OR discharge from hospital?

RE: Massage
i started my first massage on mon. can really see my stomach go down alot after the first session. i also fart alot for the past 2 days & my weight did go down! now left 4.5kg to go. but my massage usually last only ard 50min & she charge me $60 per session. i signed up 5 sessions with her. i'll finish my last session this fri. do u ladies do the massage sessions on consecutive days OR u do the massages as & when u feel like it?
Catherine, ya but mischa nt satisfied le...however i reluctant to feed her more in case of over-eating whch is common for btl fed bb. I latch her on jus to satify her or 'top-up' her milk tank lo...hehehe...

As for confinement i only do 30days.from the day u deliver... so for me is 7thNov-7th Dec...some old folks say must be 40days...but i dun lo.

Dokie, stitch what?
Re: cakes...aiya my hb is typical la...he more 'healthy' than me..will nt eat KFC, high carbo stuff...opposite of me. tats why i seriusly wan the CAKE + tea session to satisfy myself but without him around...hehhe

Oh yes, Tweetie was asking when is the meetup huh? lets set a date for her to book the place?
I also prefer weekdays! Any suggestion for the dates?
haha s@l:: the dress is soo cute!! and your bb is soo chubby! how much does mischa weigh now, and how much has she gained since discharge from hosp? My bb also doesn't seem to be satisfied after feeding de. but as long as he doesn't cry, it's fine. i worry he's not getting enough BM too! hahaha..

cat:: i also tempted to sub one night feed with FM to let him sleep better. yesterday got hubby to buy one tin wanted to try for the night feed but end up, he didn't wake up! i fed him from 930 to 1030 via latchin on and thought he'll get up ard 1130 which i will give him FM but he only got up ard 1240, in the end tired liao so i just latch again. Hahahs! and cat, haha your little one really big eater!

and for confinement:: i do 40 days.
When you mentioned that Ameda Lactaline parts needs to be sterilized only once a day, is it including the bottle and the funnel? Currently I sterilize everything every use, except the small plastic cups on top, which I sterlize only once a day.

Pig07, my baby does that vommiting thing occasionally. Worries me when I see it because it looks like a lot. But he doesnt do it every feed, and is putting on weight fine, so I think it's just due to overfeeding sometimes.

Took baby to Dr today and his jaundice has crept back up from 9.1 to 12.5. So worrying. But Dr says most likely it's just breastmilk jaundice and will go away in time.

On expressing, I'm expressing every 3 hours. And once in the middle of night, then again at 7am. I can get about 60-80ml from one breast and only a pathetic 10ml from the other. Is this normal?

the lactation nurse told take if you pump for 5min after you bf will help increase your supply. i pump from both breast until it only drips. when i store in fridge i can see the the milk separate in the bottle, top layer is thick and creamy and bottom layer is pale and watery. So i know bb is getting hind milk.

just got back from ICA to register bb birth cert...then got to to my embassy to get passport...then to MOM for green card...soooo mah fan!!!
Plus got caught in the downpour with baby, pram, 2 whining boys!!!! seriously need to sort out a maid.
S@L did u get new maid?
