(2007/11) November MTBs

POOCHI:haiz ya looooo but think few days no more la ,keep her cool and clean la
poochi, hope hazel recovers soon!! dun worri k, she'll be fine!

ashm, kaira only drinks water, FM and fresh milk. i haven't let her try any other drinks. but ocassionally in church she drinks some juice with the other kids in sunday school. but she doesn't like it ;p think as long as i can keep her off "Sweet" drinks, i will do it.

mummies, i feel so guilty. yesterday morning, i didn't realise that kaira poop before her breakfast (cos she usually does it after eating her breakfast) and so i sat her on the high chair. then she "ee ee ah ah", dun want to eat her cereal, and want to come out of the high chair so i thought she being naughty and juz ignore her and continue to eat my breakfast and let her be.

but she cannot sit still and keep wanting to get up, so i brought her down and let her stand near me but she kept crying. i didn't smell any poop smell, so i thought she juz being naughty lah, ignore her.

then when i finished my brekfast and going to carry her, i realised she pooped, so went to change her. when i took off her diaper, her buttocks all RED liao.... and now its like a rash on both sides of her buttocks. so poor thing. i see liao, feel very guilty. first time i didn't clean her immediately after she pooped and like this
hope the rashes clear soon. i applying desitin creamy LIBERALLY now ... ;p
dreamer, wow K's backside so sensitive ah. think my M is a 'thickskin' bb..hahaha cos there was once she pooped in the middle of the night (i dunno when la- prob in her sleep)and we discovered only when we woke up in the morning! hahaha talk abt being guilty!

Weishy, ya i will bring the bear IF they reach me in time for the gathering.
if not bo bian
weishy, dreamer ya she better as of today at least eating and drinking her milk abit more.

Dreamer, dun be guilty la jus learn from the boo boo lor. Last time we also tot Hazel was being naughty than we realised she pooed thats why didn't want to cont eating, her butt was also abit red. Anyway shd clear up/mayb try airing her dun put on diapers for a while. So how's your plans for Paris?
S@L -- haha, yarhlor, she inherited my bad skin leh.... very sensitive all over!! her face as well.

poochi -- we were still contemplating whether to do more than paris. juz decided to stick with paris. so going end of the month.

k@ye, i booked a service apt. called adagio, they have various locations. fyi.
Dreamer, aiya... All these little small thing.. U re not alone lah.. I also equally guilty... Another thing to make the rashes go faster, go diaper less!

When u going to Paris? I will be in Paris on 26 & 27 May.

Oh, we booked the Moevenpick City Centre hotel but i will take a look at the service apt u mentioned.
k@ye, me going 27 apr. r u going to brussels as well? day trip? or if u need hotel, u can consider the one i stayed in brussels. hotel welcome.

k@ye, poochi, i do try to air her butt as much as possible. but got abit tired cleaning up her pee. ;p it looks less red now, hopefully it will clear completely soon.
Hi, mummies, I'm back! Wow. so much to catch up..

Ueno and Yoko, congrats! I'm still working but no news! Hahaha.. Take care!

I've survived the trip to shenzhen, macau and hk.. Very tired, but very fun for me and my family.
Will update blog later. J puked on the flight back cos he choked on his biscuit. And he fell from the bed in the hotel the 1st day of the trip! His dad was so so so guilty cos he was in charge of the custodial care!

Anyway, gtg to market to get the food for J now.

Advice for mummies bringing kiddos on hols: remember to bring sufficient milk powder. Dun stress if they dun wanna eat!
hi mommies,
finally have time to update you all.
baby gabriel arrived on 090409.

i'll be discharged tomorrow and hopefully baby G too - coz 1st day detected his low sugar level, 2nd day till now, he's still under observation for heart murmur.

just sharing his cutie face...
me also same comments as dreamer and smilemum, noticed his lustre hair and followed by his fu qi nose, glad u hv a smooth delivery.

Take care!

i am still wondering if i shld go to HK or Perth end of the yr.. glad u hv a good time after all.

cos ZY loves her water, so we din bother to intro other sweet drinks too. I prefer to give her whole fruits than fruit juice, besides nutrional value being higher, easier for me on the washing up.
Smilemum, Jia you!

Kittybride, Congrats! Another 30 days confinement for u.

Advice : Confinement lady or Confinement food catering?
I am contemplating whether to take a confinement lady or catering. Cos my maids said that she can take care of the newborn at night during my confinement.
I will be moving from landed to a condo. But realise that my neighbor shoe racks place over to my corridor. I hated shoes near my corridor.
1. Bad fengshui
2. Unsightly
They have already place 1 rack by outside their doorsteps and another (like L shape) which is nearer to my compound. The rack are those IKEA shoes racks and stack on one another. Can u imagine it looks so ugly?

I have go from one floor to another to check whther the rest of the floors neighbors do that. To my surprise all are kept very neatly. I tried to move it slightly nearer and overlapping to their corridor. WHo know the next day they use cable tie to tie! OMG! Can anyone advice what should I do? felt so frustrated.
kitty, so cute! Congrats Congrats. Hehe next time g and meet my t. Hehe. hope you will recover quickly! And gabriel sure looks like Chloe!
kittyb, congrats. Glad u had a smooth delivery. Hope to hear more fr u soon.

Lazykat, personally I feel perth is nicer for kids to roam abt. HK if u wan to go disneyland can bring when they're older and can appreciate the rides and all? Jus my 2 cents worth. I'm also planning another self-drive hol to somewhere but not decided. Mayb japan ha ha..

dreamer, if I go Japan again mayb can get for u the stuff. ;)
poochi, hehehe, yarh, if u go, it will be great if u can get some pieces for me..

but japan self drive, maybe u want to consider hokkaido, beautiful during summer. personally i've not been there, but the pictures i see, very gorgeous!!! ;)
K@ye , Weishy ... Exactly they didnt put in front of my door step. But next to it. Kinda hard for me to complain. But rest of the neighbors very auto they just put within their compound.

evil thought.. Put water in their sport shoes. Or put sugar... Let ants come or the shoes become smelly... Hahahahaha. SO many pairs outside.
Yoko, dun need to put water in their sport shoes.. Too obvious... U can get Jordan to pee near their shoes.... Hehe, well... such accidents can happen... Its evil also..

But such neighbours quite inconsiderate. If not, u can consider put things that will attract insects at the compound..
Weishy, i can be very evil if i want to be! Hahaha!

Yoko, if u really want to do that.. Pls be discreet if not it might be like annoucing open war!

Aiya, relax and dun force urself to sleep. The more u force urself... the harder it is!
thanks for all the well wishes!
yes, my frenz too commented that gaby looked like his jie jie!
and yes, the NOSE... another jackie chan! ahahaha....

anyway, a little sad news is that gaby is still under observation. he has heart murmur on 2nd day and ystdy the condition was ok but due to his regurgitation, they wanted to keep him for another day.

we're anxiously waiting for the review results this mrng and hopefully can bring him home. i so... miss him and he looked so tiny and cold (shivers a lot) despite him being heavier than his jie jie... breaks my heart!!!

anywya, will update you all soon.

your neighbour really buay zhi dong leh...
k@ye got a good idea, pee pee next to their shoes! hahaha... that gave me a good laugh.
Kitty, dun worry too much lah... Gaby will be fine as for his regurgitation.. Perhaps its just reflux.

How s Chloe reaction to Gaby?
congrats kitty! Baby Gaby so cute..looks like jiejie..and dun worry so much abt the heart murmur thing, my nephew has it too when he was born and he is fine
Kitty: Congrats! You son looks adorable! Agree with the 福气 nose. You take good care of yourself.

K@ye: You are real evil! Wahaha...

Yoko: Guess you can't really do much since your neighbour didn't place infront of your door step. But still I find that they really not "自动".
Gong xi gong xi Kittybride! Your little prince is gorgeous and he looks so much like chloe! Take care and G is going to be fine..
dreamer - hows Kaira doing? Rashes gone? Ash got it on last weekend cos he was having diarrhea since Fri. And his two butts also had rashes and he was screaming and yelling when we tried to clean his backside. Poor chap the moment we took off his nappy right after he pooed, he would scream and cry very loudly! Luckily the diarrhea stopped yesterday afternoon and the rashes are now dried up... What a nightmare man!!
kittybride:dun worry
will pray for him

ASHM:harrrrr hayley also le after tat day at the jacob ballas garden....evn my helper too.....hayley woke at at 4+am to poo( drink milk first cos we tot she's hungry,then lao sai straight after
) btu luckily next day till now oki ...i suspect its the grapes she and my helper ate...which is kept till late noon....helper tot still can eat mah

K@ye:wanna ask u for the website for maclaren u send us b4.....dunno which hypermart or kingdom.... tks tks
weishy - Ash already pooed 3x when we were at Jones and in total he pooed 5x that day....dont think its the grapes cos ash also ate half leh.... luckily hayley did not get the nappy rashes like ash....
JB Garden,
mummies, I think I'm really not fated to go JB garden leh. Yday morning thot the weather is good, so we went, ate breakfast there..then when we were abt to enter the garden, it started to RAIN!!! urgh..so in the end, we took the brollie and just walked one round and went home..when we reached home, the rain stopped. sianz.

k@ye - this is the first time ash kana nappy rash + he had diarrhea, i think his ass was really sored the past 2 days... my heart sank when i saw him how he cried and struggled....defintely not an episode we want our kiddos to go thru... really got to be careful with what they eat or make sure they dont anyhow put things into their mouth... I still cannot figure out what causes the diarrhea....hiaz........
