(2007/11) November MTBs

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Hi mummies,

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we went Genting for 3D2N, self-drove. We departed on Day 1 at 6am, reach Genting abt lunch time. Day 3 left Genting at lunch time, reach SIN at 7pm. Try to avoid the peak hours, the jam can be quite horrendous.
yes, I am still using her service. And she will be taking care of no1 and 2 for me.

And her daughter also got a unit at my new place, so she will be shifting there as well.

Do u want me to ask her whether any of her neighbours is interested? I can try to ask her. You want the nanny to look after half or full day or any criteria? Maybe you PM me. If there is someone interested I will PM u?

u not putting her in childcare already?

My hubby just say poor thing.. and pat pat my leg only... looks like pig trotter.

I will ask him. Just that maybe he is afraid that he anyhow press.

Anyone got good caterer to recommend. I KS ask first.

bb dust to u har... so soon u will know how it feels again.

How much are you paying for motessori kindergarden? I didn't know they have kindergarden. I tot they only have child care. Need to queue very long for it?

Heard now also got Shicida Kindergarden....
michviv:: yea thought of cutting costs ma haha so never engage CL. somemore MIL say she do for me so okay la.. sighs. fingers crossed for tonight. ehee me now still living in old HDB flat ma, so room is bigger... when i move definitely cannot fit in bed, cot, dressing table, cupboards, computer etc.. !
michviv, got ur PM. The price is cheaper than what i get from the website.

lazykat, me jus exploring options, intend to go with my frens heehee.

rachel, I'm still sending A to childcare, just thought that if she is sick &amp; we cant take lv can send her to some nanny who has experience with kids but it'l be on an adhoc basis. Just toying with this idea, may not be workable la.
Rachel: Just bear for one more week. My butt bone hurted too when I was in my 3rd tri. So hard to turn from side to side.

K@ye/ Michviv: Thanks for the advice. I try not to sleep in air-con room too cos I don’t want the cough or the flu get worse.

Re: Roadtrip

Some nanny I heard they do not like to take care of tods but want to take care from bb to tods so that they will know the character of the kids...

And my nanny she ever mentioned that she doesn't like to take care children from different parents. I mean it depends from nanny to nanny, some dun mind and ok to take care kids from 2 different parents.

ya. these days so difficult to turn from side to side... lie down and get up... the butt bone is painful...everything slow motion...

drink a cup of room temp water also sweat like anything....aiyo...no1 was not like that...maybe now got too much FAT!!!

aiyo... yesterday I read in the newspaper about the India Rojak... caused so many pple to be hospitalised... don't know what they put in the India Rojak....
thanks har

The rojak thingy is so bad that 1 had died and 1 suffered miscarriage.. really unfortunate. Thinking back, I din hv Indian rojak for a long long time.
congrats! you made it for the 2 yr gap, gam-gam!

hv a smooth delivery tmr...

yours also very fast, next wk it's your turn!

re: sleeping
B also like Matt, sleep till middle of night will wake up and make noise... if move her to master bed, she will sleep very well... haiz... i suspect that it's cos at my mum's place, my mum will always give in to her and let put B on the master bed she is sleeping on lor, end up at my place on wkends B also expect me to do the same...

wat i did was, remove the cot (B doesn't seem to sleep very well in the cot)... replace it with a single mattress next to my king size mattress (both on a platform)... so far, since i did that, even though she wakes up in the night, i will juz move my hand to pat her to sleep :p
In a way, provide her with the closeness to us when sleeping, but yet not so close... hehe
ueno, Congrats on ue no.2.

Me too having no.2 same mth as tinkerbelle Aug. Sometimes really wonder how to take care of 2. So I am getting another helper. Stress!

Just imagine going thru all of the MS, delivery, confinement again. Of cos the putting on weight. Freak me out!

Sleeping: SOmetimes he sleep together with my maid. Especially recently when I have bad MS. My maid took over the night care for me. Or he will sleep beside us in his mattress beside our platform bed. Sometimes I will bring him up to put between us. He will turn n toss till his legs hit his daddy. At times I purposely use his legs to drop hard on my hb when I feel that my hb is too much.(he is sleeping and he didnt know i am the one) Haha.
Do all of ur kiddos able to spk mama n dada? Mine still in his own baby language. But he able to understand veverything but very slow in talking. Getting very mischevious and naughty. He scare of no one except me. Cos he knows how to take advantage of my aunties and his grannies and of cos his great grandmother. So i am thinking of sending him to chidcare so that he can pick up speaking faster.

Now I am going thru insomnia (US timing)
Can't sleeep in the night. Like vampire, hate the sun. Dislikes going out during daytime unless it is raining. So raining day is a happy day for me cos I can go out. This preg systoms is totally different from 1st and driving me nuts.

Moreover I am moving house by tis 15 april. I am just so lazy to move ard.

Tinkerbelle, I try to make it on the 16th April. Will cfm by tis weekend. Only mamas rite?
K@ye, ueno,

I made a mistake on the sum, misread and thought it applied to Joel!!! There I am preaching to my son that he must READ the questions properly before attempting and I'm making the same mistake!!!
Yoko: I will prob be bring Matt and Weishy bring Hayley cos we will prob be checking out Sparkletots at Telok Blangah 1st. Think the rest of the mummies are not bringing. Up to you, I guess.
Morning mummies - have a good long Easter weekend!!

Weishy - See you tomorrow morning

Yoko - Try to join us next Thu if you can make it. Hang in there, your MS will be over soon!!
ASHM:eek:kioki hey we'll be havign breakfast first cos dun think i'll fancy the cafe outside kakkakakak my number 8223 7104
ASHM &amp; Weishy, any hotels in Paris to recommend?

Just managed to book the Amsterdam one... So stressed man... Got the flights, no hotels... Heng managed to get one and its so bloody expensive coz its SPRING!!!
K@ye - Try Hotel Concorde Montparnasse - we stayed there the last time. Its a chic boutique hotel and its clean but small. The airport bus station is just 5mins away.
K@ye - Just FYI - The subway is about 10 - 15mins walk from the hotel and there are sidewalk cafes + a supermarket along the way.... we paid about Euro 400+ for 4 nights and it was the winter promotion...
Lunchie at Merchant Court Ellenborough, $29++
Date: 16/04/09
Time: 12:00 to 14:30

1) Tinkabel + Matt probably
2) Lazykat
3) Mischa's Mummy
4) Rachel C
6) Weishy + Hayley probably
7) Yoko?

Latest update...
think our todds here are the more chatty type, so most can babble quite a number of words, incl papa and mama. May want to speak more with your little one even though he may not respond. They can comprehend far better than speaking at this stage, so good luck!
Hi I don't think I can make it there at the lunch. Cos my boy don't like to take the car seat. I would love to go. Perhaps i try to see maybe if i can arrange my aunt to look after him for couple of hours.

Lazykat: we try to speak to him but still he can respond by nodding his head and pick up things. Or ans in his bb language.

Cindy: its a girl... Today i went for detail scan so cfm n cfm again is a girl.

Its has been only less than 2 years and my gynae increase her package fees already. Market are still bad but docs fees keep increasing.
K@ye:yup hotels in europe super EX!!!!!!!! my hotels stay all booked by company so dunno le....but B &amp; B Also oki no need to spend so much on hotel

usually whole day out la not much time in the room ...as long as clean and near to tube oki la

congrats! i dont like the idea of having 2 helpers at home so i will not consider that.

i saw the spree for this long ago but the shipping is very X cos its pretty heavy. im considering to buy it from sin directly, it costs $199.
Mummies - Will you or have you started to give your little ones Yakult or Vitagen? Which one is better? I think cannot drink everyday correct? I was told Yakult is sweeter.....?
ASHM:gave hayley since last week :p but bought the less sugar one and 1 bottle and diluted it with about 300ml water kkakakkakakka .....hayley like sit and ususally can finish all kakkakakakak

btu not daily though...still wan her to drink water le.......so diff.....
ASHM i gave Yakult. No particular reason but my son's school actually recommends Yakult (we place order on a bimonthly basis with them). they only drink once a week, and I dun give M very often. HTH.
Thanks Weishy and S@L - just cracking my head to see if can give Ash another variety of drink besides Ribena, diluted freshly made juice, homemade barley water....
I also gave Claire Yakult but is like once in a blue moon thing. The PD advised me to let her drink to help in her constipation but must dilute it coz its too sweet.

Personal preference is Yakult, Vitagen dun taste as good.
S@L:hey woman so will u bring the orders of flat bears to the lunchie?????

ASHM:fresh juice hayley likes carrot/orange le kekekkek
I give Matt Yakult. He likes it a lot and screams when I take away it. Last saturday, he hit the limit and drank like 3/4 of it. I still think it is too sweet for them, so maybe max once a week, but anythg more than that.
Michviv, jus saw ur msg will PM u on my perth hols but I wen for 9-10 days self-drive.

Anyways Hazel has got roseola cos since Sat her fever was high (even hit 40) had to bring her to KKH and fever only subsided yesterday, now all the red patches on her face and body. So ke lian..hate all these chidlhood illnesses!!

Leroy only drinks water, except when we have communion in church, he will drink the diluted ribena.
