(2007/11) November MTBs

kittybride:: JIA YOU!! hahaa i still haven't intro bottle yet. i ask hubby he say don't worry don't worry. i say later she reject bottle, then he says, definitely can be overcomed.. so aiya.. continue to tbf by latching first. now hope can convince him maybe let her have some water by bottle this wkend.. AND CONGRATS to an all well G!!
i already carry T when i came home. bo bian he was fussing A LOT. somemore cause he rejected me in hosp, i was eager to carry him hahaa....
You jia you on GF routine on bf and sleeping! my Trishelle still is very much in US ZONE though it's like coming to 8wks liao!! omg. how long i've been a zombie.

its hard to control, worse when she turns 1, cos those dresses, shoes, clips etc simply too irresitable to buy at times.

Kittybride, Cindy
jia you on the TBF, hope baby G and T sleep thru (in SG time hor) very soon!

Tinkabel, Weishy,
will u be bringing M & H for the lunchie this thur?
Kat, hehe... Ya, all those dresses! Claire is a vain one somemore! She will go, "pretty pretty" in Cantonese when she sees clothes. She is extremely happy when we let her wear pretty dresses.

Sidetrack a bit, my sis fren came to my Mum's pl to alter her wedding gown. Claire was fussing and my sis let Claire wear her flowergirl dress.. Wow, the moment claire worn it.. She was all smiles! But Claire was pissed off when my Sis & Mum said that my Sis fren is prettier than her!
Kitty: Gd gd, glad G is ok. U take gd care and do a gd confinement if this is yr last. I guess carrying Chloe is ok but not too long. If u're worried, why not sit and carry her instead of standing. Think it's difficult to "ignore" the elder one coz will def feel guilty. And add oil for the BF.

Cindy: U're still on TBF? Gd. When will u report bk to wk? 6 months? And, wish T will tune bk to her Spore timing soon.
Tinkabel - Congrats!! So nice can dress the little princess up!! See you on Thu!

Cactus - I will PM you shortly...thanks thanks!

Kittybride - Good that G is ok and please have enough rest especially after the C-section.. at least for a week...

Lazykat - Thanks, Ash is ok now and the rashes also dried up....thank god! See you on Thu

Poissons - Jia you on #2 ok!!
Cindy, jia you...it will NOT be over very soon..wahahha...i m still living like a zombie.
BTW got new styles for baby hairclips le..let me know wor cos ur freebie still sitting on the table collecting dust liao..wahahha

tinkabel! Congrats! Wah ur hb different from mine. My hb jumped in joy when sonographer confirmed i was hving a girl...
and i agree with Grace, u should start 'saving' now for shopping of girly stuff! hahaha...till now i m still buyin n buyin...wardrobe bursting liao!
Haha, Lazykat, I really do hope so she can sleep through soon but for now I just hope she can quickly tune back to Sg time first!

Cactusnah, Hehe bought any branded? Haha. Ye,s still Tbf by latch only. I didn't pump out a single drop, hate the pump! Hehe. Gg back to work on june 29, don't know if can still do partial bf. Think be very stressful when I go back work man...
ASHM: Ahhh.....i forgot my hp today. 1st time ever i left my hp @ home! Feel so handicap w/o it. U PM me instead, ya.

Cindy: No, din really buy anything for myself. No chance to shop with E around. My main purpose to go HK was for E and my MIL. So. it's ok to come bk empty handed:)

Oh, u're not extending yr leave? Rem u started wk much later with Travis.

Ueno: Thanks for the thread. $100 seems reasonable. Will ask my HB first.
cactus - ya i know exactly what you mean - i would too feel so handicap without the hp! I have already PM you....thanks!
s@l: new style? Oooh go where to view? Me will check your web after this Haha...

Cactusnah, woo. Haha so his meals, all can settle eh?. I also thinking if I should go hk with hubby in june but I doubt I can handle travis alone myself.. Eat, shop, toilet, think I cannot do it alone.. Hubby there for meeting.. So if I tag along, I must entertain myself n son, doubt I can.. And no Lah not extending leave this time, I went back to work when travis was 5months. Now, I will go back 1 month earlier when she is 4 months.. Cannot afford no pay leave liao! Hehe..
Congrats!! How come yr son will have low sugar? What caused it?

And better dun carry yr no.1 too much just in case the split open. As yr wound is still recovering.

yr bb looks like who?

Hope yr no.1 is better now. My no1 got pile instead, so PD has to replace one of the feed to full cream milk to soften the stool. Also applying some cream to make the bumps disappear. We didn't even know he has sort of piles as it will disappear when he is not in a squatting position.

The other time u mentioned that the crocs are cheaper in HK is it?
s@l:: I saw!!! mischa wearing sooo pretty!! Lil Rosettes Laceband, Rose n cream 6-12M, rose and passion 0-6M for me please!! total plus registered mail hor! lemme know!
Weishy, checked with u... I remember u mentioned something abt the foodcourt in Galaries Layfaee? Which level is it located at?
K@ye - Its at the main store level 6...its more like a cafe though.... unless its a different one you are talking about....

Rachel - Hugs to your #1, must be painful for him!
ASHM, thanks... That place is like one big shopping paradise... Hope i wont be like a mountain tortoise opening my mouth in awe... Seeing the shops!
K@ye - Yes you bet, i missed the gourmet store when i was there. The children's clothes from the brand Jacardi are nice, we can only get them in HK and it is originated from Paris. Its a bit cheaper compare to HK after detax.... no harm to check it out.... happy shopping!!

We went to Chinatown for dinner and I was very impressed that the food was good as they are run by vietnamese chinese....
just read yr blog on the Bali trip.. gosh different swimsuit each day for A!
I wonder if they hv toys for rental, else i can imagine how much toys/clothing u hv packed for A alone..

i must say L's new bed is really cool!
K@ye - The LV store there is packed with tourists and you must be garang with them when you are there cos they can be quite a snob with asians ah... remember to bring your passport to do detax at the store....
ASHM, thanks! Hehe, i think i will give LV a miss unless got frens/relatives to ask me buy lah...

But i will step into their store to take a look. Chinatown located at where?
tinkabel, juz saw your flower photos! nice! plus its probably much cheaper to see the flowers in china than in europe...hehehe :p

k@ye, the mountain tortoise is here, ME!!! i haven't seen a decent sized shopping mall/departmental store here in eindhoven. TAKA back home is like HUGE to me... LOLOL.

ASHM, u mean the gourmet store located with galeries lafayette?? which level is it do u know?

i haven't had the time to plan and research on paris yet! and we are going in 2 weeks time... now muz "work harder".
ur bears are with me will bring to gathering - u going right?

unfortunately your bears are not here yet and may nt be in time for the gathering - i hope i receive it by tomorrow. otherwise we shall arrange another pick-up or postage method. ok?

same for your bears, will inform you once I receive them!

smilemum ah....u dun wan ur bear bear liao???
Hi Tinkabel,
you must be soooo happy.. the quiz result on FB proves accurate for you too..

Hi Kittybride,
glad that baby G is fine. I carried kiros on day 7. carry in sense seated and he hugged me.. me very careful that he didn't kick my wound area. carried him and walked was like after day 14. I was so afraid that the stitch will break and then more problem.
Maybe you can ask yr hubby to carry her instead? or maybe you can hold her close to you when seated. try not to strain yr tummy area. But i know how hard it is.
Pig07: Yeah, definitely over the moon haha... But I will do my purchases for bb girl carefully this time. I still hv stuff bought for Matt that I never used before. So if I go on the same "spree", I think it will be goners for me haha... Will go slow this time...
Tinkabel, ah.. I also buy alot of things for Claire and never used at all... So my hubby & Mum always told me not to buy anymore!

BUT seeing cute clothes or pretty dresses hor, BOTH OF THEM WILL SAY CAN BUY! Faints!
michviv, edu farm is located at Blk 48 Strathmore Ave, opp your condo. Do you know the name of the church nx to you? I thought of checking if they have PG.

dreamer, so envy. I love tulips!

tinkabel, trust me you will not go slow when shopping for princess
Even my hb can't resist buying stuff for ours.

ueno, I like L's bed, very safe to zzz in!

lazykat, A has 1 big lugguage & 1 hand luggage while both of us share 1 medium size luggage. Actually hers are mostly clothes, diapers & food/FM & medicine. Big toys are golf & beach set. They dun hv toys for rent but you can let ZY play with the toys at the petit club.
Don't think I will be able to join u mummies for the lunch as I am down with sore throat and a little running nose. Feet are all swollen and painful. So I tot I better rest at home, if not, I will go and see the GP later.

Hope I will feel better before the c-section.

Will join u mummies next time. Think I will also MIA for the next 3 months unless bb more guai then will be able to log in.
hi rachel,
your turn this wk ya? jia you!!
my son's sugar level due to me lor - got pregnancy diabetes so it kinda passed on to him. but now he's ok liao. m really glad lor

bb looked like jiejie... but hb said look like me wor. anyway, their face wil change very fast one lor, now he looked very reddish leh but hor, lots of hair, even on the back of his shoulders! hb said so 'sexy'... kekekeke... he's madly in love with his son! ahahahaa...

so far i only carried her from floor to bed or to dining chair but not all the way coz i also do not want to aggravate the wound. now still slightly painful; esp when i get up or lie down. the end of the stitch is esp. painful.

hopefully can recover soon.

when did your milk supply came ah?
i've been bf and supplement wif FM almost every feed. seems like ss not enuf, coz after feeding like more than 20mins on each breasts, he still stick out his tongue.

then will hv to give FM and he can still DRINK!
wah sey... i was thinking maybe my BM is only a pre-thirst quencher for this little guy and he's waiting for the bottle - the real deal! argh...

and his sleep pattern is irregular.
nite time can sleep thru 5~6 hrs. day time, 2 hrs wake up for feed, or 4 hrs then wake up for feed. hmm... dun know how to establish a routine like dat lor...
can let me have your blog addy?
i thk someone posted once here but i didn't manage to add to my blogroll.

how's kiros doing?
hope feeling much better liao.
K@ye - Our friends brought us there...We took the tube to Chinatown and i remembered we had to change twice and the ride was about 40mins from our hotel...

Dreamer - The gourmet store is before the Homme store in a separate building... they are like next to each other. You can also go to Fauchon, their gorumet stuff are nice too!

S@L - Its ok if the bears dont reach you today or tomorrow morning.... we shall arrange for another pick up then..... Thanks!
Rachel - Rest well and all the best in your upcoming c-section
We shall see you the next time then...

Kittybride - I remembered my first week after the c-section was also painful for me and the confinement nanny kept asking me to lie down and rest. Dont walk around too much and also dont sit for too long... I had to sit down when i showered... Take care! Have you try the Gina Ford method for G's sleeping routine? I followed for awhile and modified it after 2 months....
Tinkabel: Congrats!!! Start shopping now.. heehee.. alot of pretty clothings and clips waiting for you.

Kitty: Glad bb G is well now.. u do take care and rest well..

Too many posts to catch up today.. was down with stomach flu on mon and tue.. i guess caught it from C.. sigh.. tot that I am stronger.. guess i am not.. haha
Tinkerbell, my hb alsoprefer to have a girl whereas for me is ok even is aboy so can pass down the clothings.. Haha. Girls really alot of things to buy. From head to toe.
I don't think I can't join u gals cos i think no one look after Jordan. Ytd Jordan woke up practically everyhour. I think his tummy not feeling well. STill refuse to take his morning nap. Till I scolded him and pat him to sleep. Within 5 mins, He slep liao.

Today, moving house. I can imagine how messy it is. Cos i can't get involve till they finish moving as old pp saying.. no good. I think i will take another few more days to settle down. My feet are so tired.

Weishy, I am going to hv my massage on thurs. Can't tahan my backaches n feet are really tired. hehe.
poissons - yes the rashes are now gone and his poo poo is back to normal - once or twice daily since Monday.... thanks babe!

Talking about JB - i think this few weeks' weather is crazy, rain and shine.. Also now the HFMD is on the rise, better not bring G there as i was wondering where does the water come from (the water park)...just to play safe ah...
Weishy: Ya, i think nearing this time of the year, HFMD is always on the peak. My colig's DD also got it 2 weeks ago. 2nd time HFMD and she said it seems to take longer to recover this time.

Cindy: Go for the tour. I'm sure u shld b able to manage Travis. Have u toilet train Travis? If not, thot it's better to bring him nw coz it's rather difficult to find toilet in HK, so he can pee in his diaper. Else, quite stressful to find toilet if he suddenly has the urge to go. Just my thought.

Rachel: Oh, take care. Sore throat..have u started drinking coconut water? Maybe able to help? Jia you and rest well.

Mummies who are going for the lunch gathering tom, enjoy...
rachel, mambobb, take care & get well soon.

I've also been coughing for weeks. Yesterday my mum brought A to see ano PD who said A has sinus & infection. Now on antibiotic, last 2 days she's been coughing very badly as well
cactus - if only you can join us....

missA - aiyo poor A, the EYS medicine doesnt work anymore? Hope she recovers soon and you too!!
glad to hear that Ash is fine
Ok, will not bring G to JB for now..anyway, we are not fated to go there..haha.we brought him for a swim on sunday afternoon instead and he enjoyed it!
cactus:: haha my hubby also say no to bringing him.. too troublesome and later if i cannot handle, he cannot work in peace haha! we'll see!
haven't toilet train him ah. this guy, even if he shit he also can pretend nothing happens! until we smell the STENCH! goodness!

kitty:: milk came in on 3rd day in hospital wo.. hehe! JIA YOU!!

rachel:: take care and get well SOON!!!
wow mommies and toddlers all getting ill......take care babes....me also down with minor running nose.

yoko :heee good good ,can ask the lady to go to ur house

kitty: Finally I got the time to read ur blog.. u r so funny lor.. on the definiation on "Pain" and ur gaby is so cuuuteee!!!

I also need the advise on the BF. My ss was also very low and was too stress on BFing.. ended up full FM on C. Want to know how to kick in the ss to come in fast.. heehee
