(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Dodo, enjoy your day out with hubby and zq tmr! And think I saw HABA toys at a store in tanglin mall.

Chersam, my advice on how to reduce the swelling is to take your painkillers! Apparently there is something inside the painkillers that helps to reduce swelling and speed up the healing process.

Ariajo, I think kids won’t be confused if you speak to them in different languages, as long as you don’t use rojak. I personally feel that it’s good to expose them to more things at a young age. Right now they are like sponges, and just absorb things so quickly.

Totoro, don’t be sad. I think many mummies have gone through what you have just gone through. Just take care of yourself now. Can always try again once you’re better.

Perlicia, glad to hear that R is better now. take care of yourself too!

Sugarnut, take care of yourself. Drink honey water + lemon. It really helps to soothe the throat.

Petit gars, karrie, dodo, SAME! My friends are mostly single or married without kids. The type that will call at 8pm to go out for drinks. As a result, I don’t hang out with them as much as I used to, cos I have to work Hannah into the equation too. Realise I hang out more with parents now, cos we have similar schedules and requirements.

Petit gars, I understand how you feel. Although I’m working part-time, but the recognition level is very different. When I see my friends rising up in their respective jobs, I can’t help but feel envious. Because it could have been me! But I really shouldn’t complain, cos I think I have the best of both worlds as a PTWM.

Jas, you are a super woman. I’m still wondering how I’m going to take both kids out next time. Guess will have to learn, otherwise I’ll be stuck at home!

Hi mummies,
Been MIA for a while. Only managed to glance through some posts. Seems like a lot of mummies here are ELC fans! I heart their stuff too but quite ex. I've been eyeing those kitchen & cleaning sets too haha but keep telling myself drool can already cannot buy! Haha

Hope that Lyn & Garina are better by now :)

I really admire you. I think you are one solid mummy. Way to go, gal!

Petit Gars,
Exactly! You have just expressed how I feel as a SAHM. I also feel so indecisive at times. Whilst I enjoy my time with Aidan, I also yearn for my own financial independence, career advancement & social circle, and worry about escalating cost of living, 'old age funds' etc. Like what tiffany said, SAHM will envy FTWM & vice versa. Even PTWMs have another set of concerns although they seemingly have the best of both worlds.

Zhen zhen,
I'm finally bringing Aidan for the JG Mandarin Playclub trial at Evans tomorrow. Wonder if I will bump into you & Hannah? :)

Is Zoo-phonics good? Is it very 'study' based? Cos I'd prefer a more fun & learn-through-play kinda programme. Hmmm maybe I can consider this as well. Seems like the rates are more reasonable than JG & Bt Timah is nearer than Evans from where I stay!
petit_gars thanks for emailing me the info on zoo-phonics! hmmm seems like they got quite a lot of pre-conditions hor.

petit_gars dodo & zhen_zhen, yah i seldom hang out with my single/married no kids frens now. cos cannot stay out late, then going out is such a logistical nightmare, can't just up and go anytime...i also feel v old even tho i dun need to change my IC yet haha. even the car salesman whom we got our colt from was so surprised to see my IC. he tot i was older! and the other night this lady at a yong tau foo stall called me 'AUNTIE' oh my god...even hawkers call me auntie when it used to be 'xiaomei' hahhahaa...so sad....
Hi Mummies,

Thanks for everyone's concern. Lyn is fine now. Lump not totally gone, but so much more smaller, and I tried my luck pressing it today, and she didnt resist anymore. No resistant means no pain liao. Best of all, fever didnt shoot up to 39 again, so no nid to admit her as doc said if fever still high, have to admit her by wed. God bless!

However, this lil monkey is really whiney and clingy this few days. Wakes up at funny hours in the night and cry and throw tantrums. One morning she woke up so early at ard 6am n cry inconsolably till 730am. Good thing hb insisted I let him carry awhile to pacify her since mine dun work, coz after that, she clinged on to him like a koala and refused to come down or let me carry. So I went back to sleep while he had to walk ard the house and rock her. HAHHA

Feeding her antibiotic is like feeding her poison. She vomited a few doses of it for the past few days. So today, I mixed the meds in cold cold grape juice and gave it to her. She took a few sips and looked abit uncertain, so I quickly tell her that the grape juice is yummy, very nice, cold cold, must finish etc.., and she still gimme that uncertain look but sipped it up anyway. So glad coz at least she didnt cry like mad and struggle.
Then evening gave her another cold juice+antibiotic. This time, she is more okay with it and even flash us the "nice" sign. Heheheh. Silly baby, the taste of the antibiotic totally took away the taste of the grape juice and she still enjoys it.

Roughly glance thru this page and you seemed really upset. Tho I dunno what actually happen, I hope you'll pull urself thru and emerged a stronger person k. You always have us =)

just incase I cannot come in later,
Congrats on the birth of Yan an on sat.
morning morning!

petit_gars, dodo, zhen zhen & karrie, u ladies make me feel like an old woman.. haha.. but same here for me.. though i only have 1 little one now, most of my frens are single, married with no kids or married with 1 kid younger than adri.. so for those who are single & married w/o kids, they still lead the carefree life! haha.. calling me up for drinks or karaoke at 8 or 9pm too. but i simply do not have the "strength" to go out by then.. and most of the times i m torn between staying with adri or going out.. but i guess adri won on this la. with the limited time i spend with her already, i reali dun wana dump her with my mum & hb to take care while i go have fun.. so... and it doesnt reali help that some of my married w/o kids frens dun like kids so given the choice, i'd rather spend with adri.. haha..

gingerleaf, so glad to know lyn is much much better now! wat abt antibiotics in milk? adri treats all meds like poison so when she is sick, we have no choice but to add it in milk.. hee..
hope the lump goes away soon!! hugs to baby!

totoro, dun worie. we'll be praying for u.. i hope u'll pull thru this with ur nice hb and kelly by ur side! =)
Thanks everyone for the well wishing. His fever subside already but still coughing with lots of phlegm. Those days with the HFMD really terrible...can see that even his favour milk also don't want...Hope this won't happened again...

chintz, maybe next year then join the tiger group lar....
morning mummies!

petit_gars, dodo, zhen zhen, hippo & karrie: same here! most of my friends are still single, not married or just married w/o kid. only a handful (can count on 5 fingers) and mostly my ex-colls who have kids ard my son age...

im never a homely person, before yz came abt, im always outside meeting friends if im not meeting my hb. nowadays, have to work the schedule ard yz... trying my best to maintain a balanced one though its more skewed to yz lah. i really believe maintaining close ties to friends, family and loved ones are very impt.

i may not be meeting my friends as much as i want but i think im making the best arrangement liao. i will be meeting my diff grp of friends almost every mon/tue for dinner. bringing yz along for those who "tolerate" baby haha. if not, i will dash home to feed him dinner before going out at 7+.

the arrangement of bring yz to my mum hse for 2 nights a week helps too. i got to spend at least 2 evenings a week with her when i bring him to n from her place. and most thursdays i try to catch up on couple time with hb alone when yz at my mum's.

weekends is the best when i can catch up most with yz for the most part and 1 noon/evening with friends again.. hehe

i think its all abt trying to balance bah. i was quite torn initially cos i was very close to many friends and i dont like to be out of action just cos of baby. but being away from baby saddens me too. just got to work ard it.
haha like this week i managed to meet 3 diff grps of friends on mon-wed (2 evenings i brought yz along) and yest i went to catch a movie with the husband to make up for MIA-ing on him for the past 3 days. keke. yz at my mum hse now and this evening my parents bringing him to bugis near my workplace for dinner and some shopping after work.
it has been a good week so far for catching up and being with my loved ones.
This was what CC proposed @ $25++ per person (Buffet Style), min 30 pax;

Classic Caesar Salad,
Assortment of Sandwich (Honey Mustard Chicken & Tuna Mayonnaise)
Mushroom Aglio Olio
Assorted Snack (Chicken Wings, Calamari Rings, Mini Chicken Pie)
Chocolate Delice
Assoted Mini Cake
Coofer & Tea
Orange Juice
Complimentary 1.3kg Birthday cake.
Hippo ok will update later for the sale ...

GUG or Genevieve or JG I have not been there or check them out too ... so i cannot give you any feedback ...

zoo-phonics we do A-Z phonics,action song, story telling with activity ... den art & craft ( using print, glue, coloring, etc off cos parent must guide the kid.) ... den song again and the time will just swing by hmmm i like the programs
am happy with it.

Ok going off now Carlson 's class starting at 11.00 bye and after that off to expo
petit_gars oh i am looking for kids gym ...kekeke gym for me ... hmmm hahaha i hope i will do that man ... I am a very very big size mum kekeke
ecookie, haha.. same goes for me lor. i hate being out of action. but i guess cos we are already FTWMs, we already spend lesser time with our little ones (esp me!).. so we are more skewed to them when making decisions.. plus i still have to consider the bigger "baby" 's feelings too.. hahaha! so for those who love kids, i will bring both babies out. if not, i will rush thru it too.. hahhaa

jovialz, wow! datz great!!!
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">hi ladies! as u wld have seen from the posts, jovialz have managed to check out Coffee Club @ Clarke Quay for our next gathering.. We need 30 adults to confirm in order to make it a SUCCESS! keke.. so shall we? hmm.. let's say 20th June (Saturday)?

1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen</font></font>
ecookie, what you have sounds like a good arrangement! i don't have much choice in the evenings though, so must lug hannah everywhere. but hannah's quite adaptable, so not that bad.

re: gathering
ON!!!! missed everyone the last time around.
1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
zhen zhen, yippie!! i missed every1 the last round too.. haha!

dodo, just a thought.. u will pop on 23rd.. any chance u will be doing ur 1st mth party earlier than 22nd June?? haha! then u can join us too!! hohohoho!
re: gathering
ON!!!! missed everyone the last time around.
1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
Hi Mummies...

Help! I wanted so much to join this gathering. Only 20June? A week earlier or later can?
Haiz, I got my follow-up with gynae on that day.
I would prefer 13th cos 20th June need to celebrate father's day leh :p

Called the person-in -charge. He is agreeable to change to either 13th or 20th June for lunch @ Clark Quay.
1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. Jas + hb(?) + Dayan + Danson

The food surely sounds yummy!!!
jovialz, yippie! wanted to sms u to check if planning will be a problem for such a short notice actually.. keke! thanks so much gal!!

chris, got bday pressies.. no prob.. but since itz ur bday and there is a bday cake, maybe u wana foot the total bill as well?? wahahhahaha! *kidding!*

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">13th June: Gathering at Coffee Club @ Clarke Quay @ $25++ per pax</font></font>

1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. doobom + hb(?) + jerry
Father's Day falls on 20th June ah?? all along i tot is 14th June leh. I am fine too on the 13th June since its a lunch time. Its my mum's bday too.
oops! sorie jas!! keke

1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. Jas + hb(?) + Dayan + Danson
7. doobom + hb(?) + jerry
13th June: Gathering at Coffee Club @ Clarke Quay @ $25++ per pax

1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. doobom + hb(?) + jerry
7. sanbebe+hb+ jav

13th June: Gathering at Coffee Club @ Clarke Quay @ $25++ per pax

1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. Jas + hb(?) + Dayan + Danson
7. doobom + hb(?) + jerry
8. sanbebe+hb+ jav
hi ladies!

just re-posting wat Jovialz had kindly gotten from Coffee Club for our gathering:

<font size="+1"><font color="119911">Classic Caesar Salad,
Assortment of Sandwich (Honey Mustard Chicken &amp; Tuna Mayonnaise)
Mushroom Aglio Olio
Assorted Snack (Chicken Wings, Calamari Rings, Mini Chicken Pie)
Chocolate Delice
Assoted Mini Cake
Coffee &amp; Tea
Orange Juice
Complimentary 1.3kg Birthday cake.</font></font>
Invite your mum along lor :p

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">13th June: Gathering at Coffee Club @ Clarke Quay @ $25++ per pax</font></font>.

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Minimum 30 Pax</font></font>
haha! no lah! we'll be having dinner with her that day with all my siblings. Big gathering.

Wow! that day gonna be a busy day for us. Morning go photoshoot, lunch, dinner. Hope the kids can take it.
I agree... Maybe we will be occupied with our little ones instead of being able to enjoy the food, or perhaps some of our little ones will enjoy the food very very much! Oopss...
The cakes, etc. yummy!
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Gathering at Coffee Club @ Clarke Quay on 13th June 09</font></font> ... oops .. sorry Dodo :p
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Minimum 30 Pax, $29.43 nett, 12 – 3pm. Need to pay 50% in advance to book and 1 bill on the day.</font></font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Jovialz POSB Saving ACC: 198478512</font></font>

We'll get the whole inner dinning area to ourselves !

<font color="119911"><u>Buffet Menu:</u>
Classic Caesar Salad,
Assortment of Sandwich (Honey Mustard Chicken &amp; Tuna Mayonnaise)
Mushroom Aglio Olio
Assorted Snack (Chicken Wings, Calamari Rings, Mini Chicken Pie)
Chocolate Delice
Assoted Mini Cake
Coffee &amp; Tea
Orange Juice
Complimentary 1.3kg “Father’s Day” cake.</font>

1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. Jas + hb(?) + Dayan + Danson
7. doobom + hb(?) + jerry
8. sanbebe+hb+ jav
hih mummies!

im still home.. hubby &amp; zq and me "nuah" at home till haven go out.. will out in a while :p

re gathering:
i wana join too!!! but still in my confinement leh.. and yan an's full month celebration will be on 20 june, to celebrate his full month + my birthday + father's day! wahaha

oops! will link urs to mine asap!!!

so glad to hear that lyn is better now... hope the lump will go off soon!

thanks all for the well wishes on my delivery tomorrow! will upload photo of yan an if possible
u are super mummy! i cant imagine if i were to bring the boys out all by myself! well done!

gal, upload danson's photos leh, he must have changed alot from newborn.. is he another lee-hom in the making?
That's why i put 'sorry dodo' behind the title

Fast fast go out. Enjoy all the yummy food while you can.

Best wishes !! Look forward to see yan an's photos
sad to say danson does not have his bro beautiful eyes. he got single eyelids leh...hidden! that's why i keep being asked: he looks like who? u sure he's yr son?" quite sad hearing that. ppl are just judgemental based on appearance. i learn to let go...cos he's my deaie son no matter what. i am feeling real blessed liao...cos he is healthy and well. most impt. btw, he's just not as handsome compare to his bro lah. ha ha!
hi mummies...

yeah, another gathering.. please count me in!!

1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. Jas + hb(?) + Dayan + Danson
7. doobom + hb(?) + jerry
8. sanbebe+hb+ jav
9. ponponta + hb (?) + anders
jas, really admire you.. bringing 2 kids out yourself.. 1 anders only i can faint liao..

gingerleaf, glad to hear lyn fever and lump subside already..

dodo, all the best! have a safe delivery tomorrow.. remember to post pictures of yan an okie?

ecookie, you bring YZ out to gathering yourself?

like most of you, my friends mostly single, everyday party.. but i cannot join.. can't bear to part with my anders.. i only have weekday nights and the weekend with him.. now tinking maybe to bring anders along with my gathering.. heehee...if my friends dun mind..
Re: FP/Mattel/Hot Wheels Sales

Not sure if any of you went but the Sales is REALLY disappointing.

Nothing much, saw the FP drum set ($20), FP Musical Potty ($50), FB Musical Purse ($18, FP digital Camera ($80) and lotsa Barbie dolls and Hot wheels cars. Nothing oredi...

I think price went up too.. Rainforest Jumperoo cost $200!

dodo: yah smooth delivery for you tomorrow! share with us the good news/photos at the earliest possible time!

ponponta: ya i ll bring yz along with me alone. thats y i took up driving, make it easier to bring him along to places!
but depend on who i meeting. some friends are so receptive to him, feeling my attention keeps on getting diverted to yz, so i'll not bring him along for such outings..
