(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

okie! noted! thanks

dodo, HABA? i tink there's one shop at taka dat sells but super ex.. check with maryann! drop her an email.. i know she got her HABA beanbag somewhr but cnt remember.. =P
i was abt to call.. what a pity.. sob sob.. the new indoor playground seems fun!
it's ok dear.. shall explore other places then..

we went to zoo, birdpark, botanical garden, qianhu, bambini b4.. so thinkg to bring him to some other places.. but not sure where leh.. hmm...
hi mummies, been extremely busy at work on Mon & Tue as yesterday I have 2 of my wisdom teeth extracted, so now on MC since yesterday till end of the week. Hehe. Was told tat most likely will cause face swelling but so far so gd, keep my finger cross.
missed out so many posts, still reading up those archives.

aria jo,
congrats on having another princess! sooo sweet to doll up 2 gals.

glad to learn tat both ur 2 boys recovered le.

yay yay, agree tat u have a pair of sexy long legs! hehe
Oh, if that’s the way they teach bilingual, I think hubby sure oppose. He say babies will be confused because to them they will treat it as 1 whole language.. i think he read it somewhere..mmm….but anyway, I will call to check..oh dear, that’s a big scratch on your car! So “xing tong”! But did you make sure you park nicely in the car park because they are people out there cannot stand car parked lop sided and eating into another place and will do something to your car to “teach” you a lesson… and yes, that’s vandalism!

For fabric, can try spotlight at plaza sing but of course fabric there are more expensive but choices quite good..

Thanks..hehe..try try for 1 lah

Hehe..you’re following the current American idol huh.. I watch one episode but think last season contestant is much better! I really like the winner and the runner up! both equally good!!
chersam, u missed something good! this season's adam is the best to ever happen on AI! hahaha.. the judges are practically at his feet...

poor dear.. still painful anot the wisdom tooth extraction? erm.. sorie to be a wet blanket.. but the swell comes on the 3rd/ 4th day..
abt introducing multiple language/dialects to our tods right, sometimes i really wonder if it's a good thing.. i see my nephew, he's mode of communication is so rojak. so far, he is not mastering any dialects.. all "ban tong shui".. but then nowadays, parents also communicate like that, so difficult to control lor..hehe..
ya, i missed out watchin the contest!
i'm feelin ok, pain subsided yesterday evening. har ah, the swell only comes in on 3rd/4th day ah?! dun scare me ah. this mornin i woke up found no swell, still feelin happy leh. aiyoh!
aria, i tink there's always 2 sides to the coin ba.. i was spoken to in 3 languages / dialect since young. and i m proud to say i m pretty proficient in all 3.. cos kids are getting out of touch with dialects nowadays and i reali like cantonese to stop my grandma frm talking to adri in canto.. keke.. and i tink it is impt to learn mandarin cos china, the sleeping giant is reali so influential and lotsa money making opportunities.. so.. keke..
chersam, erm.. sad to say the swell only appear a few days later.. it is very heaty, so need to drink more liang.. how is little cherie? taken her first steps already?

hippo, i also missed the final.. they told me mickey mouse idol had won.. sigh...

ariajo, my mom had a friend who was being introduce multiple language and he got confused..so cannot speak till much later..i so scared it will happen to anders coz from young, he is being exposed to mandarin, english and hokkein...will try in 2 years time.. either rabbit or dragon..pray hard for a gal..
chersam, aria.. haha! i realised it was aria who posted abt the AI.. wkakakaka.. i meant to say aria missed out tis season's AI! hahaha

chersam, when i went thru the op, the doc also told me swell on 3rd/4th day.. and yup! my face was reali swollen like a pig then.. hurhur..
yes, i want aria to learn cantonese but it's getting difficult cos i also hardly speak cantonese to her because english became my main mode of communication ever since I came to singapore... i really hope aria will be able to pick cantonese one day..
aria_jo: i also want yz to be exposed to cantonese from my mum cos i think its a really nice language. myself, i know english, chinese n cantonese from young and i think not so much of a problem being confused or anything.

chersam: poor u, hope the swelling wont come out for you and even if so, it will be minimum..

jovialz: wah really pissed to hear such things happening. dun understand why pple will do such a thing! good thing that the scratch is minimised liao.
from the link i posted just now, may be your mum's friend really fall into a category of those who got confused with 2 language at the same time..mm...
actually understanding these language is one thing and mastering is another. i really pei fu those who can master both english and mandarin as in can speak and write very well in both! that's is the ultimate but most of us fall into the ""ban tong shui" category right? hahaha...
aria jo,
i ever read up an article tat there's this ang mo boy who was exposed to many languages (included those int'l languages) since young. Then come to a certain point, he suddenly forget all languages, dunno how to speak le. May sound scarly here but i tink in s'pore still ok. The most our todd is exposed to 3 or 4 languages/dialects at a time, still acceptable lor.

ponponta & hippo,
aiyoh, tink i happy too early le! was tinkin to fetch cherie hm this evening & plan some outing for tmr since hb also off. :-(

can only walk with assistance but lazy gal, not cruising much also. sigh
i ever heard some kids start walkin at 2YO leh! aiyoh, isn't tat too late liao? hope cherie faster walk faster walk. btw, any mummies here walk later than 18mths?
aria jo & ecookie,
i also like cantonese, at least sound nicer than hokkien. but i myself can listen a bit bit, can't speak at all. my parents can speak, tink i will ask them to teach cherie ba. hahaha
Me too!!! I would love to learn cantonese too. I can understand, but can't speak well. However, my HK friend told me I sound like a filipino maid in HK... haha... sounds pathetic right?

Did you try Zoo Phonics? Read that it's a Bilingual class too. I wanted to check out the Thomson branch.... how do you find it? did you try the parent & child session, or the independent toddler weekday class?
Congrats on having another girl and aria have a sister to play with le

mine learnt everything on the VCD and maybe books before she sleep

counting down ...... you must be excited right?

Saw Adri reading the ABC in your blog, clap clap !! The studio photos turns up well and i was just about to ask how cooperative she is as now they just love to run around so how to make them stand there and pose!!!

*just something to share to close the chapter*
Thought I would have something to share and was looking forward to the checkup that was supposed to be scheduled tomorrow but everything just ended so fast!! I was only happy for a week:-(
currently on MC since Tuesday for this week. Guess there must be a reason for everything and just have to take it easy and move on...Hope i can stop thinking what went wrong but just not sure why I'm still crying when i type this ....
Sorry to dampen the atmosphere here.
Hugs hugs... you are definitely not dampening the atmosphere here. It's impt to share your feelings... let me know if you need help
take care.
Hello all,

Almost forget my password after so long never come in. How is everyone doing?

Sugar_nut, congrats that you are in your second pregnacy...Chintz, you are too right? So nice...

Me still busy shifting house and handling Raphael being sick on and off after going to childcare. 2 weeks ago down with HFMD, now fever....gonna surrender already.

Everyone in my husband side speaks cantonese to R, but i think he is quite lousy in english as i speaks to him more of chinese. I am a lazy mum as well, i didn't even flash cards to him...guilty
Hi petit_gars
thanks, I'll be alright!

Anyway ..... move on to another topic

Just saw this in other thread:

Mattel (Barbie, Hot wheels, Fisher price) Warehouse sale at Lok Yang.
Date : 21 May to 23 May 09
Time : 10am to 6pm
Add : No.1 Lok Yang Way
Thanks, totoro.

Sorry that didn't know what actually happens but do take care and i am sure other mummies are here to hear you out.
totoro bb, hugz..everything will be fine..dun tink too much...

perlicia, no wonder haven heard from for you for a while..wish raphael get well soon!! must be painful for him..u take care too..

chersam, not too late lar..maybe she is taking her time..heehee...
hugs...it's good to share.. definately normal to feel sad lor but i'm sure you'll be ok soon.. i've been through it, remember? take good care of your health ok?
aria, heehee. i very buay paiseh.. i m good in both languages.. haha! and my canto is the best in the family (those of my generation la.. haha!) no la.. to me the philosophy is always: how my mum taught me will be how i will teach my kids.. keke..

perlicia, oh my.. raphael must have had such an uncomfortable time..

totoro, haha! no need to ask.. adri wasnt cooperative at all.. wasnt reali running ard but refused to be stuck in one place as well.. and her attitude face.. hmm... =P
really? i need to practice my canto with you next time then cos it's getting so rusty. last time i still can fool hongki taxi driver!!hahaha...now, cannot liao lah...

adri really sooo pretty lor..aiyoh, her eyes really soo captivating leh.. really "mei nu"..that's why i'm soooo jealous..hehe...
perlicia: oh no, hope raphael will recover soon. HFMD very xin ku for them one... hang on and take care of urself too!

totoro_bb: i think i may have miss out some posts previously so not very sure what;s happening on ur side. but hugs to you all the same and dun get too upset. crying is good to relieve the sadness and really helps one to move on. so dun be pai seh of crying or sharing here, ok>?
totoro, take care dear. we may not be by your side, but we are virtually available for you!
hugs hugs yeah

oh it's THE sale again! hahaha

perlicia.. long time no see. hope raphael recovers soon! besides me, there are also zhenzhen, ariajo, sugarnut. u wanna join us? hee
aria, yeah yeah.. come let's practise together.. woohoo! sure can one la.. u wun forget ur dialect.. just will feel funny when u start speaking it again ba? keke..
i still converse cantonese with my siblings and dad and also relatives.. sometimes with my malaysian friend but for the pass few years, my cantonese always mixed a lot of english except when i converse with my dad lah cos he doesn't understand english.. really getting very rusty lor..
hahaha.. aria.. dun worie la.. i m sure ur canto sure better than me one.. cos i only converse in canto with grandma.. sometimes with mum but i speak to her in rojak of all 3 languages.. then hb is eng + mandarin.. in my ex-co i speak alot of canto still but now.. no kaki.. hahhaa
Dun Miss the Crocs Expo Sales
22 May 2009 - 24 May 2009

Anyone going tomolo ??? me going there wanna to join me ???

totoro, HUGS & Kisses to you ... you must be too
stress that is Y you type and cry at the same time ... release yrself in someways ok ...

petit_gars I am in the class liao ... I join the weekend class for English only cos of the timing but this week onwards I change to weekday 2x per week and this will be 1.5hr for ENG & CH ... we can only take the parent & Tod class cos they are still too small ...
totoro_bb, *huggs* do cry it out...no you're not dampening the atmosphere here.

CM, how much are the course fees per term for zoo-phonics? the Thomson branch is so much nearer to my place than JG Evans Rd! might consider sending matty there.

CM, u wana go crocs expo sale ar? heard dat pple had to Q for few hrs the last round wor...

aria, hahaha! good! then we can hv interesting articles to read ma.. =)
