(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hippo I was there for the 1st or 2nd day and no Q but i dun not what is there and so nvr went in sobsob ... MISS there liao so this time round I AM GOING kekeke

Karrie hmmm for Weekend i cannot remember i think is abt 120/mth for eng & ch for en only is 100.00/mth (i think so) as for weekday 2x per week is 200.00 per mth remember must have caregiver or parent to be with them

ecookie, replied u liao

re: crocs sale
how much roughly are they selling there? worth queuing or not? tomorrow i'll be on leave! :D
Life has its ups and downs. Dont feel that you spoil the atmosphere, we are all here to share. Not exactly sure what has happened, isit to do with your cyst? Is everything resolved now? Whatever it is, you still have your beautiful Kelly and caring hb. Cheer up Gal!

You very hao ming lei, say go means go..... No more those luxury days for me liao. Saw from your FB tagline, you wish for better and better life? Aiyoh... your life so good liao, what else to ask for???

Glad that R is better now. Take care.

Dodo must have gone for her outing with Hb and ZQ liao... Turned out to be so sunny at my office today! A good day for outdoor play.

Vividly remember you mentioned that you wana go back to workforce again? But TIffy going P1 next year right? Isnt it better that you remain as SAHM to guide her through? btw, how long have you been a SAHM? Are you enjoying it?
dd kekeke ... hmmm a better me la ... a better mum a better wife and a better gal to my parents ... haha know that i got my MIL( and not my mum but my parents will be happier this way cos they want me to be really good to my PIL) a new cloth for my BIL's wedding just now ... hmmm
hugs.. im not sure what happened exactly too, but u gonna be strong gal.. yes agree wi tiffany, no matter what happened u still has pretty kelly & nice hubby.. we are all here for u.. dun think too much ya.. take care!
im still here! hee..
tomorrow then go out.. ya, it's a sunny day over here at JB also, very HOT actually! :p

u wana go n squeeze wi ppl tomorrow huh? hee... im tempted too leh, but turn off when my fren told me she queued for 2 hours to pay!
hello mummies,

Today lleyton went for his field trip.. and I let him go alone with his teachers! Wonder how is it? Good that it's a sunny day and not raining..

I'm hvg a bad throat and cough.. lost my voice. V sad..

Perlicia, long time no see! I'm glad R recovered from HFMD.. and hope his fever will go soon too.

Totoro, it's ok to cry it out.. sometimes I also get emotional. Maybe u can talk to your HB too. I told my HB that he has to endure me "niam" otherwise I go crazy..
everywhere on sale now.

Hey CM, today papers show Guardian having Gain IQ offer for 900g and cant remember where has Pediasure 1.8kg selling at abt $59.xx Check out the papers... I briefly browse only, so, didnt take notice.
hee.. must make FULL use of my last FREE day! haa
after which i gonna confine at home for a month liao.. i will be deliverng at TMC.. will "check-in" myself on sat 1pm..

yup, at my parent's place.. will be doing confinement here also

sugar nut,
sure lleyton will enjoy himself! dun worry ya, i find that todds at this age starts to enjoy frens' accompany.. :p
oh dear, take good care and drink more water ya.. when's ur detailed scan? u must be looking forward to it!
going the crocs sale 2moro... most prob after I drop my elder one for her chinese enrichment. Hopefully can stock up some for my 2 kids, they wear out their outdoor sandles simply too fast.

Karrie & CM,
regarding zoo phonics, JG is simply too far for me too... prefer the thomson branch. I ask them for trial, they told me they dun have such practice. After some persuading, this lady Catherine allows me to sign up for the last 2 weekdays class (Tues & Thursday 11-12.30pm) for the month May. Fees are also very reasonable to me... if I din remember wrongly, it's only $200 per month, works out $600 per term. I will try out next week with Marcus... hopefully better than GUG.

I can email you the info and schedule if you want .

Well, I always wanted to go back to workforce for the sake of myself... firstly, financial freedom (though hubby is not stingy). Secondly, I wanted my life back. Though I have friends, I feel that it's difficult to connect with them when you are not working, although they claim they envy me, but I envy them more due to their advancement in career. Frankly speaking, I love every minute I spend with my kids.... esp I can teach them along the way. I remember how much I neglect my elder one when I'm back to work, simply becos i'm too tired by the end of the day. Being a SAHM, I enjoy shopping and bringing my kids for classes on weekdays the most.... it's so much easier with out the crowd. Now Tiffie is going P1... I have my second thoughts. Fyi, I have stop working once I'm pregnant with Marcus.
dd ya i saw ... but now no car cos send in for upgrading of system ... hmmm will go get them

oh my ... Carlson is testing me to cane him this whole afternoon ...

hippo ... the pics are so nice and sweet ... you really got a beautiful gal ... Miss SG 2021 ...
Okok.. then you should enjoy to the fullest. I thot it would so heavy by now that it would be so tiring to walk too much. 2 more days... Yippeee...... and you are mummy of 2 boys!

Yes, totally agree that when we work, its financially so freedom. Dont have to think so much when buying stuff. Good that your hb is not stingy and you still have the luxury of shopping, cant ask for more already.

Yeah, when working, very little time left with the kids lor...Its good that you are enjoying yourself as a SAHM. Its always like that, working mums will envy SAHM, while SAHM will envy FTWM. There was a period I was in a vex to become SAHM or FTWM too.
petit gars,
sometimes i asked myself this ques also, how long do i wan to maintain as a SAHM.. i enjoy being one but sometimes i wish to go back to work also.. had discussed wi hubby on this and he prefers i can take care of the kids till they entering into Pri, and this means still a few years down the road... im not sure whether by then will it be more difficult for me to back to workforce coz lost touch for so long..
petit_gars regarding the SAHM & FTWM ... i 100% agree with you man ... I really wish i can be more like dodo ( you are very hardworking ok as a mum) I did more with my gal last time but did not bring her for classes cos at that time no $$$ am young and just building up our home ... so now i can bring Carlson to classes liao ...

oh yes anyone goes to Gym on weekdays ??? I want to join in
Oh.. so your plans is to return workforce when the kids go Pri school. Hmm... my hb has the opposite thoughts. He may want me to be SAHM when the kids entering Pri sch and be there for them to ferry and push them in their school work.

These days, pri sch education is really tough, few frens quit to guide their kids in their pri level. Heard Mummy need to do research before teaching mann...

There are few teachers here, such as Karrie and who else? What do you reckon? what is your comment on pri education these days?
Initially I also thought wana find part time... like what DODO said, where to find? esp economy so bad, every single job is being grabbed.

Dodo, what were you working as before being SAHM? depends bah... some jobs wont get outdated?
dodo ... keke sorry i am only telling you the true nia ... hmmm i will try to change my eyes again next time ok ... but you need to wait cos i am also waiting for ZQ to change again keke

I think its best to be a SAHM for their 1st 3 yr den after that go back to work den after that can be a STHM again when they are in Pri 1 how!!!

yah.. my fren also told me before that she will quit her job to guide when kids enter Pri School, cos' that's when they need the most parental guidance..

But my HB nvr approve me leh.
Actually I so dont look forward to the kids entering P1. So stressful. School registration, waking so early in the morning, pushing and guiding them to study, CCA, exams... all are so stress....

Sugar nut
Take a step at a time. You will never know, now not approve does not mean next time wont approve... haha.. alot depends how your kid perform and also how you want your child to perform. By then, decisions can be made. Depend on individual expectation lor....

dun worried leh, our line will not go outdated. Just need more time to adjust initially ... the methods are there mah... hee hee

Wow, u going to pop soon... congratulation... u make me so tempted to be preggy again... haha
petit_gars and CM, thanks for the info!

Yes Petit_gars can u email me the info? [email protected] heaps! hopefully marcus and matty can be in the same class..im very interested in the bilingual one cos matt is so 'kangtang'.

re: FTWM or SAHM

I initially wanted to take no pay leave to become SAHM after giving birth to mea, because i was getting very sick of depending on maid to care for my kids...worried about the discipline part also. she's doing a great job however tends to give in to matty's demands.

on second thoughts, i decided not to because the economy isn't doing well and sad to say, i'm earning quite a bit more than my hb. it'd be very stressful for him if we depend on just his income. it's not impossible but we will have to forego a lot of things.

I think life as a SAHM is busier and tougher than working, but I would still like to do it for the sake of the kids. as a compromise I'm planning to go part-time in 2011 when we get the keys to our flat and move out of my in-laws' place, so we'll see how it goes...

thats why i really admire SAHMs esp those with 2 or more kiddos...not easy...

dodo, u must be excited...2 more days to go to seeing yan an!!!
Tiffany, regarding difficulty level of primary school education these days...i teach sec sch so im not v sure but think it's not easy. my in-laws are retired pri school teachers and they say that PSLE exams are getting trickier. but then again they are taking out curriculum content and in future P1 and P2 will not have exams...we shall see how it all pans out.
dodo, i also can't imagine im a mother of 2 already before i turn 30. i always thought i would have my first child at 31-32 leh. most of my closer frens are either newly married with no kids or swinging single. so gotta come here to find frens like you lovely ladies loh kekekeke...
is it?! hmm.. maybe i have yet to think so far.. agree that Pri edu seems very stressful nowadays... even the registration sounds daunting! i worked as a valuer b4 i resigned (same as chris :p), actually i love my job.. just that i couldnt bear to part wi zq after maternity leave was up, so decided to be a SAHM..

u so funny la! ok, hope zq changes his looks and resemble me more! :p

jia you jia you! since kena tempted then put it into "action"! haa..
ya agree wi u, methods are the same.. just have to make sure i still keep in touch wi the ppty movements in spore.. who knows we maybe colleagues next time! haa

envy u! confinement finally over! my "sauna" days gonna start soon..
ya, economy seems really bad now.. my younger sis's company also told them to take no pay leave for a few days in a month.. sometimes i will feel insecure also, that all of us depend on hubby only, the sole breadwinner.. and gonna save hard for kids education and our retirement plan also.. so be it FTWM or SAHM, life definately not easy for both... sigh
haa! ya, we same age and gave birth the almost the same time

agree, some of my frens still jio each other out for clubbing, and some of them now planning to get married and start sourcing for love nest.. im the odd one out :p
<font color="aa00aa">Totoro_bb,</font>
*hug*. Have a good cry and then 'let go' ok. I'd been thru it and understands how you feel. We are here to support.

<font color="aa00aa">Tiffany,</font>
My car is very dark purple. From far it look close to black. Maybe that's why.

East Coast not too far from my place, I stay punggol and it's just relax drive down expressway lor. Driving to orchard or evan might be more stressful :p

<font color="aa00aa">Ariajo,</font>
I always park very nicely in the lot. I myself cannot tahan people anyhow park car (but not to the extend of vandalism, of course).

As for introduction to multi-languages. Our kids will not be confused if it's '1 person only speak 1 language' (example: Mama - English, Papa - Engligh, Grandpa - Chinese, Grandma - Hokkien) and not '1 person speak multi-language' (example: Mama speak Chinese and English). Hope you get what I mean

My GF's daughter can speak English to Mama, Chinese to Grandparents and French to Papa (papa is french) at 3 yrs old.

<font color="0000ff">Wow, guess it's Singapore's life. Our Todds are not even 2 yrs old and we are starting to think about primary school liao.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">2nd birthday</font>
By the way, anyone start to plan for 2nd birthday ? We'd decided to hold a birthday celebration with our family and close relative at the NSRCC bungalow for Caelen. Already book the bungalow (KS hor ... hehehe).

I'd previously checked out Coffee Club for private function. Actually not too bad offer from them, $25++ per person and free rental of the premises if you take the clark quay outlet.But we didn't take it cos we'd thought might not be suitable for old folks like our parents and grandparent.
jovialz, guess wat? shall we have our next gathering at Coffee Club then?? woohoo!! shall we shall we?

CM, haha.. miss sg 2021? hahaha! update us on ur crocs trip 2mro k? BUY MORE!

sugarnut, hope lleyton had a fun day out! and do drink lotsa water urself and recover soon...

sigh... the society is so competitive now and i have a feeling itz gonna be so tough for our kids in future.. look at the plans to be SAHM or FTWM etc etc.. guiding kids in school etc.. i just tink the burden is not only on us.. but on the poor kids too.. i reali reali hope i can take it easy man.. i hope i can keep my cool when teaching her.. *cross fingers*.. =)
Counting down. u left only 1 free day tmr! keke! I still remember the last night before i go deliver. I force HB to bring me to eat Japanese food. I gobble all i can and still not satisfied. Yet complaining why the time pass so fast. the next morning, i need to wake up at 5am, operation at 8am. I still remembered i can stroking Dayan's sleeping face and kiss him many times gently. And weeped quietly as i am gonna miss him badly for the next 3days!!! haha! those were the memories.

Jia you! biggest hugs to you. Will pray for your well being. Keep thinking that your body is well ald and every organs and cells are functioning well as they should be. Positive mindset. You can do it! Jia you jia you jia you!!!! gambate!

me on the road to PTWM...it makes me feels more energetic this way as i can start to earn my own $. I feel more secured this way. Though in the same time, i need to juggle for my 2 kids. Its really a big challenge. I am sure there is a way out if i want though!!!

Today i went JP with my 2 sons to have my lunch, grocery and window shopping. but hor i receive alot of funny or surprise looks. haha! Wonder what are they thinking of? Maybe i am carrying Danson (cry non-stop in the pram, got to carry him out) while pushing Dayan on the stroller with all my barang barang. btw, i look steady and tidy hor. Not those siao cha bor!! hahaha...used to it liao. (Anyway, both my arms breaking!!)
I don't mind, if we fix a date, I can check for the availability with the person (event manager) that I'd been in contact so far
But can only do it at clark quay cos other places, the rental could be as high as $2000 on weekends.

Fondant Cake,
Sourcing for Caelen's birthday cake. Initially wanted to get from Kellie (Ai Mummy) but she don't do delivery and I have problem pick up. Anyone have other suggestion (must be able to provide delivery. Saw that E-Creative and Cake Avenue does delivery, any feedback ? Thanks in advance !
jas, so happy for u! just hope everything will be sorted out for u soon and welcome back to the workforce!.. =)
u are one tough mummy la.. can handle both! i can bet u i will look like i escaped from IMH if i m in ur situation.. hahaha!

anyway dear, let me know ur plans on sun k? muacks!
jovialz, cool! no prob with clarke quay but can be on weekends right? yeah.. itz coffee club and not TCC hor? if coffee club, i can check with someone i know too.. hee..

if u wana get from Aimummy, y not consider having a courier service pick up the cake for u? my wedding cake was from cake avenue.. cant rem much abt the taste now but looks-wise is wonderful!
i tink the cake designs from the following are quite nice too! http://www.mongstirs.com/gallery.html
hahaha! jovialz, okie okie.. ! datz great..
and hahaha.. now we know wat u want! hohohoho

going back hm liao.. nite nite gal!
Sorry sorry...i wanted to reply. Aiya. Just slip off my mind. Perhaps we can arrange for next sun?? You book for me k? Thanks dear!
I have pm you. You are Perfectly RIGHT!!! So how's work so far? Envy you, cos you know what you want... I wanted to find a job... but dunno wat I want, and worse still having 2nd thoughts... guess i am too indecisive. haiz

As for Pri 1, Tiffie is going P1 next year. I just received the registration booklet to enrol on 20 July under Phrase 2B.... after 60hrs of PV work... hopefully can get it....gonna keep my fingers cross. Nervous and KIASU mummy... see?

I'm staying in Serangoon... so that makes Thomson the nearest. I would love to join you... but kinda far for me.
As for gym, are you looking for adults or kids' gym ? I'm interested too.

How do you find Zoo Phonics so far? Compared to GUG or Genevieve or JG, do you think their teachers are good? programs effective??? appreciate your feedback.

I totally agree with you... I feel so helpless and obsolete at times.... but you have a great hubby who tells you wat he expects of you. However in my case, hubby will just tells me to decide myself. He keep thinking I can easily let go, and just chuck my kids to my MIL... but I tell him I have my reservations... maybe I am a control freak... mummy is too demanding. I just dunno wat I want at times... I really envy my ex-schoolmates who are so much ahead of me in terms of career.... I want to feel capable too
paiseh.... i know i am grumbling again, but only a SAHM will understand.

I have emailed you. I'm still deciding, cos even though only 2 sessions left in May, they want me to commit with a $30 reg, $120 deposit (1 month notice), this is as good as signing up right?

Need CM to feedback before signing up. Haiz, why so difficult for them to allow trial? I would definitely love to meet matty in the same class. However, who's going to attend the class with matty?

As for being a mother of 2, you are really not alone... I remember being the first to marry (at 22) among my schoolmates, first to be a mother at 23... in fact, most of my friends are still single, still dating and clubbing... which I have already forgotten about how it feels to be a single. I really miss out a lot being a young adult... feel so old now.

Thanks everyone for your encouragement. Will pray that tigger will come true and be safe if it happens. Got to say goodbye to the moo moo.

Mattel Sales
Don't bother to go as even Kelly was supper disappointed! She gave a "tu tu" mouth when we walk out of the half filled tentage with mostly barbie toys! For the limited baby stuff which I thought I can buy for my friends who is pregnant, the price was so much more expensive!!

Crocs Sales
hmm ... very tempted to go also. Wanted to get a pair for Kelly!!
