(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hey dodo
all the best!

Gingerleaf and perlicia glad that babies are doing much better now...!

I WANNA GO TO THE GATHERING!!! missed the last one cos was in confinement...

1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. Jas + hb(?) + Dayan + Danson
7. doobom + hb(?) + jerry
8. sanbebe+hb+ jav
9. ponponta + hb (?) + anders
10. karrie + hb (?) + Matty + Mea (?)

If hb goes then i'll consider bringing mea. me still not brave enuff to bring both out on my own, c-section wound sometimes aches when i carry matt too much...

salute u leh Jas can bring both out together. oh yah. mea also like lil D, dun have double eyelids like her korkor. but the rest of the face looks similar...

and our car arrived today!!!! so happy.
1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. Jas + hb(?) + Dayan + Danson
7. doobom + hb(?) + jerry
8. sanbebe+hb+ jav
9. ponponta + hb (?) + anders
10. karrie + hb (?) + Matty + Mea (?)
11. gingerleaf + hb + lyn
dreamz, how have u been? are u still organising sprees??? i need to get new clothes..cannot fit into my bottoms liao *sad*
Congrats on your new car! No need to take public transport anymore. More convenient too as you have 2 small ones. Wonder when can i hv one?? keke! Mea also dun have?? is it hidden like Danson? Ya..the rest of the features are almost the same?? why like that hor??

Best wishes! Do rest enough k??!! Take it easy ah..gonna miss you. When u are ready, let us see Yan an photo soon! Dun worry abt the gathering, we can always organise another one perhaps in july again?? kekeke!
how do they charge for my 18mths and 6 yrs old? Tentatively, my hubby not confirmed yet... most prob bring my maid along to care for my kids

GATHERING: I missed out the last one... hopefully can meet as many mummies & kids as possible this round ... cheers

1. hippo + hb + adri
2. jovialz + hb (?) + caelen
3. ecookie + hb + yz
4. zhen_zhen + hb + hannah
5. totoro_bb + hb(?) + Kelly
6. Jas + hb(?) + Dayan + Danson
7. doobom + hb(?) + jerry
8. sanbebe+hb+ jav
9. ponponta + hb (?) + anders
10. karrie + hb (?) + Matty + Mea (?)
11. gingerleaf + hb + lyn
12. petit_gars + hb (?) + Marcus + Tiffie + Maid
dodo smooth delivery for you tomorrow! rest well and hug ZQ for the whole night

Karrie Congrats on your new car!

Aiyo aiyo aiyo ... can change date again ??? cos i am away with abt 27/6 hmmm ... sobsob got to miss again ...

oh yes abt the Zoo phonics hmmm i can said that i love the program and there is not a min that we are free in the class ... all time are make full use of ... (it can be a little workout for mummy cos of all the dancing and action)

CROCS - ok ok reporting now ... I reached abt 1335hr and Q for abt 30 mins but the Q is always on the move so not too bad ... the only thing is they are out of stock for most of the size 5 & 6 for woman by the time i went in ... pricing range around S$20-40. Its best and worth it to go and if you can go in the morning ( help them to open the door is the best if not all no more liao) my total damage is 300+ but for 8paxs

Kids size for small sizes they have more designs & stock for C 10/11 onwards they have lesser design & stock ... please note that they got more gals than boys stock ...
hello mummies!!
didn't go to the crocs sale after all. just went for 2 movies back to back with hb
so deprived of catching movies@cinema hee..

dodo, smooth delivery tomorrow!

re: gathering
can only confirm on a later date
Jas and CM, thanks...actually all along i've been taking cab cos my area so ulu...and we've been using my in-laws' car but i feel like we're sometimes inconveniencing them cos they gotta plan their going out schedule around us. now i just need to get my driver's license quickly hehee. im gonna take up the course at SSDC AMK, heard the pass rate for first timer is higher with schools.

Jas, yahloh i think she has dbl eyelids but it's hidden inside that type...and her eyes not as big as korkor's. matty's were very obvious from the moment he was born. i kinda wish it was the other way round leh, girls with big eyes will be prettier...now matty is the prettier one haha.

CM, thanks for the feedback on zoophonics...sounds pretty alright...

dodo, have a gd rest tonite! the madness...oops i mean fun... starts tomorrow!!! heehee
went to the crocs sale this morning... haha... first time queue up for such a long time... close to an hour just to get into the hall... bought 6 pairs of kids maryjanes and caymen... total damage $150. so tiring after the whole event... doubt i will do it again... but just dun wanna disappoint my gal..she's so excited :p

as for zoo phonics, one last qn, how's the quality of the teachers? Are they caring? Do they speak well? most prob gonna try out next week.

Are you signing up matty? what do you think?
petit_gars u are there !!!!! keke hmm as for zoo phonics hmm differ branch differ teacher ... so hmmm -_- ... for Bt Timah yes ... they are very good they SPEAK very well

CROCS ... when i am going off abt 4pm ... NO Q at all
karrie, this evening we went to eager beaver to check out the place. the place looks big. actually i don't really know what to look out for at the centre :p

so in the end we just put down chloe's name for 2011 intake (so KS!). if u want a confirmed slot, have to pay a $50 non-refundable deposit.
Hi 5! Same here. Hahaha! Perhaps we expect the same production to be out. But anyhow, they are all the precious to us, rite?? keke!

Where got KS? I actually tot of putting Danson name ald!!! my god! he's only 5mths old. keke!
You must come leh for the gathering. I forgot when is your EDD?
Hi Mummies

Received a SMS from Junnie tis morning , Zann was admitted to NUH las nite for dehyration caused by stomach flu & fever.
Hope Zann get well soon.

Garina was discharged on Tues , she's feeling much better , thank you mummies for all the well wishes.

So excited for you . Have a smooth delivery , gd luck & rest well.

hugs hugs , take care & rest well.

Glad tat Lynn is feeling better too & hope the lump will subside soon.
Thanks twinkle star for your updating Junniez status. Oh god! Hope Zann recovered well...

Glad to hear Garina is much better now. u take care too! Joining us for the gathering??
petit_gars, i'm quite interested to sign him up cos it's much more affordable and nearer than JG. but prob will only do so in late june/july. my maternity leave is till late aug so while im on leave i will go with him, after i go back to work probably my mil will do so. if possible i wanna avoid the weekend slots cos usually v crowded n we want weekends for family time..let me know your opnion of the thomson branch after u try it ok?

chintz, tot u getting maid so no need to sign chloe up for cc? but anyway gd that u've put her name down just in case anything goes wrong with the maid u got back up plan... registration fee $50 for cfm slot, so there are vacancies? the lady told me got waiting list leh..think next week i will bring matty down, his cough finally almost all gone liao.

Jas, yahloh. actually sometimes i tink mea like v poor thing. always kena compared to matty. everyone says she's so fussy and grumpy compared to matty when he was a nb...and sleeping pattern so erratic not like matty who was very automatic from day 1. i had quite a tough time bonding with her the first few weeks..felt so disconnected sometimes even felt like she was not my daughter. v bad hor this mummy.
twinklestars, happy to hear that garina is much better...now u must get some rest back yah...

oh dear hope zann recovers fast...
Fell sick too , was on MC on tues & wed.Now , i ok liao ,thks.
Was confine in the room during Garina's hospitalization as she's suppose to be "quarrantine" due to the influenza A virus.
The nurses there very strict , she cannot step out of the room & the door has be to be shut @ all times.
hi mummies,

thanks for all ur well wishes!

guess what?! im at TMC now already, admitted last night coz contractions kicked in ard 3pm. put on CTG and contractions observed but it remains slow and steady.. i can still move ard and walk abt.. haa! and my cervix still very tight, no sign of dilation at all. so as discussed wi gynae, will go ahead wi my scheduled c-section coz bb's head still no engage yet and no dilation though contractions started...

im so bored at hospital now.. cant eat and can only wait.. miss zq so much.. cried when i left home for hospital yesterday noon while he was still napping

what time is your operation gg to be? So excited for you.. are you strapped on to the machine to monitor contractions?

Just rest and watch TV etc.. write your blog? very soon you'll be able to see Yan An!
sugar nut,

u working now?

ya.. but contractions interval unchanged and not getting intense leh..
this morning my mama called me, zq kept saying "mama, didi" at the background.. i heard and teary at once...

single eyelid can be handsome boy also! u know the korean's star RAIN?! aiyo, mi si ren liao.. :p


try not to carry matty too much for the time being.. this morning a nurse shared wi me her c-sections experience, she said carrying the elder kids can be very strenous on our wound.. i know it's hard for us not to carry our boys esp when they are still so young..
dodo, yes.. at work now. Sian..

maybe ZQ thk that you hv didi with you already? did you get ready a gift for ZQ from YA?

Dun worry, let ZQ enjoy these 2 days with your mum first.. then after u deliver, he can come to visit you.

yah.. single eyelid can also be handsome boy.. haha. Self-consolation again..
sugar nut,

yes! brought a Mickey to hospital, will give it to him when he visit me tomorrow.. a gift from didi

u are right.. he loves my mama alot too.. so i can "fang xin" and assure he's at good hands.. wah lao, now so tempted to go united sq to shop first.. sianz, gonna stuck here..
karrie, u have missed out my post, i said i put down chloe's name for 2011 intake! hehe. not 2010. 2010 already on waiting list, don't think got chance for her. plus with the maid arrangement, hopefully everything works well and only send chloe in 2011
dodo go ahead la ... CAN? or are you on drip etc??? Can understand yr feeling when you are leaving the hse when ZQ is napping ... hugs to you and ZQ nvr mind la tomolo will be Da Dun Yuan liao

junnie you take care ok ... Zann is in pain so cry more ... you remember not to eat her food ok ...

twinklestars, garina was also sick ?? sorry i did not read that ... hope she is well now ... you take care and drink more liang tea ok ...

gingerleaf you so long nvr come in liao ... all ppl going to miss you soon
U gave birth ald? Oh how i miss the smell of a NB!!! Smell more for me!! The more we know we can't go anywhere, the more our mind wander around. hahaha! Just "ren" for 1 month k?? Must really take care and rest extra well since u preparing for a 3rd one. kekeke!
How are you? How's your contractions? Are they getting closer? Understand how you feel, cos I was also super teary when I leave my elder gal with my mum to deliver marcus... but guess wat... zq will be astonished with your new surprise very soon... a new bundle of joy. I still remember how excited my Tiffie was when she visited me at the hospital.

Cheer up and update us soonest. Take care
Just to add... PEIFU PEIFU NI !!! You have already prepared yourself for the 3rd.... kekeke... I dun think I can ever prepare myself mentally for a 3rd :p

I mean I love kids, and would love to provide more siblings for my current 2. However, I dun think I can prepare myself physically & financially for all that... preparing my elder to Pri 1 is already freaking me out...keke :p
hihi mummies,

baby yan an had arrived this noon!
3.885kg, 50cm, 37cm of head circumference
he looks so much like zq!

just now tried to breastfeed bb but he so sleepy and dun wana suckle.. will try soon again :p
Many thousand Congrats! U win liao. Haven even check out can online liao! haha! rem must rest rest rest more k??? Dun be naughty ah. Wish to see Yan an photo soon!!
congrats dodo! my gosh... preparing for no.3? really v.pro-family! Am sure ZQ and YA won't mind the company as they grow up! :D

erm... i'm winding down on sprees already. need more rest nowadays.
haha.... so sorry mummies, me always pop in a while then MIA again, coz busy all the time. sigh. wish i can spend more time to take part in the fun chats here. anyway,hope everyone take care n have lots of fun with your not so little but still super cute ones yah? my PH nowadays v.active, run here n there, lots of boundless energy, unlike his mummy! :D

playing DVDs to use some of the time up and he's v.into bob the builder now. everything is bob the builder, can faint! hope when he goes childcare, he would be more gainfully occupied.
Do rest more and remember to fart, else you can't eat anything. And, try to walk more once you're ready so that your wound will heal faster
dodo, congrats and well done! *huggs* Yan An is a big boy!!! waiting to see photos of him!

yah i know how u feel about leaving zq to give birth...dun worry, u will see him again soon yah! im sure he'll be very excited about meeting didi
just remember to take it easy and not strain yourself...

re: c-section wound...im trying hard not to carry matty so much. but finally we're closer now cos previously he was ignoring me...so i find it difficult to not carry him...my wound is actually hurting again now. so i think i will call in on my gynae to check...

chintz, oh!!! aiya me so blur. i think lack of sleep hurhurhur.

dreamz, matty has been watching quite a lot of tv too altho im very against tots watching tv myself. cos my fil likes to buy dvds for him and he actually ends up watching for quite some time. so i can't say anything also...

CM, thanks for the updates!!

mummies who hvnt gone to the crocs sale but itching to do so MUST go!!! i went yday ard 3pm+.. short Q and very fast-moving! i came out with 9 pairs of crocs &amp; jibbitz for me, mum, hb &amp; adri for only $225!!! woah!!
and i rejoined the Q (cos i totally forgot abt 2 other persons... ) to get another 2 pairs for bro &amp; granny for another 40 only!!!

the 2nd Q was very long but very fast too!! got in like less than 15mins..
and mummies who are gonna buy more than 200, please rem to consolidate ur purchases into 1 receipt cos there are freebies!! i got 1 pack of freebies which included a colouring book, a puzzle, 2 pairs of crocs kids socks + 2 jibbitz!!

hee.. paiseh.. raving abt my buys but itz a MUST GO!!! hahahaha...

junnie, i hope zann is feeling much better now!! biggest hugs...
Congrats and welcome Yan An !!!

Hope Zann recover soonest !

Re gathering.
Trying to reduce the minimum pax to 25 but we might 'lost' the cake. He'll get back next week. We need to pay 50% deposit
by WEDNESDAY too. If you confirm going, please transfer to me. Since this is a private function, so even less than 30 (or 25) adult turns up, we'll need to pay for the minimum pax still.

Toddler is free, as for older kids, I'll check and get back.

Don't think they have that many high chair, so we'll have to take turn and those have portable high chair, pls bring
Super star 'RAIN' also single eyelid

Tomorrow it's my dad's 75 birthday. I'm going to the zoo with him, mum, hubby and caelen. After that, have mini buffet at dad's place with my sisters and families. Hope we'll have good weather. Btw,found company got coporate pass, pay $1 get 4 ticket.
