(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

doobom, enjoy ur massage! so shiok!

Hi mummies,

Shanice sleep abt 1-2 hrs twice in the day, the most she sleep is 2.5hrs & at nite she sleep at 10pm.

she still dunno how to call us.She only say "Arg, Aye"
ya lor , Garina also first time kiss me this morng , reali can't bear to leave her for work.

Garina also only know how to call papa .
then my hubby always give me the how lian face .me so chi cake

This week she learn how to wave her hand to say bye bye


ok , i will try yr method
haha aria so cute.
yup my supply will go up slightly after menses too .
Are you gg to stop bf soon ?
hey Mummies, my SIL told me that if the child call "papa" 1st, your next child will be a boy and vice versa. Dunno how true... but true for my SIL's case, she's now expecting with a boy whereas her elder one a gal.
Would like to survey if any of the babies here using "Pigeon" pacifier???

My gal refuses to change to the last stage which is meant for 8mths+ which I also find the shape odd! Now now still using the 2nd stage (for 5mth+). I wonder will there be any effect or not if continue using the old one???
chersam, really? let's see whether it's true. and my girl is using nuk pacifier. that one stage 2 is from 6 - 18mths.

irene, long time no see! how've you been?
chersam, i dun think got any effect. matty is using the newborn pigeon pacifier. he will "pui" the stage 2 or stage 3 ones out!!

hahaha. I see. but it's ok la. at least get to sleep till 8+. you never try give pacifier to him instead?

congrats!! mattyboo finally got sibling!

re: papa
really next one is boy huh! ALAMAK! J's 1st word is PAPA!
hi all

aiyooooo...read until i 'heh heh chuan' & my eyes go 'gu gu' liao..o_O

chersam..my boy using pigeon pacificer, switched to last stage tink 1mth+ liao ba...i see he got no prblm as long he can find something to 'suck' for comfort, at night we gv him the 'camera' brand (bought in KP) where all is silicon (no plastic hander) he like to use it as a teether.. tink the last stage pigeon pacificer more concern for teething, but i tink shdnt b of any harm if still using earlier stage lo..my nephew's son also cant get use to last stage one bcos of the shape, they still sticking on to the 5mth one till now..
the website like not beri informative one hor? I will call them up n chk.. btw, do u know exactly where is their jurong east branch?

I wanna chat oso leh.. but work is so hectic and girl is sick.. take her to GP/ PD n kkh 4 times liao.. aiyoo and still coughing.. dunno how oso..
No problem from switching stage 1 to 2 as the shape the same except that 2 is longer. But stage 3 one really different.. Shorter and odd shape! So far she's still bogay, just worry any effect on teething or not. At least glad to know that not only me facing this problem.
surgarnut.. enjoy our macau trip w the family!!

doobom.. u sooooooo goood life arrr... massage during lunch time!! how i wish i can do tat tooo
btw, fm ur table, jerry like takes lotsa ceral?? u no increase 2 solid w porridge, etc? i 'lost count' on bb sleeping pattern, so i duno how long bb lance sleep..... hehehe.. tink got at least 12hr a day ba.. wuuuuuuuuu.. u 'underdress'?????hmmmmm...

ecookie... if weekend i cooked for bb, i use to cooked 1x for lunch/dinner also & store the balance in thermal cooker... i'll try add the ingredient (eg. veg, fish, etc) separately if want bb to hv different 'kou wei', but if i need to bring out lunch/dinner, then bobian bb will hv to eat same 'kou wei'..

ariajo..... cant help to feel 'heartache' when seeing aria crying photo.. who bully her arrr??? *sayang sayang*... i also intend enter bb photo leh but looking at the instruction like so confusing, duno cut-off date when, etc..... okie, let u enter 1st... hope u get choosen & win the prize like gingerleaf, aftertat let me knw, will vote & later teach me how to join... hehe.... re bb bash.... dun worry bb lance also duno how to crawl.. can hold hand w aria!!!

totoro... *clap clap* for kelly..... may b on bb bash tat day, we discuss how can organise the game/competition since no volunteer... i'm sure on tat day we can come up w something & really hv fun!! really cant wait to see all of u & cute babies.. fyi, i will continue bb w mamil gold step 3 nxt mth when he turns 1...
karrie.. long time no hear!! matty must b 'big boy' now!! congrats for hving #2, in time to enjoy govt new scheme!!

zhen zhen.. hannah can differentiate 'mama' & 'mum-mum'?? tat's good... mine sound same so i take it is 'mum-mum' since he v 'tham jiak'!

tiffy, chersam..wow sherry & cherie can also talk liao arrr!!! *li hai*!!!

chintz.. orh.. u mean bottletree ulu or sunsetgrill ulu?? actually i also duno where?? i'm a 'fang xiang da bai chi'!! heeee.. hmm... agreed bottletree restaurant is X...but the plc abit cozy & go & see the funny tree loh!.. nxt time u all organise sunsetgrill then 'jiou' me ba...

twinklestar... glad u recover fm fever... if not v 'siong' if hv to look after bb.... ur garina soooo sweet can wave bye bye & kiss u ..

cm.. so happi ur prblm is solved & carissa can celebrate bd w di di carlson!! yeah!!!! hope u can utilise the entitled childcare leave b4 leaving the 'lan' company!

hippo, adri lagi 'li-hai' can say 'mmmi oi' - so cute!! ysterday i half day, so went smiling orchid to order bd cake liao! the ladyboss keep recommending us her blueberry filling w chocolate sponge cake, so we take loh... but we didnt take 3D design one cos not many in the family & she said 1.5kg is more than enuff for us... i duno wat design/theme to take cos many to choose from, end up hb jus pick the elmo garden theme one.. those 3D one v nice but price also nice!! (min $110 onwards at least 2-3kg depending on design).

jas... glad 4u too, can enjoy the 'push-forward' bb bonus scheme.. but i sort-of 'sian jit puang' cos my colleague edd 10/10, ie, i hv to cover her job for 16wks
(my boss was teasing my colleague 'taking revenge' cos last yster she covered my job for 10wks, i keep 2wk to consume early tis year)....
jovial... fyi, bb lance MCU result still shows he has left side reflux though not so obvious as b4 surgeon did the 'sting', both surgeon & PD said if he got next occcurence of high fever w UTI, confirm has to go for operation
(choi choi choi).... so for time being, hv to take oral anti-biotic till 4-5yrs, w quarterly chk-up (urine test/culutre) and half yearly chk w surgeon (kidney ultrasound).. for once, his weight remain stagnant when taken ysterday, but still considered 'over', now 11.5kg 74.5cm!!!!!!
Hello all!! so many good news today!

Congrats Karrie!!

6 days child care leave?!?!?! really?!??????

first word papa:
actually i read somewhere that papa is easier to call out than mama.. most kids first word is BA BA .. :D
back from lunch!

bb sprouting papa 1st:
hope its not an indicator for the gender of my next baby!! haha. think read somewhere its easier for them to say papa than mama.

chersam: yz using pigeon stage 3 now. when i 1st changed he will frown abit n abit of prob sucking cos its shorter than stage 2 so it keeps dropping out. but with some practice, he caught on well. i just changed like that, think he knows no choice so just accept hehe.

junnie: dun worry! im sure baby lance will be fine. just stick to his course of antibiotics. n 11.5kg!! wow.
doobom: shiok! i try to go massage at least once a mth too. must pamper ownself sometimes hee.

cherie bear: shanice is so cute. mine will want bao bao by stretching out both his arms towards us.
yeah our girls have the same name.. kekeke!

Wah.. U and doobom oredi in the class liao ar? Good? I tink must be la if not u wunt continue rite.. so stupid me! hehehe.. y wanna switch to JE branch? Cos the location more convenient? U got any reading materials for the course? then i can read liao then call them to ask more qns. got preview talk tomolo but cant make it leh..
nope, no reading material.
Not only are we in the class,
Unice, totoro, tiffany, jacq oso with them too.

Coz I stay in Jurong. =p
junnie, is it? if call papa first then 2nd one will be boy? Luckily mine hasn't called papa yet tho I heard "mum mum".. which could mean food too..

Karrie, congrats!
oops, totoro.. i will make my payment tomolo...

yippee,,, that means i can start to plan my childcare leaves..

bathing - anders bath twice a day..(early morning 9am and evening 7pm) he perspire alot..no baby smell.. stinko..

napping - usually he nap twice a day(morning and afternoong) and target bedtime is 9pm!! sometimes will take additional nap at 6pm.. wierd...
twinkle star,
target to wean her off end of the year..so roughly 14 months? my first target was 1/2 year, then stretch to 1 year and now 14 months..hehe..
the crying photo of aria. no one bullied her lah..she not familiar with new place lor. put her down only she cry.. aiyoh, dunno why she so timid leh..we brought her out so often even before she full month .. that picture was taken at frisk and romp. brought her there to celebrate my gf's boy 1 year birthday party. bbwow also there...hehe.. j was so active, crawl here and there, even more active that the bday boy..hehe...
clare started saying "mom mom" quite a while ago.. in fact, datz her fav word. she loves to go "mom mom" for food. it reallee goes to shows where her prioity is

strangely, she oso knew how to say "zei zei" to the other gal the nanny is looking after. nanny told me she could say it fluently. **scatch head**

recently, she started calling "papa". till now, still no news of "mummy" me so jealous. she's actually more clingy towards me than her dad, but the notti gal doesnt want to call me!
I'm back!
aiyo, those actions that the little ones did can really melts hearts manz!!
Can't wait to see them during birthday bash!
ecookie, aria & junnie, adri say "mmm oi" only when it comes to the last 20ml of her milk!!! she will "mmmmmmm oiiiiiiii" then fling the milk bottle away.. or when she dun wana eat her food or medicine.. i m just hoping she dun say "mmm oi" when i wana carry her.. hahaha.. then i will be soooo sad..

junnie, happy for u everything's confirmed! yippie.. hope itz nice! lucky the woman never try to cheat u to buy bigger cake! =D
and help me HUG HUG lance k? and kisses for him!
ecookie, now u know the prowess of pointing!! hahaha.. but very very fun to see their little antics lor.. so sweet... i like her when i say "hello hello" and she'll put her hands to the ears too.. then she'll cock her head to one side.. haha! and "shame shame"!!! dunno y my mum tot her dat though.. ???
hippo: so wat did adri do when u say shame shame?? so interesting!!

jacq: same here. yz prefers me but mama seldom hear but papa will hear now n then.
ecookie, she uses her index finger and swipe it down the side of her face (from just beside the ear downwards.. but she always inaccurate one so might end up from behind the ears..) hahaahha!
hahaha! onz onz onz.. disclaimer: if ms notti aka haolian in gd mood wor.. hahaha! otherwise sure can.. i'm sure there are more antics out there man! i also wana see YZ's lor! haha..
yah u r right, sometimes yz also hao lian mood. actually his more of "gong gong" look at pple and forgot watever antics he can do haha
