(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

cherie bear, looks interesting, but it clashes with hannah's PS.

hippo, well said. babies dun need to do anything already super cute. when i see babies, i just feel like squeezing them!

zhen zhen:

IC.Nvm,mayb next time if there's other workshop will post here
Babies with the most cute action!! ha ha then all will be winners liao !!

Lyn can walk liao izzit? cos you mentioned in the post she walk here and there just now right?

Mine I think should be soon, she will stand on her own and will sometimes forget and walk a few steps in the playpen!! But she like know she will fall down when I asked her to walk, she will think for a while then decide to kneel down and crawl faster haiyo!! but I'm okie cos I can't imagine chasing her around in the house ha ha
chintz.. oic..

ecookie, hippo, thks...

irene.. hi hi..

sugarnut.. not i say one lah.. i also 4get which mummy say abt the gender prediction with 'papa' cos too many post read liao 4get le...hahaha.. so when u'll rtn fm ur trip? in case i dropby vivo will 'jiou' u for lunch.. hehe..

totoro...contest..hmmm...good idea.. the one ariajo suggested also not bad.. tink eil is incharge game?

hahah..yeah. can remember aria keep looking at you all across the room when you wanna go toilet. then she'll go "MMMMMMMM" and tongue sticking in & out. so cute!
re: pacifier
any babies very addicted to pacifer? I think J is leh. When I take out, he will go "Uh uh uh" and look at the pacifer. trying to tell me "That's mine! Give it back to me!"
dunno whether I should try the lemon method
bbwow: yz is too. though we keep the pacifier strictly for sleeping time. he wont demand for it but when he sees it during bedtime, he will cheong to grab it n smile so widely and try to pop it into mouth even with the cover on!

then when i snatch away from him, he will be unhappy and make noise. ha
but think i will only try weaning when he nearer to 1.
bbwow, does j suck his fingers when he doesn't have his pacifier? if so, i recommend you let him continue with his pacifier. easier to wean off pacifier than fingers later on.
no she cant walk yet. Cruising ard nia.

Yes I agree with zhen zhen, its so hard to wean fingers.
Im trying so hard for her to take pacifier again.
gingerleaf: u got try putting bittergourd on her fingers? like wat doobom suggest i think it might work though lyn will be v poor thing...
baby talking,

He used to papapa everyday, now is mamamama... sometime is nainainainai.. but doubt he really know ehat they mean.

But i word is v clear to us and he know the exact mean... When you are feeding him, he will give u feedback on the quality of his meal.. He will tell you NICE and NOT NICE accompany with actions. For NICE he will lean forward for open his mouth before food i put forward his spoon.. NOT NICE mean shaking head non stop loh
junnie, paiseh.. thot you say one.. I blur lah! Showed how much I thinking of you.. hehe. Now I check back, it's chersam who said that.

I'll be back on Tues night. Sure, let me know when you drop by Vivo during lunch!
chris, haha! the way u describe brig is so cute..

totoro & gingerleaf, very very fast liao lo! soon u will be running aft them.. mine is still as lazy as ever! haha..
hippon & zhen zhen,

ya loh, what to do...

He acquired new skills -

climb from his cot to my bed to the floor and start playing with all my stuff, espec my brestpump!!!

Pull himself to sitting position in sarong, swing himself to get hold to his cot (which is next to sarong), hold on to it and jump down.

By the rate he is going, i dun know where to put him .. sign..

He not so 'hardworking' w the flashcards.. at most 5 at a time and depending on mood..
dear totoro,

can my sis come too for the bb bash. I will pay for her share.. she xan be the photographer if you all dun mind.. hah
Yes, both my sis n myself will be attending the Dumex workshop. U Onz too?

Yes, Jerry is somehow addicted to his pacifier. After brushing his teeth @ nite, he opens his mouth big to hint for pacifier. If I dun give him his pacifier n only give bolster, he open his mouth big big n wan to bite the bolster.
When should I wean him off? Is it ok to carry on with it since he only needs it when he naps/sleeps?
doobom: sounds exactly like yz. once i put him on his mattress, tell him its sleep sleep time, he will open mouth big big n look for things to suck. often his bolster kena! then see the pacifier like so happy will take it and look at it so adoringly LOL.

myra can pick it up, put in her mouth herself, she can hold it and chew its sides like a teether, pop it in and out for fun. sometimes she offer it to me. lol!
She is a photographer huh?

I'm just waiting for one day than Kelly wakes up and put the pacifier into papa mouth! hb also played with her and told her he want the pacifier as well. She will give it to him sometimes. I'm just waiting one of these day while he is sleeping, Kelly wakes up and put it in his mouth ha ha
Like the rest, she need something to suck before going to sleep, if no pacifier , it will be her pillow corner!!!

no lah, still a student. She is 10yrs younger then me.. U dun mind she snap snap here and there.. she ok loh
Congratulations !!

Re: Bathing,
Caelen also bath twice a day.

Re: Pacifier,
Caelen is only addicted to pacifier at night. Other times, he can do without it. just now after a 240ml of milk, instead of sleeping, then he actually stand up and start to treat the bed as jumperoo WITH HIS DREAM BAG ON !..sigh..then i say "since u not sleeping, I'll take out ur pacifier". instead of crying, he reach out for my hands and want to put it in his mouth instead.

Re: Baby 1st Aid course
Attended the Baby 1st aid course today. I would think it's good ! Instructor was a paramedic with SCDF for 8 yrs before he joins Singapore Fisrt Aid Training Centre as a trainer. Very interesting and he can keep our 'interest' and non of us is 'nodding' away. Quite a lot of details and realise a lot of thing that we believe is right is actually WRONG !like putting a cloth in the mouth of a victim having FITS. Baby's CPR and treatment for choke is also different. Personally I think caregivers of baby should attend. would had sign up for my mum if not for the fact it's conducted in english only.
wah today no check this thread so many postings..

<font color="aa00aa">karrie:</font>
congrats on your pregnancy..

<font color="aa00aa">re: development</font>
Clarisse knows how to clap hands too.. I teach her a few times and she picked up.. find that nowadays kids learn things very fast.. like just now my brother carry her in front of the mirror and comb his hair.. then he comb her hair and she can mimic him comb her own hair when he passed her the comb.. and she looks so funny trying to comb her own short hair..keke..

She also knows how to wave bye bye.. but her way of waving bye bye is open and close her fist.. my mum said like 招财猫.. haha.. she also can call ma ma and mum mum.. still duno how to call ba ba leh.. wierd hor.. thought baby start to call ba ba first.. she called ma ma first..

<font color="aa00aa">re: bathing</font>
My kids bathe twice a day once in the morning at about 8am and once in the evening at 6plus 7pm..
hahahah. Im so disappointed too leh.. at least she is very honest abt the source...

Oh no, bbwow, did ur seller mention anything?
bbwow one also haven't received. that notti gal said shipment stuck in custom or something like that... let's hope bbwow gets hers soon
Mac is expensive leh. If you dun mind a 2nd hand peg perego, why not get one? I see it selling in WTS often. Honestly, a Peg is v good, coz the seat is very wide! Lyn sits in my combi, half her legs sticking out, but in the peg, all leg all on the seat! Its abit bulky la, but its damn stable lor.
Hb says no way will he sell the Peg, when I suggested he do so, so I can get a bee. =p
cherie_bear, doobom,
i also interested in the workshop but cannot go coz got comex show , got to work

the taka fair ends tomorrow

my friends &amp; i also ordered the strollers from shirley.thks for yr info .

so funny , Garina sometimes also like that . Dun know want to laugh or scold her.
talking abt combi stroller , i have the miracle turn purple color wan , Garina don't like to sit on it coz she sweat alot when she inside, it's suppose to be well ventaliated &amp; it's so filmsy thou is light .Thinking of selling it off.

i mah on 3 days MC lor (mon-Wed) , so did not bring Garina to my MIL's place .Brought her there on thurs ,can see MIL not very happy lor , face black black.
then tat nite , my SIL call me &amp; says that my MIL miss Garina that why she not happy.
Very funny rite , is this how she show us that she miss Garina ?? She can come to our place ma ..Very sick &amp; tired of pacifying her .. Everytime have to guess what is she thinking .sigh.
morning mummies,
good news, finally Aria can crawl...not the very Jai one like clarisse but can consider crawling lah..haha..i tot she will by pass crawling stage cos she's starting to cruise in the baby cot..

saw the clip.. haha...clarisse is very funny...crocodile tears...
chintz, i think maclaren is controlled price. everywhere selling about the same price. price will vary based on the discount given.

aria, yay! your girl is just in time to compete in the crawling competition liao!
Hi muumies! hope you all have a great weekend.
Birthday bash is coming soon so need to settle some things!
any mummies able to bring toys for the baby bash?
i know there is a indoor playground but just in case some babies dont want to play or use the toys and mats as a rest area for them.
i thing just need 5 toys. and 2 bumper mats
any mummies volunteer???

Hi all

chris, san..wow ur bb can do lotsa ‘stun’ leh!! esp. brig, forever so sporty, cant imagine he so busy ‘climbing’ here &amp; there! clarisse so poor thing… cry also nobody ‘ke lian’ her!! keke..

surgarnut.. oic.. hehe.. my dental appt @vivo is early tuesday p.m.!!! nvm, will sure 'jiou' u 4 lunch if go again.

gingerleaf,chintz..&amp; those order stroller… i feel sorry 4u all tat the bp cancelled…..hope u all can find replacement at about same rate soonest, if not pocket big hole again…

twinklestar… bobian.. tat’s the way MIL ‘protest’ when they r not happi!! 'xi guan jiu hao'!!

ariajo… really? aria overnight can crawl liao? Thot ysterday u just mentioned she cant crawl &amp; how to ‘compete’ during bb bash contest? *clap clap* then bb lance ‘bo chance’ liao, how to ‘catch’ up w his ‘ms sumo’?? today I go back must ‘gear’ him lor… (he can only do ‘stretching’ fm sitting position, still no sign of crawling cos super lazy pig!!) hahaha..

slyvia.. paisay arr… I dun hv bumpermat so cant help….re toy, mine mostly 2nd hand passed down by my gal..if u dun mind I can bring along a small piano (those battery operated one)…
