(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

totoro_bb: transferred $33 to u already.
Transaction ref: 1853484795
kindly check!
sylvia: yz 1yo bday will be at our house, just catering,bday cake with close friends + relatives.

aria_jo: congrats for aria new found skill. soon she ll be over everywhere n no stopping her!
I'm still looking for a place as well for the 1st day birthday. If really cannot find somewhere suitable, then will have to do it at my mum's place as it's ground floor so bigger space compared to my small corridor!! headache also!

Re: toys
I can bring the F&P learning table
if last minute hubby can join, can or not? I mean really last minute cos his new job require him to travel. next month, have to fly to taiwan

actually not really overnight lah.. i've noticed for a few days that she can inch herself forward, crawl a few step, sit, head on the bed, legs all straigtened but i didn't think she's crawling. today, i let her try and she's doing the same thing. my SIL said consider can crawl liao cos she can move a distance despite have to crawl, sit,crawl sit.. i saw the other babies crawl and it's different so i tot she's not crawling lor..hehe
sylvia..i jus rtn fm work not long...re toy, ntd. re bb 1st bd, we hv 'no choice' 'ordered' to celebrate at IL plc cos MIL said is norm to pray ancestor on bb 1st bd
now raining cats & dogs, how nice can zzzzzz but need to go IL plc 'reporting' as soon bb awake

hv a great weekend all mummies!
ariajo.. orh.. i c... then she's quite similar to my sumo... i keep tinking is somesort like a 'caterpillar' crawling.. hhaha..

totoro... wah.. another biz online!! can imagine how 'busy' u going to be loh!!! good luck!
it's the same thing but just wanted to have somewhere to showcase the scrulpture that I have done mah! treat it as a personal portfolio blog rather than business lah!
Managed to find one that my Nokia phone can upload directly so I can do those stuff while travelling on the MRT!!
oh no!!! How come Liole's one cancelled? What's the reason?

Ours also stuck at customs. Nottigal offered to do a refund but we said we'd wait for the outcome. I have a feeling most prob also won't get thru.

I've been to the baby fair. There isn't much discount also. You may wanna consider getting the Combi stroller (older models) but think selling at $199 if I'm not wrong. Combi is small but lightweight la. Yea.. J's legs also stick out but not when he's on the buzz.
Congrats !!!

Saw ur balloon sculptures, beautiful

re: strollers
There goes my Bee......so disappointed

Wat's the weight of volo?
hi mummies
long time no drop by here. had a minor eye op last week n now still recuperating, rather sensitive to light now... be out of action for some time more. didn't know the healing process is that slow and tedious.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! wa... the new govt initiatives must come as a double good news for you too. do take good care and have lots of rest during these few months k?

on the positive note, your graduating classes should b having their prelims or gearing up for exams already, and a few more weeks of school and its the end of the term liao.

ur matty is like my PH. super-duper active, can get past the whole day on just 1 or at most 1 1/2hr of sleep. rest of the day he can play and play and play (crawl everywhere, stand and cruise, touch this n that, v.tiring to care for him but on the other hand, also relieved that he's active and well lah). he no need to eat, sleep also can. sigh...

other than the volo at taka bb fair, can check out those baby kingdom/baby hypermart,etc at kaki bukit for mclaren. coz sometimes they sell cheaper than shops outside. tat time after i bought my techno then went baby kingdom and saw it going for almost the same price and choose the colour somemore, while mine was 'take it or leave it' when i bought it in town.

so nice to read about the achievements of all our babies here. my boy likes to stand and climb but hasn't verbalise anything nor any actions yet. guess babies develop at different stages.

actually, i like to see my PH crawl and still be so baby-ish. when he sees me, his entire face will light up and he will kick his legs or shake his butt happily. on one hand, i'm looking forward to see him grow, on the other hand, i sort of wish that he will still continue to be chubby and baby-ish.

love those moments and i tell myself that i must really treasure them coz when children grow older, when they see their parents, they won't exhibit so much cheer and happiness as when they are young.

okie, eyes v.tired already. need to rest. tata all mummies and have a good, lazy sunday!
hihi all!

greetings from KL!

finally done with all the unpacking, and still try to get use to the new lifestyle... zq seems to aware of the changes and rather clingy towards me these few days, and he actually prefer me over hubby, hubby rather sad over this wor...

generally quite pleased wi this new place, unblock view hence very windy, the downside is very few eateries nearby, so hubby gonna buy back or we dine out...

i miss my own nest and parents badly.. cried non stop when i reached on fri evening... now feeling much better, think i need some time to get used to this... we are now planning a short getaway next weekend coz msia national day on sun so a looong weekend! thinking either port dickson or fraser hills... hmm..

ok, gtg! bb just woke up from nap, going to mid valley megamall now! all mummies & babies take care ya!
hey dodo!!
take care! Was thinking abt u on friday coz it was raining heavily. Wanted to sms u , ask ben drive carefully, but it was oreadi afternn, so nv. hehehe. save one sms. =p
hi mummies,

i have 3 neo garden $50 vouchers to give away.

just finished my son 1 year old birthday party.

also have some decorations for sale (super cheap)

items deal at cck lot 1 cheers

interested sms me at 9795 0049

Hypersotre selling at 268 too. Baby kingdom not sellng Mac, only Combi, i think.

Taka fair volo came with a rain cover

dodo.. nice to hear fm u! dun cry alr la..shd b happi now can reunite w hb... as 4 ur parent, i'm sure they'll understand & support u in all way.. look fwd to ur short holiday ba.. enjoy!

garden_dreamz.. u go do lasik arrr? hope u hv a speedy recovery!

soooooooooo sian.. still raining sooooo heavily... cant go anywhere, at 1st thot of going taka fair late afternoon, now all 'pao tang' liao!

chintz... hope u like ur new volo...bobian u got it more X than bp...but at least is 'original'...

totoro.. wow... u really v 'busy' huh, even on mrt also on biz!! hehe..
glad to hear from you! wow... enjoy the sights and scenery in malaysia and the shopping! :D they have beautiful natural scenery that i'm sure will provide your ziqian with lots of new experiences. take good care and cherish every moment you have there with your little family, be it good or bad. coz things sometimes happen for a reason and they all help make us stronger and better people. your hubby loves you and ziqian lots and i'm sure he will take great pains to make sure that both of you are safe, happy and protected whilst there. stay in touch with us mummies here if can, k?

ops... i didn't know baby kingdom dun sell mac. i know i went to either one of them at kaki bukit coz both r so close to each other, so i hop into one out of curiousity and my heart dropped when i saw the mclaren going for almost the same price and in the colour i wanted. :D

i didn't go for lasik. i had a small swelling in the white of the eye, dunno what caused it but dr say could be due to exposure to sunlight/dust and eye got irritated. its called pinguculae or something. so now squinting at the computer with 1 eye shut coz the stitches hurt. can only see see computer a while then have to rest already. haha... eyes itchy, can't stay away from computer for too long! :D

okie, i better dun squint squint anymore. gonna rest my eyes for the night.
Hi mommies

want to ask, any of your babies suddenly refuse to eat solids? my gal suddenly refuse to eat anything except bread and breastmilk...dunno why and its been like that for more than a month already...any idea why? also any ideas wat else to feed her?

morning mummies...

so sad the bp is cancelled! grr... can buy volo at mothers& baby works.. 268 with 15% discount = $228 must go & get mine this weekend liao... haiz..

dodo, good to hear from u! take gd care of urself and dun feel so sad okie? at least u know u'll be back soon to see ur parents and us!
morning mummies!

garden_dreamz: hope ur eye will recover soon!

dodo: hope u are settling well at KL. dun cry lah. 3 mths will be over soon then u n hb n zq will come back to sg again! meantime just enjoy this experience 1st!

so sorry to hear the bps for strollers cancelled hope mummies can find good lobangs elsewhere..
notti baby:
any mummies experiencing our babies become much nottier nowadays??
nowadays yz will get angry easily when i take away his toys or start him from doing things like sucking thumb/things etc!

and my "no"s fall on deaf ears one!! n i slap him till his thighs got my finger marks he also not scared. he just stop then after awhile he started doing the notti thing again!!

i dun want to keep hitting him to make a point so any advice to discipline. i tried putting him in a corner and ignore him and he cried till v pitifully.
but he ll attempt the notti action soon after. is it cos they are still young they dont understand??
wat should i do!?
morning all,
dodo, good to hear from you!! we're all so envious here.. can go shopping at mid valley woh..

those who join lionele BP, it's confirmed cancel? what happen? she refunded the money back?

i think baby still too young to know what is discipline i feel. when u beat them, they tot you're playing with them..

i think aria's photo for the baby category has been accepted but the cover look and the family photo might not
i accidently sent more than 2M of pictures and it was corrupted. then staff email me back and asked me to resend via email but that was already saturday, not sure if i'm still in time
so clumsy of me...
dreamz, how you recover soon! be sure to rest your eyes more.

dodo, don't cry. the time will past very fast. for now, just enjoy your time with your hubby and zq. i'm sure this experience will help to build you up.

re: stroller bp
so sad to hear that the bp has been cancelled. but it's a good thing lioele checked. would have been worse if you gals got fake products instead.
Re birthday cake at bday bash
Flavour of the cake. Since ours is a 2 tier cake, we get to choose 2 flavourse. Wld mummies prefer chocolate cake (big tier) + carrot cake or butter cake for the smaller tier? think the chocolate cake is her specialty, so that's in the bigger tier.
Let me know if you have any preferences. Else, I was thinking of carrot cake since it's more unique than butter cake.
Then, perhaps we can hv butter cake for the cupcakes.
hihi mummies,

thanks for all the concerns!
ya, i am not crying anymore... gonna be strong!
coz after these 3 months @ KL, hubby will relocate again to a further place, so will treat this as an opportunity to toughen up myself and prepare for the next shift!

oh dear.. hope that your eye better now.. have more rest ya, dun strain your eyes... yup yup, agree wi u on the natural scenery, so thinking to go for a short getaway this coming weekend, hubby asked me to choose location and book accommodation myself but i haven start researching yet :p

im fine wi any flavour, thanks for the effort!
krissie, i'm fine with your suggestion of bottom tier choc, top tier carrot and cupcakes butter.

dodo, i own a canon slr. quite easy to use. just note that it's very big, so quite "lay che" to bring out. as a result, i hardly use it. a bit wasted. i think my camera has mold liao.

anyone know where i can bring my slr camera for servicing?
hi karrie, congrats!

hi ecookie and doobom, any idea where to get those play-yard in your FB and blog? and how much does it cost? i wanted to buy 1 for anders..

hi dodo, enjoy your shipping and take care of yourself.. see ya in the birthday bash! =)
morning all

krissie.. ok w ur suggestion...btw, how many cupcake we hv huh? i hope got chance taste all flavours cos i'm jus crazy abt cakes!! hehe... sori i v greedy 1, tat's y i'm wat i eat!! oops..

ecookie..mine can shake hand w urs! if u snatch his toys, etc, away will cry like 'being torture'! i find no point beating cos he also dun understand, so if he do wrongly (eg. putting stuff into his mouth), i'll keep saying 'no' & if he still do it, i'll confiscate the ting, sometime he 'fed-up' & will jus stop doing it or throw the tings away!! haha..

ariajo.. so we can start voting 4 aria?
ponponta: i got the playyard from cheong choon at china town..

junnie: wah very pek chek at times. i just keep pulling the objects out from his mouth,. then he ll get angry n look for other things to bite like his playyard or cushion etc!

yah agree that they stil young n maybe teething so gums itchy. so trying to be more patient..needs effort!
i think the voting starts 2pm today. shall keep you all posted.. now, i forgot which photo that got selected..hehe...
ecookie, i think it's hard to prevent babies from putting things into their mouth, as that's how they feel things. but it is possible to train them in other areas. just need to keep on reinforcing.

aria, don't forget to post the link here, so that we can vote for baby aria.
zhen zhen,
u can try to bring ur camera to Adephi opp Funan at basement.Can't rem the shop name.Tonite I go home chk & let u know tmr. The service not bad. U can go chk out 1st b4 deciding to let him service
zhen zhen,
wow, nice...very tempted but i wonder how to manage Aria if we bring her along. Don't think we can leave her at home ...haiz... How do you go there? Drive up?
zhen zhen.. haha.. finally hannah's turn!!

ecookie.. bobian..they still young mah..at least now u got #1 can spend more time, i trying most of time to spend w bb but quite difficult cos got his sister who needs 2xMORE attn than bb!! haha..

ariajo.. ok, gv us the link & we'll vote for sweet aria.. so i can start submitting tis friday oni izzit if i wanna participate? anyday submit cannot huh?

gingerleaf.. how's result of the vote? lyn got win?


my boy coming 1yr in 3 weeks time.. still CANNOT SLEEP through the night. every night still need to wake up for milk at least twice. I really dunno why!!! worst last night, woke up at 1145pm for milk den again @ 245am. I'm giving him 210ml already. got somemore WORST part.. after his milk, nv go to bed loh. WAKE UP and PLAY. OMG!!!!dis is not the 1st time liao.

WHY like dat??? shall i ask his PD abt this? i so worried lei

annie, maybe you can try switching on a dim bedside light ,feed him his night feed quietly, keeping talking minimal and soft. then after the feed, lie him down and try to pat him to sleep. can pretend to sleep urself too. sometimes babies are just playful, they want to play regardless of timing. for the 245am feed, if he is not crying can just feed him water.

try to keep daytime nap short too. limit to 3hrs at most?
