(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Good news ... it's only a slight deviation from your original plan
myra motor skill is very advance already. give her time to progress dear...

regarding walker, lucky you all mentioned abt the speed of the walker. ok, one thing to check before buying..

how long you gonna stay in KL? Malaysia do have broadband facility.May be you apply for it and you can access motherhood forum?? all the best!

regarding photo competition: will submit the photos next week so that don't clash with gingerleaf..hehe...you must vote for me hor..kekek...thick skin *blush*
Thanks mummies for yr well wishes, am looking forward to the vacation!

Leroy is coming with us. Think shouldnt be a problem for the flight. praying hard.. hehe
all the best take care.
I've tried Mum's kitchen the food so so only.I agree Neo garden buffet veri nice.

have your menses came ? this is the second month i'm havg my menses , my milk supply has drop drastically.

I was having high fever , feeling better now ,thks.
Heard the news? keke! i no need to ren till next year then can enjoy the bonus. effective 17th Aug 08! hee! Really god bless..

Shiok ah! Gg to cruise...must totally enjoy yourself ya! Eat, sleep and play!

Do log in more often..do take care of yourself there well!

Gg to do my monthly check up tmr le..then staying at my mum's place over the weekend. So will see you all on Monday!! Have a nicest weekend ahead k?!!
forgot to ask you all for opinion. i am thinking of signing up classes for dayan. I really dun know how to teach him. He will not sit still to let you read him a small little book. Too active. My sister (kindergarten teacher) says he has very short attention span. He dun allow ppl to teach him how to play toys too. He discover himself. Haizz.

Trio teaches academic programmes right? I worry he really cannot sit and listen. How? or gymboree? will become more active? pengz.
gd morning mummies .

hurray today is friday.

Garina push my face towards her & she gave me a kiss & laugh.
I'm floating in tha air.

Really brightens up my day .
How i wish i'm on leave today.
morning mummies!

jas, u r so fast! wanted to tell u the good news.. keke..
gal, babies are curious animals! they are supposed to want to explore and even attempt to tear down ur house if they can.. haha! dun worie abt dayan too much.. tink he's doing fine.. read the GD "how to teach ur baby to read".. tink it gives quite a gd insight to babies and how they learn... they are not supposed to want to sit down and listen to u my dear.. =)
with no disrespect to ur sis, she cld be commenting from an educator point of view = academic.. (ps. dayan not 1 yr old yet! keke)
morning mummies!!

so we can start taking the 6 days childcare leave for this year?? but think still depend on our HR dept right? really hope my HR will release a circular with regards to all these new changes sooN!

bbwow/sugarnut: u r right! babies are our natural alarm clock now
sometimes during the weekend, i want to sleep in longer abit also cannot!! at 7-730am, yz sure start to rise & shine!! then he will climb to our bed n whack my head! heh
twinkle star,
yeah..came already last month.. but suprisingly, not a lot leh..so weird.. is it suppose to be like that??mm...i think my mense suppose to come this week.. notice this week a bit diff to achieve my target leh...breast softer than usual when the interval comes..haiz...how much drop in your supply? for me, i've notice a drop of 20ml? consider a lot? my target is 150ml and usuallty take me less than half hour to get that amount but this week, got to pump around 35-40mins to get 140ml nia... i literally squeeze ah...

yeah, heard the good news from my friend too! so happy for you!!

oh..okie..hopefully aria's picture will be selected lah..
Good Morning!!

What a great Friday! Kelly slept thru yesterday without the midnight feed and this morning wake up and start clapping her hands!! ha ha
Have difficulty passing her to my mum this morning though as she want to cling to me! I think she thought it's SAT liao!! ha ha

So many mummies going for trip!
Enjoy and have a good time to Ueno, gingerleaf, dodo(hee consider it as a trip also lah- short term) and many more who are already planning like CM, Unice and ........

Wow! So I have another 4 days of Child Care leave to take this year!! Yippeeeee
Why they never mentioned to include the Baby Bonus CDA to include 2007 first babies also!!! We gonna feel the pinch when we start sending them to childcare at 18th mths!! Nobody appeal on this izzit!!
aiyo aiyo what a happy and bless TGIF ... the GOV says child care leave also start from 17/8 hahahahahahahaha i cannot stop laughing man
I think she is too tired cos she only sleep 2 hrs in the afternoon yesterday.
I realized "Pig" will still choose sleep as 1st priority before food ha ha

BTW, was just talking about 3rd stage milk and got a call from Abbott yesterday! They gonna send me the GainIQ and mentioned that the taste and vitamins are really different from Similac and hence need to really introduce it slowly!
Anyone knows what is the price for Similac now? Just bought 2 tin yesterday and wann check was it a good price! it's cheaper than enfrapro though.
ecookie ... i still can ren but i need to go off best by 4/10 as in to be my last day la ... hahahaha kekekeke ok i go and read the new again liao it all start from 17/8 hahaha so can cont'n with my plan and have more days of child care leave ... and YES I want the paid child care leave from this co ... they are so so so the CAT in hokkien
CM: haha in this case, take 6 days at 1 go before u quit! heck care!! since they so stingy might as well get the leave before quitting!

totoro_bb: yah yz will make angry sounds if i disturb him from his sleep. ha
morning mummies!

CM, so glad to hear that your party can go as planned. yay!

totoro, really shiok to be able to sleep through the night yah? hope kelly will continue to give you your beauty sleep.

re: incentives
hmm... too bad i dun qualify for childcare leave. the govt really should have more incentives for SAHM, PTWM.
<font color="0000ff">totoro</font>
used to cost me $33.80 for a tin of Similac from nearby chinese medical hall, now become $35 liao! Wah, increase $1.20 at 1 shot! Can't believe leh.... however it cost more if getting from any of the supermarket. Abbott also called me but it was a missed call. I have yet to return the lady's call. So can get free sample ah? Then I return her call. haha.
sure will get selected one la! Aria so cute n chubbby!!!!

i cater them for my tea ceremoney b4. They are yummy! i like their or nee. But I find them expensive, and the amt not alot that time I ordered. I remember we catered for 35pax and the bill came up to $700++. Not sure what package hb took, but the food is really yummmmmmmmie!
Mummies... Itz another TGIF!!! =D

To share as well, Jerry's schedule
0600 - F180ml
0900 - F60 w/cereal
1200 - F180 w/cereal
1500 - F60 w/cereal or 60ml Fruits
1800 - 180ml Porridge
2130 - F210ml

Mummies, can advise on our bb's sleeping hours a day? Jerry's sleeping hours abt 13+, 14hrs a day. I need to wake him up in the morning coz need to bathe for him before rushing off to work.

His planned sleep/nap hours: 10-12pm, 4-6pm, 9+pm-8am.
If going gai-gai, then sleep/nap hours in a mess. =P

Wahaha... How I wish got treatmt for Mummies' panda eyes as incentive oso. Hehe...

Yes Yes... So many of us miz n luv our little ones' when they were juz a little baby. Erhmmm... Beautiful memories. =D

Yes, @ least u own a car and can drive any instance time. Own time own target. I still have to share car with hubby. *Pray I strike toto n buy a BIG car for my own.
I luv BIG car like MPVs, SUVs. Very fun... =D

Mummies, Any upcoming meetup? Tot of bringing Jerry out to meet his other little friends. =D
So early 2dae? Wah... U can tahan. Sleep so late n wakey so early. I sure behave like zoombie if I am u. *Me like a pig hor? Haha*
doobom: baby YZ still sleeps 3 times a day. ranging from 1 1/2 hr to 1/2 per nap. all in all , he normally sleeps ard 12.5 to 13.5 hrs aday.
I think i bought mine at 33something yesterday! But was told it will be increased by 10% soon. Call the abbott lady, so far they are the most prompt in terms of follow-up! Good service really!
For Enfra, well I received a birthday card from them so not so bad also lah!
Ermm Friso, was quite on before but disappeared liao! Think they are concentrating on 1st 6 mths.

actually I have Kelly photo with the GainIQ bear!! maybe should asked them to sponsor ha ha!!!
totoro, i transferred $33 to you already. Tx ref: 1852061265

doobom, i love big cars too. but they are petrol guzzlers le.

and i don't mind meeting up too, before my holidays end.
My mum will bath her once in the afternoon and I'll bath her once after we reached home in the evening!
Hee yesterday, she pass urine in the duck while bathing so I carry her and rinse the soap off her with the shower head! Me all wet but she was very happy that the water coming from the top!! ha ha
<font color="0000ff">doobom</font>
My gal's sleep/nap pattern abt same as yours except that she has 1 short nap in the evening between 6-7pm for 30-60 mins like that.
If bring her go gai gai hor, she will not getting enough for her afternoon naps and will become very "fussy" before she turns in for the night... so quite scared to bring her out lor.

ohhh forgot to add,
bath 2 times as my mum's place is HOT HOT HOT!!! They are shifting soon so hopefully Kelly can sleep longer and have more space to move around in the day!!
