(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

just bought heinz rice cereal today. thinking of letting baby try near mth end when he s officially 5 mths old. but if he s still drinking fine then no need to start solids?

also, heinz rice cereal once opened must throw in 1 mth time even not finished like milk powder?

gingerleaf and ecookie thanks for the consolation. it definitely dropped outside because i took them off before my facial and when i wanted to put them back on i discovered one side was gone. went back to the spa and they helped me look but cannot find...think i'll just go to LH and see if can find a replacement. dunno if they sell just one side tho.

btw any mummies interested in infant CPR/first aid course? saw this mummy organise one on 10 March, $60 for full day course...sounds quite ok. the company's website states that venue can be decided by us. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/976106/1276886.html?1204533864
maybe can organise one for oct mummies. those of us with maids who can understand english can also participate...
if he is drinking fine, then no nid to introduce, but its really up to you. But starting solids really requires some commitment, so have to pick out a fixed timing and feed daily to let baby have an idea, but of coz starting out, juz feed for fun on and off is more ideal IMO.
It is really fun to feed, make sure you get hb to stand by the camera!

I think have to discard within a mth from opening. The box shld have instructions. Im not sure abt heinz, coz I already threw away my box. =p
tip for mummies who haven't bought cereal yet: try asking your PD for samples. my PD gave me quite a few sachets last visit. have been using that for the time being, instead of opening a big pack. since bb dun eat very much in the beginning, those sample sachets quite useful. won't have to end up throwing away if don't finish.
It'd be more ideal to steam to retain nutrients.

What I do is, I peel n cut them into small pieces then I put into the steamer, then puree.
One of the mummy here, put it in a bowl then put in the rice cooker to cook together with rice, then mashed.

Books suggested to steam or bake then peel off the skin(retains even more nutrients), which I find it not very practical(to me la!), coz too much handling and transfer done to the sweet potato already.
My PD gave lotsa sample too. Gave Nestle white rice n the brown rice ones... but expiry in april & May.. Dunno can finish or not...


I steam sweet potatoes. I dun believe in boiling as it will lose most of the nutrients. The 'super baby food' book mentioned that we can baked too.. but i didnt do that.

Usually when we eat sweet potatoes, we steam also mah.. so shouldnt be a problem.

Hopefull, he has time in US to shop shop for me.. haha

Today sun bright bright.. at last can wash and 'tan' for brown rice in preparation to grind.. yeah
zhen zhen + irene: my PD gave me nestle samples too but i heard that nestle is too sweet and its written on the packets that from 6 mths onwards, so not too keen to start on it 1st.

wanted to get healthy times brown rice cereal but hubby was commenting do we need to get organic stuff for baby..and also not sure if its okie for babies under 6 mths (anyone knows?)
so bought heinz rice cereal in the end since its from 4 mths onwards
chris: u very hardworking! preparing ur own brown rice.. i think the best i can do for my boy is to puree fruits/vege on my own and avoid off the shelf food.. heh
<font color="0077aa">hello mummies, i tried the heinz rice cereal(4 mths onwards) on baby xavier yesterday. prepare a tea spoon mixed with breast milk in end also cannot finish half of that.. think he just wan to play with the food... hahaha</font>
<font color="0077aa">ecookie, my hubby also commented need to buy organic food for baby or not. wait next time just wan to eat organic food how?</font>
dodo, gingerleaf, unice,ecookie and mummies going gathering,

I should be able to join u guys if we are meeting on good friday morning. Let me know if it is confirm?
welcome babybaobei!

frostyfiona; yah my hubby commenting that next time when baby eats non-organic food, will he get tummy upset since he accustomed to organic food only? ha
u are right that nestle is abit sweet.. last time i also gave my boy heinz cereal which is tasteless to us. But for baby have sharp taste bud and can appreciate the natural flavour of foods. But one thing they wont be able to finish and will have to discard after 1 month. I intent to buy organic single grain cereal when Jerric turns 6 mths.

My 1st boy last time also on organic cereal since baby. Even now he still likes eating them. Dun think will get accustom to it or get tummy upset cause the cereal generally taste quite bland unless u add fruits or vegetables in it to make it more tasty.
mummies using avent bottles,
any one upgrade to teat 3 for the little ones? mine still on teat 2 but 3 is for 3-6mths right?
hi everybody, very long never log in already.. super busy with work.. feel damn stressed...

babybaobei, welcome to the family!

ecookie, i upgrade to teat 3 when my bb is 3 month old.. Heehee.. cos he alwways cry when he is using teat 2 maybe not fast enough..

when is the gathering, keep me updated okiez? i am keen to join.

btw, i m staying in the east too.. at eunos! =)


for 4 mths i think heinz is the best.. organic is for 6mths onwards..
As for teat, jerric is on teat 2 sometimes 1.. I just go with the flow if i think he is okie the teat.
Think teat 2 is 3 mths onwards and 3 is for 6mths..?
my boy's name is Shayden.
he is using teat 2 for milk , teat 3 for brown rice cereal.
i wanted to change all to teat 3 but think he dont like it, refused to drink. therefore change to teat 2 again except for drinking brown ice cereal is teat 3
ponponta+madlynette: my mum stays at ubi! im there like twice a week fetching my boy to n back from her house.

gingerleaf: so its on fri? i think i ll reach ard 2.. will sms u when i reach..
Baby Expo Friday 21st March
Wat time? 1pm or 2pm?

1. dodo
2. unice
3. gingerleaf (anything)
4. ecookie (2pm)

Pls add on if you are gg and ur prefered timing

I just buy the orgainic brown rice, wash and 'tanned' them. Will bring to a yao cai shop to get it grind. They will add 'si sheng' into it for us. I believe in chinese herb more than western med la...

But im not sure about how long i can keep it.. i tink as long as in air tight container.. should be ok la..

Hi All,
Bought littletouch leapfrog with the spree... BB enjoying now.. but im the one pressing all the 'button' and he wanting to bite.. haha

rented the jumporee for BB, he so keen on it on the first 2 days.. now put him in he stop bouncing and starts making noises.. lucky didnt buy one..

Baby Expo Friday 21st March
Wat time? 1pm or 2pm?

1. dodo
2. unice
3. gingerleaf (anything)
4. ecookie (2pm)
5. totoro_bb (anytime)

Pls add on if you are gg and ur prefered timing
baby class
I'm ok with HarbourFront, if hb not free to drive us there, at least I still have the MRT to go straight there so shld be okie.
Do you think we can sign up for trial together?

Guess what! Saw the $199 on newspaper today and we decided to get it! Went shopping the whole day so no time to fix it up yet!! Saw the Zapp selling at $299 ..so much cheaper then what I paid previously. HB saw the ball thingy from FisherPrice and we bought that too. Now, he want to buy the turtle. Lucky can't find it at Isetan. ha ha
gingerleaf, my aunt bought for my girl at taka liao.. haha! nvm, not my $$$.. so evil hor? hahahahah! and u nvr add me to e going to expo list!! keke.. can't wait to see all of u there!

Baby Expo Friday 21st March
Wat time? 1pm or 2pm?

1. dodo
2. unice
3. gingerleaf (anything)
4. ecookie (2pm)
5. totoro_bb (anytime)
6. hippo (anytime!)

Pls add on if you are gg and ur prefered timing
Hippo!! haha, so good Adri got the jumperoo from her grand aunt

Totoro_bb, the jumperoo at Isetan is sold at $199 for how many days? My cousin oso keen on getting ;)
Baby Expo Friday 21st March
Wat time? 1pm or 2pm?

1. dodo
2. unice (starting from 11am)
3. gingerleaf (anything)
4. ecookie (2pm)
5. totoro_bb (anytime)
6. hippo (anytime!)

Pls add on if you are gg and ur prefered timing

I think I go early better lei...scared in the afternoon Sean becomes cranky and I cant shop liao
Baby Expo Friday 21st March
Wat time? 1pm or 2pm?

1. dodo (prefer morning)
2. unice (starting from 11am)
3. gingerleaf (anything)
4. ecookie (2pm)
5. totoro_bb (anytime)
6. hippo (anytime!)

Pls add on if you are gg and ur prefered timing

me too! worry ziqian will get cranky in noon, so better go earlier :p but i find that he loves to be in his bjorn carrier.. think he busy enjoys himself wi the surrounding and no time to fuss ard..
Helo mummies...

It has been a long long time since i last login. Still so busy wif my boy.. his now 6mth old.

Check wif u mummies, does ur bb like to put anything within his reach in his mouth? My boy ah.. everything also put inside his mouth den every food pple give him also eat. First time i see sure a greedy bb!!!!


count me in dis fri... timing (any time)

with shipment is abt 60 sgd. There one book included.

Hi all,

BB has v frequent bowel movement ince i starts ib sweet potatoes. Not watery... today he po po for 4 times le..

do you think is allegry??

more n more oct babies "on the jump" now! haa.. if can line them up and jump together, will be super funny!

started my by on rice cereal yesterday (5mths &amp; 5 days old)... he really enjoyed it! mouth open big big even after 5 teaspoon feed... today lagi jiat lat, he cried when i stopped feeding him the cereal he get so agitated in his highchair... hubby pat pat him and keep telling him no more no more.. what a greedy boy!

oh ya.. we bought another BIG toy for my boy this weekend agaim! a leapfrog groove &amp; learn activity stn... initially was either jumperoo or this but end up we bought both! cant go on like this.. really gonna curb our buying urge! hope my boy will not smile so sweetly to us again when we put him into a new toy next time.. :p
Helo mummies...

It has been a long long time since i last login. Still so busy wif my boy.. his now 6mth old.

Check wif u mummies, does ur bb like to put anything within his reach in his mouth? My boy ah.. everything also put inside his mouth den every food pple give him also eat. First time i see sure a greedy bb!!!!


count me in dis fri... timing (any time)
dodo!! wow Anderson oso has the Leapfrog groove n learn thingy!!! did u get from Cheong choon too?? they oso carry this lei..

hi hi,

Hope this is not too late, the $199 from Isetan. I think they shld have it till the end of their sale. Actually most of the toys are at 15% - 20% discount as well. They gonna have the bumbo seat on promo, I think just now I saw Taka selling at $60 plus also. But my girl too chubby liao, the seat like squeezing her legs .. so end up we bought the Safety 1st one, I think more durable as can seat till a lot older.
