(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


Last Sun, my little Prinz fell from the bed
Admited that I did not “enclosed” him. I place him in the middle of the bed, then as I was changing, less than 2 seconds, heard a bang and he was no longer on the bed anymore! Found him on the floor head up, crying very loudly. Got a shock of my life. Feel so guilty for leaving him there. Immediately carried him, saying his head, he still crying very painfully. Lift his face up, got another shock of my life, his mouth and nose is full of blood, quickly use ice but he scream even louder. (All this while DH was in the bathroom) when he came out, saw what happen, snatch Prinz from him. He so angry with me, I also did want that to happen mah. We keep on pacifying him with toys, water and song singing still didn’t work, end up feed him some milk then after drinking, doze off to dreamland, when he woke up, his lips was swollen, nose a bit bruise, then another few hrs later, he like don’t remember anything. Lucky everything is well now, little one can eat, drink, play & smile. Heng. But still feel very bad. Now I must remember he can push his butt very far, must enclosed him at all times!



I can help to get the bb float (neck type)at $4.80 for you if you interested since I'll be going there quite often. It's yellow in colour. As for thermal suit, kiddy palace have it but the smallest size is 1 so I'm still wondering whether can my girl fit in or not. Seems a bit long to me.

Will go facebook to check on the trial class info. No time to log in for so long liao ....
chereen: really must be very careful with the little one!! good to hear that ur little prinz is okie now..

sugarnut: thanks for helping us get info for the HF gymboree will go check out facebook soon
Thanks for all the concerns,
According to my mom, he is pretty ok. Can giggle & drink his milk.
Used a hard boil egg to massage his face, bruises were all gone! Babies do recover fast!
Yes my mom will be bringing him to the doct this afternoon.
Im unable to take off from work so have to depend on my mom to sayang him

Hope all mummies will learn from my lesson & supervise your kids at all times expecially now as they are at the learning to crawl stage
Hi mommies,

Sorry to intrude. I am planning to buy a 6-panel play yard with 2 activities for my child. So need someone to share (meaning to buy the other 6-panel play yard with 2 doors).

Total Cost will be $180

If you are interested please call cheong Choon at 6532 3855.

hi all

thks for well wishes again..
i'm working tis week but only 9-1pm, thereafter, i'll go nuh takeover my nanny for pm & night shift. i hvnt been home since 9/3
missing my gal & my bed... i'll pop by every morning while on way to work to see my gal @ childcare... she misses me alot too...

re bb, he's doing fine. fever all subside, now only hv to finish his course of 30 doze anti-biotic thru plug, 3x a day, for 10 days. hopefully can go home by tis thurs or good friday. he got re-plugged last sun due hand swollen again they cant insert anti-biotic, tis time he was plugged on the right arm
they jus took urine/blood sample for test ysterday, so far result seems ok, waiting for urine culture result. thereafter, got to await surgeon to see us to arrange for scoping (see which method to opt, either keyhole or cut), then will fix date for opt. may b in april ba. meantime, if nothing can go home rest 1st lor... me going to nuh now... catch up with u gals again...
yeah, brought my girl to try the jumperoo at marina square last sunday. she dunno how to jump but was very excited with the toys around her..

you can get BB neck float for only $4.8?
junnie, baby lance is very brave. pls give him a big hug on our behalf.

totoro, where did you get your neck float? $4.80 is really affordable...
junnie, baby lance will get well soon ... you must take good care of yourself ok ... hug yr girl too she sure miss mummy's love ... i know you needed rest too but yr girl is still small and she may not understand what is going on.
Hi mummies! Long time no log in! So super busy at work and want to spend as much time as possible with bb. this week on leave at home cos folks away for holiday in HK. looking forward to spending the whole day with bb!!

Trial class, pls count me in too! Ok with Harbourfront lah, it's like so SOUTH! haha...
bbwow, me too losing hair like mad!! i gonna see a doc cos cannot tahan liao... losing hair plus itchy! every morning see my bed so much hair leh! i think i am balding from the forehead! sighz!

chereen, my boy also drop from my hands onto the floor a few weeks ago! I was so upset! he stretched then i lost balance of him... *piak* on the floor face down somemore... luckily he is alright, drank milk then went back to slp... next morning woke up, he still can smile at me... ah yo.... i feel so guilty, but luckily he is alright, that's the most impt part!
the shop is at Hougang. It does not come in a box like those in BP, guess that's why it's cheaper but it's from Taiwan. I saw the float and think it's quite sturdy. Maybe I shld buy one and show it to you gals on Friday. ha ha

Can send me an sms as my phone reset by itself and lost all my contacts. Thanks.
re: jumperoo
I also like the jumperoo but price abit ex. and scare my girl play for few mths then dun want it. So now cheapo mummy put her into the sample jumperoo whenever we go shopping.. hee hee

re: gathering
I'm interested to join too! I think it will be fun to see so many babies around the same age playing together, also good for them to interact with one another. I prefer to meet somewhere else, expo really very crowded and with so many other mummies and babies, very hard to find one another. We can meet out one of the wkend at the cafe. I suggest TCC@Raffles Place, it's a cosy cafe where you sit on the floor with lots of cushion. Maybe one of us can bring our playmat along and all our babies can sleep and crawl on it.. What do all of you think?

re Leapfrog:
I bought the littletouch systems and lots of books too. I combined my order with a friend and we got it shipped in from US. At the moment, I'm the one playing it.. haha. I also got the Spin and Sing Alphabet Zoo, my girl knows how to play and spin it
For interested mummies who wants to get either the littletouch books or LeapPad books, I have some to sell ($14-$15 per book). These are extra that we import together to save shipping charges. PM me if you want!

re: solid
I introduce fruits puree when my girl 4mths plus, she enjoy fruits more than cereal. So far i have tred pumpkin, sweet potatoe, banana and apple. She really love it and can eat alot

re: insurance
When my girl was 1mth, I got her CPF medical plan, pink of health and accident plan from AIA (cos I'm working there.. hee hee). I'm really lucky I got those, cos my girl fell down when she's only 2mths and had a cut on her eyebrown. Brought her to PD to check and it cost me $90. But lucky I can claim it back.
hi totoro_bb,
thanks for the offer.. which part of hougang can u buy e float? i stay at hg so very convenient for me to buy.

bbwow: the hair tonic is called INNOVATION (hair revival tonic)and cost less than $20 dollars. bought in one of those shops in amk central that sells perfume and beaty pdts. The sales gal recommended me this INNOVATION and another brand (cant rememeb) which cost $60 plus. but me opted for the cheaper one and luckily, it worked well for me. used to hv one patch at the side balding but now is looking v gd.
bbwow: sorry forgot to share not to buy the brand "Regaine" (think shld be spelt something like dat which is found commonly at many plc.. pc similar but salesgal said not as effective.
junnie: u take care.. must be reallee shiong on u.. and hope bb lance will be fine in no time..

sharon: 8kg @ 6 month is not small la.. think about the 50percentile rite? too big also no gd la..
always have phobia that i might drop bb when carrying her.. but guess this stage is still manageable. frenz always tell me that when they start to crawl and walk, we lagi more "bo eng"

btw, my gd fren's 15mth bb fell from 2nd storey 2 weeks ago and suffered internal bleeding, fractured her skull. was reallee heart breaking. she followed her grandpa up e staircase to the 2nd floor of their plc. grandpa was looking for stuff and when he turned back, her gal squeezed thru the railing and dropped!

so must be v watchful of our little ones when they start walking. things can happen in sec
totoro, can share where exactly in hougang the shop is. i'm hoping to take my girl swimming soon, and i'm looking for a float now. TIA!

jacq, my goodness. thankfully she survived the fall. is she ok now?

gingerleaf, i pm u.

thanks for the info! will go check it out! hope your friend's baby is ok! My PIL is also staying in 2 storeys. I better ask them never to leave baby alone when he starts to work.

what kind of a doc we should see regarding hair loss? I'm thinking of going too cause the amount of hair I'm losing is REALLY SCARY.


hope your little prinz is fine now! So heartbreaking to see your little one fall hor. There was once my bb was sleeping soundly on me then I tripped and almost fell. My heart stopped for a moment cause I couldn't imagine what I'll do if he fall with me.
morning mummies!

my boy has been rather cranky these few days... dun wana nap and wan to be carried all the time.. super tired..

re: gathering this fri @ expo,
is it still on? i will be there at the morning coz will go my in-law place @ east after which...

re: gym class,
im interested too! sugar nut, im fine with next saturday... but may i know what's the timing? coz need to pick up my parents at airport early morning...thanks
The shop is at Hougang Ave 8, near to the Macdonald. It is near to the SAM machine/POSB machine selling toys and the other half of the shop is a beauty saloon.
Re: trial gymboree

Currently we have about 6 interested:
1. totoro_bb
2. Jacq
3. dodo
4. Eilcare (?)
5. Velvet (29th cannot)
6. sugar nut

I was suggesting 29th Mar (Sat), 10 - 10.45am class at HF gymboree but seems like some may not be able to make it.

Is it too rush for this weekend? But need at least 10 to form a class. How about 5 April (Sat)?

It's about $34 for the trial class. The person recommended "Learning Continuum Level 2 (6mths - 10 mths)". I told her the babies range between 5-7 mths, so she say ok to tailor something for us since it is a private trial class.

There are some other promotions (e.g. $50 for membership with welcome package) but I think it may be better that we try out the trial first then find out more there.
bbwow, i going to visit my company doc... i think GP should help ba... i also dunno, i change shampoos dunno how many times still same... losing hair like no need money...
Big thank you to the mummies who pm me their email.
Pls keep a look out for something in ya mail. You will need a yahoo id to sign up, after which, you can use ur regular email address to recieve updates.
dodo, ya, I have just sent it to you.
Mummies who gave me their email, pls keep a look out my email. Could be sitting in ur junkbox even. Heehe.
Hi Chintz,

Yah.. the person told me both parents are allowed to join.

Hi Jojer and madlynette,

Which week will be fine with you? Coming 22nd Mar or 5th Apr?


I PM you my email as well..
I say, i think it'd be better to do it later, when all babies have finished their vaccination as we have late oct babies too. What you reckon?

Is it after the 6-mth vaccination? Actually I am fine with that too..

How about the rest of the mummies who are interested? To postpone it till later or go ahead?

We probably have to re-check with gymboree again on their available timeslots to cater for private trial class on weekends, as they are normally quite packed on weekends.


There's an outlet at Harbourfront level 3.. if I can get at least 10 pax, then I will ask them to form a private class for us.

29-mar is fine with me! Let me know the details ok! My boy is only 5 months so it's ok for class??


then I give you my addy you send me spam ok?? kekeke
sugar nut,
I think after all the various vaccines. Most babies will finish their vaccines by 6mth, so I think after 6mth is a good time for all. Else, we'll have babies who needa go for vaccines and cant join if we hold it too early.

What say the others?
