(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

For the babycare Expo,are we meeting and sit down for a drink or we just say Hi and go shopping?

aria,ecookie, my husband use to say about jumperoo being not good for the baby, worried the legs will get twisted if he didn't jump properly etc. and of course he said cannot use very long,no place to put as I am staying with my PIL. One thing also expensive. I just din't care and I take the effort to exchange voucher to buy in kiddy palace. Now seeing his son having fun on the jumperoo. Before putting Raphael in, he will be so excited jumping, then I told my husband,"see, it is worth it"

oh dear..poor lance..it's really very heartpain to see our baby suffering like this..my girl caught the flu bug again and we already so heartpain seeing her so uncomfortable in the night. stay strong girl..

haha..really sounds found..yeah, the price is really a hinderance..so ex! didn't know that taka fair got jumperoo to try. else, can let my girl try and see what's her reaction..haha...

u can try the jumperoo at toa payoh kiddy palace and centrepoint robinson as well! jump jump jump... we put a cushioned mat on the floor so his toes will not hit the floor directly...
aria, The kiddy palace in Plaze sg has one to try. I let my son try when he is just 3 months. that time he dunno how to play. Now he know how to turn around, pull the toys etc.so cute.

That day I went to the Taka fair, I saw a grandmother putting her granddaughter (can walk already) into the jumperoo and jump, abit dangerous cause the weight might be exceeded. Then another grandma put her grandson, around 2 years old on the fisher bouncing chair, and the son was like shouting "ma, NO".

Take care, Baby Lance , all the aunties and babies friends from October Motherhood forum sayang you and give you supports

i bought $225 at choon cheong, a shop at upp cross st wi free delivery. last night i went isetan private sale, selling at $199!!! gosh...
So much cheaper now. I buy for $239. Still have to self carried. When I see the price in US website, it is only US$70 dollars.
I assume we'll be mitting up for a short while, quick drink then dash to shopping ba.. or probably its more like those who are gg to the fair, juz make time out to catch each other, say hi since we never seen each other b4, and at the same time, can see each other's cutie october babies!
dodo: isetan sale got sell jumperoo how come i miss it?! damn..

junnie: my heart really goes out to little lance but i know he's a strong boy and he 'll come out of this ordeal healtier and happier.
meanwhile, stay strong and take good care of ur self too.

till nw i hvnt go to any sales yet..keke
I was thinkin to get one cos my boi v lazy to stand.. if i ask him stand n hold his shoulder.. u know wat he do..lift his leg up n dun step n the floor....grrr..so if get one can put him inside n jump..keke
hey mummies,

anyone interested to bring bb to those gym & music class? im interested for my boy to try out when he's 6mth old.. any mum research on this already? care to share?

Np.. Monday then... But can't have lunch with you that day, cos got prior appt with frens liao... We can lunch on other days!.. Will grab Similac from you b4 or after lunch... PM you my mobile number... we can arrange timing..
Hi Dodo,

I'm interested to give my girl a try... Have not researched much on it... I remembered one of the mummies here used to work at Gymboree?... Maybe she can give us some idea...
Why don't we sign up our babies for those class and we can meet in a regular basis liao .. ha ha
for a start .. maybe go for the trial class ... central area if possible since we have the extreme NE and West pple ....
I was thinking, if we can have a group swimming session .. it will also be fun .... but still looking for swimming pool that is suitable ...
I'm waiting for the SengKang "country club" style one to be open as mentioned during the national day rally
Hey gals,
So much to catch up again...

Re Expo BB Fair: Will join u gals next sat if u r going ard 4pm ...Dodo n gingerleaf, both of u going ya?

Re gymboree: My col started her son at 9 months...the music class at Gymboree...she told me its very interactive, babies can experience wif many kinds of instruments.

Re Jumperoo: I have decided not to think so much abt how worth or how long can it keep Sean interestd for... I have gotten one yesterday already...so at last I can keep taking videos of Sean jumping happily in it liao YEAH :D

u got the jumperoo! hurray!

must upload video k... i haven take video of ziqian jumping in it yet.. :p where u got urs? choon cheong also?

hubby said wana go expo fair next fri since it's public holiday.. coz he may have somethg on on sat.. think i gonna miss this time round of meet-up already...

regarding bb class, im more interested in those gym and music class like Gymboree, Kindermusik... hubby said he will teach my boy how to swim since he was from water polo sch team.. haa! now the polo is in his tummy! :p
dodo, yup!! oso from Cheong Choon

cheaper lo n free delivery..haha, else carry home so heavy...
haha, my hubby wanted go on fri too but i told him i wanna meet u all..so he say ok lo...hmmm, gingerleaf, u wanna go on friday too? I m fine wif both days...
dodo, wat time u going on fri? Mrg better, not so crowded..Sean oso better mood in mrgs...haha

yup! most probably fri morning too...

ziqian same like sean, better mood in morning... :p so other mummies joining us? gingerleaf, chintz, hippo, totoro? any other mummies?
dodo;lol polo at his tummy! i wanted to bring my boy for a swim mayb when he older like >6mths. wonder if he ll be scared of water by then..

yup interested in gymboree! let do up a oct mummies grp trial perhaps at harbourfront? central enough?
hey mummies, if its fri maybe i can join! cos my weekend car can b used on public hols!

but most prob reach ard noon time..
dodo, gingerleaf, unice,

i'm not very sure if i can go on fri, cos chloe will have her jab on thurs. the past 2 jabs, she had fever.. so... gotta monitor..

oic.. ok sure, we keep in touch via sms k.. and we shall arrange for the REDs meet-up coz i wana return you your card and your bjorn bag..
dodo, haha, ya lo, wonder y Sean is grumpier at noon time...so now, during noon time can put him on jumperoo to make him happy haha...
how long can we put them on jumperoo now? n how many times a day?
yeah, seems most mummies are ok wif Fri mrg...
Chintz, dun worry, I m sure Chloe will be fine after this jab cos she knows she is going gai gai on Fri...
dodo: hehe sure! maybe it's time for the sulking couple to kiss n make up
do text me okay.. most likely this round is a stay-home-weekend
Gingerleaf,it is cheap in US to buy the jumperoo. I actually want to as people to bring back for me. But in the end decided not because so difficult to arrange them to send to a hotel. And the shippment to singapore is much more expensive than the jumperoo itself. So in the end give up hope. Just buy in singapore.

So which day you all want to go. Ok with me on both date? I am staying in the East.

Just curious, got any mummies staying in Tampines or going to stay in Tampines soon?
junnie, you take good care of yrself ok ... lance will recover soonest ...

dodo I want ... i eant o bring my boy for class too ... habourfront have ??? where is it located ??? hmm i know Great World have the Kindermusik my friends went there and they says it good ...

i think its better to meet up some where den expo cos too many ppl liao and also hb can do nothing ... hmm
unice: thanks! i do hope so too cos would really love to meet u all up

for mummies who are working like me, happy weekend okay!! enjoy the precious 2 days' off with the little ones :*
I always limit lyn inside for 30mins MAX. Always take them out b4 they get bored, else next time they might dread being put in it.(Thats what I think la)
Not too much a day too, else at nite will cry and wakey, too stimulated liao.
Initial tries, I let her stayed inside for not longer than 15mins each time.

i put him in abt 5-10mins each time now and monitor his reaction... then abt 3 times a day.. not sure is it ok leh.. we must ask gingerleaf expert!


yup yup! last time rounf u blocked their hand so they cant hold hand very sad.. this time round must "pang chance" hor.. hee..


i will go on fri.. i think most of the mummies fine wi fri right?


that's why im confused.. got kindermusik, gymboree, tumble tots & etc... not sure what are their curriculum..

i did the same when i started lyn on it. Put her in for less than 10-15mins then take her out. Slowly increased the timing oso, but I still capped the timing at 30mins.
Nowadays she isnt jumping so much coz she started to explore n 'walk' to the other stations, i.e the sun, n the gecko which is placed behind... might let her sit in longer n see how.
However, sometimes when she is sleepy, can see her very frustrated look n she will make noise inside the jumperoo.

hi hi, i stayed in tampines.


Is it so cheap to buy in US. My hb going.. will ask him to look around.. Just rented it from rent-a-toy for BB to try.. he like it so much.. haha

Solid food,

Started BB in sweet potatoes and avocado, he like them so much..

Chris, it is definitely cheaper in US. Maybe you can look for something lighter for your husband to carry back instead. Jumperoo quite heavy.

You can look into walmart, Target shopping center to get them.

How did u prepare the sweet potatoes? Just boiled and mash them?

My boy now eating lesser than usual now and have to top up milk in 3 hours. Dunno izzit because of teething or weaning off. Any comments.
agree it would be fun if we can organise a group outing to let our bb play together.

i'm keen to join u gals for any trials, or swimming session. if anyone is organising, count me in!

and looks like more and more are joining the jumperoo club. it really looks fun. there are also a lot of other bb toys that look so nice. really gotta stop myself, otherwise will just keep buying and buying. so hard to resist!
hi mummies

I've been feeling down coz I lost one side of the diamond earrings my dad gave me for my wedding. It was a Lee Hwa Destinee diamond somemore. My dad's a taxi-driver and has to work so hard to earn a living but he still wanted to get me something this valuable. And I go and lose it. Really wanna kick myself.
