(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

sharon & gingerleaf,

im targetting there too.. haa!
coz my sister stays at hoover park. wish to stay near them and my BIL from peihwa also... but no money to buy private ppty there and hdb flat there exp also...


yup, i cant bring bb out if it rains..
dodo that'd why i rent keke ... my hb & girl is church member there ao hmmm ... and all my granniessssssss are from there too too bad my granduncle jusr pass away if not can just go there with their help.

oh dear. What kind of service is that! Dunno complain to GEMS got use or not. Like downgrade their service rating or something.

Wonder how the company survived till now. Hope you get your wanted seater eventually.
BB turning 6mths soon and am thinking of switching FM ... anyone have done any research and knows which one is better for them ?
junnie... praying that lance will have a successful op and speedy recover. you take care of yourself too ok!

chintz, my goodness. can't believe the nerve of the company! hope the issue is resolved soon.

re: gathering
won't be joining you gals either. my hubby like fitty nut's, also anti-expo.

this kinda bad service must spread ard so that there wont be more innocent victims!think the compny wont survive for long lor..
totoro_bb: heard that similac is a good follow up milk. but my boy drinking friso so not sure if continue friso 2 or switch to similac

my boy is also on Friso! Could that be the reason for their 'similar' symptoms? I'm also thinking of continuing Friso 2 or Similac Stage 2.

Nowadays, my boy will fuss alot when drinking milk. Have to coax him to finish. So I'm wondering if he's getting sick of the taste.
bbwow: my boy has been drinking slower .. not sure if tired of smell or distracted by environmt or need to change teat. but so far still drinking okie..

my older boy have been drinking enfa since baby..he loves it alot duno is it the milk taste great or he just simply loves to drink..guess for jerric will proberly let him try enfapro when mummy has no more supply of BM for him.. Hmm.. i also heard alot of mummies give their babies drink similac..
Weather update
No more Rain in Orchard at the moment !! hee hee ginger let me know if u going hor ... I only want the thermal suit for my girl.

My gal also drinking Friso 1. I have realized that Friso 2 was not a common follow-up FM and I did some comparision and really those SA, AA thingy are indeed different.
Anyone heard any feedback on the mamilGold 2.. ??

been trying to follow posts but too bz..

my bb on friso gold 1 too, but only once a day, BM for the remaining feeds.. friso can only last till 6M.. wonder what's a good follow up milk?

no sure if it's a passing phase but indeed my boy is drinking slower and longer too.


what do you mean Friso 2 is different from other follow up milk? is it better? I dunno if should switch to Similac Stage 2 or stick to Friso follow up.
it was so pack at isetan today!!!!!
Bought toys again >.< hehehe.

where did u feed eventually? I had to sit down by the mannequin platform near the escalator alongside the uncle n maids to feed lyn!! Hahahahaha. So many ppl!
forgot to tell you mummies that i've officially joined the jumperoo club since last saturday :p after much begging/hinting/nagging my hubby said GET IT ALREADY!!!! ahhaahahaha. actually the clincher was having matty try it out at taka baby fair. my mil was there and she saw how he started smiling at the lil elephant n monkey n parrot and she said just buy this one lah!!!
gingerleaf, dodo: didnt see u guys at isetan. maybe cos i reach too late ? were only at the baby section at ard 9+ heh.
bought some clothes/toy + combi feeding stuff for baby
WOW so happening shopping for kids ... i shop for house now and will be buying it during lunch today ... but am also scare ofthe carpark too small hmm HB will not be around for 1/2 a year so i need to drive liao .... cold sweat

haa! ya loh so crowded leh.. i fed at nursing room. die die squeeze my butt in, got one very not automatic fat uncle sat there though he's not feeding loh.. irritating!

i bought the Allerhand bag! hubby change to blue colour instead of the red/ orange colour.. he said he dun like the "macdonald" colour.. well, let him change since he will be the one carrying it most of the time :p


we left isetan ard 8pm+ i think... gingerleaf said u very tall so i keep a look out for tall &amp; slim mummy but din manage to locate u loh..
dodo: lol, i went aft work n stuck in jam only managed to reached at 745! went to see my own stuff 1st so by the time i reach baby section 9+ liao...
Hi mommies,

I have one unopened tin similac Infant left, anyone wana take over at $30? expiry: 2009 or 2010. Pick up from Raffles City. Anyone?
Hi mummies.. so fun to see u all shopped for bb stuff

Just curious, are we still meeting up at Expo next week? like not much responds for it hor? The list doesn't get longer at all...
re jumperoo,
looks so much fun but my hubby got a concern that if bb jump and hit the sole, the pressure will shoot up to spine. might not be good for BB..i half sian liao..guess no jumperoo for my girl..
meeting on 22/3 @ expo - babyCare festival
timing: TBA

1. hippo18
2. dodo
3. gingerleaf (2pm?)
4. chintz - i suggest after 3?
5. totoro_bb - anytime
Hi Strawberry

Yes.. its the 0-6mths (green wording)

Ok. can collect on monday. You working at Raffles city rite? wana do lunch together? My time is flexible. Do it at your convenience.
hi all

many thks 2 all mummies 4your well wishes.

i jus pop-by office to settle some work, going back to nuh now. so grab sometime to go online.. really no time to read up &amp; i miss soooo much posts...

fyi, bb was admitted on 02 to 06.03.08 due high fever (40.5), they chkd &amp; said is 'lung infection'. so was discharged 06.03.08 &amp; given oral anti-biotic. but fever came back fm 06.03.08 onwards, but we were quite reluctant to send him back hospital cos he'll kanna 'plug' again which is v painful procedure for bb due his chubbiness as doc always has hard time finding his vein. unfortunately, fever swinging since then (39-40+ and side effect of anti-biotic = purging till his backside v pain &amp; v red, poor bb keep crying when passing motion), we got no choice but return to nuh nite of 09.03.08, &amp; since then he got admitted again. tis round they chkd &amp; told us is UTI (urinary tract infection) so he will need stronger anti-biotic for 10 days via plug!! bb kanna replug on 12/3 due blood clot &amp; foot swollen, now they plus his left hand...so far fever down, doc said will draw blood/urine tis few days to chk infection level...thereafter when he fully recover, surgeon will arrange to do scope &amp; see which method to opt (keyhole or cut) then will fix a date for operation... bb will need to go for surgery as he has left kidney urine reflux prblm grade 4/5 (tis operation is to prevent bad urine backflowing causing damage to his left kidney if future infection occur, we alr knw he has tis reflux prblm when sent bb for test 29/2 but doc didnt say need to operate jus told us bb needs take 5 yrs anti-biotic &amp; review condition, unfortunately, bb caught virus b4 anti-biotic cycle starts, hence, operation recommended). will catch up again when i got chance to nxt login.
Hi Gingerleaf,

Expo will be too packed... Both my hb and I hate crowds... Difficult to go lah....

Next time we can organise gymboree trial class for our babies...
Thks mummies,

i will enjoy my trip...=)

Hope BB Lance will recover soon..

Re: followup milk

my boi is taking enfalac when birth n I switch to Friso 1.. is that ok me to switch to Similac stage 2?..


Think i have to miss it.. im goin to my cousin's BB full mth that day..

Many mummies stayin Jurong, any mummies stayin at near kovan..

Oh dear.. This is so painful for both you and baby.. I'm sure you have must aching like mad inside.... Do take care and be strong... Hope that Lance will be well soon.
