(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


just saw ur post on the bjorn free bag, the "recommend a fren" card is actually attach to the warranty card... u just fill in the card and pass to a fren who gonna buy the bjorn carrier then u will get a free bag. check out ur warranty card, if dun have, then call mothercare and ask for one, it's ur entitlement!

wah dodo: choco truffle + chesscake is v hard to bake already!!
i only know how to make cookies n very hao lian liao.. lol
hey dodo, I wanna learn how to make cupcakes! BUT, I dun have proper oven.. mine is those microwave oven that can bake as well. Dunno if its as good?

U intend to get a dress while shopping only with baby? How to try??

mummy using similac FM.

there a medical hall at west plaza (Pasir Ris) selling at $34 for stage 1 and $32 for stage 2. The name of the hall has a 'de'


that's why i wana drag my mum along but she cant confirm wi me yet

hmm.. not sure abt the microwave oven but i think shdnt be a prob..
my boy very funny! just now i played piano for him and he seems not interested at all.. so i pushed his rocker chair in front of the piano and see what's his reaction. know what he did, he kicked against the piano and his chair rolled backward.. and he still smiled at me! alamak.. he really dun like piano loh..
gingerleaf: so even if they dun gimme the extra book still cheaper than outside selling hor? $70 mah.. If wanna buy extra titles, it is at $15/ book leh..

me oso putting on weight after reducing the no. of pumps per day from 4 to 3 leh... sigh... why why why?

Somemore kip getting hungry! Ya lor.. i oso doze off during EBM lor.. tired manzz..
so nice if ya mum can go with ya! If ya mum is gg with ya, everything will be so easy!

the price is quite okay la.

you bought ur little touch system liao??

does your boy wake up in between the night? If sleep thru from 10-7am without interrupting your sleep is very good liao wor!

My boy sometimes still wake up in between, need pacifier to suck. -_-
Hope that little Lance gets better and recover fast.

If mummies meeting on the 22nd, I'll try to make it as well but parking at the expo can be challenging so I normally go there very early. Will need to check with HB on his timing.

JL sell the blue and pink system at ard $99 also and the book at $29.90. When they have sales of like 20% or more, the system still ok to buy.
I'm looking for the books at $15 also. Anyone have lobang, let me know okie.

Those using Nepia, NTUC having sales now.
gingerleaf: yup bought mine at the baby fair, cant resist lah.. so far baby enjoying the one n only book. esp when u press the cow, and they go "moo moo moo moo moo" ha

bbwow: normally need to dance with him round the house n he ll sleep ard 9+/10pm then near to midnight will still wake him up for his dream feed and normally he ll sleep back after that and will stir when ard 5+am to 6 then will need pacifier to drag time to near 7am
<font color="0077aa">dodo, chintz</font>
I found it! I found it! I finally found the free bag portion

Thanks dodo!

<font color="119911">gingerleaf</font>
Heehee...colourful eh? I just learned how to do it so am very excited...trying to master it

<font color="ff0000">expo</font>
Agree with totoro, it'll be very difficult to find a parking lot in the afternoon. Most probably hb wants to go early.

<font color="0000ff">leapfrog</font>
Looks like many of you are using leapfrog. Is it very good? What is it actually? I heard it's a speaking book. Am curious to know....

<font color="aa00aa">totoro</font>
Thanks for the info! I'll like to try Nepia since so many mummies raved so much on it.

<font color="808080">dodo</font>
Wow you're really good, man! I don't even know how to bake cakes nor cookies
Hey mummies,
Speaking of holidays, I just came back from a 3D2N trip to battam last week. Stayed at the Villas at Battam View Beach Resort for 1N at S$200+ (http://www.batamview.com) and holiday inn batam for another (hubby can redeem free stay). The Villa's built just next to the sea and you can sleep with the sound of waves just under your balcony. We also took a Javanese Royal Couple Treatment (180 Min) for ~S$180+. We went during the weekdays so there are very few people there and it's really a nice quiet relaxing getaway that we wanted. Nevertheless, the Villa I went to is rather self-sufficient with a kitchenette + pots + cutlery + utencils (look new and clean). The resort also have play area for children. Quite a family friendly place
Will consider bringing my son along in the future

frostyfiona, YL and Sanbebe,
Go for a trip! At least a short one lah
Allow yourself to relax, regain your sanity and rekindle the passion with your hubby again :p I was worried that my son will not recognize us when we are back (not sure how long is their memory span) but he greeted us with beautiful gummy smile

Enjoy your trip! :D
Similar to your son, mine sleeps at 9-10pm at night, stirs at 2-3am for a feed, sleep again and stirs at 5-6am dunno for what, then wakes up at ~7am. Whenever he stirs for no apparent reason, I'll just flip him from one side to another (coz he sleeps on his sides), pat his back for a while and usually he'll go back to sleep. I presume he is just hot or not comfortable being in one position for long. As for naps, he sleeps for an average of 3hrs per day. He is a rather light sleeper... just like his daddy
Hey mummies,
Will you allow your baby to use a walker? Read that it will hinder development of babies' balancing capability... but thought that it can be an interesting activity for baby if used wisely and not abused. Any comments?
Some mummies here put their babies on walkers already. It depend on whats ur views on it. I think as long as baby isnt confine to it for a long period of time, it shld be okie.
That said, we all grew up using walkers, no harm done oso.
=) I'm staying at blk 65X area. near the upcoming MRT. =) u?

oh... the KL cruise... =) u went for the land tours? We initially wanted to go for that but didn't cos the date we wanted was not available... as the ship went for a long cruise that week. so there was no wed cruise for that week. ended up wif a weekend one. Yup..I enjoyed myself too.. least it's a short break. =)

thanks for the info on similac but me staying the other end of s'pore...

depends on u i'll think...but try not to let your bb use the walker too early..wait till ard 10 mths when their backbone r more or less stable... if u use too early, it's not very good for the bb's back..as it could be still developing...next time the bb grow up wif backbone defects...like schrosis(er..dun know how to spell. :p). For me, I'll let my boy try when he's older ard 7-8mths... when he showed signs of standing with support.
Morning all.. wah i was just away for one day.. then have to catch up with so much posts already..

dodo: yesterday it was really a 'bjorn day'. put chloe on the carrier most of the time while i was running errands. Despite rainy days, i can still cover both of us by carrying an umbrella - make sure it's a big one :D happy venturing to all of u that have just got ur carriers :D

gathering: i need to check with hubby also.. will try to make it. let's sms each other..erghh actually i only got dodo's number :p gingerleaf, what's urs?

sanbebe: glad that u've found ur recommend a friend portion

gingerleaf: i've bought a britax safe-n-sound carseat, thanks to ur recommendation. True enough, the cushion parts really look more comfortable compared to the first class type. Spent $372 on it, from taka bb fair
mummies who are interested in getting the "First Foods" book, times is having 25% discount for member. I just got mine at $20.86 after discount.

dodo, so sweet of u.. i also want cakes! i love brownies.. thanks arh!

gingerleaf, might have bumped into you countless of times at Pioneer Mall! i m at 658A!

expo, true abt e parking.. haiz. moreover i m e chauffeur. do let me know e meetup time girls! i will go early early, then shop n shop n wait... =D
morning mummies!

ashleywcy:will try the fliping method on my boy when he stirs..

yesterday dun know why he stir at 5+am! and give him pacifier also no use.. close eyes abit then air air like want to start the day! in the end, make milk for him at 6+am thinking he ll settle back after the feed. WRONG! his eyes like marbles peering at me from the dark.. in the end, hubby got to rock him to sleep and he fell back asleep finally at 7am.. *panda eyes*

re gathering:
mine is a weekend car so sat cant drive before 3pm

think i ve to give the gathering a miss.
<font color="aa00aa">ashley</font>
Thanks for recommending the villa. It looks romantic and relaxing. I'm so tempted to go ! Heehee.. already hinted to my hb

Btw, how did you book the villa? Through agents or direct via website? Is there a transport to pick you up from the port or you have to settle your own?

<font color="0000ff">walkers</font>
It's up to individuals to use walkers. I'm not against it as I grew up using walker as well, and there's nothing wrong with my spines or having bow legs. But I'll prefer to get exersaucers for Jav as there are more stuff for him to entertain himself.

Times bookstore is having warehouse sale at expo too, from 20-23mar, hall 4B. Good for mummies, can check out both bb fair and book fair at the same time
morning mummies

hehe...i bought the bjorn carrier active too..the saleslady told me not much difference between the active and synergy...active not that hot...so ok lah..since cheaper..so bought that one... :p

btw...anyone got update on little lance? havent heard from junnie

re weight loss....for those tbf...apparently we will still have about 2-3kg from pre preg weight..this is due to the bf..so dun worry about trying to shed of those last few ones k....

SAME! My boy has been giving me the same problems for the past few days! Last week, he can sleep till 8am but these few days always wake up at 4am and 6am I gave in to milk but after drinking a little, he's wide awake and keep looking around in the dark! What is wrong?! Growth spurt?? *zombie eyes*
bbwow: i dun know leh! not sure if its milk spurt cos he didnt wake up wailing for milk.. more of waking up and looking for pple to play despite himself yawning away!
morning mummies

got sms from Junnie that little lance will hv to stay at nuh for another 10days for antibiotic thru plug and I was sad
to hear that after recover from fever little lance will have to go for surgery to correct reflux this is to prevent of infected urine backflow to kidney.
similac FM

we bought from An Mo at Hougang ave 8 (blk 64+) selling at $32.85 and another shop at Blk 683 shop Value something selling at $33.

waking up
my boy too this few day he stir at 5+am and i give him pacifier then he go back to sleep until 7am for his feed. today again stir at 5+am and i give him pacifier and sleep to 6:50am but when i feed him milk he only drink half of it, don't know what happen.....
thanks for the update cheval..

oh dear...poor little lance.... do tell junnie to be strong and keep herself healthy k....must take time to rest and eat well..coz little lance needs his mommy ard with him...
cheval, oh my.. poor little lance &amp; junnie. so sad to hear that he's gotta go thru surgery.. =( hope for a speedy recovery for him!
you gt the royale?
Its comfy rite, i got some pictures of lyn looking so shiok inside her seat, shall post it up in my blog soon.

no lah, i doubt u'll see me often. Im the type, lazy till I rather starve or eat cup mee, than go downstairs the foodcourt to buy food one. Hehe.

ya lor. my boy will give a very loud YAWN and just lie his head on my shoulder while looking around. Dunno whether to laugh or not. Then I'll ask him "So tired then why wake up huh?"


my boy too. He only drinks abit if I feed him before 7am. It's like he's not very hungry and tired but can't sleep. Could it be teething that's why uncomfortable??
Hi mommies,

Long time no post, had been busy with work. Just changed job and now working around Raffles City. Anyone working here? can meet for lunch la.

Talking about FM, I have a brand new tin of Similac Infant, anyone interested to takeover. Willing to sell at $30. Expiry is 2009 (I think)Let me know.
Hi Ashley, ecookie and BBwoe,

We all got the same problem! My girl has been waking up at 3am, then 5am and then again at 7am for the past week! Fortunately, my mum helps me take care of my girl at night, so I still get my sleep... But my poor mum looks so tired... My girl doesn't want to sleep after waking up, and she doesn't drink much milk as well... Think just active in the wee hours...

Hi Tiffany,

I worked in the same area as you! We can catch up for lunch sometime.
gingerleaf, hahaha! same same.. me lazy also.. mostly itz my hubby who go buy food from e kopitiam back for me.. haha!

mummies, think hor if we dun put down a list of mummies meeting up, we will end up not meeting all.. keke.. so the list as follows.. for those that i missed, just put down ur name okie? thanks!

meeting on 22/3 @ expo - babyCare festival
timing: TBA (ard 11am?)

1. hippo18
2. dodo
3. gingerleaf
meeting on 22/3 @ expo - babyCare festival
timing: TBA (ard 11am?)

1. hippo18
2. dodo
3. gingerleaf
4. chintz - i suggest after 3?

hi mummies

its a rainy day...so nice to sleep in. been spending more time at home with the munchkin at the same time doing work...so nice...wish everyday could be like that!

my heart aches when i hear about bb lance...hope he recovers quickly and that the op goes on without a hitch. junnie take care ok?
