(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

chris, is the gym session gd? cos just walked past "the little gym" at forum yesterday. walked in and enquired. they asked me to try the trial which is $40++ for 45min. tot it's a lit steep.
wat do they do there? tot bb not so mobile now, maybe not so relevant.

Btw, would sat on spore expo be crowded since there are alwiz many fairs there? just wondering but i hv never been there on sat.

this is a bit late: for those who would like to get carseat at the taka fair, i think it's worth going there to take a look.

Went there last fri and managed to buy one carseat. went to Baby Kingdom and Hypermart prior to the fair. Can say e taka fair has far greater selection than BB kingdom/hypermart and also cheaper.

lately, it's one sale after another! Now it's e Isetan Sale. gingerleaf, admire u for bringing bb to the isetan sale.
all mummies who hv the bb carrier:

so much excitement abt bb carrier.. me also so tempted to get. told hubby abt it but he asked me how long is e lifespan. Can anyone enlighten me on this?

cos tot would be a bit wasted if bb oni sit for another one or two months esp bb getting heavier and heavier
sugar nut
=) ya..the staffs onboard r very pro bb...keke..esp the ones at the child care centre. We went there to check out the rates..too bad..they only accept kids from 1 year onwards. :p

I went on the weekend cruise. u?

me stay near pioneer mall too. I'm kinda of in bet JP n pioneer mall. =)
Hi Jacq,
tell us more abt your sentosa trip upon your return. gave me an idea, maybe will bring my bb there as well.

for bjorn bb carrier, it can carry up to 12 kg for synergy and active range. both designed to carry bb for a longer duration.
lavender: Mine was the Wed-Fri cruise to KL. Felt that it was a good break for me, even though it's only a short trip.
Jacq & Cheval,


the classes r wonderful to me. BB are more interective and responsive to everyone.. intend to continue with stage 2 once he is 6th mth.

As the bbs r not so mobile yet, parents r very involved in stage 1, is more of parents and bbs bonding, tracking exercise etc etc.. is v cute to see the bbs respnsing to one others, holding hands, stroking faces etc.

the trial lesson r usually more costly then the regular package class.

lavender, me staying in bet JP n Pioneer mall too.. haha!

meeting: onz for the expo gathering! let me know ya?

cheval, help send my regards to Junnie ya? hope Lance doesnt hv to go thru op! poor baby..

What time you are going to the Isetan sale huh? Can I join you? But can only make it about 4pm. Want to buy thermo food jar for bb. My hubi used to have the card but din renew cos we seldom shop there.

Actually scare Isaac can't tahan the long Q. If got company...more relief
chris: so cute... cant imagine all the baby trying to reach out to one another while on their tummies hee.
how much is the package? though im more inclined to start such classes only when they > 6 mths old, nearer to 9 mths + perhaps.

jacQ: tell us more abt ur sentosa trip! thinking of bringing baby to stay overnight there in sept for hubby + my 2 years anniversary. heh..
letting baby swim in jacuzzi sound like a great idea! warm warm water for them!

dodo+gingerleaf! very li hai to bring babies alone with you to isetan sale!
dodo: after work crowd is abit mad.. perhaps want to wait for hubby to go with you?
i should be reaching ard 7+ think all the good stuff gone liao heh. anyway u guys can go and reserve stuff (more for our clothing) on wed & collect on thurs.. so no need mad rush to wait & try with sooo many pple!

re gathering: so u guys meeting on 22nd lunch.. i ll try to make it. update u guys again!
<font color="ff6000">chintz</font>,
Mothercare staff asked me to fill up the warranty card but didn't give me the bag redemption portion nor mention it to me. Lucky u!

<font color="ff0000">fiona, ecookie &amp; all mummies going to a trip</font>
Oh gosh, you make me want to go for a trip!! Actually, I've already told hb that we will not go for a trip this yr due nobody's taking of Jav, but now.....I'm so tempted!!!

<font color="0000ff">sugarnut</font>
Thanks for recommending junior league. I'm actually looking for a place to shave Jav's hair cuz I didn't do it the last time when he turned 1. what do you of the service there? Do they take extra caution when handling bb? Did your bb cry when they're trimming his hair? Sorry, this is my 1st time so a bit worried.

<font color="aa00aa">chris</font>
What do babies do at gymboree. I heard it's better to bring baby there when they know how to crawl. Would like to hear more of it from you
<font color="ff0000">madlynette</font>
haha...you also attend the html tutorial as well? Happen to see you there

<font color="0000ff">gathering</font>
I'll try to be there too
<font color="aa00aa">Irene</font>
I think it's cheap because I heard the leapfrog system alone is selling more than 100 bucks

I think the staff there are quite experienced with handling babies. He managed to do it relatively fast.. he also used a protective guard over the blade so that it will not hurt my bb's scalp.

My bb din cry when the person was trimming his hair, he seemed more interested in trying to "lick" the apron that was worn over him *yucks*
<font color="0077aa">sugarnut</font>
Oh dear, think Jav will do the same thing as well! He's practically licking everything!!

Do you have the contact? Which branch did you go to? Who's your stylist?
lavender_lover, gingerleaf, hippo18,
I am a JW mum too. I stay in JW St 93, near the Tua Pei Gong temple. Can I join in the gathering? Hee...
I want to post pic here but cannot make the size smaller ...hmmm dun not how to do it aiyo ... my boy cut his hair at UE Square also $18.00 ...
sanbebe: Mine was Junior League at United Square Level 1. I didn't note the name or contact of the stylist cos' I walk-in and ask for anyone available.
<font color="0077aa">sugarnut</font>
Thank you so much
Anyway, I just googled and found the branches &amp; contacts.

<font color="0000ff">madlynette</font>
hee hee...me too, that's why I keep using it now
so did you manage to do the font size thingy?
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">yes!</font></font> but no reason to use haha! quite leceh, if you are in office and pretending to work while reading the forum lar..
hi mummies!

i finally venture out wi bb myself! and of coz wi my new bjorn carrier! and all is well

i brought him for his 3rd round of vaccines (6-in-1 &amp; pneumococcal jabs)... though the bus ride is only 20mins, but he was so fascinated, kept looking around and smiled at the passenger beside us... this is his 1st public transport ride! haa...

we were very lucky, coz just 15mins after we back home, it started to rain heavily... phew!
dodo: good to hear that ur outing with ziqian alone went very well! n good thing never kena caught in rain.. nowadays very cold... brr
<font color="0000ff">madlynette</font>
Hey I envy you ! Can use the net when you're working. I can't. I need permission from Jav. Haha...I can only post msg and read the forum when he's sitting quietly on my lap

<font color="ff6000">dodo</font>
Congrats on your successful outing with ziqian ! I still haven't got the guts to venture out with Jav.
hi all, junnie want to thank you for all your care and concern. doctor has drawn BB Lance urine &amp; blood last nite, now they waiting for result, will out in 2 days.
<font color="ff0000">Why</font> <font color="ff6000">today</font> <font color="ffff00">I</font> <font color="119911">see</font> <font color="0077aa">so</font> <font color="0000ff">many</font> <font color="aa00aa">color</font> <font color="0000ff">color</font> <font color="0077aa">post?</font> <font color="119911">Quit</font> <font color="ffff00">nice</font> <font color="ff6000">actually!</font> <font color="ff0000">Hehehe.</font>

every little touch leappad system comes with a book. Are you getting an extra book other than the one it comes with? You needa check.
Each little touch leappad cost $99.90 in Toys R us, and each book cost $29.90.
Im not very sure what time Im gg oso. Hb was suggesting dun go so early, scared I cannot handle. Im also not very sure now.

are you intending to reserve any clothings there? I was thinking if I wanna go try on some bras, but still bfing now... cant wear those nice nice underwire bras.
Clothes wise.. Im not so keen. Now still so fat, wear anything oso not nice. Anyway, I dun have time to go down and reserve also.

tua pei goong is where? Is it the one, behind got sheng shiong one?
eccokie, sanabe,

ya... is so fun there. BB will fell asleep stright after the class. think he is so tired aft the class. He missed last week class cos hb and i bring him to the tamp CC BB competition.. haha

THe whole package is about 300 plus for 12 lessons.. u can call them up for the schedlue and pricing.

Gymboree has level 1 to 6 catering to different age group. I has to agreed that 1st stage (0-6mths) relied lots on parents to get bbs involved as they are basically lying down on the mat. It usually starts with sing-a-long, warming up, tummy time, tracking exercise, puppets and end with a BB massage. Im not v good w words.. will post more pics soon.
chris: sound v fun hor! but $300+ abit ex to me leh.. given they are still so young. cheapo mummy me.. heh.
maybe will go take a look at the aharbourfront branch this weekend.

gingerleaf: i v broke leh.. no $$ to buy myself clothes lol.. so think i ll just go straight on thurs n cheong to baby section only..
mummies: can check how many hours ur baby sleeping? books said ard 4-6 mths need ard 14-15hrs of sleep per day but my boy normally sleeps ard 9-10+pm to next day 7am plus wil wake up liao! (ard 9-10 hrs max).

dun think he clocks in 4-5 hrs for nap time leh.. hmm.
how ah? like not enough sleep for little baby
<font color="0000ff">sharon</font>: photo, you bb name is carlson is it? very handsem.

erm, this the biggest i can make it. the file quite big hor.

ecookie, sanbebe &amp; madlynette,
thanks for the encouragement!

gingerleaf &amp; ecookie,

my hubby told me the same thing.. dun go too early coz he worry i cant handle alone... really wish to go but gonna depend the weather.. seems rainy these few days... i wish to buy a white dress, hope got cheap cheap one coz im still big now.. dun wana spend so much on clothings lo...
Thanks madlynette for your help ...

Hi All my son 1st hair cut on his 5th mth ... today is also my son 6th month old liao so fast man ... love him lots keke handsome ??? haha
any mummies here who bakes well? can share simple and nice cake recipe?
i wana bake a cake for my hubby birthday this month end... have been baking cake for his birthday since married (chocolate truffle &amp; oreo cheesecake), now run out of idea what to bake, coz i dun dare to "tiao zhan" too challenging ones.. TIA!

a question for all.. anyone has been putting on weight??

Me v funny.. my weight is down to 54kg, pre preggie weight striaght adter delivery but now getting fater and fatter.. think reaching 56kg now??

Now to shed the extra KG? Cant really go on diet as still expressing BM for bb. dun think have the strength to exercise.. too tired.. i will fell zz while ebm leh..


i still have 4.5kg to my pre-preggie weight, but it seems stagnant for a few weeks already.. argh... me too!!! will doze off while expressing bm... haa :p
chris ... me too ... but i think i am going to stop EBM soon liao no supply only pump 1 time per day... my weught aiyo cannot see liao ... look like 5 mth pregy

my hubby dun like cupcake leh.. i once baked some cup cakes wi my colleagues and sold it for charity and there were some left behind ones, i asked him to finish up but he said he dun like those mini mini cake and he ate until very "bu gan yuan" loh..
