(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

okie dok.. maybe u can put the suggested time next to ur name! then we can decide later.. =D

meeting on 22/3 @ expo - babyCare festival
timing: TBA

1. hippo18
2. dodo
3. gingerleaf (2pm?)
4. chintz - i suggest after 3?
I'm down with cold, resting at home. raining, nice to sleep in.

thanks for the suggestion and glad u enjoyed your stay at batam.
will definitely consider.
tempted to go sentosa villa if I can bring my boy for swim in pte pool.

like to find out if there is any vegetarian mothers here?
I think I will go down ard 4plus too. Doubt nuthing much can be achieved with the baby strapped to me, but I guess I can start to recce the stuff worth getting then prob fill up my own basket or wait for hb to join me after work.
Im thinking if I shld take the train too, coz I figured it'll prob be more fun to let lyn peek out the window, but that also means a longer time to get to town. Knowing me well, I guess I'll eventually go for taxis.

ya, i think i will go down ard that time also.. definately will wait for hubby to join me after work... ya, im still thinking whether to take train or cab.. think we really gonna plan out what we wana see beforehand then chiong to that area, just grab and go... if im done earlier, will go mac, eat fries and wait for hubby.. haa!

ziqian's new toy arrived! though he din smile when i put him in, but he already start jumping!
Hey gals,

woah, so many days never log in liao...cant follow the thread

anyway, read the last few replies ....i wanna meet up u all at the bb fair too...will be there also 4plus as I finish piano only at 330pm....

cant wait to meet u all n babies

ya loh.. he always analyse to me this n that.. explain this n that.. what are the pros and cons la.. the lifespan and the frequency of use blah blah blah.. all these are rubbish when ziqian smiling at him in the jumperoo! :p


gingerleaf tempted me and im now tempting you... the chain goes on n on........ it's really quite fun la.. how i wish they got adult size for this.. haa :p
dodo!!! u got the jumperoo!!!
goodness, i wanted to get it before u even decided and up till now I still didnt get it...

Brought Sean to Taka fair to play in the jumperoo last week...so tempted to get it as he was so happy in it...but hubby kept saying that he will only use it for a while...once sean knows how to climb out of it, he may not wan to play in it liao....sian..

yup yup! go get it gal since sean boi loves it so much!

hubby and me also thought of this leh.. but he said never mind, we either can sell it off or keep it for next baby... faint :p
dodo: lol.. adult size.. yah actually it look v fun! dun mind jumping up n down myself in it.. haha. seems like ur hubby + gingerleaf's one like to buy things for baby! my hubby everything also say waste $$ *sobz*

unice:yah i kept on thinking that once they learn to crawl they dun want that cos they will want to explore other places..
hmm that means they use it like few mths only..
thats why im hesitating on the purchase too.
ecookie, ya same here....
sigh, think i should just not think so much n get it....
its so happy to see him jumping in it... i took a video of him jumping in it at Taka bb fair last week...he was blowing bubbles while jumping...so cute....
haha ya... if i have the time will put the video into my blog....everytime i will watch it on my hp when i miss sean...haha
I tot the same way as ur hb, if can afford, why not let the baby enjoy for now, when she outgrows it, can always sell it away. Sure can sell off one.
I think my hb very poor thing, he earn money till so cham, his wife n daughter keep spending and spending it.
Anyone wanna buy the Breast Pump conversion set? I have a brand new one:

Lets you collect milk directly from your breast pump
Can be used with both Avent's reusuable bottles and disposable bottles
Two breast pump converters for Avent Natural Feeding Bottles
Two breast pump converters for Avent Via Disposable Bases
Four disposable breast pads

Selling @ $20
yahlor, pathetic ss, but a few days after it will pick up again. boring hor like dat. not like last time, very consistent one. now like up and down, up and down, i see oso boring. haha!
Dear mummies,

I have a very bad experience dealing with the management of St. Louis located at The Plaza, The Furniture Mall.

Just to warn that you may want to think twice before making any purchase at this store!
gingerleaf, I stay @ Jurong West St 93. U know the Jurong West Sports Complex area? Further up from Pioneer Mall.

So the meetup to go to the Baby Fair is on 22/3 sat... Any mummies going on 21/3? Since itz Gd Fri, I tot of going.
chintz, I bought a bed frame from St. Louis @ the Sungei Kadut branch. The quality of the bed frame is d*** lousy. In no time, I am going to dump that stupid bed frame away.
Wah... I went there to swim once when I was preg too, but with so many weird looks targeting on my stomach, I never went there. Went somewhere quieter to swim from then on. So u r a SAHM? Perhaps, we can meetup with our bb for 'kai kai'? Hee...
count me in for the meet-up, using my phone to post so kind of difficult to use the stated format. will suggest maybe we meet at the starbucks area, hall 1 i think. shld be less crowded. timing maybe after 3pm (optional for me). email me one of ur contact as my PM don't work. [email protected]

i might go on friday as well since i'm staying near the east to check out the items.

u stay in hougang ?

bb float,
saw it selling at $4.80. another brand but look sturdy also. will post picture when i'm able to take one.
gingerleaf, doobom n hippo
wah..think all of us r staying very near one another!!! =) I'm staying very near hippo leh... in fact we share the same car park I think. I'm staying at 656A.

ya..I think I know where u stay liao...

hey btw u gals checked out any CC in the area if u gals planning to put your kid in PG? Heard all the CCs in our area r HOT!! Got waiting lists one....

what did you get at st louis? I also got my bed from them last time. We were so worried they didn't deliver cause we ordered in advance and they demanded we pay the remaining balance before delivery.

Luckily, the bed frame finally came. hehe...
morning all,

bbwow: I bought a 3+2 sofa there. Then realized that the 3 seater sofa was a different design, so get them to take it back to fix. Who knows come back become a dirty, old looking sofa!!! So pissed off.

Somemore can still accused me being too picky cannot accept their sofa and hung up the phone. Really regret getting my sofa there. So here to warn others to think twice if u want to purchase furniture from them.

Now we've heard from other contacts that this company is full of customers' complaint. A contact working at furniture mall said that it's very common to see customer shouting at their shop n end up police come to settle e problem!!
re: bad service from st louis furniture shop


It all happened on last tues where we took off just to wait for the arrival of the sofa (after 3 weeks of fixing). Too bad such thing happened.

The person who was rude to my hubby on the phone claimed that she was the boss. When my hubby told her to pass the phone to the manager, she said, "I'm the boss! Too bad, u can't complain to anyone else!" How rude and unprofessional was that!!

So in the afternoon me and hubby went down to CASE. Realised that they couldn't offer much help, CASE recommended Small Claim Tribunal. So we went down and spend $5 to get the company details and $10 to file a case against them.

Up til now, no one from st. louis has actually called us up to apologize or follow up on my outstanding 3 seater.

My first initial 'negotiation' will be on the 25 March. Dun really want to blow up the matter but we think such dishonest company should be taught a lesson.
Blessed morning mummies!

Have been real busy...with my Bible study homework and freelance job. Got time for quick glance thru.

Junnie, Lance is a blessed child yia! He shall experience speedy recovery. Meanwhile, stay strong! hugzz....

No problem. Will go down later with hubi. He took half day leave. Pray that weather is good!

Can't join you gals...hubi anti-expo fair on weekends, crowded and difficult to find parking lots. Unless there's VERY specific thing we want to buy, will go very early..grab and go kind.

wow, many talking abt getaway...we thinking of going Auzzie during Sept/Oct when isaac turns 1. This time no thrilling rides and adventures liao. More parks and family themes. Can't wait for the new experience
Hi morning all ... what a nice day to sleep in again ... but got to work sobsob ... bb now sleep late and wakes at 1,3,7 am oh no ...

I am staying Toh Yi (a rented flat)anyone there near to me ??? But am looking at Hillview area now and might be buying one there soon ...as Hb leaving for outstation for 1/2 a year soon ...

I got my 1st real menses last week too and oh my its so so so heavy that i am thinking if i need my boy's diaper or not ...
