(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

i didnt know have to pump till 90% full! never read instructions....
the last time I inflate it, I blow it all all the way! The pump given didnt work too well for me.

ur aralyn so gd girl, so sleep thru!!! on that note, Shazzie, mine still wakes up for night feeds, without fail, cannot bluff him with paci one. my boy has a v.strong character - one means one, dun wan means dun wan. sigh... next time grow up, if he throw tantrum over a toy in public, i shall have to bury my head in the ground!
halo mummies,
Has been slightly busy the past week over Isaac's growth spurt. But now ok liao, has to up his intake to 180ml.

Tried Heinz cereal on him. Aiyo...super messy..keep licking the spoon when food already in his mouth which produces more saliva...so it drools out along with the food. Wonder if he really swallow at least a bit bit??

Yia, the pump din work well for me too. Very eager to bring bb for a dip.

Me too, SAHM. Have you tried feeding FM to Timothy at nite? Can tahan longer.
Another possibility is not enough intake during the day.

Haha, you still "bu ren xin" to use the cry out mtd huh? Isaac has no problem sleeping on his own at nite since birth but not during the day. This mtd works well for me though. Btw, who takes care of your bb during day besides your maid?

re: bb shouting out loud
The last time Isaac did that was at least 3wks ago. Was very happy he's practising his speech. No issue at hme but show him the "SHHH" sign
when in public. Now never hear him shout even at hme. Oh NO! What have I done??
Thanks, hippo.
I was feeling upset when MIL called me n 'disagree' with my feeding method. She dun seems to understand me, thinking that I njoy 'forcing' my boy in finishing his milk. So if he is under-size, is she going to comment or watsoever? Haiz...
Juz measure my boy wif the scale, he is @ 8.2kg. A 1kg diff as from 02Jan.
My boy rejected milk when I try to feed him juz now around 6.30pm, we were in the living rm with plenty of us (adults) chatting around. Then I carried him n fed him in my room. Seems better, managed to finish off though need a little pacifying too. Perhaps need a more condusive place for him to concentrate in drinking.
my gal sleeps thru at nite, and I normally give her FM for the last feed. Day is EBM or BF. However, the other day, I gave her EBM for the last feed and she slept thru till next morning. I read somewhere that, baby who keeps waking up for feeds at nite, could be doing so out of habit, not because they are woken up by hunger.
good evening everyone. sorry to barge in like that. wondering if any of you had a wonderful experience with your confinement nanny and can recommend? appreciate if you could PM me if you do. i am due in july and realise that many CLs are already taken up. many thanks in advance and have a nice evening.
my boy also like that, when he's happy, his whole face lights up with joy and he chuckles but when he's upset, he's really v.v.upset n can complain for a long time even though i already sayang him. :D

ya lor... been contemplating n contemplating over it n plus my boy can b v.temperamental n once gets upset, take a long long time to calm him down, everytime i think i wanna try to let him cry it out, by the time, i see his big big tears, i really 'bu ren xin' already! sigh... he can really bully the people around him. i'm on NPL still, so both me n my maid care for him.
once i go back work, will be a headache alr.

can emphathise wif u over ur MIL n feeding method. my boy also v.hard to drink milk, v.fussy bb. so sometimes he cry coz environment too hot/position not right, teat not his favourite teat (once he likes 1 teat, he dun like others, headache esp. when its time to replace his teat!),etc, then if my MIL sees it, will say bb not hungry, dun force etc, think i like abusing my boy like that. then when change environment/position, he finish his milk, she keep quiet. n it always happens, wonder y she dun catch it that my boy is like that a pattern??? explain to her many times that he's like tat when drink milk but she still dun get it. sighzz....
v good morning all

i'm v early today, hehehe...jus fed bb @5.30am, put him to sleep then i bcom 'not sleepy' liao, so login (tis the only 'peaceful' 'me time' w both kids sleeping

thks all mummies for your encouragement/concern...

gingerleaf, yr gal v good leh, can sleep thru so well & wake up 8/9am!!! u so 'hao ming'!!! mine same like cheval, sleeps around 10-11+pm, wake up 5-7am for milk, if not lucky, he'll wake up 3+
so i try to drag his last feed till 11+pm/12+am, i rather he sleeps later & can sleep longer, at least i dun hv to wake up so early. cos u knw, if feeding at 5/6am, can never hv a chance to go back to sleep again cos need to wake up latest by 7.30am to prepare for work & sending gal to childcare..

cheval... u brought basil to swim alr arrr?? how is he doing @infant care? the schl good?

re shouting... mine also like to shout/scream at high pitch lately esp when he's happily in the walker... say 'shhh'' to him also no use... v happy to see him 'so happy' but scare he'll hv sorethroat, v contradicting lor..

mummies w bb drinking less, if growth is well & wet diapers every change shd b fine ba... if v much underweight may b need to start cereal.. mine is 'overwt' so doc say cannot start cereal till over 6 mths.

shazzie...welcome... ya, tink u shd try gv FM during last feed to see if can drag longer hours, if not until now wake up every 3hrly is v 'siong'...

pinky...your boy has a v nice 'sunshine' smile..

totoro..wow.. your gal 'luo2 yong3' arrr??? hahaha.. v cute... she sure enjoying her teether, looks soooo delicious!!
hi mummies
i tried giving tim all fm last nite... not bad. he lasted from 1 to bout 6. theres some improvement.. will see how it goes. try again tonight...thks for all the suggestions
garden dreamz: sounds exactly like my boy. loves to complain. especially to his daddy when he comes home from work.

mummies: Im just wondering how big and how heavy your babies are now.. My boy was a premmie (by 6 weeks) came out really small at 1.8kg only. but he has kinda caught up and is at 6.5+kg at present. so wondering how heavy fullterm babies are now.

I don't really force tim to drink his milk.. though I do wait awhile for him to kpoh around before trying again. sometimes when i 'force' him, he refluxes.. so i rather not. I guess when he's hungry he'll tell me (which he does)
hi shazzie, glad to hear there's some improvements after introducing yr bb FM. my bb now 5mths 1 day, 8.8kg 63cm, he's abit short for his wt/age.
hi mommies,
yesterday i went Parkway Parade, went to isetan to buy the ice cube trays that was recommended by yolk sac, not very expensive, it $3.60 each. also bought a combi spoon and bowl from kiddy palace. the combi spoon comes with a case, which i think is good so the spoon will not be easily contaminated, then went to giant to buy frisocream rice cereal since my bb is taking friso milk as supplement, frisocream is $7 and is the most expensive rice cereal compare to nestle and heinze which is both less than $5. hope my prices are correct as i can recall, since the receipt is not with me now

anyway, now i have a combi spoon + pigeon spoon.
Hi Shazzie,

Mine was a preemie too. Delivered at 35wks and weight 1.7kg. Now at near 6 months only 6.2kgnad 64.5cm long.. hehehe. Cos of her underweight situation, PD suggest to feed her cereal at 4 months. But I only started feeding her yesterday.. hehehe
junnie!! ur boy really like sumo! lol.. cute cute!! whats his weight now??

shazzie: my boy normally sleeps by 9pm and i will wake him up for dreamfeed at 11+pm n normally he'll sleep thru to 6+am for his 1st feed of the day. he's on total FM btw.

think so long baby got their daily milk intake during the day, they should be able to sleep thru..just continue feeding him FM at night to see if can last longer thru the night..
shazzie: my baby is 7.9kg at 4mths old, 66cm.. think quite tall for his age .. heez.

madlynette: is the combi spoon good? think i will get it next time too
how does frisocream compare to heinz? my boy is currently on friso as well..

read that baby aft 6 mths need iron so best to get iron-fortified rice cereals.. is frisocreamn rice cereal iron-fortified? cos i know heinz one is..
garden_dreamz: my boy used to be like yours need to be carried to sleep.. but one night after bathing i realise my hubby managed to put him to sleep just by giving him pacifier n his beanie n patting him w/o carrying him!
then we realise when he sees me, he ll cry to be carried so hubby pat him for few nights consecutively n made him sleep w/o carrying him successfully.

nowadays, we dimmed the light and start patting him, sometimes he seems to understand and will go to sleep after 10-15mins of fidgeting/rubbing face etc.. if not, he ll cry to demand to be carried.

i let him cry out , and will just comfort him by hugging him (not carrying him up)..he ll quiet down upon feeling my touch n hearing me.. but will like start to cry after a while and i go n lie beside him n hug him again and this cycle can go on for half an hour.. but eventually, his crying will be shorter n he ll go to sleep himself..

u can try this method? but normally if he started crying inconsolably for more than 5 mins, i will carry him n he ll go to sleep almost immediately. ha
opps didnt see that frisocream was iron fortified, later after work will go and check. it already has milk inside, so just need to add warm water and mix. i think the other cereal needs to be mixed with FM or EBM. i will start on it when bb turns 5 mths which is march 5. hehe.
madlynette: yah better check cos read that baby iron supply will decrease once they turn 6 mths so they need iron-fortified cereals..

lina turning 5 mths sooo sooN!! wormy is exactly 4 mths old TODAY! lol..
ecookie, ok will check if not, will go back to supermarket to exchange! thanks for reminding me, forgetful mommy me!

btw, my bb name is myra! my name is lina!

Happy 4th Birthmonth to wormy!
I think all cereals shld come iron fortified? Dun worry so much madlynette, it shld be alright.

Wah, Lance is really heavyweight loh, lol, so chubby! When seb told me he is chubby, I didnt know its THAT chubby! Hahahahah, co cute leh.

my gal oso on friso, but I didnt feed her frisocreme, I went for Heinz instead. I prefer to be able to control the milk ratio to cereal ratio.
gd day mummies
just brought my boy for his jabs n oral vaccine. he's 8.25kg at 4mths wk2. dr say he's growing pretty well coz by babies by 1yr old shd be about 10kg. perhaps his weight gain next few mths will be stagnant bah...

is it coz bb see the usual person who carries him n thus cry coz wan the same kind of sleeping habit? mayb i should get my hubby to try patting him, see if change of person/face, will work? haha... provided my hubby willing to try! coz me n my maid all in the end have to carry him. the method u use can also for day naps?
garden_dreamz: i suspect so.. my baby seems to cry when he saw me..like he want me to carry him.. and he settles in my arms better/faster than when hes in my hubby's arms.

as my hubby said: maybe he sees my hubby then sianz. thats y easier to fall asleep ha.

i use this method for day naps too.. will pull curtains to simulate night time.. fine it easier for him to doze off when not so bright, then when he sleeps too long, (try not to let him exceed 3-4hr naps time aday), will pull curtain then room become bright bright he ll slowly wake up.. but seldom need to do so cos he always nap ard 45mins - 1 hr + at most..

i thought if graining the brown rice for BB myself. Anyone has idea how to do it? I dun want to try the commercial type.

If BB is on some FM, the iron level shold be sufficent right? Homemade cereal has no iron right?

hi mummies, i remember reading about playyards in this thread i think!

the korean brand ... err... juz wondering, how much is the 4 panels selling? does anyone know?

thanks much in advance!
Hello mummies,

So sorry no time to post as I was very busy with my difficult child. Anyways, I think I've finally tamed him but hopefully I'm not saying it too soon.

As you all know, Jav cries for milk almost every hr during daytime and every 2 hrs throughout the nights, I ended up feeling exhausted and sleep deprived.
I always envy mummies with babies who sleep through the night but I dare not try any of the methods like crying out or feeding water as I'm afraid that Jav hasn't got enough milk intake during the day.

Well, FINALLY last night my hubby and I decided to try out the Crying Out method. Intially I wanted to try out Baby Whisperer's PU/PD method as I think Crying out is very cruel to Jav. But hubby, after being advised by my gynae, decided to try the Crying Out method.

As planned, I bf Jav at 9pm and went to bed, leaving hubby to do the dream feed at 11pm. Who knows Jav woke up at 11pm sharp just before hubby fed him. So, hubby decided to start at that moment instead of our planned 1am. I woke up by the cry of Jav but since hubby against feeding him so we waited.

Jav was so furious. He cried and cried non-stop. Hubby was inside his room to do the regular checks (to see if he vomits) and I was lying in the bedroom crying. Sigh...I think I need to kudo to Jav. I thought he would stop crying after 30 mins but NO! He was crying for 3 HOURS!!!! He cried non-stop from 11pm-2am ! Can you believe it ?! I was trying so hard not to pick him up or feed him else every effort would be wasted.

I waited for half an hr after he dozed off and fed him bf. He then woke up at 6.30am but I didn't pick him up either so he cried for a min then he self-settled.

This morning he cried for 30 mins for his morning nap and self-settled. I'm quite happy as he's one that's need to nurse to sleep. I'm using Crying Out method to sorta kill 2 birds with one stone. To let him sleep through the night and sleep on his own.

Anyways, I still have to monitor tonight to see if it works. Keep my fingers crossed!
oh no san bebe.. so sad to hear that you ;ve to resort to crying out method and that Jav cried for so long .. 3 hrs is really v long..

the last time my boy cried for so long was when he was 2 mths old with colic..

but yah, hope that your method will works and that he will learn to self-settle himself soon.. personally im against letting baby cry for so long but i can understand how tiring it is for u to tend to a baby who wakes up every 2 hrs for milk..

just make sure that he has enough during the day to ensure that he s not waking up at night really hungry, so long u feed him well during the day, night waking will be easier soothed back to sleep...

good luck to you for tonight!
u actually tried that method? v.v.v.brave of you! hope you will succeed in letting ur boy sleep thru the night n on his own.
think i shall draw strength from u n ecookie n try to also adopt this method or a slightly modified version of this method. but got to wait a few days later coz he just had his jab, dun wanna stress him out too much. keep my fingers n toes crossed... :D
haha... ur boy so cute in his tiger outfit! happy 4th mth to him. he still tickles me lots whenever i recall that video of him chuckling away. :D
kekeke yes ecookie it's a tiger suit. for once he didn't grumble during tummy time...

re: crying it out
until now i have no heart to do it...thankfully matty is usually a contented n happy baby, will fall asleep after just a few moments in our arms.

sanbebe and garden_dreamz, all the best! hope all our babies can sleep thru the nite...
garden_dreamz: good luck to u too! just try try for few nights.. if really cannot, last resort carry them to sleep lor.. ha..
my method not foolproof cos 2 nights in a week baby stay over at my mum's place n during day time my MIL helps to take care.. think they all carry him so its also hard for my baby to really adapt to no-one-carry-him-to-sleep strategy hee
karrie: does matty grumble during his tummy time, he seems so strong haha.
i think i remember reading ur blog and he can do push-ups one right? lol
I also dun have the heart to let bb cry out so long. Im sure I will pick her up.

Mattybooboo is so cute in his tiger suit!! So chubby! I love him so much leh! He is such an auntie(me) kiler! Hahahaha.

ecookie, didnt u want a tiger bb too? Heheeh.
hi hi junnie, little lance so chubby want to pitch his little cheek, he look so happy in 2nd photo.

yup, i bring Basil to swim in tub at a shop in punggol plaza, he enjoy it so we sign up a 4+1 times including baby massage package for him.

Infant school: so far so good and i can said that he well take care by teachers, i can see that he enjoys company of his 3 little classmates (currently 4 babies) and teachers. only thing he caught running nose 1x B4 CNY from classmate and another 1x from me last week......but he is better now.

shazzie, my boy weight 7.3kg, 65cm at 4mth 1wk, PD said he is average range and he is on FM.
gingerleaf: ahah i want a ox/tiger baby! but my hubby mentioned to me yest that he very scared of another baby, guess wormy really tires him out.. and he said he s happy with just wormy alone.. sob sob.. hope he ll change his mind soon!
they will normally change their mind when the 1st one grows older. hehehe.

Mattybooboo!! Auntie loves you!
(I just cant help it lah)
garden_dreamz, heeheh it's wormy's 4th month today (ecookie's bb)...that was a happy 4th mth wish from matty, to wormy! matty's 4th mth long over liao loh...hee

ecookie, yah he grumbles...he can do push-ups, but after a while he start eeehhh ehhhhhh dun wan to do liao.
my hubby also said scared of 2nd baby hahaha. trying to convince him to have a girl...

gingerleaf, hahahaha auntie killer eh. u where got auntie lah. still so pweetty. mattybooboo blows u a kiss.
i also want a kiss from matty booboo .. if i cant have a tiger baby, then will get the tiger suit from you .. haha

yah another girl will be soo good!
hi all

thks 4 comment on my little sumo. so u all can well imagine everyday i carrying a 8.8kg walking around, my back wanna break man!!!

cheval, glad to hear basil is doing fine in schl..

karrie... waaaah.. your matty lagi cute in the tigger outfit!!!
aiyo junnie!! ur Lance is so huggable!!what did he drink ? power milk man!! haha..
karrie, matty look so happy in the tiger suit...so cute too!!just wan to kiss all the chubby cheeks!!

re crying it out: me n hubby cant bear to let Sean cry for more than 1 min... scared later gas enter his tummy lei.. Sean cry for few seconds only his face turn black liao...so cannot let him cry to long..

Mummies who wanna do lasik... i went for lasik yesterday evening liao... come to think of it, the op was so fast tt cant really rem what happened in detail after the op liao haha. but Thank God all went well

Surgeon also added tt lasik has no risk on our future delivery too...
Hi mummies,
Thank you. I'll gambatte! Hopefully this won't take me too long to succeed as I read in Gina Ford's book that sometimes it will take about 2 wks to change the habit.

Yes, CIO (Crying it out) is cruel and I won't have the heart to do it if it's not my hubby who persists. I'm prone to PU/PD but my hubby has chosen the CIO, so I'll have to stick to it.

After I let Jav cried out 30 mins to settle himself this morning, I didn't continue with it for his noon and late afternoon nap. I certainly don't want Jav to be in distress for so long. I've decided to just carry out CIO for the night only. Shall see how it goes tonight....

Well, I think CIO does change one's behaviour. Jav is a very touchy and demanding baby but I noticed that he has shown some behaviour changes today. He was more patient than usual. He could stay in his rocker and pram longer than usual while waiting for me to finish my tasks. And when he cried, he would somehow listened to me when I said NO. This has never happened before!
I certainly hope he'll change for good

junnie, karrie,
Aiyo, Lance and Matty are soooooo cute!

I'm glad to hear that the lasik went well for you. Yes, you're right. It happened so quickly and before you knew it, it's over. I can feel your happiness and satisfaction after the lasik

ops... didn't read the caption properly, was so captivated by ur 'tigerific' matty n his super cute look that didn't notice much of anything else!

strangely, just today was contemplating to u mummies about using the CIO method. then tonite he so guai, actually managed to pat him to sleep! wondered was it coz i brought him out for evening walk n he saw many children playing,etc, stimulated his senses so much that he was so tired, he slept so quickly. keep fingers crossed that he'll get better n i need not use the CIO method on him...
