(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

thanks for sharing.. at first i was very worried for the baby but then when i see him floating and screaming and crying away, i find it so amazing and wanted to laugh..haha...must share this with hubby cos he dun want to bring my girl for swimming citing water got clorine lah, water dirty lah, etc..

hey pinky
nice to hear from you!

my wrist also pain leh. everytime wake up, the wrist/fingers all v.stiff. i wonder if is it coz if massage my breast b4 pumping, so strain the muscles... but seeing that some of u also experience it, mayb its not coz of pumping..hm...

ya, my boy turned when he was 3 1/2 mths old n since then, always like to turn. immediately after drinking milk somemore, then v.worried that he will regurgitate his milk. n ya, ever since he turn over, got to b v.vigilant where i put him, cannot let him b alone for too long, unless he's inside the play yard.

then sometimes, he sleep on the bed, will turn in his sleep n wake up screaming. so when i rush to the room, i see him on his tummy, screaming his heart out, as if scolding the whole world for his predicament... that silly boy... :D

re: drinking water
my boy also dun like water, so i syringe feed him. he still scream n shout whenever i feed him but at least some liquid is going in rather than using bottle n he reject it totally.

re: weight gain
i'm almost at pre-preggy weight alr, only the hip bigger, sigh... but wonder if its true tat after stop BF, will gain weight n harder to lose?
re: baby drooling
my boy also drools NON-STOP!!! thinking of tying a bib around him so that i need not have to change his hankie... any mummies doing that?
My boy turning 5 months soon
he started drooling since 3rd month, now we put bib around him..i chk wf PD ,they said normal ler..but when they lying down/sleep, no drool right?
i used to have stifness and numbness in my fingers after i give birth. my gynae reassure me that it's water retention and soon it'll go away. and through enough, it went away after sometime. i wonder if it's the massage that helps to purge out the water and wind..

me feel abit painful before dlvy when wake up every morn but after dlvy , the pain is getting wrist =(


Thanks for the inf..will check it out =)


yes lor, my work pile up.. Do till my face bcm green..
abt the weight loss… hahaaaaa… I just simply thot that if bf can burn more calories..lolx
if the 4kg all at the breast, ermm seem like too heavy..hehezzz… for me when im still bf my weight is same as nw…


intend to brin my boy ard 6mths + bah


me like no rheumatism.. Everyday pain..i thot rheumatism is sometime only…??keke
me too… hip n tummy..**Fainted** Hate it..haa


Hmm,,,, is painful hw to build muscle .. Keke..Sometime hubby is like that said funny thing…


I din bf since jan28…but still hv wrist pain prob…wear bra also pain..=<
radiance: yah baby seems to drool more when in upright position,.but when lying no such prob

notice my boy like to pool alot of saliva ard his mouth, lotsa raspberry but never to the point till it drool out...
morning mummies!

re: sleeping
any mummies experiencing your baby sleeping lesser and lesser in the NIGHT?! My baby still sleeps very little in the day (like 30 mins x 3-4 times) and only goes to bed at 10pm. And at 1am, he'll always wake up (but not hungry). just want to suck his pacifier then fall back to sleep and at 4am it happens again. Until 6am he'll call for milk.

This process has been going on for weeks! He used to sleep soundly from 10pm to 5am at least with no interruptions in between. At least I can have uninterrupted sleep but now with him waking at almost every 1-2hours, I can hardly have a good rest!

Any mummies with the same problem??
re: stiff and numb hand/fingers
My left hand and fingers were so numb that i almost couldn't feel anything i touched. Then i went to see an orthopedist. It only took a jab to clear all the water retention away.. (the healing takes about 2 weeks) The jab was only $40, but the consultation was $100
bbwow: my baby has been falling asleep ard 9+pm so far.. but i will wake him up for feed ard 11+pm and he will fall back to sleep ..normally he ll stir ard 4+am n i ll give him pacifier to fall asleep back till 630 for his next feed
hi girls, sorry to interupt.
if anyone of u have the AVENT UNO(single electric pump to sell, pls email me at [email protected]
(i want to put it in the office when i go back to work so that i dont have to lug my duo to and fro.)
garden dreamz
i am using bibs for my boy too. average about 5 bibs a day.

my boy now sleep at 10-11pm instead of 8-9pm b4 cny. b4 cny he used to be able to sleep soundly till his feed time. Now he will sleep for an hr to two then wake up, so i must put him to bed again! i tried giving him his feed b4 sleep time thinking that it will make him sleep thru till next feed. but no lor. sigh
Radiance/frosty fiona
ok, shall tie bib around him then! at least i dun have to keep changing his shirt n hankie almost every 2-3 hours. n he drools even more when he's on his tummy, which is almost the entire duration of his waking time. he doesn't like to lie on his back.

even when wanna put him to sleep also he keep turning n turning. v.hard to put him to sleep.... in the end, got to always carry him to sleep. wait till he doze off then put him to the bed. its so so hard n tiring to always carry him until he calms n drifts off. wandering if i'm caving in to bad sleeping habits n he will always wan to be carried to sleep...

tried to pat him but always end up him screaming n struggling, in the end... carry him again. wonder when he will break this habit of turning around to his tummy during bed time n be allowed to be pat back to sleep??

aria jo
i dunno if mine is water retention leh... fingers look the normal size to me... hmmm... mayb will give myself a few more months, if once i stop BF n wrists/fingers still numb/pain, will see medical advise...
haha... my boy drools so much, dunno how many bibs he will run through... at times, so tempted to use a bowl n collect all his drool and see how much drools he can produce in a day! :D

my boy also b4 CNY can pat to sleep on the bed easily, but after CNY, must carry him to sleep everytime! n the over-stimulation fr relatives is over but he hasn't got back to his usual sleeping habit leh.. so sad....
garden dreamz
ya man, over-stimulation during the cny period really make mummies suffer coz we are the ones putting the babies to bed.

hope they revert back to their usual self soon!!!

no leh...he sleeps on his back and sometimes he'll flip to his side but I have a pillow to 'block' him from flipping over. hehe..


and I thought only I have the problem! before cny he also sleep nicely but ever since he turned 4 months, he only sleeps 2-3 hours straight then will stir and need pacifier to go back to sleep. I really hope he will revert back!
ecookie, my boy's night routine same as your bb. But... Ever since my boy learnt to flip over, he cun seems to go back to sleep after waking up 4+am (he is on tummy pose) and he goes back to sleep after I place him back lying face up and pat him to sleep with his pacifier.
doobom: oh no.. my baby learning to flip just this week.. think in abt 2 weeks time he ll be able to flip.. that means his routine wil change just like urs.. hmm..
seems like baby flipping always result in them waking up in middle of night cos they cant flip back
ya...hopefully when they learn how to flip back then they'll know how to fall back to sleep.

Usually I'll use a pillow to block him from flipping over cause he can easily flip now with a snap of fingers. but when he realized he's 'blocked', he'll "eh eh eh" liao. Dunno why sleep also want to flip over. kekeke
bbwow, something for u! :)

This was when Chloe met Jayden during CNY:

And they hugged..(wanted to hug la)

For those who are curious, bbwow's hubby and my hubby happen to be friends! :p
pinky, i'm having wrist pains too! think it's from handling the baby. and it just got worse, cos i fell and used my hand to brace my fall. have been getting other people to bath my baby the past few days, cos scared i no strength, and end up dropping her when she's soapy and wriggly.

gingerleaf, i brought hannah for her first dip in the pool in 1 jan. she seems to like the water a lot. i dun dare just throw her in the water though, although some people say that can "train" them to swim this way.

garden dream, i've been using bibs for hannah since a few weeks back, if not, the entire front of her romper/t-shirt will be soaked. dunno where all her saliva come from. if only it was gold... i'll be rich!

re: flipping while sleeping
have you tried just letting your babies sleep on their tummies? i used to put hannah down on her back, but i recently realise that when i put her down on her tummy, she falls asleep much faster. will cry for less than a minute, then just fall asleep on her own. not sure if it'll work for you gals?
haha...chintz...thanks! When was that taken?!

So cute the both of them wanted to hug each other. Can you send the photos to me?? Jayden looks bigger than Chloe hor...

ya...small world indeed. We didn't know until chintz visited my house...kekekeke
hihi bbbow,

I have the same problem as urs. My baby also like that. In the middle of the night can wake up three times. Eg: 1,3 and 6am. Last time, she used to sleep through out and wake up only once but now since like waking up a lot and crying for milk.. Is she hungry or our milk supply is not enough for them to sleep for more hrs. In the noon time also hardly sleep.. only nap for 30 mins-1 hrs than did not sleep liao.
hullo mummies! long time no post! Have been busy with work and then too tired out at night! Even now, have to squeeze time out for expressing in the office and sometimes can only do it once!

Very jialat. The travelling is taking its toll on me. Wake up at 7am, feed bb, by the time reach my mum's place almost 8.15-8.30am cos finish feeding at around 7.30am, then gotta get dressed, make up etc, get bb out the door. pump in car on the way to mum's place cos nite before din do it cos too tired. then reach office me and hubby will be late liao. meetings starts from 10am onwards, squeeze time out before lunch or after lunch to express and if possible, another time at around 6pm. sigh. then rush back to hv dinner and pick bb up by that time already 8pm or just before that liao. reach home almost 9pm, feed bb at either 930 or 10pm, then pack up for next day and express. by then, i'm exhausted already, no time/mood to log on and drop off to bed. next morn cycle start again. i'm trying to wake up earlier so that can leave house earlier but it's so difficult! lucky for me bb drops off to sleep fairly easily and sleep thru, otherwise lagi more jialat!

Karine is still on 3hrly feeds rangining from 100-130ml intake. just went for her 4th mth jab today, she's 6.57kg, 65cm long and 41cm head circumference.

Not flipping yet, but doc say ok lah. she loves bringing her feet up to mouth though.

wow, haven't log in for a while liao and topics range from weight loss to lasik! I also wanna do, and i want to change my lense and glasses too, but the optician say best to wait till after 6mths post-delivery for hormones to stabilise and degree to stable. so gotta wait.

Expressing at work is ok so far for me, it's just that i need more time to complete my to-dos! So many and so little time! And the worst is when need to go out for meetings! Gotta really arrange the timing! Luckily the places I go to usually have nursing rooms, otherwise i dunno how boy. But lugging the barang around is no joke lor. i dun even bring my laptop home these days!

I really envy u mummies who can take so long leave. Unfortunately I can't cos performance appraisal sure kena affected. sigh....

my baby got the same pattern as yours. You realize they wake up specifically at those hours one hor? It's like a pattern. I'm very worried it becomes habitual to them then we cham liao...
chintz: really small world!! u n bbwow know each other! hee

re: baby bathing
can ask mummies here a qn? for bathing i still put few drops of baby bath lotion then just bath baby.. any of u have bath babies like us ? ie lather up foam then rinse off?
any shampoo used? me still just rinsing baby head in water+ few drops of baby bath lotion that s all
velvet: yah i can understand what you mean... very little time.. just that for me, my MIL pop over to my hse to help take care during the day so save me the travelling time.. and like karine, my boy still havent flip and he coming 4 mths this monday too hee
ecookie - i usually put a little bit of the bath lotion (using J&amp;J or kodomo), like 2 drops or something to wash bb's har first, then rinse off and will bathe bb with the water that contains the rinsed off suds. think shd be sufficient bah.
i use half pump to a pump of johnson top to toe bb shampoo to lather up her hair, then rinse with the watre in her tub, then put her in the water, use another pump to two to lather her up while she is still in the water and then juz wash her up in the tub . Never seperate rinse, been bathing her lidat since birth. Wondering this method can use til when.
ecookie, i use the same method as gingerleaf. Just that i use shampoo for the hair, and bath for the body. Now bb getting more n more active in the tub. Think when they can sit liao, we just put them in the tub and do all the washing there. Get them some ducks to play with..quarkquark..
okie so most mummies here still use same method as me - some lotion then just bath baby w/o rinsing off.. wonder when this method can last till..
cos sometimes the water turn abit milky like baby v dirty haha wondering if he s really clean from this method as he grows more active n will sweat more
velvet, i'm tired just reading about your day. do try and get more rest over the weekends ya.

ecookie, i also do something similar. i don't even use extra to wash hannah's hair, cos she has so little. just use the soapy water. i think i'll use this method until baby can sit, then i'll bathe her in the bathroom.
bbbow, ya loh... the pattern is like that for these one wk. jia luck... :-(
My dark eye ring is getting worse.. so tired..

ecookie, i had the same method as gingerleaf n chintz. :)

By the way, have any of u start the baby on weaning? I thinking to give some rice cereal for my girl.

I also intend to start only when he's 5.5 months or when he starts to show interest in our food. This is one way to tell us when they're ready for solids.


thanks for the photos! They're so cute! Got one Jayden holding on to Chloe and looking into her eyes. hahah...so young already trying to 'date' gals. my naughty boy...

My gal almost the same schedule as you during night time, only problem is sometimes mummy was also so tired so did not wake her up for the 11pm/12am feed and she will cry for milk ard 1plus or sometimes 3am.

We have decided to bring bb to the ponggol place this weekend to let her try her first swimming. also for me to see how the float works before I bring her to the pool maybe next week or next mth. But I'll need to get her the thermal suit first. I'm sure she'll love it as she likes her pong pong time since birth.

Any mummies preparing to bring bb to some classes when they reach 6mths ?? My gal loves to look at pple and children so was thinking she will love that interaction and can learn something out from it.
just saw my GP for my illness.. then commented to him that baby neck still not v steady n hasnt flip though coming to 4 mths liao.. he said quite slow development.

ask me to exercise him more to train neck muscle (ie tummy time etc)... sad to hear that.. sigh
hi all

wow.. another 'couple' met again?? heheee.. nice to see bb meeting bb.... so cute!!!

fyi, brought both my gal &amp; bb to nuh ysterday 2+pm. is a mistake to hv both see specialist same time!!!! besides the long Q (until 4+ then can see doctor, by the time almost bb's milk time). b4 tat busy bringing my gal for ultrasound, urine test, she dun "co-operate" running here &amp; there &amp; touching the ultrasound equipment. as 4 bb, can only do ultrasound/urine test after consult doc cos 1st timer.. then when bb's turn, also up &amp; down again, he was beginning to get cranky when they fix the urine bag. both also collect not enuff urine, hv to did it twice!!! really v hectic... my gal was so naughty that while doc talking to us (after we got the ultrasound result) on how to proceed w nxt step to treat bb, my gal was playing at the sink (inside the doc's room), then suddenly we hear her screaming that her eyes v pain!!!!! it seems she played w the hibiscrub dispenser &amp; it got shoot inside her eyes!!!!!!! haiyo... lucky the nurse was alert enuff to quickly help wash her eyes, end up my gal's dress was wet &amp; her right eyes soooo red like rabbit eyes!!! really v angry w her!!! inside the room she was touching here &amp; there, asking for sweets, jus cant sit still... so we thot since she 'kuai kuai' stay one corner we didnt bother much, who knw her hand soooo itchy go &amp; press the soap!!!!!! hiaz.... anyway.... doc tell us must let bb do DMSA (put to sleep + insert dye then push in machine to take close picture of kidney) + MCU (insert tube draw urine) to cfm whether he got urine reflux prblm same as sister or not, so will b arranging him to admit nuh 29/2 a.m. (no need to stay overnight)
bb sure cry his lung out again with the poke - as need to insert plug so that medication, etc, can go thru 1 spot rather than jabbing him so many time.... lucky doc squeeze us in &amp; see us 01/3 (immediately nxt day) to tell us result (if not she'll b away 1 month). hopefully the process + result goes smoothly... meantime, still hv to gv bb antibiotic everynite till he get the result. infact nuh doc increase the dosage compared to the one PD given (1.5 to 3.6ml, vercef or call celfacor), she said my bb's wt "too good" liao, hv to watch out cos now 8.8kg but 63cm only really cannot give cereal until 6 mths, if not, scare will lead to obesity!!!! doc said feed cereal @4mths only if bb is skinny, if nt, 6 mths onwards is fine. tis is the 2nd doc tat told me same thing, 2 wks ago go polyclinic jab, the nurse&amp;doc also said to stop feeding my bb cereal, start oni @ 6mths. i'll hv to infm nanny again cos she was the one start feeding him @4mths, then stop due to high fever, jus resumed feeding last monday as she said bb appetite is good, y i always wanna 'cut down' his meal??? hiaz....
junnie: so sorry to hear that ur baby has to go through so the tests scheduled.. hopefully the results will turn out just fine...

yah better stop cereal cos if your baby is stil feeding well on milk alone, no need to start so early..

take care and hope everything will go smoothly for u!

my boy also...that time PD said he abit soft... he nw 4 mth+ cmin 5mths.. i din even c him flip over.. but when tummy time he will lift up the head .. tml bringin him to c PD for rota 2nd dose .. c wat PD will comment tml.. sometm feel worry.....

Re: bathing,

I only put a few drop of the J&amp;J head to toes into the water but din rinse off... hehezzzz....


it not easy to bring both kid/bb to c PD at one time.. n dear dun worry so much.. everytin will go smoothly n well... =) yr bb nw weight at 8.8kg... my boy cmin 5mths hvnt reach 6kg 63cm.. abit small.. mayb i can start to try cereal on him liao.... hez...

solids: i very tempted to start solids cos seems fun (at least in theory lah).. all the puree-ing &amp; feeding times hehe.

but my boy is ard 7.8kg at 4 mths so think still no need to start so soon.. both my PD + GP asked me to start in 6th mth if baby is still taking milk well.
