(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

dodo, gingerleaf,
Hey I also make papaya fish soups often to maintain my supply !

so glad to learn about your successful story on CIO.
I wonder how long Jav has to suffer before he understands that there are no more milk for him in the night.

re: update on CIO
Anyways, a quick update on CIO last night as I'm really sleepy now. I need to take a nap before Jav wakes up as I'm not sleeping much when carrying out CIO.

After the dream feed at 11pm, Jav woke up at 1am crying for milk. Of course, we ignored him. He cried for 10 mins and then stopped. I was very happy as he was quick to self-settled.

Then again, he woke up crying at 3am and 4am which took him 20 mins to stop. Later 6am again for 15 mins. Well, I thought he must be really hungry when he cried again at 6.50am. I waited for 15 mins before I picked him up and fed him.

But, wierd enough, he actually emptied one side of my breast only. He kept looking at the lights and sofa when I was feeding him. He didn't seem hungry at all. I offered him another side of the breast and he took it very slow and even smiled at me and 'talked' to his dad who was preparing for work.

Wonder why he's not that hungry when he hasn't been drinking anything at all for the night.
Could it be comfort-sucking after all?

Ok, not much time left for my nap now.

Gotta go.

sanbebe: may or may not be comfort sucking cos at their age, they tend to get distracted by sights even if they are hungry.. but given his last feed is at 11pm and he cried few times during the night, should be real hunger at 6+am bah!

anyway good luck to your CIO approach! n rest well!
chintz & ecookie,

im a temp SAHM, will back to work this july.. dun wana think of the day when i have to part wi bb and back to work, think i will cry like mad..
oh ya chintz, i also drink 1/2 cup of coffee a day... if not, buay tahan leh... :p

gingerleaf & zhen zhen,

i always eat banana nut crunch.. no wonder so hard for me to slim down... haa!
zhen zhen,

u have a healthier choice... i always tell my boy "time to have your banana milk shake" when i feed him.. haa!
really envy mummies that still on Full BM...Looks like I am really failure.

My boy have quite alot of phlegm recently. Check with the paed and she said the phlegm not in the lungs, so monitor whether did he cough more then she will treat. Do any mummies have this problem? and baby seems breathing loudly in sleeps.

Anyway, what does SAHM stands for?
dodo, banana nut crunch is yummy!

btw, dodo, i suggest u to try leaving bb to other's care every now and then.. this is to train ur 'condition', can't part with bb..

i used to have that prob too, always rushed back everytime i go out run errands, keep on missing n worrying about bb all the times.

so i think u better train now rather than in july, u'll have hard times parting with bb..
perlicia: dun think u are a failure.. u are a mummy not only bcos u BF, you taking care of ur baby boy is a feat itself!

SAHM = stay at home mum .. hee
Hi mummies!

Anyone having problem of thining hair after birth? Help! My hair start falling when my bb is 4mths old.

Any good recomd on hair products to prevent falling?

dun feel that way! breastfeeding is definately not a guide whether are you a good mother or not... cheer up k!

did PD suggest the any other reason other than continue to monitor? or is the cough caused by more saliva? my PD did tell me more saliva is normal for 3-5mths babies, and the saliva may result in coughing...

ya that's what my hubby suggested also... think he can foresee the situation also.. sigh~ me too, cant help but worry abt baby when im out, i will call my mum a few times when she bbsit for me, though i only out for abt 1 or 2 hours... hubby said im too obsess...
dodo: yah u must slowly adjust to not see ing your baby for extended period.

normally only hear of placing baby at caretaker's place slowly so that baby can adjust to different pple taking care of them,
u are the opposite whereby the mummy must stay away from baby slowly so that you can adjust to not seeing baby for long time.

ya.. what u said very true... im the opposite case! actually i also worried baby will be very attached to me by that time and it will be a difficult time for him as well... but luckily he likes my mum also, and my mum will take care of him after i back to work... sigh~ dun wana think abt it now.. very sad loh.. wait i cant help and cry again.. hubby said i always very emotional towards bb issue...


the massager still functioning.. but i find the colour turn yellowish leh.. so feel like changing for a new one..
Ya, not judge to be a good mother by the BM supply. But at times do wish that I can BF my boy for a period of time. Just envy TBF mothers

dodo, he is drooling alot and stuffing his fists into his mouth. He did cough abit, maybe it is because he is "choked" by his own saliva. I told the paediatician he cough abit lor...The main issue here is everyone keep telling me ," Your baby alot of phlegm hor." Cause there is always some kind of sound like we are having thick phlegm.

The doctor did give me some medication to clear the phlegm but she said take it when it is really necessary kind. She said alot of baby is like that. So I am sardine between wanting to give him medicine or just let it be.

Nowaday, like having alot of mosquitos. My poor boy have 4-5 kisses on his face. Anything good to counter this bites
BTw, the Healthy times organic food, can use the teethers even the baby not on total semi-solids?

Izzit must introduce cereal or puree before giving the teethers biscuits
perlicia, i use those 'smiley face' mosquito patch to avoid the mozzie gets near my bb. i just paste it somewhere near her cot.. not too near too, cos i scared smell too much not good for her.
Cheer up dear

Confinement days, I woke up to pump cos over SS. After confinement, I woke up to stimulate SS. By 3rd wk of 2nd mth, no more SS. Many gave me recipes to increase SS, where got time?? Me the only caregiver, dun even have time to eat as bb more awake on 2nd mth.

Kindda depressed over no BM...but hubby said formula nowadays so advance...make sure I'm a happy mum, then will raise a happy child. So comforting

FM tends to cause phlegm. Isaac also had thick phlegm last mth for a week, no cough cos can know the phlegm is ard the nasal not throat. Hence had difficulty in sleeping (keep waking up and wailing), producing 'running water' sound. Fed him medi from PD. Bb will cough out once the phlegm starts to 'dilute'.

Another tip I find useful is to turn bb face down once they sleep to allow the phlegm to drip out thru their mouth and nose. Also to avoid choking.
Thanks for your well blessings.

Oh banana nut crunch is one of my favourites too

80% of my lunch is oatmeal. I find that oatmeal with milk taste better than just water and sugar. Intially, I just add hot water and sugar to my oatmeal but I quickly feel sian of the taste so change to milk and it does taste better. Oh by the way, I also tried to add milo into it but not tasty at all.

Yes, I started to drop a lot of hair recently ie when my baby Jav turned 4 mths. I think it's common for us to drop hair so not to worry too much. I heard our hair will grow back after some time.

Jav also got bitten by insects. I don't think it's mosquitoes but may be ants. I ever saw ants on his bed. Sometimes milk will flow out of his mouth when he's in bed so most probably that's the reason that ants are being attracted to him.

Well, I just ordered a anti-insects sarong from bp hoping to get rid of those blood suckers.

Regarding HT teether biscuits, I'm not very sure if you can give but just take extra care to make sure your baby does not bite the pieces off else he may get choke.
It's normal to shed hair at this time. Most of us are here cos during pregnancy, you realized no hair drop?

So now, I keep my hair bob and no dyeing or any treatment.
Wow, your bb eats 150ml cereal? Tried cereal on my boy last few days, hardly can finish one teaspoon sia...But today very proud of him, finish that one teaspoon! Cos hor, I move him from walker seat to the stroller seat
perlicia, my bb also starting to have phelgm and end snores a bit when sleeping. i haven't brought her to doctor yet though. should i?

sigh... i also think my milk ss is super low now. baby dowan to latch on any more, so making things worse. i think i will stop BF soon. but i'm sure i'll miss it.
dodo, you can buy the massager cushion at the Avent Philips showroom i think. =)

mummies, yesterday I went to graze @ rochester park with hubby for dinner! very nice place with very nice staff! it's really a nice place to chill out. and the seafood are really fresh. and and the most impt part is the desserts! We ordered the desserts palatte to try out all the desserts they have, wah really shiok man!
hi mummies, I am damn irritated! I got some fu**king stupid idiot neighbours staying below my flat. you know what they do? first they complain we shift things in the house EVERY DAY and make those funny sounds that they cant slp, when there is actually no ppl at home in the day and at night who is so free to shift things har? They idiot right? I told them maybe got hantu in their house!

Nvm, then come again, the stupid man came to my house and say our clothes are wet and dripping on their clothes. I say WHERE? Then he say my bras and panties are hanging over his clothes, he very sway, I say dun hang outside then hang where? Hang inside his house is it?? And then he ASKED US TO MOVE TO CONDO! What logic is that ah??? What is the stupid man tokking abt? I say you so clever, move to stay above me lor! (by the way, I am living on the top floor, no house on top me liao) He go and complain to town council twice to say we hang wet mops la, wet clothing outside our house. He is bloody stupid leh.

Then now he complain to HDB about my dog barking WHOLE DAY!!!! We call up the officer this morning and ask him show proof to say my dog bark whole day. Then the officer herself also say, she came yesterday to my house also nv hear any dog barking. I think he is the DOG WHO IS BARKING WHOLE DAY LOR!

Please, give me ideas on how to te kang him back!!!! If not he think we very good to bully leh! Stupid family!
Fiffy, and mums, thanks for the support of low BM supply.

RE : phlegm
Zhen zhen, maybe you should check with the doc when baby went for jab if not getting serious. Actually mine has been there awhile already. cause i can hear it is from the nasal area. So last month when I went to the paed, I told her about it then she said no cough nevermind. So last week, Raph went to another jab and I told the doc got some cough, and she told me the chest is clear. so at least I am not so worried that it is accumulated in the lung area.

RE: Mosquitos
My PIL bought the "tent" to put on top of our bed. This morning, have 2 big mosquitos fly into the "tent". I quickly moved Raph out and kill the mosquitos. Luckily just fly in onte. Or else Raph collections will increase.
chintz, will buy the patch, but think have to paste on him for the day as I dunno where my MIL will move him around. She sometimes leave him on the jumperoo and just leave to do her washing.

Talking about romantic areas for dinner. Any other place to recommend? Next month will get a year older already, dunno want to spend quality time alone with husband or to bring Raph out as well. Think I will go for the second choice. Now everything is Son first....Haha

Yesterday got a cake shop called The Patissier in Muh Sultan Road, anyone tried before?
chintz, where do u get those smiley face anti-mosquitoes patch? I read about DermaLife anti-mosquitoes patch which is good, but dun noe where to get it. Anyone any idea abt it?

fitty_nut, I m left with no choice. Coz my boy simply refuse milk. I have added another meal of cereal to him. His two meals of cereal @ 160ml. In fact, itz 160ml of norm FM added with 7 teaspoon of cereal. He kinda like it. He is only on FM early morning, noon 3pm, n night feed. Instead of Rice Cereal, I am thinking of switching him to Brown Rice Cereal. Brown Rice is better, I suppose.
frosty fiona: cool it.. there are always such people ard, cant escape one. they are just being difficult..
my advice is: just ignore him completely. no point wasting ur energy arguing with him, got better things to do tham that right?

perlicia: remember to paste the mosquito patch somewhere away from where he can touch.. and try not to let it come into contact with the skin.last time i put it in the inside of my jean so it will touch my calve abit and i developed a rash

or altenatively, you can paste ard places where ur baby normally is like the jumperoo, cot, etc?
hi mommies,
read in another thread (forget where already)
but i noted in my calender

Taka Baby Fair
March 9 to 25
Expo Baby Fair Hall 6
March 21 to 23

dunno if info is correct or not. but can't wait to go
frosty fiona,
so unfortunate kena this kind of neighbour, my ILs last time move to a new house but the neighbour directly in front of them was an a**hole, quarrel until he punch my BIL until go to hospital. make police report also useless. in the end my ILs sold the flat and move out. everyday kena stare stare by the a**hole. i suspect the police get reports on this a**hole before.

*hug hug* cool down cool down....
Oh your neighbours are really mean. Did they just move in recently? I understand how you feel.These neighbours are really irritating !!!!

But talking about retaliate, I think better not. Remember the Joo Chiat (oh is it joo chiat)neighbours? That would probably be the consequences if two neighbours keep on barking at each other.

Well, let him complain to HDB or town council then. When they know that he's making false complaints, I guess they will likely to blacklist him.

Oh this is good:"I think he is the DOG WHO IS BARKING WHOLE DAY LOR!"

You may want to try to pump out your milk. I heard power pumping may increase milk supply. Oh drink more papaya fish soup.

Is the anti-mosquitoes patch effective? Are there anti-insects or anti-ants patch around? How much is one box? Think I better get some just in case.
sanbebe, the patch is so far doing good job by preventing my bb kena mosquito bites. even my niece (6yrs old) also using them.

i can't remember exactly how much it costs, i think about $6-$8 one box. then one box contains 8 patches.
Yes, I think brown rice should be better than rice cereals. But do prepare to give loads of water to your baby as it will cause constipation.

Mummies who are going to start solids on your babies, please note that the following food cause constipation:

B Banana, Brown Rice
R Rice
A Apple
T Toast
san bebe: ha BRAT: good to remember by!
dread into solids cos wormy doesnt like to drink water.. and he poo-ing on alternate days. cant imagine if he got constipation!!
sanbebe, there isn't a guideline to it really. For me, i change it every 3 days (I only use it on her cot). I guess it depends on where u paste it on. For my niece who is so active, she pastes it on her clothes and changes it everyday.
yah, I see them got a baby recently also. I cool off when the town council came twice. I say forget abt it... Let them go complain somemore, if they really so clever, then show me proof. cos he is the unreasonable one mah, where got ppl say bras and panties cannot hang outside right or not? He sway is his problem mah! Then he aim dun hang below my bra and panties lah. It's not as if I change bras and panties every hour and got hundred of them to hang outside my house every min.

sanbebe, nope, i think they stayed there very long liao. anyone can advise what I should tell the government board about this "barking whole day dog" neighbour so that they will stop coming to my house and ask to see us? It's very troublesome leh. so irritating. I wan to ignore them, but it seems like the stupid idiot think that I am very free to handle all these false complaints.
haha...another easy one to remember too.

A Apple
B Banana
C Carrot

Jav also don't drink water. He only poo every 4-5 days! But fortunately the poop are soft. So in order to prepare him for the solids, I start to force him to drink water everyday. Will give water to him first when he's super hungry, then he will gulp down pretty much before he realise it's water..haha...

Thanks! At least now I've an idea of how soon to change to a new one.

Oh mummies, I ordered the insect repellent sarong from this bp. Not sure if it's worth to get or not. Any comments? Anyone interested?

ur neighbours really v.insane people. dun bother about them, they aren't worth it.

when u feed ur boy 160ml cereal, is it bottle feed or spoon feed?

re:baby fair
are the things sold there cheaper than usual in-house sales,ie. robinson, JL sale,etc?

re: mosquito patch
can try Neutri Care mosquito patch. used for my boy n so far so gd, just stick somewhere near where he sleep can already. its safe for infants and children. can last 12 hrs per patch. bought it from watsons.
sanbebe: yah my boy will gulp very fast sometmes but when he realises its water he will either:
A if he happy + good mood, he will push teat to one side and talk + smile
B if he not in good mood. he will scream angrily lol
so that means if we give them BRAT/ABC,etc, must give more water to them is it? or hold off till when they are older then give?
garden dreams,

Well, don't think it's a good idea to hold off and introduce later as these food are good for babies and some are even staple food such as rice cereals and brown rice.

Yes, you have to let baby drink more water. Or another alternate is to make prune puree or diluted prune juice to ease the constipation.

chintz: haha yah but sometimes his fierce character makes him hard to take care of ha.

garden_dreamz: you should still feed them these food since these are the recommended first_food to be given for solids.
just take note not to give too much of each and be sure to mix with other fruits that provide fibre and give them more water to prevent constipation
