(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hi mummies: thks for sharing your bbs' weights. i guess my bb is still on the small side, although his cheeks make him look really chubby.

I also having difficulty putting my boy to sleep. tonight it took me 45 mins... of carrying, soothing, patting, singing, and him rubbing face, grumbling, crying, wailing... sigh. are all 4 mth olds like that??

hi all

sanbebe..hope jav doing fine tonite...i cant possibly try CIO cos i also 'soft hearted' type + staying w my mum she'll sure 'scream' at me 1st!! haha.. if no old folks at home may b can try...but my bb when cry v furiously v 'scary', his face turn 'dark red' & no voice come out, till u hv to keep patting & calling him then he can b sooth!!

unice..ya, my bb on TFM 'power milk' = mamil gold step1, changing to step 2 soon, hehe..
hi shazzie,
i used to carry my boy to sleep for every of his nap..sometimes its more than an hour to make his eyes closed. really stressed out by that. Recently, i tried the crying out method. I leave him to cry (but before that, make sure he is well fed, a clean diaper etc), 1st time 15mins..then 30 mins..then an hour...very painful but just have to do it! after practising these for a few days, whenever he crys wanting to sleep, i keep telling him, close your eyes mummy will just pat you...cannot carry. AND it works for me at least! Now i dun carry him to sleep. I just put his pacifier, pat him for around less than 10mins...he sleep.

This includes for his night sleep. He will wake up in the middle of the night. i will give him water, put back his pacifier, then sleep till 9am.

your baby is really very cute and strong! i am sure alot of people will wish to squeeze his cheeks ah..hee
it could be tt your boy was hving a growth spurt, so was drinking more tt time.

re slping
you can go read up on tracy hoggs "pick up, put down" method. but, it needs lots of determination as you cannot gv in to the bb.

your sumo is so "ba ba"... so cute. btw. how old is your gal now? my boy is 2 years.
gd morning mummies! any places to recommend for dinner tonight? hahaha.. i looking for place to bring hubby for dinner... his birthday today and I havent got time to source out place yet!

have not been posting coz busy but hve been reading this thread.

i've been looking for frisocream cereal but couldnt find at NTUC.
enjoy viewing all the bb pics. my bb is 8kg at 4mth. dr told us to try reducing the milk feed but is difficult to do so.
frostyfiona: what kind of food ur hubby like? western? italian? chinese?
can try central if he s into jap food.. they have a good selection of jap restaurants there.

so someone looking after zavier for u tonight?
re: sleeping
i tried her that PU/PD method but it didn't work on him. actually come to think of it, i wonder if i'm the one who's not reading his sleep cues properly. coz for yesterday n this morning, i didn't try to put him to sleep so fast, just let him play n turn,etc, until he was really really tired then i brought him to bed n he knocked out within 5min, without carrying, just patting n using the paci.

at this point, i wonder if i should let my boy take the lead in sleeping? previously, when i tried to follow a schedule of sorts, following tracy's EASY method, it entails him feeling not ready for sleep n yet me forcing him, thus ending up with carrying/rocking until he's exhausted then he sleeps?

but in letting him take the lead in deciding his naps, would i b not giving him a predictable, structured routine that cultivates gd habits n giving them a sense of security from a routine? hmm.... anyway, will just see the next few days how he is given this method of letting him take the lead in sleeping...

how about the jewel box at mt faber? pretty nice, i feel.

my bb also over 8kg at 4mth plus but my PD never say to reduce feed leh, instead say its alright. the staff there also said that i cannot let bb go on diet at this age n should just let bb grow at his/her own pace. i think weight gain should be more stagnant now that our babies have done most of their growing in the 1st few months. coz next few months, they'll be more active, then start solid food, etc, may grow leaner by then?
yesterday after his 830pm feed, i wiped my boy down n change him into his night clothes n settle him in his cot to sleep.. again he started wailing after awhile n i carried him for awhile thinking he ll go to sleep soon.. but after 15 mins, he still alternates between rubbing his face n wailing... *sigh*

so in the end, i try the "hubby " method..= i get out of sight, n hubby pat him while he in his cot, lying low out of his vision too..

true enough, after i bath come back, he s asleep!!! hmm, how come i cant pat him to sleep but hubby can ?? *scratch head* so long he sleep w/o much fuss, shant complain much i guess
Hi mummies,

I'm going to order 'healthy times' baby food ( http://www.healthytimes.sg/store.php ). It local distributor.

If you stay at punggol or don't mind self-collect at punggol on weekday 7 - 9pm, maybe we can combine our orders as they giving 10% for orders more than $100 and 15% for orders more than $200.

Please email me at [email protected] by tomorrow is your are interested to combine order.
krisse, my boy's milk feed @ 180ml/200ml is up to almost 4mths. He started to reject milk when approaching 4mths, hence started him on rice cereal when he is 4+mths. As of yesterday, I have reduced to 160ml for all his feeds instead of 180ml/160ml. Included another meal of Rice Cereal for him.

Planned schedule
0700 - 160ml FM
1030 - 160ml Rice Cereal
1500 - 150ml FM
1830 - 160ml Rice Cereal
2230 - 160ml FM

Hopefully this works better for my bb. Coz after reading all the posts n much consideration, I decided to reduce his milk intake n add one more Rice Cereal meal for him.

YL, yes, Frisocrem cereal is available in NTUC. Most of the time, I can find this in NTUC. Which NTUC did u try out @? I stay in the west.
garden_dreamz: i find some truth in what u say.. sometimes letting baby play abit in his cot (he tends to "coo" to his hanging toys for awhile" then when he start rubbing his eyes n yawn , that will be his cues for sleeping..

sometimes, with a pacifier n his fav. beanie, he can fall asleep pertty fast.. i guess, putting him in cot or wiping him down before bedtime or reading the same story to him will be like some routine to him? so when these things happen, he ll know bedtime is coming..
wow, all your baby so big. Caelen is only 7.5kg at 5 and half months.... or should he be consider as 4 and half month sinc he is born 5 weeks early ?

p.s.: Do watch baby's weight as the recommended is 8kg at 6 mths leh (according to the recent news)
jovial: yah think for premmies you have to consider their actual age which for your case should be 4 1/2 mths

i think weight should be considered together with baby height too... tall babies tend to be heavier?
ecookie: ideally got someone staying punggol order too then work in town and don't mind pass to you . I work in changi lah. If post than not worth the saving liao .. plus it's glass jars.
ecookies, hmmm... jap food also not bad a idea. i am looking at some dining place with good ambience.. but cannot too formal cos hubby wear until very lok kok to work today! kaoz... yeah, my mum is looking after xavier.. kekeke..

garden_dream, yeah, jewel box is quite nice, but went a few times liao... hahaha! looking for some new place to go.. thanks!

anyway tried this flutes at the fort? or Graze at rochester park? is the food nice?

i tried the rocherster one before, ambience very nice.. another plave i can think of is dempsey road, quite alot of dining there

aiyo.. tonight go tian mi mi huh... come to think of it, maybe i shd have some private time wi hubby also.. baby has been wi me almost 24hrs since birth... last sat hubby and me went for haircut and my mum bbsit for me, i kept looking at my boy's pic in my hp and cried on the way home coz i missed him so much.. my hubby said my "condition" very serious...
dodo, is the food at rochester one nice?

hahaha... have babies liao must still go dating mah... ah yo.... i also bu she de leh... but maybe cos i working and xavier is not with me 24hrs.. so i still can leave him with my mum while i go have dinner with hubby all that. but surely not for overnight, like go holiday without him, i will cry too!

yesterday i carry xavier to slp... suddenly tot of he grown up so much! and thinking that one day he might not even wan me to carry him to slp, i carried him to slp for an hour yesterday... keke...
dodo: haiyo ur hubby is right! ur "condition" very serious! lol.. but i think i understand how u feel...

mayb cos i come back to work already so wont react as much as u do, but realise will still keepo on peeping at my HP wall papaer to look at my boy's photo during work time hee./
frostyfiona: yah sometimes at night when i see wormy sleeping in his cot besides my bed, suddenly feel he s very big+ long n v amazed how did he ever come out from my tummy..

yest night, i sniffed at his hands (got faint saliva smell haha) and told him "i love you" though he s sound asleep. but im sure he can feel my love for him ... hiaks! (assuming me)
ecookie, me too!! hahaha.. i got my hubby to help me do a collate of my boy's photo and use it as a wallpaper on my PC in the office! hahahah
ekekek... ya lor.. then think of one day he get married and move out of the house... hahaha.. i know i'm silly lah, but cant help thinking!


hmm.. the food not bad.. but very exp though.. i remembered we spentabt $100+ for 2 pax.. but the ambience really nice... we dine by a big tree, there are dim lightings, very romantic..
frosty & ecookie,

ya... me too, suddenly find that my boy grow so much bigger... many of his clothings cant fit in anymore... more huggable now!
dodo, I agree with ur hubby too! Ur condition serious! For me, when I miss my gal, I look at her picture on the hp and kiss it. I tot Im quite sot sot liao.

if u like italian, can try Senso at club street. Its not the typical pasta joint. Think no much pasta on their menu anyway. $100+++ for 2 pax.
fiona, for something out of the box, u may try Sunset Grill at seletar airport.. I've been there many times, the main USP is their cosy outdoor dining experience (got indoor too!). Not so commercialized, more of adventureous dining experience under the tree.

They serve yummy western food.. Oh, i think they got new branch at Yio Chu Kang road but not sure about the ambience.

ya loh.. im more "sot" than u..

my hubby loves italian food, maybe can go senso and try it out!


what u suggested also sounds interesting.. hubby's bd coming soon also, got so much choices now!


if u & hubby like thai food, there's one at Purvis St.. super nice! esp the tom yam goong! omg, im drooling now...
hi mummies!

seems like all ur babies are quite big. hannah seems small in comparison at 6.54kg, 62cm at 4mth 1wk.

re: CIO method
i must say this really works. my dd super strong-willed. took 1.5 wks to get the message. but now can sleep on her own. dun even need to pat. but best to do it when you're alone. if parents, ILs around, they sure cannot tahan and will wanna pick baby up.

re: CL
any of you have good CL to recommend? Have a friend, CL tua her last min and she's due early apr. let me know?
zhen zhen
your baby not small lah..mine also 4 mth and 1 week. brought her to GP yesterday for her injection. she weights 7kg and 64cm. Weight is 90 percentile, height bwteen 75% to 90%. Yours around there what..

I think our baby is the above average type in terms of height and weight.
junnie & karrie,

just saw ur boys photos!!! omg.. junnie, your boy is indeed a sumo baby! so round!
matty boy super cute in his tigger suit, and he really knows how to pose hor... :p
aiyoh, i laugh out when i see the 2nd picture. adoi, super funny and cheeky. His tongue so sharp. Next time can argue with you..haha..
dodo, papaya fish soup! wow! so much effort for maintaining the BM supply.. sigh.. i feel my supply will discontinue soon...
dodo, gingerleaf..
geez.. i feel so guilty liao.. dunno how to cook, then drink lots of coffee somemore! X(

i wanna become a SAHM too!!!
aria jo, thanks. she just seems small compared to all the 7 - 8kg babies. but not complaining, cos she's already quite heavy to carry for long periods. can't imagine how the other mummies cope!

gingerleaf and dodo, i also sometimes eat cereal when too lazy to prepare lunch. but not often, cos i try to stock up on pasta and rice dishes (which i cook at night) or bread toppings like ham, tuna. just need to heat up in microwave, or assemble. easy to prepare, and at least got some variety. i think i will go crazy if i eat cereal everyday.
SAHMs really very wei da! i want to be one too! but think after awhile i may not like it ...
still, it would be nice to be with baby 24hrs for a change..

weekends faster come!

zhenzhen, my baby is small too leh. Her weight at 4mth was 6.8kg. Dunno how heavy is she now, gg for jab on friday, will weigh in that day.

I eat cereal coz of the nutritional value. Alway eat oso sianz. Somemore Im super lazy, I have a food court below my block, yet I always gets too lazy to go down and get any food. Anyway, my cereal is those cornflakes type, not those oatmeal ones.
