(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

pinky: yah my boy also v lazy.. never attempted to flip much,, but tummy time can hold his head up quite okie.. for 5-10 mins never put down.. now trying to carry him in upright position as much as possible as opposed to baby cradle way...

sigh, yah sometimes worry why he reaching some milestones abit late. but he ah, most things late, umbilical cord takes 14 days to drop n jaundice takes 3 weeks + then go down.. ha


Need to recap your boy DOB as it seems that his progress and my girl progress quite similarly.
Mine was 8.05kg at 4th 20days. Just a few days ago, she started to fuss a lot when drinking milk. This morning is worse, from morning 6.30am till now, she has 3 feeds but only abt 100ml per feed. Usually she will finished at least 150ml. I'm still monitoring the situation as she don't seem to be hungry as she don't cry for milk.
Not sure whether is this a sign of wanting solids?? Am still trying to hold on the introduction of semi-solid till when I have no choice.

my boy at ard 4mths old...look soo happy in his yaoyao..keke
totoro_bb: my boy is coming to 4 mths old this mon..according to what we weigh of him ourselves at home, he s ard 7.8kg think will only determine actual weight at PD in 2 days time..

he s still taking in milk fine.. he drinks ard 6 times per day (130ml x3 & 170ml x3). so far intake still okie, so think will not intro solids yet.. hoping to do so in 6th mth in fact
My girl is coming 5mths another few days so thinking to introduce a bit of rice cereal to her cos recently we ate, she will start to move her mouth here n there like she want to eat too.. so cute.. so thinking maybe she is really for food.. hehehe.. anyway, i will ask doc this coming tues whether she is suitable. She is gtg for her 2th 6 in 1 jab.

hope things will go smoothly for Lance.

Jayden eyes looks like you. Wah, handsome boy!

wormy weight seems pretty good, and if he isnt complaining, think no nid to start solid so soon ba. Its quite a hassle actually. Sometimes when I feed mine cereal, I find it abit troublesome and it takes a long time. Maybe she isnt that used to it yet as Im not exactly consistent. Oh well.
Junniez everything will be fine ... du nworry too much ...

I started on solid liao hmm bb ok la sometime like sometimes dun like ... got mood one ... am going to made my own Cerel too with the Brown rice and all ...

I notice that my boy will wait for me to be back home and make him sleep ... he now knows i am the mummy and who the daddy is liao ... hahahahahaha he dun like my IL dun let them carry .....
hi mummies
hv been v busy lately, so only read the posts and didnt post. Just brought my gal to the PD over the weekend. not sure if it's coz of the haze. she has running nose and phelgm. she is now 6.2kg and 62cm.. at 4mths and 3 weeks. hmm.. didnt grow much in length.

I'm still bathing her in the same way as you, ie putting the bath gel into the water. We are washing her head seperately with the cradle cap shampoo. coz she had cradle cap shampoo tt time.
hi mummies

on MC today, down with flu...hope won't pass it to baby.

re: bathing
I just squeeze about a 10 cent coin size of shower gel onto the wash cloth and soap him all over, then rinse off with water...matty's getting some rashes at his skin folds so have to wash and dry thoroughly...shampooing i do separately before putting him in the bath tub. easier that way for me...

re: jabs
took matty for his 2nd 6in1 jab and rotavirus oral dose last wed. he so funny, made noise when he was fed the rotavirus meds but totally calm when he had the jab--no wincing, no crying, even smiled after the injection leh. he's 7.3kg and 62cm long at 4mth and 1 week.
we started my girl on cereals last week...bo bian....she refused to drink milk when awake...so we try to feed her when she sleeps, then she only drink like 30 ml nia..

she was 6.5kg last Thurs @ 4.5mths old...checked with GP and she is at the 75 percentile..

currently feeding her with the HT brown rice cereal...about twice a day...
garden dreamz,
that time my fingers also look normal and no more puffiness in my legs but gynae reassure me it's water retention in my body. anyway, with time goes by and with the post natal massage, my numbness really went away.. may be you want to go for massage to see if the masseur can purge away the water for you?

re bathing:
my girl happen to be the "model" for the bathing demonstration at hospital. the nurse drop a few drops of liquid soap into the tub of water and washed her body using the soapy water. she'll then squeeze some into her hand and lather her hair and wash off using the same water in the tub. so, weve been doing that to her since birth.

re height, my girl also not really grow in height. she's growing horizontally!tomorrow going for her 2nd 6 in 1 jab, so, we'll see how she fair tomorrow. she's going 4 months and 1 week tomorrow.

oh dear..sounds so stressful..hope everything goes well for your children. take care yah...
Dear mummies,

some photos to share
1st time swimming experience

and she seems to be good at it

her new look after her hair cut

Busy eating the teether and refusing milk ...
i brought her to the ponggol plaza shop.
but the tub also abit small leh, she kicked and get bounced back. am thinking of alternative now.
totoro, paiseh ah.. might have missed something here.. but wat punggol shop? keke... btw, u r right abt e tub wor..it seems to me dat e tub's deep but not wide enough for them to explore..
hippo, i stay juz as far as u too. hehehe.
but i got the float from bp! Going to bring her for a swim next mth when her jabs all clear!

i wana buy the thermal swimsuit but the spree closed already le.. do u have the contact of the seller? wana ask whether she got extra stocks.. thanks!

hao jiu bu jian!
how are u? so who look after jayden for u? jayden very handsome leh... i think he has nice eyebrows...

i went tmc last fri for breast massage, it was so painful.. coz i find that my breasts become rather lumpy and i had a mild fever on fri morning... worried that it's caused by blocked ducts so decide to go for consultation that noon.. indeed, the lactation nurse said that i had blocked ducts and my left breast is more serious so she massaged very hard for me to clear those ducts.. i almost cried leh... luckily it's better now and i hope my bm supply will up again.. coz it drops abt 20% these few days.. stress...

any of your babies like to shout till very very loud? and always wana sit up? my boy loves to shout loudly these few days.. worry that he will have sore throat.. and when i "sshh" to him, he shouts louder, maybe he thought im playing wi him! alamak... and he cant stay still now, always wana sit up when we carry him, he also wana sit up when we put him in his rocker chair... then this morning, he managed to flip back from his tummy.. really must be very vigilant now, he's really "action-packed"...
how much you had to pay for the breast massage?
I remembered my massage lady oso did breast massage for me and it was so painful.
i paid $26 for it.. she said mine is "short session" so cheaper.. think more severe one is so-called "long session", shd cost abt $50+... u got this prob as well?
I m facing the same situatn as u. But my boy is more like scream n scream. Very high-pitched. I call out to him when he scream, he pause for a while n scream again when I stop. He luvs to jump up n down when we carry him upright (standing positn).
Hopefully my neighbours dun 'hate' me coz screams of my boy start as early as 6+ in the morning.
Haiz... Dun really wan to scold or punish him anymore coz he seems to dislike me. Turn away when I want to carry him. Perhaps coz I scold him when he rejects his milk.
My breast does feel lumpy from time to time, but I always massage it in the shower under hot water myself. I have a stone which I got from my massage lady, which I will heat up, n put it in a hot towel to knead my breast when it feels lumpy. Then have to really use strength to push n sqeeze out the milk. Pain like anything. Even when I do myself I oso feel liek crying. But I oso wonder if my diy sessions clears ducts better than what the lactation nurse can do for me, so wondering if need to see one too.
dodo, oh my.. poor girl.. must be an ordeal. big hugz! i hope u r feeling much better now ya? as for shouting: dunno if adri shouts alot or not but she sure is loud! now her newfound skills is blowing raspberries lor.. she turn on her tummy and she will start blowing liao.. sometimes i imitate her and she'll stop and look at me as if trying to ask me "eh! how come you also know tis leh?" then she'll start blowing louder than me..

gingerleaf, haha! i know.. u me n dodo all west side one.. =D i dunno leh.. i wana bring my girl for a swim but my grandma dun allow. she's telling me abt all e chlorine and etc etc bacteria in e swimming pool.. haiz.. tink i can only bring her swimming much later.. or maybe i have to buy e tub...

I went to kiddy to look at the swim suit but it seems that all of them are quite big even though it says size 1 (6mth above).

You have a pic of the one that you got? How to tell whether is it thermal?

Welcome to the thread !
hi totoro_bb,

oh you brought your BB girl to swim at ponggol plaza, i was there last Sat afternoon, 2nd swimming session for my boy....he enjoy it so funny seeing him kick & kick....agree that the tub also abit small , when kicked and got bounced back.

did you sign the swimming package for your girl?
doobom: my mum always say dun scold baby or show them stearn face if not they dun like u haha.. but i ll still do that cos if the grandparents dun want to discipline them, then its the parents' roles mah.. cannot scare they dun like u then give in to them.. but again, they are so young now so scolding them also fall on "deaf" ears hee..
just brought wormy to take his 2nd does of 6-in-1 & rotavirus.. he s fine with both, hubby n i quite surprised he didnt cry this time round, mayb the distrating rattle did its job heh,

he weighs 7.9kg (exactly 4 mtha old tomorrow) & 66cm. no change in height!! wonder why? maybe measurement not too accurate last/this time round,
Hi shazzie!
Welcome, Im a 1st time SAHM too. Whats ur baby's name, gender and dob?

The one I got from spree is the same as what kiddy palace is selling. Its is thick n the material isnt the normal spandex cloth type. More like foam to the touch. It comes with a cap too. I think there are 3 colors, black, blue and pink. Retails at 59.90 but I got it in bp for 30 plus!

the organiser nick is mei2!!! Hope that helps

ya, my boy's shouting also very loud and high-pitched... he just likes to shout, sometimes for no reason and sometimes it's when his daddy play rough wi him.. shang nao jing...


think as long as u have no fever and it's not painful when u expressing then shd be okay bah... do continue to massage and "maintain" our breasts is very important! blocked ducts are so painful...


thanks for the hugs
ya better now... but still got some lumps need to massage real hard loh.. haa! adrienne very funny leh! she dun wan u to copy cat her la.. she must be thinking "mummy very childish, she think she is also baby meh.." hee..

welcome shazzie!
ecookie, my boy seems to noe when I am scolding him. He will cry. After I sayang n say 'okok', then he calm down. He turns away when I want to carry him. So sad. =(

He smiles whenever he sees his daddy coz daddy only play n sleep with him. Din scold him or watever.

My MIL juz call me a while ago, saying that she disagree with my feeding method. Say she xin tong n my boy is kelian. Coz if my boy rejects milk, I will try to feed him n if not, will feed him after a while's rest.

Haiz... but if dun feed him, he live on air? Coz my thinking is that he used to be able to finish 180-200ml @ one go. Now that he is older, he is playful n keep wanting to play during his feed. Furthermore, I have reduce his feed to 160/180ml.

Am I really wrong? sighh...
aria jo
yah... thinking of going for massage if still have the numb/tight feeling in my fingers. sigh...

ur bb swim inside the tub so cute, love her v.v.cute chubby legs! in ur last picture, was ur gal in a high chair? can bb at this time sit on high chair alr? tot must wait till bb can sit by himself/herself then sit on high chair?

the float that you bought from BP can use until bb how old?

my boy also like you, like to scream n scream. noticed he v.vocal when he's on his tummy n doing his 'push-ups' n 'butt lifts'. wonder if he's trying to exert alot of energy when doing him pumping exercise thus the screams of effort? :D he also likes to stand whenever his feet touch any surface, but i try not to let him put any weight on him coz he's not ready to stand yet.

re: sleeping
any mummies still have babies refuse to be pat to sleep n got to carry to sleep? my boy until now still wanna b carried. am v.tempted to let him cry it out but worried that it would not be emotionally gd for him. tried leaving him on the bed but he refuse to sleep on his own, even though i give him his paci, his beanie, mummy's pillow,etc. nap times are always a batttle with him.

read about the cry it out methods,etc, but mostly is about letting bb sleep thru the night but my concern is how to get bb to sleep not just the night but during his daytime naps as well, without being carried n rocked? any advise?
Im n0t really sure leh. But I read that can use up to 18kg. I wun used it till that long anyway, coz once baby is bigger, I will progress to arm floats.

cheval and doobom, so long never see you all in forum.

I think as long as baby isnt making a fuss over hunger, it shld be okay. If you are realy concern, eg baby is also losing weight, maybe you'll like to see the pd and see what can be helped. My gal increased her milk feed to 150-180ml 3hrly, but now I noticed, she seems to be taking lesser n lesser, but she still sleeps thru. I think its common ba. Pd did mention that baby's progress slows down by 4mth.
I forgot to mention, on certain occasion she onli takes like 80ml or so and would spit out the rest and refuse to drink n cry when I try to force her to have more. but she is still growing fine. Dun worry so much.
hi gingerleaf: He's name is timothy, 8th oct 07. Wat's yours?

I bought the swimming float as well. Havent tried it out though...
I am not sure about my boy's weight now though he is 7.2kg @ 3+mths. So thatz why I went to get a digital scale to weigh him 2nite. Haha...

He has been active recently, n I feel that somehow he seems lost weight.

I m worried abt my boy's weight. Gonna weigh him 2nite.
welcome shazzie! timothy's got e same bday as my girl, Adrienne..

dodo, remember to massage ur breasts when u have time to prevent e blocked ducts ya? else so poor thing gotta go thru e painful massage *shiver*
aiya, adri is super naughty la.. i reali feel like biting her.. hahaha!!

dooboom, bo bian one ma.. as a mother, u sure wana feed ur baby one wat.. else will worry abt him getting hungry wor.. hmm.. u can try skip one feed or dun make him finish one feed? if he's reali hungry, he will finish more the next round ba.. cos like wat gingerleaf mentioned, their milk intake slows down.. probably datz y? dun tink too much ya!

hi ginerleaf, didn't log in for a while. i bought the swimming float for my boy too, try on him last week but he not very comfortable cos pump to much air in it become too hard. mummies my advise is althought the instruction said pump 90% full, maybe 80% will be enough.

my boy goes to bed at 10:30/11:00pm, still need to carry/rock to sleep, try to pat him to sleep unless he is tire else he will not sleep on his own. I checked with his teacher in the infant school that he can sleep on his own, but he very naughty at home need to carry to sleep when he is with me.

my boy also take less milk used to finish 150ml but now only 120ml to 150ml (3hrs 6x a day). Plan to increase his feed and move him to 4hrs.
