(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

sigh..my baby very "chia" leh...put pacifier in her mouth, she spit it out....swaddle her arms, she scream and cry - so angry with big drops of tears...looks like i have a very big bully here...

jeddie, i have to keep the pacifier in his mouth too. he will spit it out. but once he has no pacifier, he will cry...so i have to keep it in..=D dunno when can no need to keep pacifier in his mouth for him..sigsh
aria, velvet
ya.. I agree tt the company is so kind to provide a nursing room for us..
supportive bosses are also impt so tt they allow us time off to pump. Nowadays qta lot of companies also hv nursing room.. even those places where i go for training will hv nursing room.
frosty, you mentioned an accident plan... is that from AIA too?

currently looking for insurance. having a headache choosing one...
Hi Frosty,

Thanks for your advice. I will try it out. :)

Hi Jeddie,

Could it be the baby has colic or what? Did u try to apply Yu Yee Oil? Maybe it could help him to sleep better.
Hi there,
Sorry to intrude i'm from Nov thread.

I have a Yaolan used not more then 5times bought it 6mths ago. Condition still very good. Anybody interested can email me at [email protected] leting go at $80 bought it at $110. To be collect at Jurong West
hi all mummies,

I have 7 unopened tins of Enfalac A+ for sale at $30 each. Expiry date is apr 09. Collection at boon lay. Please let me know if you are interested.

dodo, nice blog
ziqian is so cute. and i love your profile photo! kinda regret not taking pregnancy shots last time...hai
thanks karrie & frostyfiona

haa.. ya, i kept telling hubby i dun dare to take such photos.. but who knows! :p

bb matthias and bb xavier very adorable... they look very "man"!
Hi mummies,

many of u have blog for yr BB..... so nice... i didnt create one... v lazy mummy..=P


saw yr boy blog...so cute... heard sum of u talking abt breastmilk..i dont hv to much to store leh.. sumtm still hv to give Fm..

U start work already?? i started last tues... so tired.. dun feel working..miss my boy a=when at work lor... u know when im goin out.. I said to him " Jayden, mummy goin to work Bye" he smile at me .. This make me dun feel goin to work..


i didnt notice that thomson hv cover ins..me blur mummy leh...

hw r u n yr gal?....


hi gal, nice to meet u here. I noticed u r my brother's friend wife.. =)... saw the bb u post same with my brother friendster..keke
hw yr BB goin on... saw one of his v chubby pic.. so cute...

Mummies here,

anyone of yr BB like to sleep one side... I found my boy like to slp one side since one month old.. nw his head like ait flat behind...make me so sad.. =<

my boy also like to slp one side. you got to keep flipping his head when he slping, if not will be flat one... that's what i do when he's young... now he slp in the yao lan, so slp one side also not so much worry.. sometimes he slp with us on the bed also slp one side one...

somehow i think he feels secure by slping sideway...

ya lor,, sumtm so worry , i also flip his head but he dun like n cry... so i gv up n gv him slp yaolan durin morn n afternn time... but will slp on his cot durin nite.. I tink bb like to slp one side.. isiz mre comfort..keke
yah, my nephew also like to slp one side... or else you try to let your baby slp on the nappy cloth, you fold and fold into one small rectangle then at least act like a cushion for his head...
hie, my gal also! her head already kinda flat fr the forceps and her sleepoing on one side not helping. gotta keep putting her on the other side, turn her head over and put on tummy. worried lei, feel like bringing her to kk to check it out dunno kiasu or not. i dun hv yaolan cos dun wan her to depend on the swinging to fall asleep.
Hi there,
I'm from May 07 thread. If any of you needs extra glass bottles to store your EBM, do send me a PM. I have about 20 bottles to give away (w/o caps).

go get the sleep positioner. I got mine from babysafe and it helps in keeping her to sleep on ur desired side. My baby slept too much on her left, resulting a flatter side. So now I use the sleep positioner thingy and baby got no choice but to sleep on her right.

my boy also got this prob... he likes to sleep on his right, both my mum and MIL noticed his flatter side at once...


thanks for telling us this! dun know got such thing le.. how does it look like? the product name is sleep positioner? scared buy the wrong pdt.. thanks!

i haven start work yet, will clear my leave after my maternity leave, so suppose to go back to work end-jan.. but intend to take no pay leave after that coz i really cant bear to part wi bb leh.. so this is the arrangement for the moment loh... got any latest update photo of your boy?
re: sleeping positions
I wasn't sure what you mummies were talking about when u said there is a preference of sleeping on one side cos I don't really pay attention...
But now I finally understood!! cos both sides of my son's head are flat. His head shape is the longish type so its flat at the sides and protuding at the back...thats why I never noticed which position he sleeps cos both sides of his head are flat. Hmmm
its this thingy that looks like 2 bolster velcro-ed to a strip of cloth in the center.
Adjust the wide of the 2 'bolsters' 1st then lay baby down to sleep on their side. They cannot turn anymore coz kena 'kiap' by the 2 bolsters.
Think its very useful. The 1st time I saw it, I tot its crap, but now Im so happy they came out with such products. hehehe

thanks for the info!

shall source for it at KP... but will bb shift their head despite being kiap? coz i also use small bolster to kiap my boy, but he can "escape" from it very soon.. sigh~
gingerleaf, how much did u pay for it leh? my girl also will turn her head around le...is it really ur bb won't turn her head?

will u bring bb out tonight for xmas celebration?
hubby and me wish to bring bb out but worry everywhere will be very crowded.. any recommendation of places?
Hello mummies,

An advance Merry Christmas to all of you.... The first christmas the October 2007 babies have.....
This morning I am asking my boy what he like for Christmas, and the daddy answered,"Of course presents lah..." How I wish he can play now so that I can get him lots and lots of toys....heehee

Dodo, Saw your blog....Like it best on your valentine day gift for your husband....
gingerleaf, how much did u pay for it leh? my girl also will turn her head around le...is it really ur bb won't turn her head?
gingerleaf, how much did u pay for it leh? my girl also will turn her head around le...is it really ur bb won't turn her head?
Ho ho ho~~Merry Xmas Mummies...
Enjoy yr Holiday !!!...


the sleep positioner, i tink kiddy palace do sell ritez?.. thks for the inf.. so worry my boy head bcm mre n mre flat ..=<

wow shiok to start wk at end jan than on feb CNY cmin..keke... Hmm i try upload but file too big..haha.. mayb will update u gals thou email =)
hi all mamas,

no, the head cannot turn! coz baby kena 'forced' to sleep on their sides liao. Its GOOD!
got it for ard $30+, but i got it at a 20% off at the baby store at great world city, dunno whats that call.
hi mummies! MERRY X'MAS!! =D

pinky, am great! how r u n bb? i oso bery lazy, dun hv blog.. hmm... even my journal is done halfway. haha! am also back at work since 4/12 liao.. bery sian...

we did brought our girl out on saturday and i really regret it. so crowded and so noisy with speaker blasting here and there. so worried my girl's hearing will be affected cos even my own eardrum has the "wong wong" sound after that..

wah, your baby very long and big hor..
she is big la. overweight.

As from the picture I posted, you can see that there is no way to turn her head oreadi, coz she is being 'forced' to sleep on her sides. You can get it for ard $30++
Merry Christmas to all you Mummies and your babies!

*SIGH* My baby has developed a new "pattern". She now refuses to take milk (from bottle) from me. If I'm lucky, she'll take 50% of the bottle, otherwise she'll not take any at all. She's ok when I just carry her and sayang her, but when i try to feed her, she'll cry and turn her head away from the teat. Only my father-in-law can feed her with no problem. My hubby also can feed her most of the time. Really dunno why...
Merry Christmas to all you Mummies and your babies!

*SIGH* My baby has developed a new "pattern". She now refuses to take milk (from bottle) from me. If I'm lucky, she'll take 50% of the bottle, otherwise she'll not take any at all. She's ok when I just carry her and sayang her, but when i try to feed her, she'll cry and turn her head away from the teat. Only my father-in-law can feed her with no problem. My hubby also can feed her most of the time. Really dunno why...
Merry Christmas to all you Mummies and your babies!

*SIGH* My baby has developed a new "pattern". She now refuses to take milk (from bottle) from me. If I'm lucky, she'll take 50% of the bottle, otherwise she'll not take any at all. She's ok when I just carry her and sayang her, but when i try to feed her, she'll cry and turn her head away from the teat. Only my father-in-law can feed her with no problem. My hubby also can feed her most of the time. Really dunno why...

thanks for the illustration and thanks bb aralyn for "modelling"...

wonder will my boy shout when he cant turn or not leh.. :p

yes, the gordon is the sunday times bb.. hee.. he's my colleague's son


ya.. i cant stand those noise also... maybe can look for a quiet restaurant...

MERRY XMAS to all mummies! enjoy it wi our loved ones..

thanks for the illustration and thanks bb aralyn for "modelling"...

wonder will my boy shout when he cant turn or not leh.. :p

yes, the gordon is the sunday times bb.. hee.. he's my colleague's son


ya.. i cant stand those noise also... maybe can look for a quiet restaurant...

MERRY XMAS to all mummies! enjoy it wi our loved ones..

yr bb is chubby so cute...


we r fine..=)
yes lor v sian ... but recently alot of holiday..keke.... envy gingerleaf no need to work.. can acc her gal...
lyn is really tall and growing well liao

dodo, ur blog very interesting too!!wow,u taking no pay leave for 6 months!!

pinky,hippo...i oso going back to work in 3weeks time liao..will miss feeding sean
esp now he starts to goo at us liao...envy gingerleaf, can be wif lyn 24/7...

dodo, no harm trying. We got it coz pd commented that bb head isnt even, n its pretty obvious.
At 1st I tot its gg to be hard on her, but she was pretty alrite with it. Sleep sideway like this oso not bad lah, easier to pat pat the butt/thigh there to sleep.
