(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


My boi growth spurt last abt 2wks. Sometimes 150ml, sometimes 180. Only 2 times shoot up to 210ml. Usually each feed shld last 3hrs, that's how I gauge whether to upsize or not.

Suggest you monitor 1 day to check if she's hungry within 2hrs even after her sleep cos when she's awake, uses more energy, thus may get hungry easier.

If you decide to upsize, try 150ml 1 full day also. Check when she can finish and when she can't. So you can vary b/w 120 n 150ml till stablize. One thing to take note: your gal's stomach can only hold that much. So if she can only take 120ml and hungry within 2hrs, let it be. Don't force 150ml hor, thinking it will last 3hrs. Speaking from experience...hope it helps!

Btw, I bought a lemon this morning but don't know how to descale? Pls help!

Yia, my bb also kung fu throughout his sleep. I put him to sleep at the 'head' of the cot and he'll end up at the 'tail' in the morning. Sometimes will cry a few seconds in his sleep. Wonder what's in his dreams...

Re:wt loss
Mummies, if you are thinking of doing ab crunches to flatten your tummy, pls DON'T. No matter how fit you are, it's only recommended after 6mths post partum to avoid tearing of your rectus abdominis (6 pecs) muscles. Meanwhile, pelvic tilt and Pilates exercises are best to tone those flabs.

oh same here. i thought it's a few days only. my girl was drinking madly more than 1 week and i thought there's something wrong with her. and thanks for your advice. my hubby also said he rather he feed her every 2 hourly than feed her 150ml.
hi mummies, so jealous that you all lost so much weight in the beginning. I only lost like 2kg in the first 2 week. Dunno if it is becos of the rich confinement food that i have taken that makes it so hard to lose the weight. Cannot fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes yet and my tops all very tight due to the increase bust size. Still got another 5kg more to go... =(

Is bouncer the same as those FP rocker? I put my bb on the rocker but was told that it is not good for his spine as it is still not strong. My mom occasionally let him sit up to "train" his spine.

hi aria, my office got no nursing room. So now i rush home during lunch hour to pump. i'm now pumping for a longer duration to try to get more milk...

hi lavender, how did you get your bb to sleep thru? my bb doesn't have a fix timing. Sometimes, 12am, 4am, 7am if not 1am, 5am, 8am. We are still trying to get rid of 1 night feed.
Re: Descaling
Okay.. This is what I do, use one lemon and squeeze out all the juice. Then pour it into the sterilizer. After about 15 mins - 30 mins, pour away the lemon juice, rinse it and wipe it dry. Then u will have a nice and clean metal part for ur sterilizer. It works for me. U can try it out and feedback!
fitty, great advice! need to start remembering to do those pilates and pelvic tilt diligently!! always forget leh. i also forget abt kegels too!

so for descaling, use lemon juice can liao to steam together?

i also notice that bb get hungry faster when awake throughout! and do ur bbs get hungry faster during these cool days?

aria - i also avoid curry and spicy stuff, but sometimes can't help but sneak a few mouthfuls! sigh, to think that during preggie already avoid certain foods, now bfing must avoid even more! at least now can eat the raw stuffs, my beloved half boiled eggs and cooling stuff. but gotta give up the caffeine, the spicy foods, tomato stuffs (my fav!). sigh...all for our bb, and our sanity+sleep. heh, it's still worth it lah!
Re: Weight Loss
Sigh~ Very envious of all those mommies who lost weight sooo fast. I put on almost 23 kg throughout my whole pregnancy lei. Now still got another 10 more kg to go. And I can't resist the temptation to binge on food lei. How? How? I've been doing the situps and pelvic lifts... but don't seem to help.
grace, u try cutting down on ur carb intake. take more of the dishes and less of the rice stuff. are u on tbf? cannot diet too much on tbf.
velvet, yah..my boi gets hungry faster when he is awake most of the time. =D

grace, thanks for sharing. will ask my MIL to buy lemon tomorrow liao and descale my steriliser. 2.5 months never sterilise leh! PENG!

both bb and me fine! thanks

i bought the babysafe latex pillow last weekend, and bb anderson is sleeping soundly on it now.. hee.. bb adrienne very tall & chubby when borned also! my nephew very cute, he asked me "gu gu, why didi's hand got 1, 2 & 3 eggs? haa! all thanks to the folds on anderson's arms :p

talking about weight, i gained 20kg throughout my pregnancy, now only manage to lost 11kg, still got 9kg to go.. i find it extremely hard to shed off the fat.. esp my tummy, so horrible

i remember some mummies here have the beansrpout pillow that can sew bb's name on it.. may i know where to get it? wana buy for my cousin who will be delivering soon... thanks!
yup.. i put my boy on a routine since day 1 after discharge... it's tough in the beginning..esp the first 2 weeks. no night no day..trying to adapt n adjust... we persist on n finally, everything falls into place. i started out by using the bath as an indication to sleep... cos i realise he slept well after bath... so there's this period of time we bathe him ard 8pm. then feed him his 9pm feed. Bef bath, we will reduce our communications n activities wif him.... after feed, we'll put him to bed in his cot. dim the lights... during daytime, we will take him out of his cot...so he can recognise that the cot is the place for him to sleep in... so now, he's on this routine liao... Recently,we went out wif him n came back ard 9pm plus... we quickly bathe him n feed him n immediately, he just KO cos by then, it's already 10 plus almost 11pm...

talk abt weight, me like Grace, gain abt 20kg during preggy... now still got abt 9kg to lose!! Went to gym once... hoping to hit gym regularly too.

my boy's on Similac too... stools abit watery but guess he's not on full FM...mixed wif EBM. Heard that if green stools = dehydrated... not enough water.
hmm, hope my gal will be able to sleep through soon. i also put her on routine since day 1 leh. but v difficult to follow the routine of eat, activity then sleep. cos sometimes she really sleep well after eating. sigh. my only consolation is that only have 1 nite feed. my gal is super active after bath lor! thot i could get her to sleep after bath, so cannot do that liao. however, her sleep time is quite consistent one. around 10pm KO. after the 9pm feed and burp and change. realise that she must be properly burped before sleeping one.

lavendar - jia you! just eat healthily! dieting is bad for bb.
dodo, bb adrienne very chubby now dat she's botak! haha... =P i like to play with her michelin arms too! keke.. let's meet when they are able to sit up and not so cranky?

velvet, u can get e latex pillow at kiddy palace / kids mall!
yalor..all worth it. i really try to tahan not to take coffee. today, super sleepy at work but refrain myself from drinking coffee..

wah, so good. my baby's routine is all hay wire.. mine usually will take a nap after her morning bath but that's abt it. at night, she sleep like 12-1am.. very bad i know but if she sleep at 10 plus, she'll want her feed at 2am, 4am, 6am..very scary! i did this once thinking that i have to trained her to sleep early but it was disastrous..whole night no sleep mann...dare not try again..
what's the interval you're pumping now? how much you're getting? now, office slightly better. i will try to book the meeting room the day before during lunch for pump. then the next session i will use the cleaner auntie room to pump after they knock off. i think it's cleaner than the toilet lor..

yup, i got it at kiddy palace...

sure!!! let's meet up
anderson also botak! we shaved him on his full month coz we wana do the tai mao bi for him
the master said he got lots of hair, can do many hairbrushes! but we wan one and only
u back to work already? i have decided to take no pay leave after clearing all my leave... but gonna seek my boss approval 1st, think shdn't be a problem
avocado1, my baby girl passes motion every 5-7 days. But when she does, she does it 3-4 times over a span of 1-2 days. It's not diarrhoea or constipation - just her "pattern". Her stool is normal breastmilk stool :)

re. warming of milk
After reading some of the forum postings, I got worried because I always use boiling-hot water to warm up EBM (stored in the fridge compartment) as my baby girl is rather impatient. I also wasn't sure if that would destroy the nutrients and antibodies. So I called the KK hotline and they said it's ok. Whew! Just thought I should share with you other mummies. :)

Both the osteopath and chiropracter spent about 15 minutes explaining their theories, which are similar to each other, behind the colicky behavior - due to birth trauma as the baby's head was in an awkward position for a long while during the birth process - and this affected a nerve which affected the digestive system.

to remedy the situation, osteopath did some very light weight massage on baby's tummy to help the wind to come out, he taught us the technique which we are to do often at home. if i had gone for subsequent sessions, i think he will try to align/ stretch out baby's neck, cos he observed she seemed to prefer to put her head close to her chest.

chiropracter focused on her spine - touched her spine - and found a spot that needed 'rearragement', and touched that and used a small instrument that gave a gentle tap to strengthen that rearrangement.

certainly very interesting and very different from the medical perspectives of KKH doc and pediatrician we saw.

breastfeeding and diet and reflux
i read up on reflux on the internet and there is a lot of people who say that diet of breastfeeding mother affects reflux. some recommend the Elimination Diet, found on Dr Sear's website.

I tried to stay off the top 8 allergens - egg, dairy, wheat, fish, shellfish, peanuts, soy and i can't remember what.

supposedly takes 2 weeks for the allergens to clear from our body to see the results.. i have tried for 1.5 weeks already. baby seems to be improving. but yesterday and today my mum cooked fish for me- did not want to eat it, but did not know how to tell her again without offending her, so ate it.. baby didn't sleep well this afternoon.. not sure how to make sense of that, if it was indeed related to the allergy to fish in my diet and affected my breastmilk.
hi aria,
my interval is 6hourly, 4x and i'm getting abt 180ml to 200ml. Feeling very drowsy at work. Looking forward to Jan where i will take my 3rd mth ML and will be increasing my freq back to 7x.

hi dodo,
i got my customised pillow recommended by Jovial from Raffles Exchange. Shop name is Embrio. Pillow case costs $10 and pillow with beansprout costs $24. Size is 45cm by 15cm. It takes about 1 week.
oh no, after reading all ur posts, i then realised tt breastfeeding mums`cannot anyhow eat lei.. how now? i drink coffee, eat curry, take spicy food, take chessy stuffs, n just ate a big plate of tomato sauce spagetti....

how will these affect bb>? cos i have been eating these and has been breastfeeding for 2 months liao

poor bb...
Hi mummies,

I see we've moved on to breastfeeding diet heehee. I only stay off tea and coffee, coz it makes my baby super cranky and hyper (tried and tested oredi). Other stuff like spicy foods i still take. But the other day my baby was kinda rejecting my milk. think coz i ate lotsa curry very hiam or what :p

Velvet, U can get the latex pillow at Mums & Babes. I got mine from the AMK hub branch.

Regarding descaling sterilizer, I'm using pigeon steam sterilizer. the manual says to squeeze half a lemon into a cup, pour onto the heating element and let it stand 30min. After that use a clean cloth to wipe off the remaining limescale and rinse with water. That's all that's needed. I tried it and it works. the heating element is super clean after that.
that's quite good. are you suplementing your baby? 4x can TBF her? I only express 2 times in office, abt 4 hours interval and can get 125ml per session. but my girl is drinking 3-4 times when i'm working..how to meet the demand..thinking of pumping 3 times now but wonder what my collegue will think of me.. always MIA..hehe...

if your baby has no adverse reaction towards your food, you're 1 lucky lady! try to eat more nutritious food as what you eat gets into the milk.

i think boiling water to warm the milk won't destroy the nutrients but it will kill the antibodies..that's why most warmer will warm the milk up to 40 degree celcius only..
aria - how u prepare ur ebm stock before you go back to work leh? So ur caregiver supplement with FM? I also wonder how to meet the demand. i'm going back on 14 jan. sianzzzzz

unice - yah, agree with aria, if ur bb no adverse reaction towards ur food, then that's great! for me, i discovered the tomato thingy cos of her diaper rash. i still sneaks mouthfuls of curry here and there lah, but minimal lor. and banned coffee lah, realised still can live without it. thinking of sustaining on chicken essence when return to work to "ti shen", cos i still have tons of them, haven't consumed during confinement and ppl give lots.

Speaking of diet - i just finished off the birds' nest supply, been taking that after giving birth. i used to be a sceptic of birds' nest, but i think there's some effect. my skin do not have any pimples and not really v dry, even though i have not been doing any skincare since birth! so tired with bb bo eng with skin liao, even my facial also haven't go yet. thinking of continuing with this birds' nest supplement but v exp man to take it daily! yikes!

karrie - thx for info! i also using the pigeon steam steriliser. will do the descaling soon! i really regret not getting 2 sets during the taka bb fair, v good deal cos came with the warmer. sigh.
hi aria,
yes, im supplementing him with FM for night feeds. But some nights, he will be on TBF if there's enuff milk. He's a big drinker. I realised when i extend my interval from 3hr to 6hr i will actually get slightly more. But i also increase my pumping time from 20min to 30min. Previously, im expressing only 60 to 80ml every 3hr and express only 7x. Drink more fluid and eat more fish, will help to increase the qty. Or increase your pumping time?

Regarding BF diet,
Heehee, i tink i eat too much sweet. My BM a bit sweet sweet... My bb always have rashes on the face, PD say it is ezema but i wonder if BM is the cause for it? Dunno if he's allergic to any food coz i never abstain at all. Apply the medicated cream also doesn't work, in fact the face become drier than before. He keep scratching his face maybe because his face is itchy and dry.. Poor thing.
hi dodo, i did e taimaobi too! though i shaved her head only when she turned 2 mths cos i didnt wana do it. so heartpain initially but now i see her botak so cute.. haha!! i engaged e services from huaxia taimaobi so the shave is free.. also wanted me to do a few brushes. but XIAO ah!! very ex leh.. box also charge $$$. dumb me, shd hv just done e brush n get e box elsewhere.. haiz.. =(

am back to work since 4/12.. took only 2mths ML cos wanted to stagger e last mth leave so that i can bring bb to HKG to see my relatives..u?
i didnt stock up much..hehe.. all along my supply already not enough how to stock up much leh..when my girl drinking FM, i will express out and this will be stocked up..by the time i go to work, i have abt 7 bottles in the freezer only cos i prefer to keep in the fridge so that the antibodies don't die..

i still have 5 bottles in the fridge but i think probably can last a day or 2 and from then onwards, whatever i express will be for tomorrow consumption. Will keep in the fridge compartment. I try not to stress myself to produce the milk but slowly increase my supply.. so, i will still supplement FM until come a point she's on TBF. well, if it happens lah..haha...

if you're keen to TBF even after you start working. this is what my gf taught me how to stock up.

method 1 - Express your milk half hour before BF and you count on your body let down to feed her during her actual feeding time. If you girl miss her feeding time because she's not hungry or she's sleeping, pump out your milk during that still. This is make your brain think that you're breastfeeding your baby and your body will generate the amount at the same intervals.. I never really get to practice this because i really have no time.

method 2 - Pump after you have BF your baby even if there's no milk. Pump for 15 mins each side. this method is the most common i think. but each time will only get 10~20ml initially and according to some mummies, it will increase slowly woh..

Regarding stocking up milk. This is what my gf taught me.

1)You can slowly accumulate small amount of milk you express in the day to make up 1 bottle. After that, put this bottle in the freezer. Cannot leave the full bottle more than 24 hours in the fridge since it's a cumulation of diff batches of milk.

2) When your baby miss her feed, express out the milk and that will be another bottle in the freezer.

I started very late, abt 4-5 days before i start work and only managed to get 7 bottles.

oh yeah, my caregiver is my hubby and in laws. hubby will make FM if no more EBM in fridge. So far, i try to prepare 3 bottles of 125ml each but i think my girl needs 4 bottles. Since i only pump twice, it will come a time, i will need to supplement more FM.. No choice lah..Some BM rather no BM right..after work, weekends or holidays, i will try to latch whole day long to maintain or hopefully increase the supply..
wow, long time never come to this thread as I'm a cow most of the time, haha. talking abt breastfeeding, just got thru one of the worst phase of my milking life. i've stock up tons of pkts of breastmilk in the fridge & coincidently, the fridge breaks down. woa, immediately pack all my breastmilk to my mom's plc. although i've repair the fridge liao, but bb is rejecting some of the milk as some of them got a weird smell. therefore, no choice except to throw them away, super HEARTPAIN nia.

but heng, her mummy is definitely a cow as valerice dun need to worry abt no milk to drink. my freezer is omost full of pkts of frozen milk liao and i think that i've such gd supply due to my breastpump. i can pump abt 180-220 every time x 7 sessions daily (haiz, too much milk oso headache as omost no space in the fridge liao & diff to stop milk prodn if going to stop bfding
wah..so envious!! no need heartpain lor cos you got so much supply ya..for us, even 5 ml also heartpain mann.. :p what pump are you using?
aria - thx for the advice. I also hesitant to put in freezer cos of the lack of antibodies leh. but wld that be a better choice to FM leh? mtd 1 sounds very siong leh. For mtd 2, i also try and also express 10-20ml for the side that she feed on. cos i only latch 1 side, the other side will pump out milk lor, like maybe 50-60.

is it when compared to pump and latch, bb take in 1oz more when latch? so if i pump like 50-60, she actually likely to take in 80-90?

Also, I thought can leave milk in fridge for 48hrs max based on the older expressed milk? My gal still take in only 100ml at the bottle leh. i prepare more also sayang one.
yes, so jealous... I wanted to start on TBF also difficult. Every drop is precious. Just the other day, my hubby pour away 60ml of EBM just becos he forgot to put it in the fridge. Ouch! i stay up so late and express till my nipples so sore and it is gone...

mummies, i dun direct feed my bb. how to feed EBM if we are outside? which is better? Putting them in cooler bag? Or heating up EBM first and put them in thermal bag? how long can each mtd last?
wow, angelz! Solid siah. I taking fenugreek also pump total 100-120max. dunno is it because my gal's own feeding pattern? What did u eat huh? And what pump u using?! heh
ponponta - i think shdn't heat up ebm then put in thermal bag leh, cos will spoil faster right? My SIL put in cooler bag, then request for hotwater to heat up when feeding.

oh, mummies who back to work and expressing, how u prepare for the expressing? How and where u clean (wash in toilet?), sterilise, store during office, and bring back home? Cooler bag with the ice bag can liao right?

same like hippo, i did mine at huaxia tai mao bi also
u can call this number 62585505 to enquire more... think the price range from 60+ to a few hundreds depend on the materials... and each brush has its own meanings


me also very heartpain!!! coz bb had bushy hair and beautiful sideburn... but we think it's meaningful to keep this taimaobi of him and give it to him when he turn 21...
mine also very exp leh, costs me $300+!!! agree wi u, shd buy the box elsewhere..

oic.. i intend to take no pay leave till next july/ aug... will bring my baby to Aus next july to visit my sis & niece
where u stay gal? maybe we can arrange a la-kopi session near our places, jio along our antenatal class kakis.. gingerleaf, pinky, unice & garden dreamz... hope it will not be a chaotic scene when babies cry together! haa...

me too.. i haven been drinking half cup of coffee every morning... and eat spicy food as well :p so far i din notice any special reactions from him from the food i eat, so i think shd be okay ba...

yes agree wi u.. every drop is so so precious... last sat noon my boy had a leftover of 30ml ebm, u know what my mum did? she use it as milk for coffee! haa.. so everyone in my family get to have a taste of it, she she told us only after we had the coffee... my dad almost pengsan! he said no wonder the taste so weird.. :p
oh, ponponta - the eczema could also be brought on by your diet. see if u cut out nuts and shellfish got any improvemen or not. but will need time to see the effect, if any.
dodo, ur mama winner!! whahahahha!!!!
I always tell my baby to finish her milk, if not daddy will have to drink, so at times when she really cannot finish, i will pass the bottle to daddy, and he will desperately try to coax baby to drink more. whahahaha.
freshly expressed milk can store in fridge for up to 48 hours max. put the bottle all the way inside because it'll be the coolest. Nonetheless, I have read of a mother who put up to 3 days and the milk is fine according to her.

i think it is true abt drinking more by the bottle than latching..

when going outside, i will not bring my ebm out. where to find place to warm the milk? bring lots of hot water along? very "mafan" leh..so, we usually bring FM and will BF if the shopping centre has nursing room. Sometimes, i BF in my husband van..haha..just use a shawl cover myself and baby..

regarding expressing in office, i will sterilized my pump in the morning (so, it's once a day). after using in office, i will rinse with tap water and then soak the pump in boiling water for several minutes and drip dry. i have been doing this at home too and baby so far so good leh.. sometimes, we just cannot be too clean lah. imagine, olden days where got so hygienic one...we all grow up big and healthy right? :p

i bought fridge-to-go that can last 16 hours. put the bag straight into freezer in the office. expressed milk i put in a mini fridge my collegue lend me. after work, put the bottles into the FTG and go home.

If u do not have a fridge in office, you can pump and put the bottle into the FTG. It acts as a fridge to keep the milk cool. My collegue tried this before when she's outside and need to pump out the milk. The model i bought cost ard $50. I think it's reasonable price lah compare to a pump..

thanks for the number
huaxiatai is reputable is it? great tip, will not get the box from them..hehe..haha, your mum so cute, put the milk in the coffee..i ever asked my hubby whether he wants to taste my expressed milk and he rejected it. haha...think adult just feel weird abt drinking breast milk :p
i have a mini fridge lah, but not sure if cool enough. do u think those cooler bag that they provide with the pump is good enough? Where did u get your FTG? Do u have a separate container for all ur pump accessories and stuff?

haa! we sama sama.. when my hubby feeds bb and he cant finish it, then i will tell hubby that he gonna drink the balance! :p my mama really very cute leh.. last time when she did confinement for me, she told me that breastmilk is very good moisturiser, so asked me to squeeze some milk and apply on my hand after expressing... i told her i scared ants will attack me!


i think so far so good bah, din hear bad reviews abt them yet.. some of my colleagues did the taimaobi wi them as well... actually my hubby dun mind to drink, he still asked me what i ate coz my BM got greasy taste..haa.. im the one who dun dare to drink, weird taste leh...

oh yeah, i bought lock&lock container to put the pump and hotwater. other container dun dare to use because not sure how good is the plastic is. got my FTG from self fix store. Vivo city and parkway parade carries the product. your cooler bag comes with a ice pack? i think with ice pack should be ok bah. put at least 2 ice pack. also, why dun you put a small bottle into the cooler bag in the morning and open it say 6pm and see if the milk is ok? just to test out the cooler bag.

mine after put into freezer or fridge has this "chou you" taste and adour. I thought the milk spoil but apparently it's not. Spoilt milk smells awful and taste sour..
