(2007/10) October 2007 MTB


just wondering had anyone bought insurance for bb? so many types of it making me confuse...
i got free insurance from glene, but onli for 6 mths. expire oreadi then see how, daddy keen in one of the ntuc policy.

Hows anderson blog coming along? cant wait to do see it.
your mom is very cute.. i also got my free insurance from MEH. i fill up the form but till now, they have not response yet. At the same time, i took out life and hospitalization policy from AIA.

oops.. tink i will trial and error and see wat cause the rashes. So far, haven eat nuts and shellfish yet leh..

Regarding storing EBM,
i'm using the cooler bag that comes with the pump if im expressing outside. But den again, i seldom express outside..only done it once at my MIL place.
the max i heard abt storing EBM in fridge is 4 days. normally, i store it for 2 days..

if after storing in the fridge for 2 days can we transfer it in the freezer if it is unconsumed?

wat's bb reaction when they reject milk? Do they spit it all out and cry? Does spolit milk has a very distinctive sour smell?
grrrrr. called the friso hotline juz now, hoping to buy friso 1 from them direct, but was turned down. So disappointing, cannot get the promotion.
wah...u still avoid foods!! Think I'm very naughty... though BF... still eating all kinds of food... durian, curry, raw stuffs... and even peanuts! I even cooked tomato omelette for dinner sometimes... so far, my boy doesn't reject my milk. Drink up everything i give... but I'll eat everyting in moderation... n only take in the most one cup of coffee/tea per day... my boy taking in all the milk I give. so far so good.

I usu take EBM out if going out... can be abit 'ma fan' cos need to find hot water to warm the milk. Usu we go to cafe or some eatery place to drink or eat..then ask for a bowl of hot water. So far the places we went r rather friendly... gave us hot water whenever we asked for it. =)

to all mummies
does anyone know how to gauge if the bb is teething? Cos my boy seems to salivate often (now got to put on bib for him liao) and likes to put his fingers in his mouth... lucky I still put on the mittens for him... so it's his mittens that got wet. Also he seems to be like 'talking' to me... keeps on babbling... even when I'm not within his sight... at times, even laugh out loud... find it abit 'creepy'. Is it he's trying to talk? isn't it abit too early??? he's currently 2mths 1 week odd old.
hi mommies, i have 3 cans of Friso comfort( for colicky, constipated babies) to let go at $20 for all 3 cans.

Stocked too many cans and now baby changed to soy formula.

If interested, pls PM me. Thank you

Self collect at Boon Lay MRT
not too sure abt storing in fridge then to freezer after 2 days. i usually consume within 2 days if i want to keep in fridge. if i want to keep in freezer, it's either straight to freezer or 1 day in fridge and then freezer..play safe better.

my girl also start to babble a bit liao and will "complain" when she's bored or want a change of environment. it's "ai ai" sound and slowly tone will escalate if we ignore her..very very cute..

check out this website:
Infant First Year Development
u haven activate your PM. U got email? I'm interested to get the 3 cans from ya..btw how big r the cans? Is it the small size cans? Or u can PM me. I'm staying in Jurong West near Jurong point so no problem getting the cans from ya.

thanks for the website. =) ya...my boy same... at times, he'll start to cry if ignore him, or he'll laugh out loud... =)
gingerleaf & ponponta,

ur hospital so good, got free insurance ah... dun think TMC has... im thinking abt life, hospitalisation and education insurance, but quite impossible to buy all so gonna research on the coverage and costs.. headache.. :p

re storing of breastmilk, i also store in fridge max up to 3 days, but usually will consume all within 2 days... my supply not high enough to store in freezer


talking abt anderson blog, i headache leh... till now still cant upload the pics, but i can do so using my sis laptop! duno whats the prob.. photo size ok leh..

lavender & aria,

my boy also likes to babble and "complain" esp when he's bored... and he likes to shout "ah ah" to catch ppl attention.. enjoy talking rubbish to him.. haa.. coz sometimes i ask him ok or not, then he will say "ah".. like replying me... so fun
me too.. i dun avoid the food leh.. but i take in moderation lor. I dunno read where say bf mums must take carb. Dun DIET!

lavender, you still bring EBM out ah? i usually go find nursing room. So now, i only go to "nursing friendly" shopping centres! hahaha... if not, i will just take a shawl and cover and bf. that's what i do when i have to attend wedding dinner. =P

anyway, my boy also like to put his fingers in his mouth and suck his thumb. now when i leave him alone lying on the bed (i am around him lah), he will also make all sort of sounds, like wanna talk and laff to himself (like huh huh huh) i think that's quite normal... my mum and MIL say is the "mother of the room" playing with him. only babies can see them..
dodo, yah i think TMC dun have free insurance...

anyway, i am considerating the investment plan (for his education) from AIA, and will take up the hospitalisation and accident plans for my boy.

I found one accident plan which i think will be more useful when they are older, like learning to crawl or walk. cos that plan allows us to claim outpatient in case of accident (like knock the head or fall down). cost abt 100 plus a yr.

hospitalisation one, i will take the CPF one and get a rider (200+ a yr in cash?) to cover the co-insurance portion.

the investment plan still thinking, cos quite a big amount of money per month...

then AIA got this plan that allows us to claim ALL medical bills (specialist, GP, cough flu fever lah) but cost 2000+ a yr. of cos dun cover the vaccines...

just to share what i found out from my agent.. =)
hi mummies,

re salivating, my gal also salivate and finds her fist in her mouth, then whole face wet! eew. i dun really put her mittens on liao cos realised her index finger tend to curl up with her thumb when i did that.

babbly and complain when bored or lonely that's for sure!

re ebm in fridge, i read somewhere that because of our climate, recommend to store for up to 48hrs, otherwise gotta freeze. so kiasi, those more than 48hrs i discard lor. =(

insurance - i bought from GE hospitalisation and critical illness. life no need lah, cos i shd be purchasing for myself to benefit her lah. education i'm considering investment link savings. so will look at prudential, ge and manulife, cos my sil is in manulife, my fps are from ge and prudential. heh. think more or less similar bah. i took up the AXA promotion with TMC, whereby u get 6mths free hospitatlisation free for purchase of 1 year, the payout is ontop of ur existing policies, think not bad lor.

lavender - i still avoid lor, i kiasu, cos after the diaper rash incident with the tomato. anyways, i still sneak mouthfuls of stuff here and there, though i notice bb is crankier after chocs! haha
frostyfiona - wah, $2k plus a year?! dun think will spend that much in a year leh! tha'ts almost like $200 a month! for the investment, my sil help me calc abt $200+ a mth to get like 80-90k in 20years. something like that. i'm going to get more info tomoro. the prudential one that my agent has sounded quite promising too. for the cpf one, is it medishield for child?
why cant eat tomato stuff and spicy food when bf?

i only try to avoid stuff with caffeine when i was bfing my boy the last rd.. but sometimes in office v slpy will still drink some tea. :p
krissie, for me cos tomato stuff caused a bad diaper rash for my gal. it was 2 localised patches of redness, like rubbed raw like that, then did some research and one of the potential cause was tomato. spicy food cos might upset bb lor. so i restrict lah. plus coconut apparently doesn't help with milk ss.
dodo, yup! we shd do just dat.. jio e girls out.. am staying @ jurong west.. u? and oh! ur mum is such a darling! hahahaha!

aria, rem not to buy the box from them ah! =)

re insurance: TMC has free insr too, with AXA for 6 mths.. (dunno if itz for FBI members only though). have purchased GE hospitalisation plan for bb and myself.. now considering ILP for her education with GE & AXA.. oh! and not forgetting i m going to get a higher coverage for my life insr so in case i die, she gets e $$$...
sigh..me no choice one... I can't latch my boy on due to inverted nips... very difficult...so I only do expressing to feed him BM. that's y bring the EBM out if wan to feed him BM. Really envy u n those who can do direct latch on...no need to bring anything out... =)

I stay near Jurong point.... I'll email ya in a while.
frostyfiona, velvet & hippo,

thanks for sharing on the insurance
alamak, dunno that TMC got promo wi AXA... shall go and find out more.. how u gals know abt it huh? btw, im FBI member also...


ya loh... my mum super cute! and she super sweet also, helped me lots during my confinement... i keep remind myself i wana be a great mum like her!

i stay yew tee.. yes! near near only...
dodo - i know abt it cos my sis is in AXA. i think only after i deliver then there was more active promo. think u still can find out more from them. i think for FBI member only. they v fast one, will come to your place to do all the necc stuff. think not bad lor. pay for half yr only get full yr coverage. heh.
yalor, so sleepy in office but so far can still tahan not drinking coffee..

ok, i will remember that

i have the worst inverted nipple i can ever imagine leh..both nipples somemore. with determination, you can definately latch your boy. I use nipple shield to latch my girl. It's tough in the beginning, but after some practices, it's so easy. Now, i enjoy BF my baby girl
i tried... but my boy is always so anxious to get milk...he'll cry so loud till i see also heart pain...so decided to forego latching n do expressing. Also i can only latch using football hold... can't use cradle hold..cos my breast always gets in the way... even bought nipple shield but amt flow out seems not enough for him when i latch him on... he's impatient...like his mum...hee. :p
yen & lavender, wow! we are so near to each other. ha! am near j.pt too...

dodo, TMC sent us via mail leh.. hmm.. u wana call them to chk if add is correct?? ha! my mum & grandma hv been great help too, esp now dat i m bk to work.. =) e power of mums!
lavender - have you tried cross cradle hold? I find it better than cradle hold. cradle hold confirm cannot make it for me. cross cradle hold so much easier. another thing, maybe dun wait till ur boy cry? wait for his more subtle hunger cues, like licking of lips, curling of tongue, before actual crying. actually, i read that actual crying is delayed hunger liao, means v hungry already. heh.
velvet & hippo,

thanks for sharing the AXA thingy... hippo, i did receive mails from TMC leh... think maybe i just dump it w/o realising :p nvm, will call AXA to check it out
hey, do mummies here know of any upcoming bb fairs etc? i'm thinking of getting the medela pis and letting go my medela mini electric. only used once and have been using the medela pis mainly, which is a loaner set. dunno what to do with the mini now.
dodo, i didnt receive regarding AXA insurance from TMC oso lei..
anyway, i signed up education insurance for Sean, from NTUC income...its called Revosave.
Your mum super cute lei, let whole family try ur breast milk haha...

ya, lets meet up soon lei...so sian, i need go back work in 3.5weeks time
you can post in the marketplace to sell.. try to sell it asap as u can fetch a higher price with more warranty. usually pple wld prefer at least 6mths warranty.
Hi mummies,

re: insurance

I took up life and hospitalisation apolicy for bb from AIA. My hubby's financial advisor devised a really comprehensive package. On his suggestion I took out additional insurance for my own life in case anything happens to me, at least my son's education expenses from that point until his uni are provided for. In the past my coverage was only sufficient to cover my own medical costs in the event of death or disability mah. Also took out an investment plan so there's a sum available for his uni education.

All in all paying about $250/mth.

Oh yah...i'm letting go of my Coach baby bag...details are here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/1160578.html?1198125240

I will give preference to oct 07 thread mummies
Hi all,

Long time did not log in here. Glad to hear that everyone of the mummies here is doing well. Just a question to ask. My girl recently don like to drink in bottle that i express out. She only want to drink latch on. Any solution to make her drink bottle? The moment, I give her bottle she would know and she would start crying very loud and let her latch on she is ok.
ling, my son is also like this when i was about to go back to work. give bottle, cry and cry, wan to latch on only... you got to hard heart to ask someone to give your baby milk from the bottle lor. dun be ard... or else i think baby can smell us ard and just wan us to bf..

if she dun wan, then dun give milk, skip one feeding and try later... dun soft heart to latch her on... i tried for 2-3 days, (very heart pain see my baby cry and cry until breathless) now he is ok liao. will drink from bottle. then at night when i back from work or weekend then i bf my son.
hi velvet, u can try getting the medela PIS from first few years in KKH. They are selling at $599. I got my set there too abt a mth back, not sure it the promotion is still on? It's the cheapest so far...
hey mummies,

do your babies fart alot in a day?
Sean farts alot and sometimes, he seems to squirm and kek until face red red then let out the gas..
how old is your gal? mine was born on 2 oct. also takes ard 100ml.. which i find is v little. think my son takes 140ml when he was her age.
My office has a nursing room with a fridge and steraliser. So I'll steralise my pump at work and keep the milk in fridge, then bring it home is the cooler bag. Which cooler bag do u hv? Mine is the medela bag which comes with the ice-brick. Tt one is v good, can last up to 6 hrs. Previously, I tried bringing the bag out for a half day seminar (abt 7hrs) and the milk was fine after tt.

I also hv the same thinking as you. I just pump out as often as I can to gv her more BM. not enough just suppl with FM.. heehee.. i did tt fir my boy last time too..
haha ok...so i m not so worried liao...
just now he farted while bathing n we could see bubbles coming out of the water haha...
aiyoh, so envious.. first time i heard office got nursing room and got sterilizer some more. your company is ang moh company is it? pro breasfeeding. me i got to hid in cleaner's room to pump.

unice/ben mum,
my girl also fart a lot..it's a relief to us cos very diff to burp her. so, farting is burping to us..haha...so, nowadays we don't burp her anymore and just hope the wind will be pass out through her farting..hehe...
krissie - my gal born on 16 oct. for her, i think her feeding more frequent lor, like 2hrs plus. sometimes she even take 75 if she's tired. sigh. and ur company so cool, got fridge and steriliser. mine is the medela bag and with the ice brick also. so that one can last 6hrs yeah... that's good to know. thx for the tip to sell it on mktplace, i'll try to sell it see can or not.

Ling - agree with frostyfiona, u feed btl bb can smell u and will want to latch.
i'm actually using the avent duo pump to express. i think that it's gd as I can control the suction power. other than the normal 6 sessions daily, i still try to latch bb on at least once or twice a day, even 5 mins oso ok as this will oso stimulate the brain to produce the milk & of course, to get her to clear the block ducts for me, haha

just wanna ask mummies here....how do u make your bb sleep at nite? My bb sometimes so sleepy but doesnt wnt to sleep...put her down she cry, sarong also cry...have to carry upright and walk...once u stop, she scream..also cannot sit down..so jialat....going crazy liao.

she can be awake from 8.30 pm to 1.30 am....screaming all the way....

anyone got any special tactics to solve this problem...? she is obviously very sleepy, keep yawning but just dun want us to put her down...but carry her for so many hours also she never doze off in the arms. sigh...
hi jeddie - long time no see!

What i did was to make sure she is drowsy but not that sound asleep when put down, she'll cry abit but i use pacifier lor and swaddle her arms. after awhile ok liao. sometimes i use the sling, which is a sure way for her to sleep.

jeddie, when my bb is this cranky, i simply carry my bb to bed and put pacifier in his mouth...knock out within half an hour max.,.=D then transfer him to his bed..usually just carry him and pat pat...he will sleep le...=D
