(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

miraclecraz, aria & Velvet,
Mine oso leh.. But mine is right breast can produce more milk. Each pumping session, the right breast always produce 40ml more than the left breast. QUite standard one the amt.. I oso wonder y.. hahaha

My chloe (both chloes..kekeke) also poo oni 3-4 days leh.. y ar?

Ya lor.. wat we eat will affect bb? Last time confinement eat so much heaty food, bb oso no poo problem leh.. hmmm...
hi Irene.. wah so coincidence..

Ya lor.. she used to poo everyday, and could poo up to 3x a day sometimes.. How ah.. I think i'm bringing her to see PD tomorrow..

Any good PD to recommend? Thanks mummies
is your baby on TBF? some TBF babies no poo poo for up to 7 days. this is because BM is easily digested and absorb, so no motion to be passed. for my case, it's diff, my baby poo so often in the day until i scared. when she pass wind, some poo will also come out leh...her stool is very watery and loose..
if you're breastfeeding long term and is not stoping at one, why not? after that you can still sell it away? a good pump is worth investing. the advantage of having your own pump is that you're not afraid of breaking it...hehe..
hi ariajo.. ya my bb on TBF.. thanks for the input..
Ya lor.. mine bb on tbf lor.. BUt she also used to poo 3 times a day one.. den slowly reduce.. now become poo once in 3-4 days..

PD says not to worry so much cos on tbf.. tbf will unlikely to cause constipation.. like wat aria says, probably bb absorb all of the bm
ariajo, my bb like yours also, fart also will poo poo. and lots of poo in the AM and the afternoon. Sometimes, before we go out, she will give us a big poo causing us further delay!!!
gingerleaf - how to tag to your blog? I just put your link on my blog is considered tag? think our gals look kinda similar, i think it's the hair!
yalor..initially when my bb taking 3 times EBM and the rest FM, her poo quite standard. then when i managed to latch her, she drink more BM, her poo suddenly become watery and frequent again like when she's just borned..i'm waiting for the day to come when my bb poo like chintz and irene. now, it makes me wonder if my BM is not easily digested or she has problem digesting the milk..mm....
ariajo, i just kinda resigned to all the poo mess! So sometimes, when the nappy's clean after a sneeze, I get amazed! haha
oh yeah, i found out something abt breast milk too.. if your BM is inbalanced - more foremilk than hindmilk, your baby will get gas easily/colicky because bb will ingest more foremilk which contains more lactose..some bb are more lactose intolerence. so, it is advisable to empty one breast first before offering the other because then bb will then be able to reach the hindmilk.
Well, guess i've been doing the right thing all along then! i always empty one side first. actually, karine's usually done on one side though and seldom require the other breast.
elo mummies.... belated merry christmas...hehe...sorry no time to pop in here...wah!!! all your babies so chubby and cute....nice chubby cheeks to bite and kiss...hehe

phew..now im not so worried about my gal being so chubby...everyone commented she got no neck and only got fat round cheeks...some even say dun feed her so much...but how!! dun give milk on time means she gets angry and scream....

ariajo thanks for that little info...like velvet...me also been emptying one side totally...and after she feeds...usually enuf to last for another 2 hours or so...

guess they dun need the other breast coz already taken the hindmilk which is more fatty and filling i guess....
bbunny - how can ppl ask u not to feed her so much! You are TBFing? Then it's bb's appetite what, like we can force them to drink fr our breast when bb dun feel like it meh? bb of course no neck yet lah...scratch head at those comments...
velvet yah lor!! that's what i told them...how not to feed so much...baby hungry means hungry wat....like we hungry how not to eat!!

tell me about it...her little neck is so small...her double chin fat fat...of course no neck yet lah...wait a while more lor..when teething will lose some weight wor....
hippo...v good saying: "now fashionable for boys to wear skirts & pink ah"!! tat's wat i did!! i recycle some bb clothes, so my boi often wearing his jie jie 'pink series'..hahaha, but i nvr gv him skirt or dress lah!!

bbunny, me too, also 'kana nag' fm MIL, etc, whoever tat sees my bb once in a 'bluemoon' will always gv comments/said i or nanny overfed bb!! at time v angry lor as though we purposely do it... cos nanny was the one who increase his milk as she sees the need, i jus fllw, she said if dun give sufficient bb will b cranky & the feeding time cant last more than 3hr... not until i see the PD, who advise not to force feed bb, jus gv watever they can take, chubby is ok as long the wt not over the chart in health book.. so i now stick to PD advise & shut my ear whenever possible, too much 'guidance' make me v v luan...

Thanks to those mummies who replied to my query. I got so worried about my imbalance look of my breasts. God! What if they remain like that?
heehee.. my left breast also produce more milk. Sometimes can be double the amt of the right. It looks ultra unbalance and always get harden earlier than the right. I'm also worried that it will stay the same. Wonder if the breasts will shrink back to the original size after we stop BF? Now cannot fit into my tops.. =(

Out of curiousity, wat is the max amt 1 breast can produce?

thanks aria for the useful info, i realise my bb always fart and it so smelly... Heehee.. now i know the reason why..

regarding poo,
i once brought my bb to see PD when he din poo for 4 days coz a pharmacist recommend to bring him to doc if he din poo for 3-4 days. Spend $75 on it. PD insert a tablet into his bum. After that we noticed, he normally poo after every 3 days. Also, i realise if i take more fruits, he will poo more often. He is drinking EBM only.
ponponta, i also wonder what is the max amt 1 breast can produce. the last time when bb didn't feed in the night, i could express almost 100ml just fr one breast. the right breast abt 70ml. scary siah. and that's abt 8 hrs duration. super hard lor the breast.
re: breast feeding, I just realised last week that I got stretch marks at the bottom of my breasts. so sad. tummy got stretch marks, breasts also kenna!
me too! my left breast produces 50% more than my right breast and when it's really full, it's much bigger than my right breast. well, i think our breast will sag after we stop BF
no choice lah..this is the sacrifice for being a mother..

i think how much 1 breast can produce varies from 1 mother to the other. so can't really compare with another mother lah..

your assets has a big increase in size? mine at most 1 cup bigger only - B
aria, yah, i also think my breasts will sag after i stop bf. sobz... cos sometimes when my breasts are empty, can see abit sag liao.

mine increase abt 1 cup lor... i think that's quite normal right? but duno why got stretch marks.. so sad... the funny thing is, my hubby saw it long before i saw it and NV TELL ME! Say dun wan to upset me! oh my god...
hi all just bring Carlson to the PD for injection and also for his cough & flu ... he is not better now but no madi for him too young ... he is only 6.8 something kg oh mine .. .so light to me la not even 7kg peng sobsob
Haha, i also got imbalanced breasts. Good to know that I'm not alone! My right breast produces twice the amount of the left breast so it's noticeably bigger. And ya, looks saggy. :-(

My baby was measured as 60cm and 5.3kg at 10 weeks. According to the health chart, she's in the 90-97th percentile. So I guess she'll doing alright lah - and we were worried that she wasn't taking enough milk. :)
Sharon, the numbers doesn't represent anything as long as the weight is at healthy and acceptable range. The most important thing is whether baby's growing well and healthily or not.

I'd came across an article through a newspaper few days back.. doc doesn't encourage bb too 'chubby' lor. I posted in my blog, you got read?
hey mummies,
i think my imbalance is worse that i thought :p my left breast actually produces 70% more than my right breast. it's not 50% very very lopsided man.
Hi mummies,

Long time never post liao. Great that all mummies and babies are doing well.
Happy New Year in advance to all.
Been busy with work / housework and baby. No time to update blog or post ...
hihi to all mummies, gor gor, jie jie, didi and mei mei,

little anderson and mummy wish you all a very happy & healthy 2008! everyday is a sunshine day!

hi all

brought bb for 5in1 jab today, his wt is 7.5kg, 60cm, head cir 41cm @3mths, 3days. i thot he's overwt, lucky the nurse said he's in btw the 3rd & 4th line on the chart, heng arr... now got to observe if he got fever or not...

mummies who bougt bb for jab, how long the fever will come huh?
Hi junnie, I brought my bb for jab yday. Thank God that he didn't develop any fever. I think you monitor for 24 hrs lor..
The staff nurse there say if bb's temperature hovering at above 37.4 degrees can feed bb the panadol.
Brought bb for her 2nd injection for 6in1 yesterday as well. She weights only 6.65kg after all the "drama" she went thru. Am glad that at least there is still some increase in weight for the past 1 mth with so much happening.
Asked for Rotavirus dosage for her as well. She so guai that she did not even cry when she was injected .. hiaz maybe immune liao at the hospital stay !!!
Everywhere is having sales !! OMG ..
hi ladies, i have a tin of S26gold (expiry Apr08) to give away. self collect in siglap.

do pm me if you would like to have it coz my boy is on Enfalac, don't wish to switch.
hi irene, ariajo. on friday i brought chloe to see PD.. like u said ariajo, PD said so long bb is passing out soft stool, it's OK not to poo for several days (or even up to a week). Especially when BM is easily digested and absorbed. Sometimes when bbs don't poo so much, they will pass more urine instead

dodo, ur anderson is super duper cute la!

would like to ask how many mummies give rotavirus to ur babies? is it significant? can we get rotavirus in polyclinic too?
Hi mummies, I am a Sep07 mummy. Am letting go a full set of lightly used Ameda Lactaline Dual Breast Pump, with a pair of new Lilypadz Breast Pad thrown in at S$200. Interested mummies, pls PM me for more details or e-mail me at [email protected]. thanks
Hi Joyce yes i did read that keke ... haha only hope that my boy is bigger there's all la

he is sick anyway have cough flu etc .. hmm not recover yet hmm so sad

RALLy going to work SOoN aiyo will miss my kids man ... but its good to have a break from them too la if not will go crazy man

And Now my hair aiyoyo they are falling like snow man non stop everywhere anywhere in the house are full of my hair man ... peng and my boy keep pulling them too

WOW WOW WOW all the bb pics are so cute but i dun no have to post pics all too big file liao keke
dodo, bb anderson is a big boi boi now! so cute dear.. =D

frostyfiona, how much did u pay for rotavirus? i wana give my girl also..
hi mommies,

Long time didn't login. How's everyone coping with baby and WORK?!

Wonder when it'll be the day when baby sleeps thru! My baby will usually get very cranky at 9pm and needs to sleep by then. But he always wakes up at 5am for feed then refuses to sleep after that!

Any mommies babies already sleeping thru? Usually what time your baby wakes up? How to keep your baby awake till 10+? He'll always be too tired and falls asleep by 9.
hi, i just brought my boy for the 6 in 1 jab and rotavirus.. He cried when PD injected him. He is now 63cm and weigh 5.5kg. Exactly 2 mths old today! = )

hippo18, Rotavirus cost $100 bucks at his PD and is taken oral.

perlicia, just bought my thermometer too.. Therumo blue colour. Very good to use

bbwow, my bb still not sleep thru. He will wake up every 3 hours for feed.. Still trying to stretch his timing so that he can sleep thru but tough... I will be happy if his feed can last him 5 hours..
Thanks Ponponta...

The rotavirus oral drug is $90/dose in the paed clinic i went to...

Mine wakes up in the middle of the night, that was every 4-5 hours for feeding. Anyone baby around 5kg plus in almost 3 months?

To all the mummies and babies
I paid $100 for the rotavirius as well.
My girl will wake up usually ard 4plus ... and I give her the pacifier .... then it can "tong" until 6 plus then must feed her liao !!

Happy New Year to everyone !! Have a great 2008 ahead .... guess we are all looking forward to a lot of milestones by bb in the NEW year !!!! Really looking forward and hoping that I can get to see them all .... ( due to work :-(
Hi mummies.. about sleeping thru.. i guess i'm one of the lucky mummies to have chloe sleeping thru the night.. she usually wakes up around 7.30 to 8am.

But at night she sleeps quite late lar..about 10 or 11. Everytime after her wipe in about 5pm, she will only take 1-2hr nap. Maybe that's why she's very tired and manage to sleep thru the nite after that :p

About rotavirus, any mummies gave their babies in polyclinic? and not private PD? Thanks!
