(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Merry Christmas to all OCT mummies and babies!
Hi mummies, merry x'mas from matty n me!


gingerleaf thanx for info on the pillow to kiap bb, i think i'll get it coz bb likes to turn to the right even tho we put him on the left--PD also said the right side of his face is smaller than the left coz he was lying in that position in my tummy...

ya... but yet to seek director approval... guess shdn't be a prob... me too! envy gingerleaf so so much, i wana be a fulltime mummy also!


ok! will go and check it out..

aiyoyo, all babies so so chubby... really got strong urge to bite those hamburgers leh... hee..

ya... but yet to seek director approval... guess shdn't be a prob... me too! envy gingerleaf so so much, i wana be a fulltime mummy also!


ok! will go and check it out..

aiyoyo, all babies so so chubby... really got strong urge to bite those hamburgers leh... hee..
hi mummies, merry christmas! guess most of us are home with bbs! glad that all our bbs are in time to celebrate xmas and CNY! heh...pressies and ang baos!

ask u mummies, how often do u put bb on tummy time? apart from sleeping on tummy that is. my gal struggles so much during tummy time...sigh, worry abt her neck muscle devt. but when we carry her upright, she's able to hold her head steady for quite a while, like a few minutes at a time and will lift her head to look around at interesting stuffs. how to keep her happy on her tummy leh? What do u gals do?
My gal never sleeps on tummy b4 leh, seems like alot of babies like it, but not her. Shes so weird.
I normally put her on her tummy for an average of 10 mins each time, b4 she starts getting irritated. Everyday at most 2 tummy time nia. She will ee ee ehh ehh then drools alot.
my boy also about 5-10 min of tummy time...once a day only. But yah, when we carry him he'll want to look around without us supporting his head for quite a while. i can already feel that he's trying to lift his head up to see things when i'm cradling him.

we discovered the wonders of a good rattle today. he usually screeeeeeeeeaaaaaammsss his head off during bath time. but when we used the rattle to distract him, it was peace all around. Velvet you may wanna try this for bb's tummy time?

Sean's daddy put him on tummy time for 5 mins everytime he carries Sean..Maybe ard 3-4 times a day..
thankx mummies, my gal ok with tummy time on us but not on the bed! so we have to do it lying down and put her on top of our tummies!

karrie, nothing distracts her during her tummy time!!!

gingerleaf - i hv to put her on tummy when she sleep only when she very drowsy or sleeping, otherwise, she'll wake, and slowly realise she's on her tummy and start struggling liao, moving her head from right to left and left to right. then stop in the middle and (to me) try to suffocate herself. haiz...
merry christmas!! is it a must to have tummy time with baby now? we didn't do that and our girl is 2 months liao..we thought baby will just naturally developed stronger neck later..
not a must to have tummy time but their neck can get stronger faster if we get them to exercise their neck now lo..
furthermore, i find that now, Sean doesnt like us to carry him in a lying down position. He wants to be carried upright..This will help strengthen his neck too.
aiyoh, your baby is so chubby!! to think that mine is chubby, i think yours is even more! and my, she has big round eyes..so KAWAI!!
gingerleaf, aralyn really very tall leh!

aria, haha! i am always sooooo tempted to bite into those cheeks.. or at least pinch them! have to try so hard to stop my inner demons.. hahahah!
unice, my boy also like to carry upright and rest his head on our shoulder. I'm worried if his spine can take it or not. But is ok one right?

his daddy says baby wan to see things, dun wan to see the ceiling only... hahah
hippo, your bb very cute... Eyes so big and round, got double eyelids too.. Me so jealous... When i was pregnant, i keep telling bb must have double eyelids and big round eyes like mummy.. But he dun have.. = (

frosty, i tink it is okie.. we also carry bb upright and sometimes let him sit on our lap so that he can see more things and hopefully learn more too... = )
hi hippo.. ur bb is so cute and chubby..

speaking of chubby, may i know how much ur baby weighs now? and all other babies too?

i feel that my bb has gained a lot.. she's about 6.4kg now.. is it too much? (she was 3.46kg when she's born)
thanks ponponta.. dun worie abt e dbl eyelids dear! apparently both myself & hubby dun have double eyelids till we were toddlers.. haha!

frosty, tink itz okie too.. cos like ponponta, we also carry bb dat way.. most importantly is to support e neck AT ALL TIMES.. =)
hippo, i think its the camera angle la. She was 61cm n 6.22kg at 10 weeks.

Adrienne looks very cute! Eyes so big!

Ponponta, do you have double eyelid?
hi chintz, my bb weighs 5kg (a little sack of rice) when he is 5 weeks old. Going for 6in1 jab next week, dunno how much he will weigh this time.. So exciting, dunno if he will cry the whole clinic down and also worry that he will get fever. I'm betting with hubby on his weight next week. Heehee...
hippo, i hope so too... keeping my fingers crossed.

gingerleaf, yupz.. i got double eyelids. His daddy got very shy double eyelids. Sometimes will appear sometimes disappear..Haiz...and like his daddy, he is born botak.. Till now still dun have hair.. Wanted to make the brush thing also cannot.. Everybody still he shaved botak at full mth.
hahah. I was born botak too, but baby got lotsa hair. Daddy couldnt remember much abt his head tho, but guess shld be follow him ba.
My hubby got shy double eyelid too, luckily bb follow my double eyelids.

i dunno bb's weight now cos hvnt weighed her since end Nov.. but she's definitely at least 6 over kg now. Last weighed was 5.5kg... n she's 3.515kg when born
hi ponponta.. yeah my bb also weighs about 5kg when she's 5wks old. now what i do is i carry her along with me to the weighing machine.. haha.. cos i can't wait til her next visit to find out her weight :p
adrienne is a fiesty little fella!

ponponta, hahaha! mum sd e hair on my head was pathetic when born too.. =D bb's got a head full of hair when born.. hv u tried e age-old remedy of BRANDY?
haha.. den i can named myself as hunchponponback.

i heard that the hair normally follow the daddy. So if daddy is botak when born, bb wil be the same too.. dunno how true though. Haven tried brandy yet.. Now no need to worry abt him dropping hair at a later stage.. Wahaha..
hi all

long time no hear!! Happy Boxing Day fm me & bb lance!


waaaah... sooo many post got to catch up!! me v busy once rtn to work 10/12 + lately having prblm w my tooth (KIV fm preggie till now then 'repair' - root canal

my bb was 7.3kg when weighed 2wks ago @PD, he's 3mths @25/12. (thot he got v creamy stool sometime 2x a day, so brought to PD, but PD said ok as long not watery & v often, he said cud b due to the immunofortis added in the new mamex series, as tis got vege extract which helps to loosen stool to prevent constipation).. my hand always 'break' & 'ache' when i carry my bb!! i duno how tall he is but will get to knw @ 28/12 when bring him for polyclinic 3rd mth jab... my bb also same prblm - his cheek one side big & one side small
my MIL & nanny said i didnt 'take care' of his sleeping position during confinement
so now his head behind also one side flat & one side protrude, but we everyday see him so dun feel so much lor & i tink also bcos he's v chubby even his double eyelid 'disappear'!!... my MIL said the remedy to solve the head/cheek problm is to quickly put him back in sarong during his sleeping time!! but nanny said no big deal, as they grow older, the hair will cover the head problm??? hiaz..

dodo.. fyi my bb also got the same 'qian' character as your bb, his chinese name is 'qian1 fu4' (the fu is same like 'tian fu4' = written as bei4 (bao bei de bei) + wu3 (wu gong de wu)... every1 in my family said nxt time my kids will hv 'hard time' writting their chinese name, my gal also got the same character, her name is 'qian1 ying3', bobian, cos ask sifu to calculate, so hv to fllw..
ponponta, anders' so cute! his eyes are bright ah.. i m sure dbl eyelids are in e waiting...

junnie, i wana pinch those cheeks of ur bb!! ooh...so chubby n smiley =)

gingerleaf, i tink u shd shave lo.. cos i saw some babies on e streets (obvious hair has nvr been shaved) n their hair quite scary lo.. co s very patchy... apparently bb's hair will start to fall anytime now.. datz y i cut 1st... keke
ho ho ho blessed merry x'mas to all sorry so late

been busy busy busy with x'mas cele etc ...
Carlson is sick now hmm have cough & stuffy nose man ... hmmm

Going back to work soon on 02/01/2008 hmm will miss him man hmm

My BM is going down down down now sobsob ...

WOw all that have blog on BB WOW so cute
wow.. so many cute babies' photos..

will like to share mine too :p

me also going back to work on 2 Jan 08

time really files.. Hope that Carlson will get well soon..
San, Clarisse is so pretty!! my baby always gets mistaken for a boy! urgh.. even when she's in pink & skirts.. hahaha!
hi all, bb Karine says hi and merry x'mas and happy holidays!


so many cute babies!! My baby also gets mistaken for a boy too! even in pink!
hi all

hippo, yours izzit bcos shave the hair tat's y ppl mistaken as boi boi... but as for san, one look alr can see is gal liao leh.. both also got v big beautiful eyes!! mine the eye sooo small.. one big one small somemore, hiaz..

sharon..hope carlson get well soon..
Dear mummies,

For those who are breastfeeding, are both sides of your breasts equal in size? I ask because mine's one side is bigger than the other.
Usually I pump both sides together but dunno how come as times go by, it differs in sizes.. pls advise.. how? Aiyo...
aiyoh, your baby so so chubby and cute.. look at the 2 mantou cheeks..

your baby girl so pretty..so envious!!

me too. my left breast produces more milk and i tend to pump longer..so as time goes by, it gets bigger too. now, it looks 20% bigger than the other breast! so, nowadays i always offer my right breast to my girl first and will try to latch at least 5 mins more, hoping that in the long run the size will balance out.. hopefully lah..
aria and miraclecraz, i also like that! my left breast produces more milk too. I pump both at the same time. dunno how come like that.

btw, metro sale for ameda lactiline pump going at $299. feel like getting it leh cos the one i using is a loaner set. do u gals think it's a waste of money?

Thanks mummies who have shared about ur babies' weight.. i feel a bit relieved now hehe..
Here would like to share latest pic of my Chloe


Lately her bowel movement is not very good.. 3-4 days then poo.. Will it help if i increase my fibre intake?
