(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi mummies,
Thanks for all the encouragement words.
Admitted bb to hospital yesterday as her condition did not improved. After all the various test/x-ray, everything is ok but we are still waiting for more test results. Also, here have professional care to check on her everyday so I'm more relieved. But everytime when they suck the phelgm out from her nose and mouth and she scream and struggle, my tears wld just drop down with her.
fortunately, she is better today but might need to stay for another few days to make sure that her chest is cleared!!!

She is only 2mths and yet have to go through all the tests ... lucky she find the x-ray machine amazing and can still smile when they took the x-ray. She must have thought alien has just landed with those tubes and pipes on the machine.

Due to her condition, this enquiry was pop out again which really irritates me ...

Breastmilk .. shld I continue to feed her with my BM ...
Are there food that I shld avoid so that I won't be contributing to her cough and phelgm. I have quite enough of "****" saying my bm cld me the one that worsen her situation as "don't know what I eat or drink"!!!!
totoro, i think bm is still the best option. having said that, of course best to seek pd opinion.

however, i read online that one of the possible factors to lead to phlegm in bb is dairy products that mummy take. but dairy products will take 3 weeks to get out of mummy's system and dairy products are everywhere. i'm trying to cut out milk, but v difficult leh. and each time u accidentally intake dairy, u'll need another 3 weeks before u know whether that's the cause of the phlegm in bb. so i kinda feel that no point lor, cos it's only phlegm.

pinky, my pd is also Ang AT. I think she's ok la, kinda brisk, but will take any questions lor. my hb's colleague say she not bad also, cos spotted some condition in her bb that another doc didn't. only thing is gotta wait damn long for her.

anyone's bb took the vaccine shot for the 2mths already? my bb going for it next fri. wanna ask if there's anything i shd look out for as bb's after effects? Like fever, fussing, crying etc....
velvet, my bb just took the 6 in 1 jab yesterday. he is very cranky the whole day... i gave him the fever medicine once i got home (hubby say to give even before the fever come on) but not full strength... like need to give 1ml i gave 0.5 ml only... then i nv bathe him yesterday.. just wipe body only...
hmm mums with bb cry in sleep can try to put them on tummy sleep but watch them too la cos it might be they have wind in stomch or even scared by some sound which is super commom if yr bb is not wrapped after the 2nd mth that happen to my gal last time too and off cos now my boy la and also u all can try the chinese powder 'jin feng san'

Yes Esther I MOVED out and they moved IN IMMD
Pinky and Velvet,
My girl is seeing Dr Ang too.. :) So far she's been ok. Will take all questions. :)

My girl went for her jab last mth... was ok. :)
thanks ssmummy...=D
was thinking when to give my boi the rotavirus...
seeing pd only in jan...by then will it be too late? hmm
dun be sad, my cousin's 3 gals also all had bronchotis when they were a baby. plus, am sure the nurses will take care of her.

the snake is so big! I hate snakes... gv me a shock when i saw the posting.

think hv to take the 1st rota virus dose when they are 2 mths. you better call linic to check. Once the bb exceed certain age, cant take liao. If I'm not wrong, is 3 mths. rota virus is good if u intend to send bb to childcare in future.
krissie, wont be sending my child to childcare but it is good to have rotavirus anyway rite? seen the article on newspaper...scared we bring back to virus and infect him lo...sighs
hi all, wondering if anyone on bf and has/have had thrush and gave it to ur bb? how do u know u have it, symptoms etc and the treatment? I'm not sure if i have it leh. bb's bottom has some mild rash and little bumps which seems to be spreading.
i gave my baby the rotavirus as well when he took the 1st jab for 6in1. think got to complete before he is 6 mths. his next dose for rota is when he is 4 mths.
don't worry im sure yr baby will be alright. My baby was admitted to hospital for 3 days as she had very thick greenish phlegm and blocked her nasal cavity and she was coughing. Coincidentally, the PD was also Ang AT. :p

My baby gal also had to go through the suction process 4 times. She cried her heart out until her voice went hoarse and eyes all red. Very heartpain. After lab test, turns out she had the MRSA virus, its a superbug and she had to take a very strong antibiotics. Thank God she has recovered well. I think it was also good advice by Dr Ang to admit her to hospital (although it is not v good for such a young infant to stay in hospital). But her phlegm was really very thick and if Dr Ang did not take a step further to send her mucous for testing, we would not have imagined that she had MRSA virus, which can be deadly.

So take heart, with medication, your baby will be well in no time!
ya, it's good to take the vaccine. i know of a mummy who regretted not letting her son take when he was young. then he got the virus and was v sick and hospitalised for few days.
Morning mummies,

Today come back to work already...I am so relunctant to leave the house leaving my boy in MIL's care....

May I know how much are you all paying for the 6-in-1 jab? and is it to be jab at the third month only?

i'm paying $400 for the package at my GP. 3 shots of 6in1, the fever medicine, and consultation... plus 2 jabs to be done on the 12th and 14th month. i forgot is for what liao...

the 1st jab normally is done on the 1.5 or 2 months. mine to be done on 2nd, 4th and 6th month.
Aiya, my boy 2 months already....How?

Cause got the appointment to jab him at the 3rd month in polyclinic for the 5in1...so i thought of getting him the 6in1.

So which paed clinic you are seeing?
oh, i not very sure abt that then? I think the 6in1 jab has to be done within the 1st 6 mths... correct me if i am wrong mummies... i think rotavirus also.. the 2 dose to be done within the 1st 6 mths.

i went to the GP near my house in woodlands. maybe you can check with the polyclinic if they do 6in1? or you check ard the GP near your house? they will advise you on when to bring your baby to them for the jab.
Hi Velvet,

I read abt Diary pdts causing phelgm but it's more towards direct intake. For BFing, it wull create problem if the bb is sensitive to it. I was thinking I'm feeding my bb FM ... isn't that a diary pdt from the cow ??? Tired switching her to soy milk but she don't seem to take it too well. Guess the taste must be horrible cos I tasted it and it really sucks !! Now, it seems that the best thing is my breast milk but unfortunately, I don't have enough to supply her. I was told to stay away from cooling stuff as well as chicken also so that she don't cough so much. Now is a time where everything pple say, I'll just listen so that she won't have to suffer so much.

The test results are out and she has double dosage of the infection - both RSV and Baterial infection. Each of them can already cause a lot of built up of phelgm and cough and she suffered from both ! Hence, we are still at the hospital as she is still chesty.

Sort of find out one of the possible culprit. The humidifier at home, we are so busy that we din notice the baterial that has been accumuating in it. As she was not feeling well, so we started to on the humidifier again and guess it creates more problem for her instead of helping her !!!
totoro, good that u have found 1 culprit. =D we are all learning. just go by ur gut feel. now is the time where everyone will say something. but only u are taking care of bb. ask dr if there is anything u need to avoid. if none, just go with ur gut feel.

when my son had jaundice, my IL all say it is cos i had too much ginger and wine. but even my GP and KK nurses say it is okay to take ginger and wine as long as not taken in great quantities. when bb went on FM, his jaundice went up instead of coming down!
No need to be sad...Everytimes the old folks will blame us for taking this and that and ended up baby got it..

totoro, The best is keep a healthy diet.

When my baby have rashes, my MIL said that I took too much "toxin" food...If toxic, I will kanna first what....
perlicia, i brought my girl for her 6-in-1 jab when she was 6 weeks old (actually shd be 1.5mths ).. next one at 3 mths.. am paying $110 for each jab. u might wana chk with ur GP?

totoro, hugs.. i m sure bb will recover very quickly ya?
tororo..now tat doctor chkd & virus ntd, i'm sure proper medication/care will b given to your bb, dun worry ya...
ya, i firmly believe tt breastmilk is still the best. Ignore what those pple say.. not everyone is pro-bf.

Mayb will switch to Friso n c hw =) Thks

I will thinking whether to cont bf whenstart work,,cos my company have no place to pump ,, v fast im starting wk soon

I just wondering whether Dr koh is ok Thks =)


the jab u took at GP? Mine oso and cost $110 for 6 in 1but I wondering hw much cost if these jab take at polyclinic..hehz


Mayb will switch to Friso n c hw =) Thks

I will thinking whether to cont bf whenstart work,,cos my company have no place to pump ,, v fast im starting wk soon

I just wondering whether Dr koh is ok Thks =)


the jab u took at GP? Mine oso and cost $110 for 6 in 1but I wondering hw much cost if these jab take at polyclinic..hehz
pinky, yup! took e jab @ GP.. i checked with e polyclinic b4.. they dun offer 6-in-1/ only have 5in1 and itz 80+ to 90 for the 5in1 so i tot wat e heck la.. just go for 6in1. .less jabs and cheaper (total) leh.. ekkekeke
wa lau...my bb practically does NOT sleep AT ALL in the day man..sighs... sometimes can happily kick around in her playpen, but most of the time...put down only SCREAM! :p
pinky, go and request for a nursing rm from the company see how? my company last time also dun have, it's cos the staff here keep requesting for a nursing room, then the mgmt release one empty room. even better, the mums here requested for a freezer in the room also, the mgmt also bought one and put them. so now i come back, everything in place..

anyway, if really dun have, you can do it in the conference room.. i heard some of the mums here, when last time dun have nursing room, they hide inside the store rooms... cos our conference rooms here all glass glass type one.
Hi all,

Thank you for all your concerns and yes I'm going to stick to breastfeeding her as much as possible now regardless of what others say.

BB finally can go home yesterday and don't need to go through the suction any more. Now, we'll still continue to use the neubulizers at home. Hope that she will be fully recover soon.

I saw before someone mentioned abt jin feng san .. if bb seems to be scared and can't sleep well .. what shld we do? She will suddenly "jerk", open her eyes wide wide and cry when she just managed to fall asleep .....and this will go on and on ..... She so poor thing now, wants to sleep and yet seems like don't dare to sleep ... hiaz ......
I also opt for 5 in 1.. wanted 6 in 1 but GP dun have.. the reason I chose GP is I can bring her for the jab after work dun need to take leave.
gingerleaf, i aso taking the 5 in 1. pd aso say better for bb cos not sure if bb's body can take it with so many vaccines at 1.5 months / 2 months. =D u are not alone! =D
dear totoro, u may try the side-way sleeping position with hugging a pillow or boster, cos my baby also easily 'chuak' during sleeping, i try this method when he was 2 weeks old, hope its help
nans, yup my girl has been SUPER HYPER these past few days. she hardly sleeps!! my mom is here today, so finally have time to come in and catch up with the thread.

cannot get into this thread this 2 days....

4017 said is right, let the baby sleep sideway helps...

Ji Fen San I also give my boy some when he always got startled...Just rub some into the mouth will do.

I am clearing some leaves and staying home to keep my boy accompany...Ya, he sleeps lesser now...maybe just take an hour nap and will just wake up...Finding ways to entertain him...Now he is just kicking around on my bed while I am surfing net.
hi mummies,

yah baby is sleeping less nowadays. Gotta play with him more...that's why can't post as much...Glad that he sleeps for longer stretches of time at night too. The other night he took 200ml of milk at 2.30am and was knocked out until 7 plus am!

Brought my baby for his 6-in-1 jab on Tue, cost me $150 plus consultation and checkup...at the same time also went for the rotavirus vaccine...that cost another $100. He had a fever that night which went down by yesterday.

Am considering switching to GP for the other jabs..coz this PD is quite expensive sia..do you all think it's advisable? coz switch halfway, dunno if the new doc knows what's going on or not...
pinky - which dr koh u referring to?

i also couldn't get in this 2 days, dunno why. my bb also seldom sleep in the day liao i think total sleep time she's getting is abt 12-13 hrs. normal or not? she takes like abt 3 naps in the day each abt 45mins-1,5 hrs. rest of the time will be awake and kicking in the cot. no time to really wrap pressies leh. sigh.
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies who took 5 in 1 jabs at GP, do you know how many jabs are there in total? How many jabs for 6 in 1?</font>
abt jin feng san .. if bb seems to be scared yes its me one of them yep it really help g buy it cost abt 10.00 or so hmm i got mine at Fu Wah hmm can also put her on tummy sleep will have nice head shape too and also side way la thanks God yr bb is better now you rest well too ok take care
morning mummies,

RE jabs:
we opt for 6-in-1 package at a GP near my house. it costs $370 for all the jabs till 15mth. we also took the pneumococcal ($150 per jab) and rotavirus ($80 each). my boy took his 1st 6-in-1 and pneumococcal injection at his 6th week.

RE sleeping:
yes, my boy also sleeps less now.. and he had only 1 midnight feed starting last wed... now his last feed of the day usually ard 10pm+, then all the way to 4am... will wake up 7am for his "breakfast" then... is this normal for a 2mth old baby? and mummies, do u let baby sleep on pillow? i wish to buy the Babysafe latex pillow.. now he sleeps on folds of napkins

I think it's normal ba...my baby usually drinks his milk at 9+ then wakes up at 2-3am for 1 feed and 7am for his 'breakfast' since day 3 leh...cause he hardly sleeps in the day so maybe sleeps longer at night? I thought he'll start sleeping thru now that he's coming to 2 months but still the same. Sometimes can stretch from 9+ to 5am then feed.
dodo and bbwow, yah, me bb also like that. last feed at 9+ or 10+, will wake again at 3 or 4+. then again at 6+ or 7+.

dodo - i never use pillow. read somewhere that it's unnecessary.

dunno why nowadays my bb on 2hrly schedule leh. on tbf lah, but trying to move to ebm. but with the 2hrly feeding v difficult! unless i put her down for nap then can reach 3 hr feeding. otherwise, she's like this alarm clock, damn jun one, every 2 hrs will want to feed. and on those 2 hrly feeds, i think intake only 60-70 ml! cos sometimes btl feed she only only take around that amt!
dodo, My boy is 3mths this sep20. Since birth, I let him sleep on pillow whenever he is @ lying position (be it in bed, gym mat, or sofa). I find the pillow useful as it helps elevate my boy's head abit and this reduces spitting out milk when he 'kicks' and 'kicks' while lying down.

Velvet, personally I prefer ebm as I am able to monitor how much my boy is taking. Somehow if the hourly schedule is shorten, I will increase the amount. Then the hourly schedule is lengthen.
cel cel, 6-in-1 is 3 jabs in total.

dodo, my girl is like ur boy. last feed 10+, can sleep to 5am, then "breakfast" at 8am.

re: pillow
i just let her sleep on cloth nappy. like velvet, i read that pillow not necessary. dunno why tho...

hi mummies,
i've started work 2 days ago already.. how time flies. will be taking my 3rd month seperately..

i have a problem with my baby now. Her feed is so irregular. Anyone facing the same problem. I call the PD and he said it's ok to feed ondemand . When baby is full, they will reject. Is this true? My baby looks really big! And my SIL also think the she's a giant baby! She's going 2 month on the 18th Dec and already weigh 6kg and 56-57cm. She's not really very very chubby but just big to me.. A bit worried whether we're overfeeding her..She can sometimes take up 150ml. 120 is the norm..Sometimes the interval could be 1.5 hours and she's crying for milk again.. very scary leh..

Does all babies at this age have regular feeding time?
