(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

doobom - with ebm, even when i increase the amt, also can sometimes dun finish. one time can take 110, so i thot can increase to 120, then next time, can drink only like 70. then the rest wasted lor.
anyways, transiting to ebm liao, but it's so difficult leh, cos direct so much more convenient, no need to wait for milk to heat up!!

aria - my gal is 59cm and weigh 5.08kg. her feeds are abt 2hrs, and sometimes shorter will cry for milk. but then again, i tbf lah, so can't tell amt. i tend to agree with ur pd lah, bb full will reject. no matter how much and how long u leave the teat in, also no use. maybe ur gal is crying from tiredness/sleepiness and not really for milk?

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Hello Mommies!!</font></font>

Sorry to interrupt....i have brought in a few very nice Disney Rompers and other apparels in the BP thread

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">All are authentic Disney apparels from HK. Designs not available here. Stocks are limited!</font></font>
Do visit the thread and check out the rompers for your babies for this Xmas/CNY festive seasons! Thanks!
wah, your baby is tall and lean..no, she's more like rooting for milk than want to sleep leh...haiz..anyway, how you heat up the milk? i pump the bottle into a bowl of medium hot water but find it so long...so, sometimes i put boiling water to thaw it fast. wonder if this will kill the antibodies in the milk or not..

thanks for your inputs on the pillow & feeding

aria & velvet,

my boy was 61cm and weighed 6kg at his 8th week... i totally agree wi u velvet! sometimes my boy "ask" for more milk after his feeding, so i upsize my ebm 10ml - 20ml for the next feed, but he will not finish all and waste my BM! regarding the heating up of ebm, i will put the milk bottle in a hot water mug for abt 5-8mins. and of course baby cant wait, so i usually use pacifier to tahan first...
dodo, how hv u been!?!! =)

i hv been using e latex pillow for baby since birth though i noe itz not necessary but cos she had blocked nose & phlegm e other time, i had no choice.. helped to elevate her so breathing is easier. plus e pillow is so thin, itz okie la..

anderson is so tall! bb adrienne is catching up.. very chubby lo! keke...
hippo, what pillow is that? It helps with the breathing? Maybe i can get one to help my gal also. she also got blocked nose, lots of pee sai!

re heating up milk, i use the pigeon warmer actually, set at 40 deg c, and will usually warm up within 15 mins or so. the manual said not to warm milk abv 40deg cos may kill the nuitrients.

yeah, agree wtih dodo, bb can't wait for milk! 1 min like forever like that! nothing beats direct leh! heh.

anyone got advise on stocking up ebm in preparation for work and how to thaw froze ebm? i going back to work in a mth's time. now i just pump once in the morning after my gal's morning feed to alleviate the full breast over night. i cont to do that, i'll be able to collect maybe 20-25bags of 100-120ml bah.
totoro..glad your bb is bk home..ya, the way u described seemed your bb is being frightened during stay @hospital, tink give a little jin feng san shd help, jus like wat perlicia said rub abit in the mouth no need fllw the instruction now as bb is too young, i usually gv b4 nite sleep... or u try put the beansprout pillow or some other lightwt pillow on her tummy while sleeping, make her feel secure..

gingerleaf..my bb also taking 5 in 1 jab @polyclinic..

aria..i tink 1.5hr interval is too close liao lah, 2hrs onwards shd b normal ba..
wow.. you hv so much milk, after 1 feed still can get 100-120ml. My MS dropped..
coz me lazy to wake up to pump, so after feeding bb milk from bottle when she wakes in the night, I'll go back to slp. But, I hope tt i can manage to wake up to pump at 5am before going to work next time. The way you are storing seems ok. you seem to hv more milk than bb can drink. Another way is to pump out one of the day feeds and feed her EBM for tt feed. then u can store 2 bags a day. actually, if u hv enough for bb to drink, no need to freeze so much. frozen milk has no antibodies, unlike the milk kept in the fridge. I'll thaw milk by putting it in the fridge the nite before i wanna use. next day, can use liao.
hi mummies, i will be returning to work next week. Currently, i'm pumping 7x in daytime only with interval of 2.5 to 3 hours. But when i return to work, i can only pump 4x in day coz no nursing room in office. Very scared it will decrease the milk ss. Any ways of maintaining
it though i decrease the number of times of pump?
I only have enuff milk for the day supply. =(

My bb at 5wk+ drinks 100ml 8x a day, at first PD say wow.. that's alot. But when she see his size she says it is okie for him. He is now 5kg and 60cm.

Re: Heating up milk. I always heat up in a cup of hot water for 5 mins. Usually he cannot wait and will scream the whole hse down, so we will prepared 10 mins before his feeding time and resort to using pacifier to calm him down.
Hi all mummies
so long since I last posted...been pretty busy cos I'm taking care of the bb myself. =) glad to see all mummies r coping well. Jia you!

For me, my bb boy is sleeping thru the night laio since he's week 7 old. He's currently 2mths n 1 week old to be exact. His last feed for the day is ard 9plus at night then he'll wake up at abt 6plus next morning for his breakfast. In bet he doesn't wake up. I think his own bio clock has tune to the 'normal' time liao... bef that, he will wake up every 3 hour for feeds then slowly only woke up once..then eventually now, sleep thru. =)

I went for the 6 in 1 shots too at GP..cos I counted that for 6 in 1, the kid can get less number of jabs... think too many jabs in the market... hee.

Currently I'm feeding my boy more FM liao as my BM supply running low...can't keep up wif his appetite. FM I'm feeding him Similac. Tried Friso n Mamil gold.... think prefer similac.
Softer stools for my boy... =)

Btw have a great xmas n new year wif your families n the new addition member!!! Guess it'll be a special one for all of us.... Cheers!
hi velevet, itz not any special pillow to help breathing.. just dat having something under her head helps to elevate her so itz easier for her to breathe.. keke =) btw, e brand is babysafe.. buy those latex ones with holes... hope it helps!!
dodo, poponta,
wow, your baby all very tall leh...somehow i feel that my girl's height like stunted like that. she's growing horizontally than vertically

poponta, regarding pumping in office,you should start training your body to pump lesser and yet maintain the supply. Somehow your body will tune to it. Say, if each time you can pumpp 100ml, you skip 1 interval, the next interval, you should still be able pump out a total of 200ml. this is what my gf told me.. but for me, i more relax lah..as long as i have BM for my girl and i'm able to latch her after i come, then ok lah..dun want to stress myself..currently pumping 2 times in office. i will try to latch my girl even in the middle of the night so to maintain the supply. weekends will latch all the way unless really no more milk in one of the intervals.. my girl interval hay wire sometimes..

regarding heating of milk, i'm going to buy the avent milk warmer but whole singapore no stock!! yeah, when baby cry for milk, 1 minute is like hours..so, sometimes my hubby feed FM when i'm not around.. so angry!

yalor. 1.5 hours interval too short liao but then it doesn't happen all the time..

Any mummies using similac for their baby? Will the stool be greenish in colour. My old folks saw the stool then always tell me that baby got scared...Is it possible that some FM will have these greenish stool? or does that mean that i have to change to another formula.
<font face="comic sans ms">Any mummies using Avent steralizer? Any idea where I can get the citric acid to clean the steralizer? Thanks.</font>
you need to buy from avent HQ in toa payoh..

is the stool all green of just specks of green stool? when my gal on similac, her stool is mustard. But then she was on mixed FM and EBM also lah..
Perlicia, my baby also has green stool sometimes, but sometimes is yellow, and can be mixed of both also. He's on enfalac. My friend ever asked PD who said it's common. Guess have to see if the poo is hard or not...

Hi all,
Do you feed your babies with gripewater in water? Is it true they can only start to have that after 6 mths?
celcel, hv chked with PD b4 on gripewater.. can start taking now but not necessary unless baby is colicky or has got stomach discomfort... =)
if he's growing well, alert, no diarhea, i think it's ok to stick to it..this is what my PD told me when my girl was colicky when i feed her Similac. she said sometimes if you change milk, your baby might reject because of the taste or might not be suitable for her..
perlicia, green poo is cos too long in body i think. my bb when 2 days no poo, the poo aso green in color. when i make him poo daily, slowly the poo change back to yellow. now sometimes still got green poo. my bb on similac aso. =D

san, why need the citric acid? my CL teach me to only wash the steriliser everyday leh...need citric acid one har?
lavender - wow ur boy sleep thru already!? did u put him on any routine? my gal still have one night feed, either 2 or 3 amish then wake at 6am+. wonder when she can sleep through leh.

Any tips on providing good supply of ebm when returning to work leh?
avent has this citric acid satchet to descale the sterilizer. need to descale it every 2 weeks or 1 month.
Nans and ario,

Thanks...He did poo a few days green, then mix color abit, then sometimes green again... Actually I am not worried about it at first as the stool is like ok in texture. He is still happy and eating well...It is only the old folks said until I got worried. Then keep asking me to give him jing feng san...Aiyo.

Pigeon brand one ask to use lemon juice and leave it for 30min, then remove and do a sterilization. Hope it helps.

Hi,one of the mommies (Lazy for me to scroll up to look for your nick), thanx for your Gatsy advertistment. I did have a good laugh to cheer myself up.
hi all,

i am new to this thread - my baby girl was born on 3 Nov. She is 5 kg. on TBF, direct latch. she has been having some reflux problem (vomit milk easily) and doctor has advised us to hold her in upright position for 20-30 minutes after each feed.

my problem is that she is getting very heavy for me - and i have difficulty carrying her on my shoulder to burp. My left hand/ palm/ wrist is also aching quite badly from all the lifting.

Even to latch on is quite a task - especially when she struggles.

my concern is that she is going to put on weight faster than i put on muscles - what to do?

does anyone have any advice?

we put her on a bouncy chair as often as we can - she can last up to 30 minutes sometimes when she is in a good mood.

my parents suggest getting a walker - but i am not sure about the safety of that.

Appreciate advice! Thanks!
personally i feel that your baby is still too young to sit up. baby spine is not fully developed at this age, so better not to sit. what abt buying some toy to occupy her.. my baby is 6kg and she's coming to 2 mths tomorrow. she gets bored after a while in the same place (yeah, usually half an hour) and we needs to carry her or play with her or change a new place. some friends got us some musical toy. what we do is to put her to her baby cot and play this standing musical toy in the cot. can occupy her for a while. after she gets bored, we will put her in the bouncing chair and occasionally go over and play with her to distract her... somehow 2~3 hours pass very fast and it's time to feed her again and the cycle comes again
hi avocado,
me having the problem too. but after using the thickener, the condition getting better.my girl on FM. I know that's thickener for BM ,but then u hav to pump out the milk & mix with thickener loh.
Re: Citric Acid
Hi, mommies, I used the lemon juice instead of those citric acid. And I find it quite good too. Maybe can give it a try?
I also think they are too young now to sit up. You can try letting your bb sit on the bouncer after the feed (so tt there is some angle to keep the milk down since she has reflux). after that can let her lie in the cot with the musical mobile. I just let her try the play gym today and she likes it. Playgym can last till abt 5mths when they flip over and play on their tummies.
avocado1, my baby girl also used to do that quite often. We tried to minimise by making sure she burps halfway through her feed and after. Of course there were times when she threw up while we were trying to burp her! I think you don't have to put her in a fully upright position - just carrying her in a way that she is inclined and not flat should be enough.

My baby girl likes me to carry her on my shoulder. Often she will cry when I try to carry in a cradle hold. But like you, I'm finding increasing difficulty to sustain carrying her that way! *SIGH* Right now, I just tahan as long as I can lor...
gosh! i have never descaled my steriliser since i bought it till now leh.

grace, pls teach how to descale using lemon juice? what will happen if i did not descale har?

Agree with Ariajo, neck and spine not strong enough yet. My boi also gets bored easily. If don't carry over the shoulder, he'll cry till face red and body perspires. So you know who's the winner lah. :>

Re: Descaling sterilizer
Like Nans, I need help too!
guess your gal is going thru a growth spurt. When my boi is 7wks, he cried after each feed which is unusual, so I gave him another 30ml and another until he's satisfied. So total can be 210ml.

Todate he's 2.5mth old. Normally taking 150ml but beginning of last week, he can't finish the last 30ml. I monitored for 2days and now he's on 120ml for a week plus liao. So personally feels that babies will reject when they are full and cry when they are still hungry.
Hi Ariajo, Krissie, Valerie,

appreciate your advice! i think we will try to change her position (from bouncy chair, to a short period of carry on the shoulder and then move to play gym, or her cot.)

Meanwhile i will try to strengthen my arm muscles n wrists, so it will get easier to lift her.

i am still learning to discern her cries - seems like mostly it is crying for milk, or wanting to change position, or discomfort.

she doesn't pass motion every day now, but pass out wind during feeds and at other times too. sometimes she will struggle and cry a little and then i hear her pass out wind.

i read that not passing motion everyday during this stage is normal. Can i ask other mothers - what's your experience with this?

i try to do stomach massage whenever possible to help her pass out wind.

Your baby also has reflux? Mine has been quite colicky - inconsolable crying - these few days seem to be getting a bit better.

the reflux has been quite an adventure for us - we went to see an osteopath, was hospitalised at KKH for 3 days for observation for reflux (they waited for the stool examination for rotavirus), a chiropracter, and last week, a pediatrician. Thank God she is getting better now.

You can guess by now that my husband and i are first time parents - more kan cheong
hi mommies!

Guess everyone is busy with their babies still.

Does your babies fuss alot in the night? Mine can flip and turn and bang his hands on the mattress but when we look at him, he's actually sleeping! But he can go on like this for hours! Any mommies having the same experience?
so relieved to hear that from you..how long for the growing spurt for your boy?

yeah, now my girl is back to 120ml but then she can gets hungry in 2 hours time sometimes..so, wonder if i should top up to 150 to last 3 hours..
Wow, so many posts liao.

bbwow - my bb not as active as yours! but yeah, will fuss when sleeping abit. i read somewhere that it's normal. Also, read that sometimes bb would open their eyes and while u think they are awake, they are actually going through a phase of their sleep cycle.

avocado, tell me abt the wrist pains! My left wrist is so painful now whenever i do latching. and i gotta support her body weight with my knee/thigh when i do latch liao, cos the forearm not strong enough!

Anyone losing weight already? my clothes seem to be slightly looser but the weight number still like the same leh.

avocado, what did the osteopath and the chiropracter do for your bb? I'm interested to know!

re descaling - do we need to? I thot necc for countries with hard water?
avocado, it is still good for bb to pass motion everyday. ritual mah. just like it is good for us to pass motion everyday too. =D i try to make my boi poo everyday. now he does everyday liao. no need to worry if his stools will be hard. =D
i did lose weight after delivery. abt 8-9kg. Now pile back another 2 kg after i started latching my girl cos very hungry after BF. still way to go before my ideal weight. tummy very wobbly though already flat and upper arm very fleshy especially the biceps there..

regarding descale, yes, need to...if you notice properly there is this white material sticking on the boiler..
hi mummies,
any mummies ate chocolate or drink coffee and breast feed after that? noticed that my baby was exceptionally fussy and irritated easily the whole day yesterday and i think it's the chocolate i ate the night before. polished off like a half a small box of chocolate coated waffles.. we really need to monitor what we eat when breastfeeding them..mm...
painsful arms etc.. haiz.. same here for me.. luckily i have hubby and mum's help.. they help me feed cos e old injury in my shoulders hurts so badly i can barely move if i carry baby in one fixed position.. argh!

velvet, i lost 12kgs in e 1st 2 weeks after birth.. then another 3 kg in e past month.. but hor.. STAGNANT already! but clothes are abit looser now.. grrr... few more kgs to my pre-pregnancy weight.. wonder how am i going to achieve..

bbwow, my baby has got funny movements at nite too.. ha! looks like she's in a boxing competition but she's definitely sleeping.. =)
aria - i also v hungry after bf!!! and I also like to chocs! I nvr really monitor if she fussy or not after leh, i find the monitoring damn tiring, plus i eat anything except chilli, tomato stuff and coffee lor. nuts and shellfish etc also still eat. heh. so if fussy or what, i also dunno caused by wat. i think i lazy lor. but i nvr notice any difference leh, must check. i'm eating like almost 1 snickers fun bar a day! to satisfy the choc craving.

i lost the weight i gained for the pregnancy after delivery like, within the 1st 2 weeks also, and that's abt 10-11 kg bah, i recently lost another kg. but that's abt it.
My baby also like to be carried upright...sometimes,like to kick and kick to stand....amaze with the capablities of baby nowaday.

Even I loss weight already...still seems to be upsize....after the 3rd month, must go gym already
ever since my baby was colicky in her 2 week, i try to cut down on certain food like milk and the gas induced vegetables like cabbages, bean sprout, brocolli, etc, avoid coffee.. didn't really monitor lah..just that all along she's quite all right in the day, no need to carry all the time but yesterday, put down only cry. hubby carried her whole day except when she's sleeping.. poor hubby..also she cried so hard when we brought her out in the evening..feed, change diaper already still cry. only carry and rock rock a bit she stop crying..so heartpain. so, i tried to recalled what i ate and realised that i drank ice lemon tea, ate choc and took a few spoonful of curry gravy baked rice during dinner the night before. all this food can irritate baby's stomach!

you very good leh.. can eat choc everyday and still lose weight


My boi growth spurt last abt 2wks. Sometimes 150ml, sometimes 180. Only 2 times shoot up to 210ml. Usually each feed shld last 3hrs, that how I gauge whether to upsize or not.

Suggest you monitor 1 day to check if she's hungry within 2hrs even if she's sleeping cos when she's awake, uses more energy, thus may get hungry easier.

If you decide to upsize, try 150ml 1 full day also. Check when she can finish and when she can't. So you can vary b/w 120 n 150ml till stablize. One thing to take note: your gal's stomach can only hold that much. So if she's can only take 120ml and hungry within 2hrs, let it be. Don't force 150ml, thinking it will last 3hrs ok. Speaking from experience...hope it helps!

Btw, I bought a lemon this morning but don't know how to descale? Pls help!

Yia, my bb also kung fu throughout his sleep. I put him to sleep at the 'head' of the cot and he'll end up at the 'tail' in the morning. Sometimes will cry a few seconds in his sleep. Wonder what's in his dreams...

Re:wt loss
Mummies, if you are thinking of doing ab crunches to flatten your tummy, pls DON'T. No matter how fit you are, it's only recommended after 6mths post partum to avoid tearing of your rectus abdominis (6 pecs) muscles. Meanwhile, pelvic tilt and Pilates exercises are best to tone those flabs.
